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国籍 中国
别名 Xiaogang Peng
职业 教学科研工作者
知名作品 《物理化学讲义》

彭笑刚,湖南长沙人,纳米材料学家,浙江大学化学系教授、博士生导师 ,纳晶科技股份有限公司创始人、董事长。




2011年2月10日彭笑刚在汤森路透公司发布的全球顶尖一百名化学家榜单中名列第八 ;

2015年被评为全国先进工作者 。

彭笑刚主要从事胶状纳米晶的配位化学、无机纳米材料的生长机制、功能纳米晶的合成化学等研究工作 。


中文名 彭笑刚 外文名 Xiaogang Peng
国   籍 中国 民   族 汉族
出生地 湖南长沙 职   业 教学科研工作者
毕业院校 吉林大学 代表作品 《物理化学讲义》




1.国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,21761142009,纳米晶表面化学与物理:表面结构、动力学、及其物化性质的关联性研究,2017/10-2020/09, 170万元,在研,主持。

2.国家重点研发计划,2016YFB0401600,量子点发光显示关键材料与器件研究,2016/7- 2021/6,6000万元,在研,主持。


4.国家自然科学基金重大项目,91433204,高性能、低成本新型量子点发光二极管的研究,2015/01- 2018/12,350万,在研,主持。



物理化学讲义 高等教育出版社

大学伊甸园 清华出版社


Thomson Reuters China Citation Laureates 2014 HIGHLY CITED RESEARCHER














2018.9 固安 2018中国显示学术会议 邀请报告

2018.8 北京 菁华岛津科技论坛

2018.7 美国 Gordon Research Conferences (GRC) 邀请报告

2017.10 韩国 韩国三星电子会议

2017.9 台湾 2017年国际显示制程前瞻技术研讨会(IDMC’17)

2017.5 美国 Society for Information Display

2017.4 北京 2017年国际量子点显示产业论坛 高端对话

2016.9 南京 2016新材料国际发展趋势高层论坛 邀请报告

2016.7 太原 EL2016 邀请报告

2016.7 成都 科学出版社化学与资源环境分社

2016.5 韩国 The 9th international conference for quantum dots 邀请报告

2016.5 旧金山 SID's Display Week 2016 邀请报告

2016.4 南京 介观化学教育部重点实验室第三届学术委员会第一次会议

2016.3 美国 American Physical Society 邀请报告

2016.1 广州 《面向能源的光电转换材料》重大研究计划学术交流会暨重点支持项目中期检查会

2015.11 韩国 Pioneer Nano Seoul Forum 2015 (PNSF2015) 邀请报告

2015.10 南京 第九届全国暨华人有机分子和聚合物发光学术会议暨第一届有机电子学术会议

2015.9 上海 2015新材料国际发展论坛会议 邀请报告

2015.6 武汉 第十届中美华人纳米论坛 邀请报告

2015.3 旧金山 美国量子点论坛 邀请报告

2015.1 武汉 2014年度重大研究计划年度交流会

2014.8 美国 American Chemical Society 邀请报告

2014.7 天津 第九届中美华人纳米论坛 邀请报告

2013.6 杭州 第八届中美华人纳米论坛

2012.6 厦门 第七届中美华人纳米论坛 邀请报告



Runchen Lai, Chaodan Pu, and Xiaogang Peng*. On-surface Reactions in Growth of High-Quality CdSe Nanocrystals in Nonpolar Solutions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140 (29), 9174-9183.

Zhenxing Zhang#, Yuxun Ye#, Chaodan Pu#, Yunzhou Deng, Xingliang Dai, Xiaopeng Chen, Dong Chen, Xuerong Zheng, Yuan Gao, Wei Fang*, Xiaogang Peng*, Yizheng Jin*. High‐Performance, Solution‐Processed, and Insulating‐Layer‐Free Light‐Emitting Diodes Based on Colloidal Quantum Dots. Advanced Materials, 2018, 1801387.

Jiongzhao Li#, Huifeng Wang#, Long Lin, Qun Fang* , and Xiaogang Peng*, Quantitative Identification of Basic Growth Channels for Formation of Monodisperse Nanocrystals, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140 (16), 5474–5484.

Jiongzhao Li, Jialiang Chen, Yongmiao Shen, and Xiaogang Peng*, Extinction coefficient per CdE (E = Se or S) unit for zinc-blende CdE nanocrystals, Nano Research, 2018, Just Accepted.


Weiwang Xu#, Xiaoqi Hou#, Yongjun Meng, Renyang Meng, Zhiyuan Wang, Haiyan Qin*, Xiaogang Peng*, and Xue-Wen Chen*, Deciphering Charging Status, Absolute Quantum Efficiency, and Absorption Cross Section of Multi-Carrier States in Single Colloidal Quantum Dot, Nano Letters, 2017, 17 (12), 7487-7493.

Jianhai Zhou, Meiyi Zhu, Renyang Meng, Haiyan Qin, and Xiaogang Peng*, Ideal CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals enabled by entropic ligands and their core size-, shell thickness-, and ligand-dependent photoluminescence properties, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139 (46), 16556–16567.

Xing Lin#, Xingliang Dai#, Chaodan Pu#, Yunzhou Deng, Yuan Niu, Limin Tong, Wei Fang*, Yizheng Jin*, and Xiaogang Peng*. Near-optimal-Antibunching, Electrically-driven, and Room-temperature Single-photon Sources Based on Colloidal Quantum Dots. Nature Communications. 2017, 8, 1132.

Yiya Chen, Dongdong Chen, Zheng Li, and Xiaogang Peng*, Symmetry-Breaking for Formation of Rectangular CdSe Two-Dimensional Nanocrystals in Zinc-Blende Structure, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139 (29), 10009-10019.

