余剛 | |
清華大學環境學院院長 | |
出生 | 1965年2月 |
國籍 | 中國 |
母校 | 南京大學 |
職業 | 教育科研工作者 |
知名作品 | 《持久性有機污染物-新的全球性環境問題》 |
余剛 (1965年2月 - ) 清華大學環境學院院長[1]、教授、博士生導師[2]。1992年至今在清華大學工作,歷任講師、副教授(1994)、教授(1998)。1998年入選教育部跨世紀人才培養計劃,2000年獲霍英東優秀青年教師基金,2006年獲國家傑出青年科學基金,2008年獲國務院政府特殊津貼[3],2011年獲第七屆北京市教學名師獎,2012年入選教育部獎勵計劃特聘教授[4]。
余剛教授在過去的30多年中,持續研究有機污染物控制理論、技術和戰略,先後以難降解有機污染物、環境內分泌干擾物、持久性有機污染物(POPs)、藥物和個人護理品(PPCPs)等典型有機污染物為研究對象,在源清單方法學、環境污染特徵、控制原理與技術、控制戰略等方面取得了系列創新性研究成果。發表學術期刊論文460篇,其中被SCI收錄321篇,SCI論文被他引8949次,單篇他引最高為302次,H指數51;Google Scholar總引用14830次,單篇他引最高為477次,H指數66。連續五年(2014-2018)名列Elsevier中國高被引學者榜單。
1982.09~1986.07 南京大學化學系有機化學專業,學士;
1986.09~1989.07 南京大學環境科學系環境化學專業,碩士;
1989.09~1992.08 中科院生態環境研究中心環境化學專業,博士。
1992.08~1994.12 清華大學環境工程系,講師;
1994.12~1997.01 清華大學環境工程系,副教授、系副主任;
1997.01~1998.01 英國Newcastle大學土木工程系,訪問學者;
1998.01~1998.08 清華大學環境科學與工程系,副教授、系副主任;
1998.08~2006.04 清華大學環境科學與工程系,教授、系副主任;
2006.04~2011.01 清華大學環境科學與工程系,教授、系主任;
2011.01~2013.07 清華大學環境學院,教授、院長;
2013.07~ 清華大學環境學院,教授。
[4]Critical Review in ES&T副主編
[5]Emerging Contaminants主編
[6]Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 編委
[1] 國家863計劃課題,環境中高關注有機化學品的污染控制技術,2013年1月-2015年12月
[2] 中國工程院項目,再生水安全利用的指標體系構建研究,2015年 1月-2016年 12月
[3] 教育部創新團隊發展計劃,新關注污染物風險評價與控制技術,2014年1月-2016年12月
[4] 環境保護部環境保護對外合作中心課題,中國履行斯德哥爾摩公約能力建設項目之技術轉移中心促進中心子項目,2011年6月
[5] 聯合國環境規劃署,斯德哥爾摩公約工作包翻譯項目,2014年1月-2014年7月
[6] 威立雅環境集團項目,清華-威立雅中心,2009年8月-2015年11月
[7] 哈希公司項目,水質監測合作計劃,2011年10月-2016年10月
[8] 歐盟科技項目,有機阻燃劑化學品環境污染國際共同研究(INTERFLAME),2012年1月-2014年12月
[9] 環境保護部環境保護對外合作中心課題,中國重點區域重點行業二惡英減排模式研究項目,2011年11月-2012年12月
[13]國際合作(UNEP)項目,Hazardous Substances from Open Burning of Waste in Developing Countries,2006~2009;
發表學術期刊論文460篇,其中被SCI收錄321篇,SCI論文被他引8949次,單篇他引最高為302次,H指數51;Google Scholar總引用14830次,單篇他引最高為477次,H指數66。連續五年(2014-2018)名列Elsevier中國高被引學者榜單。
[1] Liu X., Yu G., Cao Z.G., Wang B., Huang J., Deng S.B., Wang Y. J., Occurrence of organophosphorus flame retardants on skin wipes: Insight into human exposure from dermal absorption. 2017, Environ. Int. 98, 113-119. (IF = 5.929)
[2] Shen, W., Wang, Y., Zhan J., Wang, B., Huang, J., Deng, S., Yu G., Kinetics and operational parameters for 1,4-dioxane degradation by the photoelectro-peroxone process. Chem. Eng. J. 2017, 310, 249-258. (IF = 5.310)
[3] Gao, Y., Deng, S.; Du, Z.; Liu, K.; Yu, G., Adsorptive removal of emerging polyfluoroalky substances F-53B and PFOS by anion-exchange resin: A comparative study. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2017, 323, 550-557. (IF = 4.836)
[4] Zhao Y., Kuang J., Zhang S., Li X., Wang B., Huang J., Deng S., Wang Y., Yu G., Ozonation of Indomethacin: Kinetics, Mechanisms and Toxicity. J. Hazard. Mater. 2017, 323, 460-470. (IF = 4.836)
[5] Liu X., Yu G., Cao Z.G, Wang B., Huang J., Deng S.B., Wang Y.J., Shen H.B., Peng X., Estimation of human exposure to halogenated flame retardants through dermal adsorption by skin wipe. Chemosphere 2017, 168, 272-278. (IF = 3.698)
[6] Li Y., Yu G., Huang J., Wang B., Deng S.B., Wang Y.J. Catalytic decomposition of dioxins and other unintentional POPs in flue gas from a municipal waste incinerator (MWI) in China: a pilot testing. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI 10.1007/s11356-016-6554-z (IF=2.760).
