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[1] 2021年1月-2023年12月 國家自然科學基金青年項目(72001005)「如何「慧眼識珠」?基於群體協作視角的在線眾包社區創意篩選機制設計研究」,主持人

[2] 2019年9月-2020年12月 國家社會科學基金後期資助項目(19FGLB002)「共享住宿理論與實踐」,主要參與人

[3] 2019年1月-2022年12月 國家自然科學基金面上項目「分享經濟背景下互聯網約租車參與主體間雙向信任研究」,參與人

[4] 2022年1月-2025年12月 國家自然科學基金面上項目 「投」其所好:目的地形象一致性驅動的旅遊短視頻高效投射機制研究」,參與人

[5] 2020年5月-2022年4月 北京第二外國語學院青年學術英才計劃「大數據及人工智能技術在管理場景中的運用——機器行為學視角」,主持人

[6] 2019年6月-2020年9月 文旅部市場管理司「文化和旅遊市場經濟運行監測指標體系與模型構建理論研究」,參與人

[7] 2018年5月-2018年12月 阿里研究院 阿里活水計劃 「數字化時代生態圈發展與合作夥伴管理」,核心參與人


[1] 2020年12月 2017JMIS論文獲教育部第八屆高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(人文社會科學)青年成果獎;

[2] 2017年11月 2017JMIS論文獲中國信息經濟學會 青年創新獎;

[3] 2019年6月 北京市優秀畢業生;

[4] 2018年5月 對外經濟貿易大學十大傑出研究生;

[5] 2017年11月 博士研究生國家獎學金;

[6] 2016年11月 博士研究生國家獎學金;



[1] Cheng Xusen, Fu Shixuan, and Druckenmiller Douglas. (2017). Trust Development in Globally Distributed Collaboration: A Case of U.S. and Chinese Mixed Teams, Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), 33(4), 978-1007. (SCI&SSCI, JCR一區,ABS 4分,FT50期刊)

[2] Cheng Xusen, Fu Shixuan*, Triparna de Vreede, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Isabella Seeber, Ronald Maier, and Barbara Weber. (2020). Idea convergence quality in open innovation crowdsourcing: A cognitive load perspective. Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), 37(2), 349-376. (SSCI &SCI, JCR一區, ABS 4分,FT50期刊)

[3] Cheng Xusen, Fu Shixuan, Sun Jianshan, Zuo Meiyun, and Meng Xiangsong (2023). Heterogeneous features and its implications for trust in sharing economy driven online ride sharing transactions. Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS),40(1), 183-207. (SSCI &SCI, JCR一區,信息系統領域國際TOP3, ABS 4分,FT50期刊,所有作者貢獻相等)

[4] Cheng Xusen, Fu Shixuan, Sun Jianshan, Bilgihan Anil, and Okumus Fevzi. (2019). An Investigation on Online Reviews in Sharing Economy Driven Hospitality Platforms: A Viewpoint of Trust, Tourism Management, 71, 366-377.(SSCI,JCR一區,ABS 4分, IF=10.967, ESI前1%高被引論文,ESI前0.1%熱引論文)

[5] Fu Shixuan, Zheng Xiaojiang(學生), IpKin Anthony Wong. (2022). The Perils of Hotel Technology: The Robot Usage Resistance Model. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 102, 103174. (SSCI, JCR一區, ABS 3分, IF=9.237, ESIESI前1%高被引論文)

[6] Fu Shixuan, Yang Jingjing and Su Linlin (2022). Antecedents and intervention mechanisms of institutional distrust of P2P accommodations during COVID-19 in China. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Accepted. (SSCI, JCR一區,ABS 3分)

[7] Fu Shixuan, Cheng Xusen, Bilgihan Anil, and Okumus Fevzi. (2023). Hue, brightness, saturation, and caption description: which attributes impact listing preferences on digital accommodation platforms?. Internet Research, Forthcoming. (SSCI, JCR一區, ABS 3分, ABDC國際A類期刊)

[8] Fu Shixuan, Cheng Xusen, Bao Ying, Bilgihan Anil, and Okumus Fevzi. (2021). Staying in a hotel or peer-to-peer accommodation sharing? A discrete choice experiment with online reviews and discount strategies. Internet Research, 31(2), 654-676. (SSCI, ABS 3分, IF:6.773)

[9] Fu Shixuan, Cheng Xusen, Su Linlin, Bilgihan Anil, and Okumus Fevzi. (2020). Designing Collaboration Process Facilitation in Hotel Management Teams to Improve Collaboration Performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 88. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102527. (SSCI, JCR一區,ABS 3分, IF="9.237)

[10] Fu Shixuan, Gu Huimin, Yang Bo. (2020). The affordances of AI-enabled automatic scoring applications on learners』 continuous learning intention: An empirical study in China. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(5), 1674-1692. doi:10.1111/bjet.12995. (SSCI, JCR一區,IF:4.929)

[11] Cheng Xusen, Zhang Shuang, Fu Shixuan*, Liu Wanxin, Guan Chong, Mou Jian, Ye Qiongwei, Huang Caiming. (2022). Exploring the metaverse in digital economy: An overview and research framework, Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics. Forthcoming. 2022.