Maowei Jiang, Xiaogang Peng*, Anisotropic Fe3O4/Mn3O4 Hybrid Nanocrystals with Unique Magnetic Properties , Nano Letters, 2017, 17 (6), 3570-3575.

Chaodan Pu, Haiyan Qin, Yuan Gao, Jianhai Zhou, Peng Wang, Xiaogang Peng*, Synthetic Control of Exciton Behavior in Colloidal Quantum Dots, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139 (9), 3302-3311.

Haiyan Qin, Renyang Meng, Na Wang, Xiaogang Peng*, Photoluminescence Intermittency and Photo-Bleaching of Single Colloidal Quantum Dot, Advanced Materials, 2017, 29 (14), 1606923.

Xingliang Dai, Yunzhou Deng, Xiaogang Peng , Yizheng Jin*, Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Diodes for Large-Area Displays: Towards the Dawn of Commercialization, Advanced Materials, 2017, 29 (14), 1607022.

Yuan Niu, Chaodan Pu, Runchen Lai, Renyang Meng, Wanzhen Lin, Haiyan Qin, Xiaogang Peng*, One-pot/three-step Synthesis of Zinc-blende CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Nanocrystals with Thick Shells, Nano Research, 2017, 10 (4), 1149-1162.

Yang Li, Chaodan Pu, Xiaogang Peng*, Surface Activation of Colloidal Indium Phosphide Nanocrystals, Nano Research, 2017, 10 (3), 941-958.


Hujia Cao#, Junliang Ma#, Lin Huang, Haiyan Qin*, Renyang Meng, Yang Li, Xiaogang Peng*, Design and Synthesis of Antiblinking and Antibleaching Quantum Dots in Multiple Colors via Wave Function Confinement, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138 (48), 15727-15735.

Wanzhen Lin, Yuan Niu, Renyang Meng, Lin Huang, Hujia Cao, Zhenxing Zhang, Haiyan Qin, Xiaogang Peng*, Shell-thickness Dependent Optical Properties of CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Nanocrystals Coated with Thiol Ligands, Nano Research, 2016, 9 (1), 260-271.

Renyang Meng, Haiyan Qin*, Yuan Niu, Wei Fang, Sen Yang, Xing Lin, Hujia Cao, Junliang Ma, Wanzhen Lin, Limin Tong, Xiaogang Peng*, Charging and Discharging Channels in Photoluminescence Intermittency of Single Colloidal CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Quantum Dot, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2016, 7 (24), 5176-5182.

Chaodan Pu, Xiaogang Peng*, To Battle Surface Traps on CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Nanocrystals: Shell Isolation versus Surface Treatment, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138 (26), 8134-8142.

Yu Yang, Haiyan Qin, Maowei Jiang, Long Lin, Tao Fu, Xingliang Dai, Zhenxing Zhang, Yuan Niu, Hujia Cao, Yizheng Jin, Fei Zhao, Xiaogang Peng*, Entropic Ligands for Nanocrystals: From Unexpected Solution Properties to Outstanding Processability, Nano Letters, 2016, 16 (4), 2133-2138.

Yu Yang, Haiyan Qin, Xiaogang Peng*, Intramolecular Entropy and Size-Dependent Solution Properties of Nanocrystal-Ligands Complexes, Nano Letters, 2016, 16 (4), 2127-2132.

Jianhai Zhou, Chaodan Pu, Tianyu Jiao, Xiaoqi Hou, Xiaogang Peng*, A Two-Step Synthetic Strategy toward Monodisperse Colloidal CdSe and CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Nanocrystals, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138 (20), 6475-6483.

Chaodan Pu, Junliang Ma, Haiyan Qin*, Ming Yan, Tao Fu, Yuan Niu, Xiaoli Yang, Yifan Huang, Fei Zhao, Xiaogang Peng*, Doped Semiconductor-Nanocrystal Emitters with Optimal Photoluminescence Decay Dynamics in Microsecond to Millisecond Range: Synthesis and Applications, ACS Central Science, 2016, 2 (1), 32-39.


Dongdong Chen, Yuan Gao, Yiya Chen, Yang Ren, Xiaogang Peng*, Structure Identification of Two-Dimensional Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals with Atomic Flat Basal Planes, Nano Letters, 2015, 15 (7), 4477-4482.

Maowei Jiang, Wei Liu, Xiaoli Yang, Zheng Jiang, Tao Yao, Shiqiang Wei*, Xiaogang Peng*, Pt/Fe3O4 Core/Shell Triangular Nanoprisms by Heteroepitaxy: Facet Selectivity at the Pt/Fe3O4 Interface and the Fe3O4 Outer Surface, ACS Nano, 2015, 9 (11), 10950-10960.

Yu Yang, Jiongzhao Li, Long Lin, Xiaogang Peng*, An Efficient and Surface-benign Purification Scheme for Colloidal Nanocrystals based on Quantitative Assessment, Nano Research, 2015, 8 (10), 3353-3364.

Yuan Gao, Xiaogang Peng*, Photogenerated Excitons in Plain Core CdSe Nanocrystals with Unity Radiative Decay in Single Channel: The Effects of Surface and Ligands, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137 (12), 4230-4235.


Xingliang Dai, Zhenxing Zhang, Yizheng Jin*, Yuan Niu, Hujia Cao, Xiaoyong Liang, Liwei Chen, Jianpu Wang, Xiaogang Peng*, Solution-processed, High-performance Light-emitting Diodes based on Quantum Dots, Nature, 2014, 515 (7525), 96-99.

Christopher L. Farrow, Chenyang Shi, Pavol Juhas, Xiaogang Peng*, Simon J. L. Billinge*, Robust Structure and Morphology Parameters for CdS Nanoparticles by Combining Small-angle X-ray Scattering and Atomic Pair Distribution Function Data in a Complex Modeling Framework, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2014, 47, 561-565.