[7] Gao, Y., Yu, G., Liu, K., Deng, S., Wang, B., Huang, J., Wang, Y. Integrated adsorption and visible-light photodegradation of aqueous clofibric acid and carbamazepine by a Fe-based metal-organic framework. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 330: 157-165. (IF = 6.216)
[8] Lu M. N., Lv T. W., Li Y., Peng Z., Cagnetta G., Sheng S. X., Huang J., Yu G., Weber R., Formation of brominated and chlorinated dioxins and its prevention during a pilot test of mechanochemical treatment of PCB and PBDE contaminated soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 6, 1-10. (IF=2.741)
[9] Lu M., Cagnetta G., Zhang K., Huang J., Yu G., Mechanochemical mineralization of "very persistent" fluorocarbon surfactants‒6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate (6:2FTS) as an example. Sci Rep. 2017 ;7(1):17180. (IF = 4.259)
[10]Shan D., Deng S., Li J., Wang H., He C., Cagnetta G., Wang B., Wang Y., Huang J., Yu G., Preparation of porous graphene oxide by chemically intercalating a rigid molecule for enhanced removal of typical pharmaceuticals. Carbon 2017, 119, 101-109. (IF=6.337)
[11]Bao,Y., Qu, Y., Huang J., Cagnetta, G., Yu, G., Weber, R., First assessment on degradability of sodium pperfluorous nonenoxybenzene sulfonate (OBS),a high volume alternative to perfluorooctane sulfonate in fire-fighting foams and oil production agents in China. RSC Advances. 2017, 7, 46948–46957 (IF=3.108)
[12]Zhao, W., Wang, B., Wang, Y., Deng, S., Huang, J., Yu, G., Deriving acute and chronic predicted no effect concentrations of pharmaceuticals and personal care products based on species sensitivity distributions. Ecotox. Environ. Safe. 2017, 144: 537-542. (IF= 3.743)
[13]Vakili M., Deng S., Shen L., Shan D., Liu D., Yu G., Regeneration of Chitosan-Based Adsorbents for Eliminating Dyes from Aqueous Solutions. Sep. Pur. Rev. 2017, 1-13. (IF= 6.077)
[14]Vakili M., Rafatullah M., Salamatinia B., Ibrahim M. H., Ismail,N., Abdullah A. Z., Adsorption Studies of Methyl Tert-butyl Ether from Environment. Sep. Pur. Rev. 2017, 1-18. (IF= 6.077)
[15]Zhao Y., Yu G., Chen S., et al. Ozonation of antidepressant fluoxetine and its metabolite product norfluoxetine: Kinetics, intermediates and toxicity[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 316:951-963. (IF=6.216)
[16]Gong, W., Fiedler, H., Liu, X., Wang, B., Yu, G., Emission factors of unintentional HCB and PeCBz and their correlation with PCDD/PCDF. Environ Pollut 2017, 230, 516-522. (IF=5.099)
[17]Gong, W., Fiedler, H., Liu, X., Wang, B., Yu, G., Reassessment and update of emission factors for unintentional dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls. Sci Total Environ 2017, 605, 498-506. (IF=4.90)
[18]Meng, P., Deng, S., Du, Z., Wang, B., Huang, J., Wang, Y., Yu, G., Xing, B., Effect of hydro-oleophobic perfluorocarbon chain on interfacial behavior and mechanism of perfluorooctane sulfonate in oil-water mixture. Sci. Rep. 2017, 7, 44694. (IF=4.259)
