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[1] 材料成形原理與工藝(下)(專業必修課)
[2] 鍛造工藝與模具設計(專業選修課)
[3] 有色合金加工技術(專業選修課)
[4] 材料成形優化設計(專業選修課)
[5] 課程設計—塑性成形部分(專業必修課)
[1] 網格筋壁板電輔助壓彎宏細觀不均勻變形機理與精確調控,國防科技重點實驗室基金一般項目,61429090209,2018-11至2020-12,30萬,在研,主持。
[2] 鋁合金大型薄壁曲面件電磁漸進成形機理與宏微觀精確調控方法,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,51705119,2018-01至2020-12,26萬元,在研,主持。
[3] Ti2AlNb多層空心結構件電輔助氣脹成形宏微觀不均勻變形精確預測,華中科技大學材料成形與模具技術國家重點實驗室開放基金項目,2020-11至2022-12,3萬元,在研,主持。
[4] 鈦合金網格筋壁板電輔助壓彎成形多尺度變形協調機理研究,陝西省高性能精確成形技術與裝備重點實驗室基金,2021-01至2022-12,3萬元,在研,主持。
[5] 2219鋁合金薄壁件電磁成形規律及機理研究,校博士專項科研資助基金,JZ2018HGBZ0134,2018-05至2020-04,2萬元,已結題,主持。
[6] 新能源汽車焊接螺栓冷鐓成形工藝,企業委託項目,W2020JSFW0124,2020-04至2020-12,16萬元,在研,主持。
[1] H. Li*, S. Yan**, M. Zhan, X. Zhang, Eddy current induced dynamic deformation behaviors of aluminum alloy during EMF: Modeling and quantitative characterization. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2019, 263: 423-439
[2] H. Li*, X. Yao, S. Yan, J. He, M. Zhan, L. Huang, Analysis of forming defects in electromagnetic incremental forming of a large-size thin-walled ellipsoid surface part of aluminum alloy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2018, 255: 703-715
[3] S.L. Yan, H. Yang*, H.W. Li*, X. Yao, A unified model for coupling constitutive behavior and micro-defects evolution of aluminum alloys under high-strain-rate deformation. International Journal of Plasticity. 2016, 85: 203-229
[4] S.L. Yan, H. Yang*, H.W. Li, X. Yao, Variation of strain rate sensitivity of an aluminum alloy in a wide strain rate range: Mechanism analysis and modeling. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016, 668A: 776-786
[5] H.W. Li, S.L. Yan, H. Yang*, Macro-micro fracture mechanism of TA3 alloy under high-velocity deformation. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2015, 44(9): 2105-2108
[6] S.L. Yan, H. Yang*, H.W. Li, G.Y. Ren, Experimental study of macro–micro dynamic behaviors of 5A0X aluminum alloys in high velocity deformation. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2014, 598: 197-206
[7] S. Yan, H. Li, K. Xue*, P. Li, Mechanisms and forming rules of large thin-walled aluminum alloy components in electromagnetic incremental forming. Metalforming2018, Toyohashi, Japan, 2018.09.16-09.19
[8] S.L. Yan, H. Yang*, H.W. Li, X. Yao. Microstructure evolution and flow localization characteristics of 5A06 alloy in high strain rate forming process. ICTP 2014, Nagoya, Japan, 2014.10.19-10.24
[9] K. Xue, M. Liu, S. Yan, Z. Wang, Y. Hua, P. Li*. Synergic improvement of plasticity and strength of Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy by grain refinement and precipitates redistribution using cyclic extrusion compression. Advanced Engineering Materials. 2018, 20(8): 1-9
[10] K. Xue, W. Yang, S. Yan, P. Li*. Forming defect control and optimization of multi-step spinning thickening process considering the variation of spinning gap. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2019, 101, 1183–1196 [1]