Haiyan Qin*, Yuan Niu, Renyang Meng, Xing Lin, Runchen Lai, Wei Fang*, Xiaogang Peng*, Single-Dot Spectroscopy of Zinc-Blende CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Nanocrystals: Nonblinking and Correlation with Ensemble Measurements, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136 (1), 179-187.

Yuan Gao, Xiaogang Peng*, Crystal Structure Control of CdSe Nanocrystals in Growth and Nucleation: Dominating Effects of Surface versus Interior Structure, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136 (18), 6724-6732.


Chaodan Pu, Jianhai Zhou, Runchen Lai, Yuan Niu, Wennuan Nan, Xiaogang Peng*, Highly Reactive, Flexible yet Green Se Precursor for Metal Selenide Nanocrystals: Se-octadecene Suspension (Se-SUS), Nano Research, 6 (9) (2013), 652-670.

Xiaoqing Yan, Xiaojuan Wang, Yu Tang, Guicen Ma, Shihui Zou, Renhong Li, Xiaogang Peng , Sheng Dai, Jie Fan*, Unusual Loading-Dependent Sintering-Resistant Properties of Gold Nanoparticles Supported within Extra-large Mesopores, Chemistry of Materials, 25 (9) (2013), 1556-1563.


Zheng Li, Haiyan Qin, Dorel Guzun, Mourad Benamara, Gregory Salamo, Xiaogang Peng*, Uniform Thickness and Colloidal-Stable CdS Quantum Disks with Tunable Thickness: Synthesis and Properties, Nano Research, 5 (5) (2012), 337-351.

Wennuan Nan, Yuan Niu, Haiyan Qin*, Fan Cui, Yu Yang, Runchen Lai, Wanzhen Lin, Xiaogang Peng*, Crystal Structure Control of Zinc-Blende CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Nanocrystals: Synthesis and Structure-Dependent Optical Properties, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134 (48) (2012), 19685-19693.


Zheng Li, Xiaogang Peng*, Size/Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Colloidal CdSe Quantum Disks: Ligand and Temperature Effects, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133 (17) (2011), 6578-6586.

Zheng Li, Yijing Ji, Renguo Xie, Susan Y. Grisham, Xiaogang Peng*, Correlation of CdS Nanocrystal Formation with Elemental Sulfur Activation and Its Implication in Synthetic Development, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133 (43) (2011), 17248-17256.


Ruosheng Zeng, Michael Rutherford, Renguo Xie, Bingsuo Zou, Xiaogang Peng*, Synthesis of Highly Emissive Mn-Doped ZnSe Nanocrystals without Pyrophoric Reagents, Chemistry of Materials, 22 (6) (2010), 2107-2113.

Dingan Chen, Fei Zhao*, Hang Qi, Michael Rutherford, Xiaogang Peng*, Bright and Stable Purple/Blue Emitting CdS/ZnS Core/Shell Nanocrystals Grown by Thermal Cycling Using a Single-Source Precursor, Chemistry of Materials, 22 (4) (2010), 1437-1444.

Jinhao Gao*, Kai Chen, Renguo Xie, Jin Xie, Seulki Lee, Zhen Cheng, Xiaogang Peng, Xiaoyuan Chen*, Ultrasmall Near-Infrared Non-cadmium Quantum Dots for in vivo Tumor Imaging, Small, 6 (2) (2010), 256-261.

Jinhao Gao*, Kai Chen, Renguo Xie, Jin Xie, Yongjun Yan, Zhen Cheng, Xiaogang Peng , Xiaoyuan Chen*, In Vivo Tumor-Targeted Fluorescence Imaging Using Near-Infrared Non-Cadmium Quantum Dots, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 21 (4) (2010), 604-609.

Andreas Hofmann*, Christina Graf*, Shih-Hao Kung, Myeongseob Kim, Xiaogang Peng , Randa El-Aama, Eckart Ruehl, Synthesis of Bifunctional Hydroxamic Acids as Novel Ligands for the Hydrophilic Stabilization of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles, Synthesis, (7) (2010), 1150-1158.

Xiaogang Peng*, Band Gap and Composition Engineering on a Nanocrystal (BCEN) in Solution, Accounts of Chemical Research, 43 (11) (2010), 1387-1395.

Renguo Xie*, Jiexian Zhang, Fei Zhao, Wensheng Yang, Xiaogang Peng, Synthesis of Monodisperse, Highly Emissive, and Size-Tunable Cd3P2 Nanocrystals, Chemistry of Materials, 22 (13) (2010), 3820-3822.


Dingan Chen, Ranjani Viswanatha*, Grace L. Ong, Renguo Xie, Mahalingam Balasubramaninan, Xiaogang Peng*, Temperature Dependence of "Elementary Processes" in Doping Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131 (26) (2009), 9333-9339.

Christina Graf*, Andreas Hofmann, Thomas Ackermann, Christine Boeglin, Ranjani Viswanatha, Xiaogang Peng , Arantxa Fraile Rodriguez, Frithjof Nolting, Eckart Ruehl, Magnetic and Structural Investigation of ZnSe Semiconductor Nanoparticles Doped With Isolated and Core-Concentrated Mn 2+ Ions, Advanced Functional Materials, 19 (15) (2009), 2501-2510.

Xiaogang Peng*, An Essay on Synthetic Chemistry of Colloidal Nanocrystals, Nano Research, 2 (6) (2009), 425-447.

Renguo Xie, Zheng Li, Xiaogang Peng*, Nucleation Kinetics vs Chemical Kinetics in the Initial Formation of Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131 (42) (2009), 15457-15466.