[19]Meng, P., Deng, S., Wang, B., Huang, J., Wang, Y., Yu, G., Superhigh adsorption of perfluorooctane sulfonate on aminated polyacrylonitrile fibers with the assistance of air bubbles. Chem. Eng. J. 2017, 315, 108-114. (IF=6.216)
[20]G. Cagnetta, Q. Zhang, J. Huang, M. Lu, B. Wang, Y. Wang, S. Deng, G. Yu, Mechanochemical destruction of perfluorinated pollutants and mechanosynthesis of lanthanum oxyfluoride: A Waste-to-Materials process, Chem. Eng. J. 316 (2017) 1078–1090. (IF=6.216)
[21]G. Cagnetta, J. Huang, I.O. Lomovskiy, G. Yu, Tailoring the properties of a zero-valent iron-based composite by mechanochemistry for nitrophenols degradation in wastewaters, Environ. Technol. 38 (2017) 2916–2927. (IF=1.751)
[22]G. Cagnetta, J. Huang, M. Lu, B. Wang, Y. Wang, S. Deng, G. Yu, Defect engineered oxides for enhanced mechanochemical destruction of halogenated organic pollutants, Chemosphere 184 (2017) 879–883. (IF=4.208)
[23]Huang Q., Deng S., Shan D., Wang Y., Wang B., Huang J., Yu G.. Enhanced adsorption of diclofenac sodium on the carbon nanotubes-polytetrafluorethylene electrode and subsequent degradation by electro-peroxone treatment. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 488,142-148. (IF=4.233)
[24]Du Z., Deng S., Zhang S., Wang W., Wang B., Huang J., Wang Y., Yu G., Xing B. Selective and fast adsorption of perfluorooctane sulfonate from wastewater by magnetic fluorinated vermiculite. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51, 8027−8035. (IF=6.198)
[25]Yao, W., Qu, Q., von Gunten, U., Chen, C., Yu, G., Wang, Y. 2017. Comparison of methylisoborneol and geosmin abatement in surface water by conventional ozonation and an electro-peroxone process. Water Research 2017, 108, 373-382. (IF = 6.942)
[26]Xia, G., Wang, Y., Wang, B., Huang, J., Deng, S., Yu, G. The competition between cathodic oxygen and ozone reduction and its role in dictating the reaction mechanisms of an electro-peroxone process. Water Research 2017, 118, 26-38. (IF = 6.942)
[27]Liu, S., Wang, Y., Wang, B., Huang, J., Deng, S., Yu, G. Regeneration of Rhodamine B saturated activated carbon by an electro-peroxone process. Journal of Cleaner Production 2017, 168, 584-594. (IF = 5.715)
[28]Li B., Bao Y., Xu Y., Xie S., Huang J., Vertical distribution of microbial communities in soils contaminated by chromium and perfluoroalkyl substances. Science of the total environment. 2017,599-600: 156-164. (IF=4.900)
[29]Wang H., Hwang J., Huang J., Xu Y., Yu G., Li W., Zhang K., Liu K., Cao Z., Ma X., Wei Z., Wang Q., Mechanochemical remediation of PCB contaminated soil. Chemosphere. 2017,168: 333-340 (IF=4.208)
[30]Yu, G.; de Boer, Jacob, BFR2015 in Beijing: Scientists are becoming more concerned about FRs in indoor environment, Chemosphere, 2017, 174, 664 (IF=4.208)
[31]Sui, Q., Gebhardt, W, Schroder, HF, Zhao, WT, Lu, SG, Yu, G, Identification of New Oxidation Products of Bezafibrate for Better Understanding of Its Toxicity Evolution and Oxidation Mechanisms during Ozonation, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(4): 2262-2270 (IF=6.198)
