

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




2015-9至2016-9, 倫敦大學學院, 結構分子生物學, 聯合培養博士, 導師: Emmanuel Boucrot

2012-9至2019-6, 北京航空航天大學, 生物醫學工程, 碩博連讀, 導師: 榮龍、易宗春

2008-9至2012-7, 北京航空航天大學, 生物工程, 學士


2019-7至今 北京航空航天大學, 醫學科學與工程學院, 講師


[1] 環境污染物苯的血液毒性機制研究

[2] 肝細胞的上皮間質轉化機制研究

[3] 靜止期細胞標誌物及相關信號通路研究

[4] 蚯蚓血紅蛋白人工氧載體臨床前研究


[1] 順義區「北京市科技成果轉化統籌協調與服務平台」建設專項:新型人造血(氧載體)的開發,2021-10至2023-09、40萬元、在研、參與。

[2] 北京航空航天大學醫工卓越創新計劃項目:新冠肺炎危重症患者搶救用人工氧載體的可行性研究,2020-10至2021-09、7萬元、結題、主持。

[3] 國家自然科學基金面上項目81573192:GATA因子轉換失調在苯代謝物抑制紅系分化過程中的作用,2015/01-2019/12、55萬、結題、參與。

[4] 北航博士生卓越學術基金:GATA因子轉換在苯代謝物影響紅系分化中的干預作用,2018/05-2019/05、4萬、結題、主持。



[1] Yu Chun-Hong; Yang Shui-Qing; Li Lei; Xin Yu; Zhang Fang; Liu Xiao-Fan; Yi Zong-Chun; Identification of potential pathways and microRNA-mRNA networks associated with benzene metabolite hydroquinone-induced hematotoxicity in human leukemia K562 cells, BMC Pharmacol Toxicol. 2022, 23(1): 20.

[2] Yu Chun Hong; Li Yang; Zhao Xiao; Yang Shui Qing; Li Lei; Cui Ning Xuan; Rong Long; Yi Zong Chun; Benzene metabolite 1,2,4-benzenetriol changes DNA methylation and histone acetylation of erythroid-specific genes in K562 cells, Archives of Toxicology, 2019, 93(1): 137-147.

[3] Yu Chun Hong; Jiang Liang; Wang Ying; Cui Ning Xuan; Zhao Xiao; Yi Zong Chun; Inhibition of erythroid differentiation of human leukemia K562 cells by N-acetylcysteine and ascorbic acid through downregulation of ROS, Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 2018, 31(3): 247-251.

[4] Yu Chun Hong; Cui Ning Xuan; Wang Yan; Wang Ying; Liu Wen Juan; Gong Meng; Zhao Xiao; Rong Long; Yi Zong Chun; Changes in DNA methylation of erythroid-specific genes in K562 cells exposed to catechol in long term, Toxicology in Vitro, 2017, 43: 21-28.

[5] Yu Chun Hong; Suriguga; Gong Meng; Liu Wen Juan; Cui Ning Xuan; Wang Ying; Du Xin*; Yi Zong Chun; High glucose induced endothelial to mesenchymal transition in human umbilical vein endothelial cell, Experimental and Molecular Pathology, 2017, 102(3): 377-383.

[6] Yu Chun Hong; Wang Hong; Wang Ying; Cui Ning Xuan; Zhao Xiao; Rong Long; Yi Zong Chun; Protease sensitivity and redistribution of CD71 and glycophorin A on K562 cells, Cellular and Molecular Biology, 2017, 63(9): 40.

[7] 余春紅; 易宗春; 吞蛋白A2在非網格蛋白內吞中的作用研究進展, 生物化學與生物物理進展, 2017,44 (01): 44-48.

[8] Yu Chun Hong; Suriguga; Li Yang; Li Yi Ran; Tang Ke Ya; Jiang Liang; Yi Zong Chun; The role of ROS in hydroquinone-induced inhibition of K562 cell erythroid differentiation, Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 2014, 27(3): 212-214.

[9] 余春紅; 蘇日咕嘎; 李揚; 李怡然; 唐恪雅; 姜良; 易宗春; 5-氮雜-2』-脫氧胞苷對苯代謝物抑制K562細胞轉鐵蛋白受體表達的干預作用, 毒理學雜誌, 2014, (04): 269-273.

[10] Tang Ke Ya; Yu Chun Hong; Jiang Liang; Gong Meng; Liu Wen Juan; Wang Ying; Cui Ning Xuan; Song Wei; Sun Yan; Yi Zong Chun; Long-term exposure of K562 cells to benzene metabolites inhibited erythroid differentiation and elevated methylation in erythroid specific genes, Toxicology Research, 2016, 5:1f284.

[11] Wang Yan; Zhang Guang Yao; Han Qing Ling; Wang Jie; Suriguga; Li Yang; Yu Chun Hong; Li Yi Ran; Yi Zong Chun; Phenolic metabolites of benzene induced caspase-dependent cytotoxicities to K562 cells accompanied with decrease in cell surface sialic acids, Environmental Toxicology, 2014, 29(12): 1437-1451.

[12] Suriguga; Li Xiao Fei; Li Yang; Yu Chun Hong; Li Yi Ran; Yi Zong Chun*; The role of catechol-O-methyltransferase in catechol-enhanced erythroid differentiation of K562 cells, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2013, 273(3): 635-643.

[13] Li Yang; Wu Xiao Rong; Li Xiao Fei; Suriguga; Yu Chun Hong; Li Yi Ran; Yi Zong Chun*; Changes in DNA methylation of erythroid-specific genes in K562 cells exposed to phenol and hydroquinone, Toxicology, 2013, 312: 108-114. [1]