Renguo Xie*, Xiaogang Peng*, Synthesis of Cu-Doped InP Nanocrystals (d-dots) with ZnSe Diffusion Barrier as Efficient and Color-Tunable NIR Emitters, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131 (30) (2009), 10645-10651.

Fei Zhao, Michael Rutherford, Susan Y. Grisham, Xiaogang Peng*, Formation of Monodisperse FePt Alloy Nanocrystals Using Air-Stable Precursors: Fatty Acids as Alloying Mediator and Reductant for Fe3+ Precursors, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131 (14) (2009), 5350-5358.

Lili Zhao, Xiaohui Ji, Xuejiao Sun, Jun Li, Wensheng Yang*, Xiaogang Peng*, Formation and Stability of Gold Nanoflowers by the Seeding Approach: The Effect of Intraparticle Ripening, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 ( 38 ) (2009), 16645-16651.

Renguo Xie, Michael Rutherford, Xiaogang Peng*, Formation of High-Quality I-III-VI Semiconductor Nanocrystals by Tuning Relative Reactivity of Cationic Precursors, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131 (15) (2009), 5691-5697.


Bridgette Blackman, David Battaglia, Xiaogang Peng*, Bright and Water-soluble Near IR-Emitting CdSe/CdTe/ZnSe Type-II/Type-I Nanocrystals, Tuning the Efficiency and Stability by Growth, Chemistry of Materials, 20 (15) (2008), 4847-4853.

Chenli Gan, Yanpeng Zhang, David Battaglia, Xiaogang Peng , Min Xiao*, Fluorescence Lifetime of Mn-doped ZnSe Quantum Dots with Size Dependence, Applied Physics Letters, 92 (24) (2008), 241111.

Xiaohui Ji, Danis Copenhaver, Christopher Sichmeller, Xiaogang Peng*, Ligand Bonding and Dynamics on Colloidal Nanocrystals at Room Temperature: The Case of Alkylamines on CdSe Nanocrystals, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130 (17) (2008), 5726-5735.

Ranjani Viswanatha, David M. Battaglia, Mark E. Curtis, Tetsuya D. Mishima, Matthew B. Johnson, Xiaogang Peng*, Shape Control of Doped Semiconductor Nanocrystals (d-Dots), Nano Research, 1 (2) (2008), 138-144.

Renguo Xie, Kai Chen, Xiaoyuan Chen, Xiaogang Peng*, InAs/InP/ZnSe Core/Shell/Shell Quantum Dots as Near-Infrared Emitters: Bright, Narrow-Band, Non-Cadmium Containing, and Biocompatible, Nano Research, 1 (6) (2008), 457-464.

Renguo Xie, Xiaogang Peng*, Synthetic Scheme for High-quality InAs Nanocrystals based on Self-focusing and One-pot Synthesis of InAs-based Core-shell Nanocrystals, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 47 (40) (2008), 7677-7680.

Yanpeng Zhang*, Chenli Gan, Javed Muhammad, David Battaglia, Xiaogang Peng , Min Xiao*, Enhanced Fluorescence Intermittency in Mn-Doped Single ZnSe Quantum Dots, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112 (51) (2008), 20200-20205.


Bridgette Blackman, David M. Battaglia, Tetsuya D. Mishima, Matthew B. Johnson, Xiaogang Peng*, Control of the Morphology of Complex Semiconductor Nanocrystals with a Type II Heterojunction, Dots vs Peanuts, by Thermal Cycling, Chemistry of Materials, 19 (15) (2007), 3815-3821.

Yongfen Chen, Eric Johnson, Xiaogang Peng*, Formation of Monodisperse and Shape-controlled MnO Nanocrystals in Non-Injection Synthesis: Self-focusing via Ripening, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129 (35) (2007), 10937-10947.

Chenli Gan, Min Xiao*, David Battaglia, Narayan Pradhan, Xiaogang Peng, Size Dependence of Nonlinear Optical Absorption and Refraction of Mn-doped ZnSe Nanocrystals, Applied Physics Letters, 91 (20) (2007), 201103.

Xiaohui Ji, Xiangning Song, Jun Li, Yubai Bai, Wensheng Yang*, Xiaogang Peng*, Size Control of Gold Nanocrystals in Citrate Reduction: The Third Role of Citrate, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129 (45) (2007), 13939-13948.

Yongcheng Liu*, Robert Brandon, Michael Cate, Xiaogang Peng , Robert Stony, Michael Johnson, Detection of Pathogens Using Luminescent Cdse/ZnS Dendron Nanocrystals and a Porous Membrane Immunofilter, Analytical Chemistry, 79 (22) (2007), 8796-8802.

Narayan Pradhan, David M. Battaglia, Yongcheng Liu, Xiaogang Peng*, Efficient, Stable, Small, and Water-soluble Doped ZnSe Nanocrystal Emitters as Non-cadmium Biomedical Labels, Nano Letters, 7 (2) (2007), 312-317. Narayan Pradhan, Xiaogang Peng*, Efficient and Color-tunable Mn-doped ZnSe Nanocrystal Emitters: Control of Optical Performance via Greener Synthetic Chemistry, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129 (11) (2007), 3339-3347.

Narayan Pradhan, Danielle Reifsnyder, Renguo Xie, Jose Aldana, Xiaogang Peng*, Surface Ligand Dynamics in Growth of Nanocrystals, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129 (30) (2007), 9500-9509.

Jason Thessing, Jianghong Qian, Haiyan Chen, Narayan Pradhan, Xiaogang Peng*, Interparticle Influence on Size/Size Distribution Evolution of Nanocrystals, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129 (10) (2007), 2736-2737.

Renguo Xie, David Battaglia, Xiaogang Peng*, Colloidal InP Nanocrystals as Efficient Emitters Covering Blue to Near-infrared, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129 (50) (2007), 15432-15433.


