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1)开发出第一代衰老微流芯片并发现衰老标记蛋白HSP104;2)发现端粒酶失活的初始时期细胞即呈现早衰现象及其保护机制;3)发明了代谢网络中计算酶-流变化关系的的超立方收缩算法;4)发现小檗碱可以延长野生小鼠的寿命并揭示其分子机制;5)发现抑制乙酰转移酶Gcn5可以延长酵母和人细胞系的寿命;6)开发了基于深度学习和基因指纹的药效预测系统——灵素系统等。以第一作者/通讯作者(含并列)在Nature Biotechnology、Cell、Aging Cell、Bioinformatics、JCIM等杂志发表论文。





1. 基于人工智能的药物研发系统的开发

2. 衰老的分子机制和延长寿命的药物的开发

3. 癌症、肥胖、非酒精性肝炎、干细胞、痛风、骨质疏松等疾病方向的药物研发



(1) Jie Zhu#, Jingxiang Wang#, Xin Wang#, Mingjing Gao#, Bingbing Guo#, Miaomiao Gao, Jiarui Liu, Yanqiu Yu, Liang Wang, Weikaixin Kong, Yongpan An, Zurui Liu, Xinpei Sun, Zhuo Huang, Hong Zhou,*, Ning Zhang*, Ruimao Zheng*, Zhengwei Xie* Prediction of Drug Efficacy from Transcriptional Profiles with Deep Learning Nature biotechnology 2021,39:1444-1452 doi: 10.1038/s41587-021-00946-z

(2) Jie Zhu,Weikaixin Kong,Zhengwei Xie*, Expression and Prognostic Characteristics of Ferroptosis-related Gene in Colon Cancer, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(11):5652. doi: 10.3390/ijms22115652.

(3) Yiming Wang#, Weikaixin Kong#, Liang Wang, Tianyu Zhang, Boyue Huang, Jia Meng, Baoxue Yang, Zhengwei Xie* and Hong Zhou* Multiple-purpose Connectivity Map Analysis Reveals the Benefits of Esculetin to Hyperuricemia and Renal Fibrosis Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21(20), 7695;

(4) Weikaixin Kong#,Miaomiao Gao#, Yuchen Jin, Zhuo Huang*, Zhengwei Xie*, Prognostic model of patients with liver cancer based on tumor stem cell content and immune process, Aging , 2020 (12) 16, 16555-16578.

(5) Weikaixin Kong#, Xinyu Tu#, Weiran Huang, Yang Yang, Zhengwei Xie*, Zhuo Huang* Prediction and Optimization of NaV1.7 Sodium Channel Inhibitors Based on Machine Learning and Simulated Annealing, J. Chem. Inf. Model. May 18, 2020, 60(6), 2739-2753 (doi:10.1021/acs.jcim.9b01180)

(6) Miaomiao Gao#, Weikaixin Kong#, Zhuo Huang*, Zhengwei Xie* Identification of Key Genes Related to Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Using Bioinformatics Analysis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21(8), 2994 (doi:10.3390/ijms21082994)

(7) Yao Dang#, Yongpan An#, Jinzhao He, Boyue Huang, Jie Zhu, Miaomiao Gao, Shun Zhang, Xin Wang, Baoxue Yang* and Zhengwei Xie* Berberine ameliorates cellular senescence and extends the lifespan of mice via regulating p16 and cyclin protein expression. Aging Cell 2020; 19:e13060

(8) Boyue Huang#, Dandan Zhong#, Jie Zhu, Yongpan An, Miaomiao Gao, Shuai Zhu, Weiwei Dang, Xin Wang, Baoxue Yang* and Zhengwei Xie* Inhibition of Histone Acetyltransferase GCN5 Extends Lifespan in both Yeast and Human Cell Lines. Aging Cell 2020; 00:e13129

(9) Zhengwei Xie#*, Tianyu Zhang#, Qi Ouyang*, Genome-scale fluxes were predicted under the guidance of enzyme abundance using a novel Hyper-Cube Shrink Algorithm, Bioinformatics , 2018.2.1, 34(3): 502~510

(10) Zhengwei Xie#, Kyle Jay#, Dana L. Smith, Yi Zhang, Zairan Liu, Jiashun Zheng, Ruilin Tian, Hao Li*, and Elizabeth Blackburn*, Early Telomerase Inactivation Accelerates Aging Independently of Telomere Length Cell , 2015, 160(5): 928-939

(11) Zhengwei Xie, Yi Zhang, Ke Zou, Onn Brandman, Chunxiong Luo, Qi Ouyang*, Hao Li*, Molecular Phenotyping of Aging in Single Yeast Cells Using a Novel Microfluidic Device, Aging Cell 2012, (11): 599~606[1]
