

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋

喬婧思,女, 北京理工大學教授。













一. 提出「類共價准鍵」界面相互作用新模型、預測新型高性能低維材料物性

1. High-mobility transport anisotropy and linear dichroism in few-layer black phosphorus

Jingsi Qiao†, Xianghua Kong† … Wei Ji*

Nature Communications, 5, 4475 (2014)

[被引3000餘次,ESI高被引論文;2014年中國百篇最具影響國際學術論文;2014-2018年物理學領域被引用數最多的中國學者論文第1名;Nat. Commun.所有發表論文中截至2022年01月引用次數最高的文章。]

2. Few-layer Tellurium: one-dimensional-like layered elementary semiconductor with striking physical properties

Jingsi Qiao†, Yuhao Pan†, Feng Yang†… Wei Ji*

Science Bulletin, 63 (3), 159-168 (2018)


3. Rapid, Scalable Construction of Highly Crystalline Acylhydrazone Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Frameworks via Dipole-Induced Antiparallel Stacking

Xing Li†, Jingsi Qiao †(理論部分)… Kian Ping Loh*

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 142, 10, 4932–4943 (2020)


4. Interaction of Black Phosphorus with Oxygen and Water

Yuan Huang †, Jingsi Qiao †(理論部分)… Wei Ji*, Rodney S. Ruoff* and Peter Sutter*

Chemistry of Materials, 28, 8330-8339 (2016)

5. Linkage Engineering by Harnessing Supramolecular Interactions to Fabricate 2D Hydrazone-Linked Covalent Organic Framework Platforms toward Advanced Catalysis

Cheng Qian†, Weiqiang Zhou†, Jingsi Qiao † (理論部分)… Yanli Zhao*

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 142, 42, 18138–18149 (2020)

6. Wet Chemical Method for Black Phosphorus Thinning and Passivation

Shuangqing Fan†, Jingsi Qiao (理論部分) †…Wei Ji* and Jing Liu*

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11, 9, 9213-9222 (2019)

二. 新型納米電子界面的設計和優化

1. High-Electron-Mobility and Air-Stable 2D Layered PtSe2 FETs

Yuda Zhao†, Jingsi Qiao† (理論部分) ... Wei Ji* and Yang Chai*

Advanced Materials 29, 1604230 (2017)

Materials Views: 具有強層間相互作用和高遷移率的新型貴金屬硫屬化物

2. Extraordinarily Strong Interlayer Interaction in Two-Dimensional Layered PtS2

Yuda Zhao†, Jingsi Qiao† (理論部分) ... Wei Ji* and Yang Chai*

Advanced Materials 28 (12), 2399–2407 (2016)

Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides: Group-10 Expands the Spectrum

3. Ultrahigh mobility and efficient charge injection in monolayer organic thin-film transistors on boron nitride

Daowei He†, Jingsi Qiao† (理論部分), Linglong Zhang … Wei Ji* and Xinran Wang*

Science Advances, 3, e1701186 (2017)

Science Advances:目前最高性能的單層有機薄膜晶體管

4. Probing Carrier Transport and Structure-Property Relationship of Highly Ordered Organic Semiconductors at the Two-Dimensional Limit

Yuhan Zhang †, Jingsi Qiao †(理論部分), Si Gao … Wei Ji*… Xinran Wang*

Physical Review Letters, 116,016602 (2016)

《APS Physics》 Viewpoint: Precise Layering of Organic Semiconductors

《Nature Reviews Materials》 Organic electronics: Packing tips for charge transport

5. Xin Xu, Jingsi Qiao*…Zefeng Chen*, Jianbin Xu*

Experimental Observation of Ultrahigh Mobility Anisotropy of Organic Semiconductors in the Two-Dimensional Limit

ACS Appl. Electron. Mater., 2 (9), 2888-2894 (2020)


1. Visualizing spatial evolution of electron-correlated interface in two-dimensional heterostructures Quanzhen Zhang†, Yanhui Hou†, Teng Zhang† … Jingsi Qiao*, Xu Wu*, and Yeliang Wang*

ACS NANO, 15 (10), 16589 (2021)

2. Unveiling Atomic-Scale Moiré Features and Atomic Reconstructions in High-Angle

Commensurately Twisted Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Homobilayers

Xiaoxu Zhao†, Jingsi Qiao† (理論部分), Si Min Chan†…Kian Ping Loh*

Nano Letters, 21, 7, 3262-3270 (2021)

3. Room Temperature Commensurate Charge Density Wave on Epitaxially Grown Bilayer 2H-Tantalum Sulfide on Hexagonal Boron Nitride

Wei Fu†, Jingsi Qiao† (理論部分), Xiaoxu Zhao†… Kian Ping Loh*

ACS NANO, 14, 4, 3917-3926 (2020)

4. Strong Moire Excitons in High-Angle Twisted Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Homobilayers with Robust Commensuration

Xiaoxu Zhao†, Jingsi Qiao†(理論部分), Xin Zhou†…Kian Ping Loh*

Nano Letters, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c03622 (2021)

5. Unusual Electronic States and Superconducting Proximity Effect of Bi Films Modulated by a NbSe2 Substrate

Lang Peng†, Jingsi Qiao† (理論部分)… Ying-Shuang Fu*

ACS NANO, 13, 2, 1885-1892 (2019)

6. Shallowing interfacial carrier trap in transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures with interlayer hybridization

Xu Wu†, Jingsi Qiao †(理論部分), Liwei Liu†, … Hongjun Gao

Nano Research, 14, 1390 (2021)





2022:Nature Communications, 5, 4475 (2014)截至2022年06月他引頻次3000餘次,全期刊排名第1

2020:Nature Communications, 5, 4475 (2014)獲得2014-2018年物理學領域引用數最多的中國學者論文第1名

2018:「第十三屆 中國大學生年度人物」(科研類)入圍獎


擔任npj 2D materials and applications, Advanced Electronic Materials, Nanoscale, ACS Applied Electronic Materials等國內外知名期刊審稿人。 [1]