J. Berezovsky, O. Gywat, F. Meier, D. Battaglia, X. Peng , D. D. Awschalom*, Initialization and Read-out of Spins in Coupled Core-shell Quantum Dots, Nature Physics, 2 (12) (2006), 831-834.

Yongcheng Liu*, Myeongseob Kim, Yunjun Wang, Y. Andrew Wang, Xiaogang Peng*, Highly Luminescent, Stable, and Water-soluble CdSe/CdS Core-Shell Dendron Nanocrystals with Carboxylate Anchoring Groups, Langmuir, 22 (14) (2006), 6341-6345.

Arun Naravanaswamy, Huifang Xu, Narayan Pradhan, Xiaogang Peng*, Crystalline Nanoflowers with Different Chemical Compositions and Physical Properties Grown by Limited Ligand Protection, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 45 (32) (2006), 5361-5364.

Arun Narayanaswamy, Huifang Xu, Narayan Pradhan, Myeongseob Kim, Xiaogang Peng*, Formation of Nearly Monodisperse In2O3 Nanodots and Oriented-attached Nanoflowers: Hydrolysis and Alcoholysis vs Pyrolysis, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128 (31) (2006), 10310-10319.

Xiaogang Peng*, University Spin-offs: Opportunity or Challenge?, Nature Materials, 5 (12) (2006), 923-925.

Narayan Pradhan*, Huifang Xu, Xiaogang Peng*, Colloidal CdSe Quantum Wires by Oriented Attachment, Nano Letters, 6 (4) (2006), 720-724.

Amanda S. Barnard*, Huifang Xu, Xiaochun Li, Narayan Pradhan, Xiaogang Peng, Modelling the Formation of High Aspect CdSe Quantum Wires: Axial-growth versus Oriented-attachment Mechanisms, Nanotechnology, 17 (22) (2006), 5707-5714.


Jianfeng Xu, Min Xiao*, David Battaglia, Xiaogang Peng, Exciton Radiative Recombination in Spherical CdS/CdSe/CdS Quantum-well Nanostructures, Applied Physics Letters, 87 (4) (2005), 043107.

Jianfeng Xu*, David Battaglia, Xiaogang Peng, Min Xiao*, Photoluminescence from Colloidal CdS-CdSe-CdS Quantum Wells, Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 22 (5) (2005), 1112-1116.

Narayan Pradhan, David Goorskey, Jason Thessing, Xiaogang Peng*, An Alternative of CdSe Nanocrystal Emitters: Pure and Tunable Impurity Emissions in ZnSe Nanocrystals, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127 (50) (2005), 17586-17587.

Myeongseob Kim, Yongfen Chen, Yongcheng Liu, Xiaogang Peng*, Super-stable, High-quality Fe3O4 Dendron-nanocrystals Dispersible in both Organic and Aqueous Solutions, Advanced Materials, 17 (11) (2005), 1429-1430.

Yongfeng Chen, Myeongseob Kim, Guoda Lian, Matthew. B. Johnson, Xiaogang Peng*, Side Reactions in Controlling the Quality, Yield, and Stability of High Quality Colloidal Nanocrystals, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127 (38) (2005), 13331-13337.

Jesse Berezovsky, Min Ouyang, Florian Meier, David D. Awschalom*, David Battaglia, Xiaogang Peng, Spin Dynamics and Level Structure of Quantum-dot Quantum Wells, Physical Review B, 71 (8) (2005), 081309.

David Battaglia, Bridgette Blackman, Xiaogang Peng*, Coupled and Decoupled Dual Quantum Systems in One Semiconductor Nanocrystal,Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127 (31) (2005), 10889-10897.

Jose Aldana, Natasha Lavelle, Yunjun Wang, Xiaogang Peng*, Size-Dependent Dissociation pH of Tthiolate Ligands from Cadmium Chalcogenide Nanocrystals, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127 (8) (2005), 2496-2504.

Mandy Yang, Emily M. W. Tsang, Y. Andrew Wang, Xiaogang Peng, Hua-zhong Yu*, Bioreactive Surfaces Prepared via the Self-assembly of Dendron Thiols and Subsequent Dendrimer Bridging Reactions, Langmuir, 21 (5) (2005), 1858-1865.


Nikhil R. Jana, Yongfen Chen, Xiaogang Peng*, Size- and Shape-Controlled Magnetic (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) Oxide Nanocrystals via a Simple and General Approach, Chemistry of Materials, 16 (20) (2004), 3931-3935.

J. Jack Li, Xiaogang Peng*, Photocatalytic Activity of Gold Nanocrystals and Its Role in Determining the Stability of Surface Thiol Monolayers, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 4 (6) (2004), 565-568.

Linsong Li, Narayan Pradhan, Yunjun Wang, Xiaogang Peng*, High Quality ZnSe and ZnS Nanocrystals Formed by Activating Zinc Carboxylate Precursors, Nano Letters, 4 (11) (2004), 2261-2264.

Amjad Y. Nazzal, Xiaoyong Wang, Lianhua Qu, William Yu, Yunjun Wang, Xiaogang Peng*, Min Xiao*, Environmental Effects on Photoluminescence of Highly Luminescent CdSe and CdSe/ZnS Core/Shell Nanocrystals in Polymer Thin Films, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108 (18) (2004), 5507-5515.

Lianhua Qu, W. William Yu, Xiaogang Peng*, In Situ Observation of the Nucleation and Growth of CdSe Nanocrystals, Nano Letters, 4 (3) (2004), 465-469.


David Battaglia, J. Jack Li, Yunjun Wang, Xiaogang Peng*, Colloidal Two-dimensional Systems: CdSe Quantum Shells and Wells, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 42 (41) (2003), 5035-5039.

