


孙宁 (总理翻译)

增加 3,260 位元組, 4 年前
[[File:孙宁 (总理翻译)mb.jpg|thumb|400px|right|[http://img1.i21st.cn/contest_art/final/22/IMG_4676/1.thumb.jpg 原图连接][http://contest.i21st.cn/2015/article.php?aid=5408 图片来自英语网]]]
* 职   业: 翻译
* 毕业院校:[[南京外国语学校]]、[[北京外国语大学]]
* 任   职:外交部翻译司培训处处长
== 人生经历 ==
== 当总理翻译 ==
[[File:孙宁 (总理翻译)thumb.jpg|thumb|400px|right|[http://img1.i21st.cn/contest_art/final/22/IMG_4671/1.thumb.jpg 原图连接][http://contest.i21st.cn/2015/article.php?aid=5408 图片来自英语网]]]
[[File:孙宁 (理翻译)mb.jpg|thumb|400px|right|[http://img1.i21st.cn/contest_art/final/22/IMG_4672/1.thumb.jpg 原图连接][http://contest.i21st.cn/2015/article.php?aid=5408 图片来自英语网]]]
== 翻译语句 ==
* '''中国人常说:三十而立,四十不惑。'''
* The Chinese people often say,"When turning thirty, one should be able to stand firm; when reaching forty, one should no longer have any doubts."
* '''“一带一路”版权虽属中国,但收益为各国共享。'''
* The idea (of Belt and Road initiative) came from China, but the benefits will flow to all countries.
* '''我想强调的是,拥核不会安全,动武不是出路,复谈还有机会,和平仍有希望。'''
* And I wish to emphasize thatnuclear weapons will not bring security, the use of force is no solution, talks deserve another chance and peace is still within our grasp.
* '''金砖国家就像五根手指,伸开来各有所长,但是攥起来就是一个拳头。'''
* The BRICS are like five fingers, each with its own strength; when the BRICS come together, we form a fist that can punch.
* punch:v.用拳击打,出圈
* '''中方敦促韩方悬崖勒马,中止部署,不要在错误的道路上越走越远。'''
* China urges the ROK to cease and desist, halt the THAAD deploymentand not to go further down the wrong path.
* cease and desist:停止,悬崖勒马
* '''在这个时候,如果还有人想兴风作浪、再生事端,不仅不得人心,也将遭到地区国家的共同抵制。'''
* At this moment, if someone should try to make waves and stir trouble, then he will have no support but meet the common opposition of the entire region.
* '''王毅外长关于南海问题的回答掷地有声,而孙宁的翻译也是可圈可点,赶紧戳视频!'''
* '''发展是硬道理,为发展服务是硬任务。'''
* Development is of paramount importance, and serving development is our paramount task.
* paramount :adj.最重要的,至高无上的
* '''中菲关系雨过天晴,也为中国—东盟关系驱散了阴霾。'''
* The turnaroundin China-Philippines relations has scattered the dark cloudsover China-ASEAN relations.
* turnaround:n.转向,转好
* '''海外不是法外,避罪没有天堂。'''
* There is no safe haven abroad and they cannot escape justice wherever they may be.
* haven:n.港口,安全处所
* '''但是日本需要先治好自己的“心病”,要理性看待和接受中国不断发展振兴的事实。'''
* But first of all, Japan has to adopt the right frame of mind, be sensible and come to terms with the fact of China's development and revitalization.
* frame of mind:心情,心境