

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




09/2004-09/2010 博士 加拿大阿爾伯特大學 農業和資源經濟學

09/2001-06/2004 碩士 南京農業大學 國際貿易

09/1997-06/2001 學士 南京農業大學 國際貿易


09/2011--至今 教授/博導 西南財經大學





1. 蔣玉、于海龍、丁玉蓮、莫睿,2021,電子商務對綠色農產品消費溢價的影響分析—基於產品展示機制和聲譽激勵機制,《中國農村經濟》,2021年第10期:44-63.

2. Sun, Y., D. Dong, and Y. Ding. 2021. The impact of dietary knowledge on health: Evidence from the China and Nutrition Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 3736.

3. Cai, Q., Y. Ding, C., Tuvey, and Y., Zhang. 2021. The influence of past experience on farmers』 preferences for hog insurance products: a natural experiment and choice experiment in China. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice. 46, 399-421.

4. Ding, Y., and M. Veeman. 2019. Chinese consumers』 preferences for quality signals on fresh milk: Brand versus certification. Agribusiness: An International Journal. DOI: 10.1002/agr.21604

5. Ding, Y., M. Veeman, and W. Adamowicz. 2015. Functional Food Choices: Impacts of Trust and Health Control Beliefs on Canadian Consumers』 Choices of Canola oil. Food Policy, 52: 92-98 (SSCI/SCI).

6. Ding, Y., M. Veeman, and W. Adamowicz. 2013. The Influence of Trust on Consumer Behavior: An Application to Recurring Food Risks in Canada. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 92: 214-223(SSCI/SCI).

7. Ding, Y., M. Veeman, and W. Adamowicz. 2012. The Impact of Generalized Trust and Trust in the Food System on Choices of a Functional GM Food. Agribusiness: An International Journal, 28(1): 54-66(SCI).

8. Ding, Y., M. Veeman, and W. Adamowicz. 2012. The Influence of Attribute Cutoffs on Consumers』 Choices of a Functional Food. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 39(5): 745-769(SSCI/SCI).

9. Ding, Y., M. Veeman, and W. Adamowicz. 2011. Habit, BSE and the Dynamics of Beef Consumption. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 59: 337-359(SSCI/SCI).

10. Hu, W., F. Zhong, and Y. Ding. 2006. Actual Media Reports on GM Foods and Chinese Consumers』 Willingness to Pay for GM Soybean Oil. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 31(2): 376-391(SSCI/SCI).

11. 鍾甫寧,丁玉蓮,2004. 消費者對轉基因食品的認知情況及潛在態度初探—南京市消費者的個案調查,中國農村觀察,2004年第1期:13-22.

12. Zhong, F., M. A. Marchant, Y. Ding, and K. Lu. 2002. GM Foods: A Nanjing Case Study of Chinese Consumers』 Awareness and Potential Attitudes. AgBioForum, 5(4): 136-144.


1. 項目主持人,教育部人文社會科學研究一般項目:《食品公共政策與健康食品消費:基於含糖飲料消費的實證研究》,2021-2024.

2. 項目主持人,國家自然科學基金青年項目: 《基於信任和食品安全信息揭示的消費者行為研究》,2014-2016。

3. 項目參與者,國家自然科學基金面上項目:《食品安全信任危機下信息揭示對企業行為的激勵機制研究—基於社會監督與社會懲罰的視角》,2014-2016。[1]