Wenzhuo Guo, J. Jack Li, Y. Andrew Wang, Xiaogang Peng*, Luminescent CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Nanocrystals in Dendron Boxes: Superior Chemical, Photochemical and Thermal Stability, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125 (13) (2003), 3901-3909.

Wenzhuo Guo, Xiaogang Peng*, Nanocrystal in Dendron-box: a Versatile Solution to the Chemical, Photochemical, and Thermal Instability of Colloidal Nanocrystals, Comptes Rendus Chimie, 6 (8-10) (2003), 989-997.

Nikhil R. Jana, Xiaogang Peng*, Single-phase and Gram-scale Routes toward Nearly Monodisperse Au and Other Noble Metal Nanocrystals, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125 (47) (2003), 14280-14281.

J. Jack Li, Y. Andrew Wang, Wenzhuo Guo, Joel C. Keay, Tetsuya D. Mishima, Matthew. B. Johnson, Xiaogang Peng*, Large-Scale Synthesis of Nearly Monodisperse CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Nanocrystals Using Air-stable Reagents via Successive Ion Layer Adsorption and Reaction, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125 (41) (2003), 12567-12575.

Amjad Y. Nazzal, Lianhua Qu, Xiaogang Peng*, Min Xiao*, Photoactivated CdSe Nanocrystals as Nanosensors for Gases, Nano Letters, 3 (6) (2003), 819-822.

Xiaogang Peng*, Mechanisms for the Shape-Control and Shape-Evolution of Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Advanced Materials, 15 (5) (2003), 459-463.

Xiaoyong Wang, Lianhua Qu, Jiayu Zhang, Xiaogang Peng, Min Xiao*, Surface-Related Emission in Highly Luminescent CdSe Quantum Dots, Nano Letters, 3 (8) (2003), 1103-1106.

Wenzhuo Guo, J. Jack Li, Y. Andrew Wang, Xiaogang Peng*, Conjugation Chemistry and Bioapplications of Semiconductor Box Nanocrystals Prepared via Dendrimer Bridging, Chemistry of Materials, 15 (16) (2003), 3125-3133. W. William Yu, Lianhua Qu, Wenzhuo Guo, Xiaogang Peng*, Experimental Determination of the Extinction Coefficient of CdTe, CdSe, and CdS Nanocrystals, Chemistry of Materials, 15 (14) (2003), 2854-2860.

W. William Yu, Y. Andrew Wang, Xiaogang Peng*, Formation and Stability of Size-, Shape-, and Structure-Controlled CdTe Nanocrystals: Ligand Effects on Monomers and Nanocrystals, Chemistry of Materials, 15 (22) (2003), 4300-4308. Xiaoyong Wang, W. William Yu, Jiayu Zhang, Jose Aldana, Xiaogang Peng , Min Xiao*, Photoluminescence Upconversion in Colloidal CdTe Quantum Dots, Physical Review B, 68 (12) (2003), 125318.


Robert J. Cava*, Francis J. DiSalvo, Louis E. Brus, Kim R. Dunbar, Christopher B. Gorman, Sossina M. Haile, Leonard V. Interrante, Janice L. Musfeldt, Alexandra Navrotsky, Ralph G. Nuzzo, Warren E. Pickett, Angus P. Wilkinson, Channing Ahn, James W. Allen, Peter C. Burns, Gerdrand Ceder, Christopher E. D. Chidsey, William Clegg, Eugenio Coronado, Hongjie Dai, Michael W. Deem, Bruce S. Dunn, Giulia Galli, Allan J. Jacobson, Mercouri Kanatzidis, Wenbin Lin, Arumugam Manthiram, Milan Mrksich, David J. Norris, Arthur J. Nozik, Xiaogang Peng , Claudia Rawn, Debra Rolison, David J. Singh, Brian H. Toby, Sarah Tolbert, Ulrich B. Wiesner, Patrick M. Woodward, Peidong Yang, Future Directions in Solid State Chemistry: Report of the NSF-sponsored Workshop, Progress in Solid State Chemistry, 30 (1-2) (2002), 1-101.

X. Chen, Amjad Y. Nazzal, Min Xiao*, Z. Adam Peng, Xiaogang Peng , Photoluminescence from Single CdSe Quantum Rods, Journal of Luminescence, 97 (3-4) (2002), 205-211.

Xiaogang Peng*, Green Chemical Approaches toward High-quality Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Chemistry-a European Journal, 8 (2) (2002), 335-339.

Z. Adam Peng, Xiaogang Peng*, Nearly Monodisperse and Shape-controlled CdSe Nanocrystals via Alternative Routes: Nucleation and Growth, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124 (13) (2002), 3343-3353.

Lianhua Qu, Xiaogang Peng*, Control of Photoluminescence Properties of CdSe Nanocrystals in Growth, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124 (9) (2002), 2049-2055.

Y. Andrew Wang, J. Jack Li, Haiyan Chen, Xiaogang Peng*, Stabilization of Inorganic Nanocrystals by Organic Dendrons, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124 (10) (2002), 2293-2298.

Zhenglong Yang, Wenbo Hou, Zhengping Liu*, Liyan Huang, Xiaogang Peng, Studies on Monodisperse Core/Shell Conductive Polymer Composite Materials (I) - Characterization of Monodisperse Core/Shell Polystyrene/polypyrrole Structure, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 23 (10) (2002), 2014-2016.

W. William Yu, Xiaogang Peng*, Formation of High-quality CdS and Other II-VI Semiconductor Nanocrystals in Noncoordinating Solvents: Tunable Reactivity of Monomers, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 41 (13) (2002), 2368-2371.

Jiayu Zhang, Xiaoyong Wang, Min Xiao, Lianhua Qu, Xiaogang Peng*, Lattice Contraction in Free-standing CdSe Nanocrystals, Applied Physics Letters, 81 (11) (2002), 2076-2078.

