互生葉蕘花 |
中文學名:互生葉蕘花(原變種) 拉丁學名:Wikstroemia alternifolia Batalin var. alternifolia 目:桃金娘目 科:瑞香科 屬:蕘花屬 |
互生葉蕘花,別名:多花互生葉蕘花,拉丁文名:Wikstroemia alternifolia Batalin. 瑞香科、蕘花屬灌木;小枝灰白色,圓柱形,嫩枝被柔毛。花盤鱗片1枚,線形。 [1]
葉互生,薄草質,披針形至倒披針形, 互生葉蕘花 長3-3.8厘米,寬0.9-1.2厘米,兩面均略被疏柔毛,側脈不明顯,中脈在下面稍凸出;葉柄短,約長1.5毫米,被疏柔毛。
花序頂生,花無梗,或僅具花序梗,短於葉,花黃色纖細,長1-1 .1厘米,直徑約2毫米,外面被緊貼的疏柔毛,花萼裂片短,頂端圓平,微齧蝕狀,比花萼筒短4-5倍,花葯上列稍外露,下列在花被管中部以下着生,子房狹長圓形,密被長柔毛,柱頭黃色,頭狀,花盤鱗片1枚,線形,頂端3平平行裂,比子房短2倍。
Shrubs. Branches pale white, terete, pubescent when young. Leaves mostly alternate, rarely some opposite; petiole short, ca. 1.5 mm, puberulous; leaf blade lanceolate to oblanceolate, (1.5-) 3-3.8 × 0.9-1.2(-1.8) cm, thinly papery, both surfaces sparsely pubescent, midrib slightly prominent abaxially, lateral veins obscure. Inflorescences terminal, 1-4(-15)-flowered; peduncle shorter than leaves. Pedicel absent. Calyx yellow, 10-11(-20) mm; tube slender, ca. 2 mm in diam., exterior appressed puberulous; lobes 4, 1/5-1/4 as long as tube, apex rounded and truncate (or acute), slightly premorse. Stamens 8, lower whorl inserted above middle of calyx tube, upper whorl in throat; upper ones slightly exserted from calyx tube. Disk scales 1(or 2), linear, 1/4-1/2 as long as ovary, apex 5-lobed. Ovary narrowly globose, densely pilose; stigma yellow, capitate. Fruit not seen.