[32]Sui, Q., Zhao, WT, Cao, XQ, Lu, SG, Qiu, ZF, Gu, XG, Yu, G, Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the leachates from a typical landfill reservoir of municipal solid waste in Shanghai, China: Occurrence and removal by a full-scale membrane bioreactor, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 323, 99-108 (IF=6.065)
[33]Gao, Y., Yu, G., Liu, K., Wang, B. Luminescent mixed-crystal Ln-MOF thin film for the recognition and detection of pharmaceuticals. Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 257: 931-935. (IF = 5.401)
[34]Shan D., Deng S., He C., Li J., Wang H., Jiang C., Yu G., Wiesner M.R., Intercalation of rigid molecules between carbon nanotubes for adsorption enhancement of typical pharmaceuticals.Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 332, 102–108. (IF=6.216)
[35]Liu D., Deng S. B., A. Maimaiti, Wang B., Huang J., Wang Y. J., Yu G., As(III) and As(V) adsorption on nanocomposite of hydrated zirconium oxide coated carbon nanotubes. J. Colliod Interf. Sci. 2018, 511, 277-284. (IF=4.233)
[36]Wang, H., Yao, W., Yu, G., Deng, S., Huang, J., Wang, B., Wang, Y., Comparison of pharmaceutical abatement in various water matrices by conventional ozonation, peroxone (O3/H2O2), and an electro-peroxone process. Water Res 2018, 130, 127-138. (IF = 6.942)
[37]Wang W., Deng S., Li D., Ren L., Shan D., Wang B., Huang J., Wang Y. J., Yu G., Sorption behavior and mechanism of organophosphate flame retardants on activated carbons. Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 332, 286–292. (IF = 6.216)
[38]Mao, Y., Guo, D., Yao, W., Wang, X., Yang, H., Xie, Y.F., Komarneni, S., Yu, G., Wang, Y. Effects of conventional ozonation and electro-peroxone pretreatment of surface water on disinfection by-product formation during subsequent chlorination. Water Research 2018. 130, 322-332. (IF = 6.942)
[39]Shan, DN (Shan, Danna) ; Deng, SB (Deng, Shubo) ; He, CH (He, Conghui) ; Li, J (Li, Jin) ; Wang, HB (Wang, Hubian) ; Jiang, CX (Jiang, Chengxu) ; Yu, G (Yu, Gang) ; Wiesner, MR (Wiesner, Mark R.),Intercalation of rigid molecules between carbon nanotubes for adsorption enhancement of typical pharmaceuticals,Chemical Engineering Journal,2018,IF=6.735
[40]Liu, DC (Liu, Dengchao) ; Deng, SB (Deng, Shubo) ; Maimaiti, A (Maimaiti, Ayiguli) ; Wang, B (Wang, Bin) ; Huang, J (Huang, Jun) ; Wang, YJ (Wang, Yujue) ; Yu, G (Yu, Gang),As(III) and As(V) adsorption on nanocomposite of hydrated zirconium oxide coated carbon nanotubes,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018, Pages 277-284 IF=5.091
[41]Wang, W (Wang, Wei) ; Deng, S (Deng, Shubo) ; Li, DY (Li, Danyang) ; Ren, L (Ren, Lu) ; Shan, DN (Shan, Danna) ; Wang, B (Wang, Bin) ; Huang, J (Huang, Jun) ; Wang, YJ (Wang, Yujue) ; Yu, G (Yu, Gang),Sorption behavior and mechanism of organophosphate flame retardants on activated carbons,Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, Pages 286-292,IF=6.735
[42]Wei Wang, Ziwen Du, Shubo Deng, Mohammadtaghi Vakili, Lu Ren, Pingping Meng, Ayiguli Maimaiti, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Gang Yu,,Regeneration of PFOS loaded activated carbon by hot water and subsequent aeration enrichment of PFOS from eluent, Carbon, 2018, Pages 199-206,IF=7.082