David Battaglia, Xiaogang Peng*, Formation of High Quality InP and InAs Nanocrystals in a Noncoordinating Solvent, Nano Letters, 2 (9) (2002), 1027-1030.


X. Chen, A. Nazzal, D. Goorskey, Min Xiao*, Z. Adam Peng, Xiaogang Peng , Polarization Spectroscopy of Single CdSe Quantum Rods, Physical Review B, 64 (24) (2001), 245304.

Jose Aldana, Y. Andrew Wang, Xiaogang Peng*, Photochemical Instability of CdSe Nanocrystals Coated by Hydrophilic Thiols, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 123 (36) (2001), 8844-8850.

Z. Adam Peng, Xiaogang Peng*, Formation of High-quality CdTe, CdSe, and CdS Nanocrystals Using CdO as Precursor, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 123 (1) (2001), 183-184.

Z. Adam Peng, Xiaogang Peng*, Mechanisms of the Shape Evolution of CdSe Nanocrystals, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 123 (7) (2001), 1389-1395.

Lianhua Qu, Z. Adam Peng, Xiaogang Peng*, Alternative Routes toward High Quality CdSe Nanocrystals, Nano Letters, 1 (6) (2001), 333-337.

E. Johnston-Halperin, D. D. Awschalom*, S. A. Crooker, A. L. Efros, M. Rosen, X. Peng , A. P. Alivisatos, Spin Spectroscopy of Dark Excitons in CdSe Quantum Dots to 60 T, Physical Review B, 63 (20) (2001), 205309.


Xiaogang Peng, Liberto Manna, Weidong Yang, Juanita Wickham, Erik Scher, Andreas Kadavanich, A. P. Alivisatos*, Shape Control of CdSe Nanocrystals, Nature, 404 (6773) (2000), 59-61.


J. A. Gupta, D. D. Awschalom*, X. Peng, A. P. Alivisatos, Spin Coherence in Semiconductor Quantum Dots, Physical Review B, 59 (16) (1999), 10421.

Wendy U. Huynh, Xiaogang Peng, A. Paul Alivisatos*, CdSe Nanocrystal Rods/Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Composite Photovoltaic Devices, Advanced Materials, 11 (11) (1999), 923- 927 .

Colin J. Loweth, W. Brett Caldwell, Xiaogang Peng, A. Paul Alivisatos*, Peter G. Schultz*, DNA-based Assembly of Gold Nanocrystals, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 38 (12) (1999), 1808-1812.


Linsong Li, Lianhua Qu, Ran Lu, Xiaogang Peng , Yingying Zhao, Tiejin Li*, Preparation and Structure of Quantum-sized Cadmium Sulfide Grown in Amphiphilic Oligomer Langmuir-Blodgett Films, Thin Solid Films, 327 (1998), 408-411.

Xiaogang Peng , J. Wickham, A. P. Alivisatos*, Kinetics of II-VI and III-V Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystal Growth: "Focusing"of Size Distributions, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 120 (21) (1998), 5343-5344.

T. Vossmeyer, S. Jia, E. DeIonno, M. R. Diehl, S. -H. Kim, X. Peng , A. P. Alivisatos, J. R. Heath*, Combinatorial Approaches toward Patterning Nanocrystals, Journal of Applied Physics, 84 (7) (1998), 3664-3670.


Linsong Li, Zheng Hui, Yongmei Chen, Xin Tong Zhang, Xiaogang Peng , Zhongfan Liu, Tiejin Li*, Preparation and Organized Assembly of Nanoparticulate TiO2 -stearate Alternating Langmuir-Blodgett Films, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 192 (2) (1997), 275-280.

Jian Jin, Linsong Li, Zheng Hui, Ran Lu, Xiaogang Peng , Yingying Zhao, Tiejin Li*, Shuhong Duan, The Effect of Different Ratio of Carboxylic Group to Hydrocarbon Chain to Characterization of Polymaleic Acid Octadecanol Ester LB Films, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 18 (12) (1997), 2015-2018.

Linsong Li, Lianhua Qu, Lijun Wang, Ran Lu, Xiaogang Peng , Yingying Zhao, Tiejin Li*, Preparation and characterization of quantum-sized PbS grown in amphiphilic oligomer Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers, Langmuir, 13 (23) (1997), 6183-6187.

Zhiyu Pan*, Xiaogang Peng, Tijin Li, Juzheng Liu, Controlled Growth of the Size-quantized CdS at the Interface of the Stearic Acid Langmuir-Blodgett Films, Applied Surface Science, 108 (4) (1997), 439-447.

Xiaogang Peng, Michael C. Schlamp, Andreas V. Kadavanich, A. P. Alivisatos*, Epitaxial Growth of Highly Luminescent CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Nanocrystals with Photostability and Electronic Accessibility, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119 (30) (1997), 7019-7029.

Xiaogang Peng , Troy E. Wilson, A. Paul Alivisatos*, Peter G. Schultz*, Synthesis and Isolation of a Homodimer of Cadmium Selenide Nanocrystals, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition in English, 36 (1-2) (1997), 145-147.

M. C. Schlamp, Xiaogang Peng, A. P. Alivisatos*, Improved Efficiencies in Light Emitting Diodes Made with CdSe(CdS) Core/Shell Type Nanocrystals and a Semiconducting Polymer, Journal of Applied Physics, 82 (11) (1997), 5837-5842.

Lijun Wang, Linsong Li, Lianhua Qu, Ran Lu, Xiaogang Peng , Yingying Zhao, Tiejin Li*, A Study on Inorganic Nanoparticles Amphiphilic Oligomer in Nanoordered Multilayer, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section a-Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 294 (1997), 473-478.

