何义炜,男,北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院(简称UIC)应用心理学创系主任、兼任UIC人才绩效中心主任。香港心理学会副院士、注册工业与组织心理学家。JIRS 副研究员、外国高端人才。
曾任加拿大多伦多国防研究与发展署DRDC Toronto国防科学家。前UIC情绪智能发展中心主任、广东省高等教育教学改革项目: 情绪智能教育、项目负责人。开发UIC情绪智能与逆境管理学科课程与教育、包括Emotional Intelligence Camp, Adversity Management Camp。 参与出版《全人教育情绪智能引论》(中国人民大学出版社)一书。
1. Lai, A., Xing, S. L. N., & Ho, G. (2021). Inter-generational Auditor Program: Involving a Retired Professional in the Classroom. Innovative Teaching and Learning, 3(1), 69-85.
2. Li Y., Wang X., Dun N., Zhang L., Jiang S., Ruan H,, & Ho G.* (2020). Sex differences in hemispheric lateralization of attentional networks. Psychological Research. *Correspondence Author
3. 1. Guo, H. and G. Ho, (2017) An Introduction to Whole Person Education and Emotional Intelligence, Foreign Language Book Publication. People of China University Press 图书出版:《全人教育情绪智能引论》中国人民大学出版社
4. Ho, G.; Frim, J. (2006) Use of the Dismounted Soldier Simulator to Corroborate NVG Studies in a Field Setting. In Virtual Media for Military Applications (pp. 24-1 – 24-8). RTO-MP-HFM-136, Paper 24. Neuilly-sur-Seine, France: RTO / NATO. Available from: http://www.rto.nato.int/abstracts.asp.
Introduction to Psychology (Convenor), Research Methods in Psychology (Convenor), Consumer Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Human Factors and Ergonomics Psychology, Final Year Projects (Convenor).[1]