[12] Hou Tingting, Fu Shixuan*, Cao Yichen(學生), Yu Jianhua (Jordan), Zheng Xiaojiang (學生) (2022). Construing Travelers』 Choice on Peer-to-peer Accommodation-Sharing Platform: An Investigation into Cultural Identity and Accommodation Type, Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics, 1(1/2), 152-173.

[13] Cheng Xusen, Fu Shixuan*, de Vreede Gert-Jan (2021). Determinants of trust in computer-mediated offshore software-outsourcing collaboration. International Journal of Information Management, 57, 102301. (SSCI, JCR一區,IF=14.098)

[14] Cheng Xusen, Fu Shixuan*, de Vreede Gert-Jan, and Li Yuanyuan. (2020). Using Collaboration Engineering to Mitigate Low Participation, Distraction, and Learning Inefficiency to Support Collaborative Learning in Industry. Group Decision and Negotiation. DOI: 10.1007/s10726-020-09711-0. (SSCI)

[15] Cheng Xusen, Fu Shixuan, and de Vreede Gert-Jan. (2018). A Mixed Method Investigation of Sharing Economy Driven Car-hailing Services: Online and Offline Perspectives, International Journal of Information Management, 41, pp.57-64. (SSCI, JCR一區,IF=14.098)

[16] Cheng Xusen, Fu Shixuan, and de Vreede Gert-Jan. (2017). Understanding Trust Influencing Factors in Social Media Communication: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Information Management, 37(2), pp.25-35. (SSCI, JCR一區,IF=14.098)

[17] Cheng Xusen, Fu Shixuan, Han Yajing, Zarifis Alex. (2017). Investigating The Individual Trust and School Performance in Semi-Virtual Collaboration Groups, Information Technology and People, 30(3), pp.691-707. (SSCI, ABS 3分)

[18] Cheng Xusen, Fu Shixuan, Yin Guopeng . (2017). Does Subsify Work? An Investigation of Post-adoption Switching on Car-hailing Apps, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 18(4), pp.317-329. (SSCI)

[19] Cheng Xusen, Fu Shixuan, Sun Jianshan, Han Yajing, Shen Jia, and Zarifis Alex. (2016). Investigating Individual Trust in Semi-Virtual Collaboration of Multicultural and Unicultural Teams, Computers in Human Behavior, 62, pp.267-276. (SSCI, JCR一區,IF="6.829)

[20] 程絮森,朱潤格,傅詩軒,中國情境下互聯網約租車發展模式探究,《中國軟科學》,2015年第10期(基金委管理學部A類期刊,封面文章)

[21] Fu Shixuan, de Vreede Gert-Jan, Cheng Xusen, Seeber Isabella, Maier Ronald, and Weber Barbara. (2017). Convergence of Crowdsourcing Ideas: A Cognitive Load perspective. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference of Information System (ICIS), Seoul, Korea. (EI)

[22] Fu Shixuan, Cheng Xusen, de Vreede Triparna, de Vreede GJ. (2022). Selecting Open Innovation Ideas in Teams vs. Nominal Groups: Exploring the Effects of Idea Quantity and Idea Assignment on Idea Selection Quality and Satisfaction with Process. Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Jan, Hawaii, USA.

[23] Fu Shixuan, Cheng Xusen, de Vreede Triparna, de Vreede Gert-Jan, Seeber Isabella, Maier Ronald, and Weber Barbara. (2019). Exploring Idea Convergence and Conceptual Combination in Open Innovative Crowdsourcing from a Cognitive Load Perspective. Proceedings of the 5 2nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Jan, Hawaii, USA.

[24] Fu Shixuan, Cheng Xusen, and de Vreede Gert-Jan. (2018). Idea Selection in Open Innovation Platforms: A Shared Information Bias Perspective. Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation , Nanjing, China.

[25] Fu Shixuan, Cheng Xusen, Bao Ying, Su Linlin. (2018). Consumers』 Stated Preference Towards the Exhibition of House Listings』 Attributes in Sharing Economy Driven Short Rental Platform. 2018 China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2018), Qingdao, China.


主要關注虛擬團隊和分布式協作中的設計和行為問題(Design and behavioral issues),如:


眾包與開放式創新平台中的大規模群體協作(Mass collaboration);

在線社區中的群體智慧(Wisdom of crowds);