Lijun Wang, Linsong Li, Zhanjun Yu, Xiaogang Peng , Tiejin Li*, Studies on Conformational Order of Q-CdS Complex LB Film, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 18 (2) (1997), 281-284.


A. Paul Alivisatos*, Kai P. Johnsson, Xiaogang Peng*, Troy E. Wilson, Collin J. Loweth, Marcel P. Bruchez Jr, Peter G. Schultz, Organization of Nanocrystal Molecules Using DNA, Nature, 382 (6592) (1996), 609-611.

N. C. Greenham, Xiaogang Peng , A. P. Alivisatos*, Charge Separation and Transport in Conjugated-polymer/Semiconductor-nanocrystal Composites Studied by Photoluminescence Quenching and Photoconductivity, Physical Review B, 54 (24) (1996), 17628-17637.

A. A. Guzelian, U. Banin, A. V. Kadavanich, X. Peng , A. P. Alivisatos*, Colloidal Chemical Synthesis and Characterization of InAs Nanocrystal Quantum Dots, Applied Physics Letters, 69 (10) (1996), 1432-1434. Shihai Kan*, San Yu, Xiaogang Peng , Xintong Zhang, Dongmei Li, Liangzhi Xiao, Guangtian Zou, Tiejin Li, Formation Process of Nanometer-sized Cubic Ferric Oxide Single Crystals, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 178 (2) (1996), 673-680.

Linsong Li, Yongmei Chen, Shihai Kan, Xintong Zhang, Xiaogang Peng , Mingdeng Liu, Tiejin Li*, Nanoparticulate TiO2-stearate Alternating Multilayers Deposited through the LB Method, Thin Solid Films, 284 (1996), 592-595.

Zhiyu Pan, Juzheng Liu*, Xiaogang Peng , Tiejin Li, Zhonghan Wu, Ming Zhu, Formation of Cadmium Sulfide Monolayers within Stearic Acid Langmuir-Blodgett Films, Langmuir, 12 (3) (1996), 851-853.


Xiaogang Peng , Linsong Li, Yan Zhang, Yubai Bai, Tiejin Li*, Zhanjun Yu, Thermal Sability and Thermal Behavior of Nanoparticle Alpha-Fe2O3-stearate Alternating Langmuir-Blodgett Multilayer, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 16 (11) (1995), 41-45.

Xiaogang Peng*, Xintong Zhang, Linsong Li, Zhujie Qin, Liangzhi Xiao, Tiejin Li, Chao Shen, Preparation of Nanoparticulate [PMo11Cu(H2O)O39] 5-n-C18H37NH2 Film Using Langmuir-Blodgett Method, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 16 (11) (1995), 13-16.


Mingyuan Gao, Xiaogang Peng , Jiachong Shen*, Polymer Langmuir-Blodgett-film of Organic-Inorganic Fe2O3 Composite Microgel, Thin Solid Films, 248 (1) (1994), 106-109.

Xiaogang Peng, Haiyan Chen, Shihai Kan, Yubai Bai, Tiejin Li*, Preparation of Pure Y-type Langmuir-Blodgett Films of Lead Stearate and Their Reaction with Hydrogen-sulfide, Thin Solid Films, 242 (1-2) (1994), 118-121.

Xiaogang Peng*, Ran Lu, Yingying Zhao, Lianhua Qu, Haiyan Chen, Tiejin Li*, Control of Distance and Size of Inorganic Nanoparticles by Organic Matrices in Ordered LB Monolayers, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 98 (28) (1994), 7052-7055.

J. Yang*, X. G. Peng , T. J. Li, S. F. Pan, Size-dependent FTIR Spectroscopy of Nanoparticulate Alpha-Fe2O3-Stearate Alternating Langmuir-Blodgett-films, Thin Solid Films, 243 (1-2) (1994), 643-646.


Xiaogang Peng , Manlai Gao, Yingying Zhao, Shihai Kang, Yunhang Zhang, Yan Zhang, Dejun Wang, Liangzhi Xiao, Tiejin Li*, Preparation of Nanoparticulate Fe2O3-Polymaleic Monoester Alternating Langmuir-Blodgett Films with Functional Organic Hydrophobic Part Chemical Physics Letters, 209 (3) (1993), 233-237.

Jun Yang*, Xiaogang Peng, Yan Zhang, Tiejin Li, Structure Study on Nanoparticulate Alpha-Fe2O3-Stearate Alternating Langmuir-Blodgett Films Using FTIR Spectra, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 9 (4) (1993), 553-555.

Jun Yang*, Xiaogang Peng, Yan Zhang, Hui Wang, Tiejin Li, Structure Characterization of the Two Kinds of Nanometer Size Alpha-Fe2O3-Stearate Alternating Langmuir-Blodgett Films by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 97 (17) (1993), 4484-4487.


Xiaogang Peng, Quan Wei, Yueshun Jiang, Xiandong Chai, Tiejin Li*, Jiachong Shen*, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Nonstoichiometric Lead Sulfide Monolayers in Stearic Acid Langmuir-Blodgett Films, Thin Solid Films, 210 (1-2) (1992), 401-403.

Xiaogang Peng*, Yan Zhang, Jun Yang, Bingsuo Zou, Liangzhi Xiao, Tiejin Li*, Formation of Nanoparticulate Fe2O3-Stearate Multilayer through the Langmuir-Blodgett Method, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 96 (8) (1992), 3412-3415.

Xiaogang Peng, Shiquan Guan, Xiangdong Chai, Yueshun Jiang, Tiejin Li*, Preparation and Structure of Q-state Lead Sulfide Monolayers in Metastable Stearic Acid Langmuir-Blodgett Films, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 96 (7) (1992), 3170-3174.


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