[43]Wei Wang, Shubo Deng, Danyang Li, Lu Ren, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Gang Yu,Adsorptive removal of organophosphate flame retardants from water by non-ionic resins,,Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, Pages 105-112 IF=6.735
[44]Wang, Wei; Deng, Shubo; Ren, Lu; Li, Danyang; Wang, Wenjing; Vakili, Mohammadtaghi; Wang, Bin; Huang, Jun; Wang, Yujue; Yu, Gang, Stable Covalent Organic Frameworks as Efficient Adsorbents for High and Selective Removal of an Aryl-Organophosphorus Flame Retardant from Water,,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES ,卷: 10 期: 36 頁: 30265-30272 IF=8.097
[45]Mohammadtaghi Vakili, Shubo Deng, Tong Li, Wei Wang, Wenjing Wang, Gang Yu,,Novel crosslinked chitosan for enhanced adsorption of hexavalent chromium in acidic solution,Chemical Engineering Journal,Volume 347, 2018, Pages 782-790 IF=6.735
[46]Pingping Meng, Shubo Deng, Ayiguli Maimaiti, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Ian T. Cousins, Gang Yu,,Efficient removal of perfluorooctane sulfonate from aqueous film-forming foam solution by aeration-foam collection,Chemosphere, 2018, Pages 263-270 IF=4.427
[47]Ayiguli Maimaiti, Shubo Deng, Pingping Meng, Wei Wang, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Gang Yu,Competitive adsorption of perfluoroalkyl substances on anion exchange resins in simulated AFFF-impacted groundwater,Chemical Engineering Journal,, 2018, Pages 494-502 IF=6.735
[48]Danna Shan, Shubo Deng, Chengxu Jiang, Yue Chen, Bin Wang, Yujue Wang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu, Mark R. Wiesner,,Hydrophilic and strengthened 3D reduced graphene oxide/nano-Fe3O4 hybrid hydrogel for enhanced adsorption and catalytic oxidation of typical pharmaceuticals,,Eevironmental Science:Nano,2018, 5:1650-1660 IF=6.087
[49]Guilong Peng, Menghan Zhang, Shubo Deng, Danan Shan, Qiang He, Gang Yu,Adsorption and catalytic oxidation of pharmaceuticals by nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide/Fe3O4 nanocomposite,,Chemical Engineering Journal,2018, Pages 361-370 IF=6.735
[50]Chengdu Qi, Gang Yu, Mengmeng Zhong, Guilong Peng, Jun Huang, Bin Wang .,Organophosphate flame retardants in leachates from six municipal landfills across China,Chemosphere, 2019, Pages 836-844
[51]Yanxin Gao, Ruoxi Kang, Jing Xia, Gang Yu, ShuboDeng,Understanding the adsorption of sulfonamide antibiotics on MIL-53s: Metal dependence of breathing effect and adsorptive performance in aqueous solution,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,Volume 535, 1 February 2019, Pages 159-168 IF=5.091
[52]Ping Chen, Wenwen Gong, Gang Yu, Heidelore Fiedler,Preliminary release inventories of unintentionally generated dl-PCB and HCB from sources in China: Base year 2015,Chemosphere,,2019, Pages 875-881,
[53]Xiang Li, Bin Wang, Yujue Wang, Ke Li, Gang Yu Synergy effect of E-peroxone process in the degradation of structurally diverse pharmaceuticals: A QSAR analysis,Chemical Engineering Journal,Available online 28 October 2018
[54]Guilong Peng, Tong Li, Boxuan Ai, Shengge Yang, Jiawen Fu, Qiang He, Gang Yu, Shubo Deng,Highly efficient removal of enrofloxacin by magnetic montmorillonite via adsorption and persulfate oxidation,Chemical Engineering Journal,Available online 28 October 2018
[55]Mohammadtaghi Vakili, Shubo Deng, Lu Shen, Danna Shan, Dengchao Liu & Gang Yu,Regeneration of Chitosan-Based Adsorbents for Eliminating Dyes from Aqueous Solutions,Separation & Purification Reviews,2019 IF=4.212
[56]Dengchao Liu, Shubo Deng, Mohammadtaghi Vakili, Roujia Du, Liyan Tao, Jingyuan Sun, Bin Wang, Jun Huang, Yujue Wang, Gang Yu,Fast and high adsorption of Ni(II) on vermiculite-based nanoscale hydrated zirconium oxides,Chemical Engineering Journal 2018
[57]Giovanni Cagnetta ; Jun Huang; Gang Yu,A mini-review on mechanochemical treatment of contaminated soil: From laboratory to large-scale,Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology
[58]Giovanni Cagnetta ; Kunlun Zhang; Qiwu Zhang; Jun Huang; Gang Yu,Role of calcium hydroxide in hydrogen formation from gasification of ball milled polyethylene with Ca(OH)2 and Ni(OH)2,Frontiers of environmental science & engineering
[59]Juhong Zhan, Zhaoxin Li, Gang Yu, Xuejun Pan, Jinlin Wang, Wei Zhu, Xia Han, Yujue Wang,Enhanced treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater by combining three-dimensional electrochemical process with ozonation to in situ regenerate granular activated carbon particle electrodes,Separation and Purification Technology,Volume 208, 8 January 2019, Pages 12-18 IF=3.927
[60]Yao, W. K. ; Fu, J. ; Yu, G. ; Wang, Y. J. ;,Evaluation of the formation of chlorinated by-products during surface water treatment by an electro-peroxone process,Abstrc Pap Chem S,255
[61]Junxue Wu, Bin Wang, Lee Blaney, Guilong Peng, Ping Chen, Yuezong Cui, Shubo Deng, Yujue Wang, Jun Huang, Gang Yu,Degradation of sulfamethazine by persulfate activated with organo-montmorillonite supported nano-zero valent iron,Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, Pages 99-108 IF=6.735
[62]Han Qu, Ruixue Ma, Bin Wang, JianYang, Lei Duan, Gang Yu,Enantiospecific toxicity, distribution and bioaccumulation of chiral antidepressant venlafaxine and its metabolite in loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) co-exposed to microplastic and the drugs,Journal of Hazardous Materials,Available online 22 April 2018,IF=6.434
[63]Qingwei Bu, Dongkui Wu, Jing Xia, Min Wu, Xiaotu Liu, Zhiguo Cao, Gang Yu.,Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and novel brominated flame retardants in indoor dust of different microenvironments in Beijing, China,Environment International, 2019, Pages 159-167
[64]Zhiguo Cao, Qiaoying Chen, Xiaoxiao Li, Yacai Zhang, Meihui Ren, Lifang Sun, Mengmeng Wang, Xiaotu Liu, GangYu,The non-negligible environmental risk of recycling halogenated flame retardants associated with plastic regeneration in China,Science of The Total Environment,2019, Pages 1090-1096,IF=4.61
- 移至 ↑ 余剛 ,中國水網
- 移至 ↑ 余剛 ,中國城市科學研究會, 2016-06-01
- 移至 ↑ 余剛:清華大學環境學院教授 ,世紀名人網
- 移至 ↑ 清華大學環境學院導師教師師資介紹簡介-余剛 ,清華大學, 2020-04-14