

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋









2018/01–至 今,合肥工業大學,土木工程博士後流動站,博士後

2019/01–至 今,合肥工業大學,土木與水利工程學院,副教授


[1] 國家自然科學基金青年項目,底部帶屈曲約束支撐鉸支牆框架抗震性能與可恢復功能研究,51708166,2018/01-2020/12,主持

[2] 中國博士後科學基金面上一等資助,含屈曲約束支撐多段鉸支牆框架抗震性能和設計方法研究,2018M630706,2018/05–至今,主持

[3] 合肥工業大學學術新人計劃,含可更換屈曲約束耗能件的鋼框架節點抗震性能及設計方法研究,JZ2019HGTB0086,2019/01-2020/12,主持

[4] 合肥工業大學校博士專項科研資助基金,搖擺牆-屈曲約束支撐框架的抗震設計方法,JZ2016HGBZ1000,2016/12–2018/12,主持

[5] 國有企業橫向項目,彈性密封墊室內試驗研究,W2018JSFW0370,2018/05–2019/12,主持


[1] 馮玉龍,獲合肥工業大學土木與水利工程學院青年教師教學基本功比賽二等獎,2016

[2] 馮玉龍,指導本科生獲批國家級創新訓練項目,2018

[3] 馮玉龍,指導本科生獲第一屆「構力杯」高校BIM裝配式設計大賽綜合組一等獎,2018

[4] 馮玉龍,獲合肥工業大學土木與水利工程學院青年教師教學基本功比賽二等獎,2018

[5] 馮玉龍,指導本科生獲第四屆安徽省高校BIM應用大賽一等獎,2021


[1] Yulong Feng*, Jing Wu, Xun Chong, Shaoping Meng. Seismic lateral displacement analysis and design of an earthquake-resilient dual wall-frame system [J]. Engineering Structures, 2018, 177: 85-102.

[2] Yulong Feng*, Zhi Zhang, Xun Chong, Jing Wu, Shaoping Meng. Elastic displacement spectrum-based design of damage-controlling BRBFs with rocking walls [J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018, 148: 691-706.

[3] Yulong Feng,Yi Zhu, Qing Jiang*, Xun Chong, Yibo Liu, Junqi Huang. Quasi-static and fatigue testing of earthquake-resilient steel joints with replaceable buckling-restrained links [J]. Structures, 2021, 29: 1998-2016.

[4] Qing Jiang, Hanqin Wang, Yulong Feng*, Xun Chong, Linbing Hou, Analytical and experimental studies on a two-level yielding rocking steel frame with buckling-restrained columns (TYRSFB) [J]. Engineering Structures, 2021, 235: 112008.

[5] Qing Jiang, Hanqin Wang, Yulong Feng*, Xun Chong. Evaluating the influences of connection forms on the cyclic performance of RSFBs [J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2021, 143: 106598.

[6] Qing Jiang, Hanqin Wang, Yulong Feng*, Xun Chong, Xiaowei Wang, Yi Zhu, Experimental and numerical studies of a controlled rocking steel frame with buckling-restrained columns [J]. Structures, 2020, 24: 690-704.

[7] Qing Jiang, Kun Zhang, Yulong Feng*, Xun Chong, Hanqin Wang, Yixiong Lei, Junqi Huang. Out-of-plane flexural behavior of full precast concrete hollow-core slabs with lateral joints [J]. Structural Concrete, 2020, 201900563.

[8] Yulong Feng*, Jing Wu, Xiaoning Cai, Shaoping Meng. Multi-Index seismic capacity evaluation of buckling-restrained braced frames [J]. International Journal of Steel Structures, 2018, 1-12.

[9] Yulong Feng, Jing Wu, Shaoping Meng. Elastic displacement spectrum based design approach for buckling-restrained braced frames [J]. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2016, 20: 841-860.

[10] Yulong Feng, Jing Wu, Chunlin Wang, Shaoping Meng. Evaluating the effect of buckling-restrained brace model on seismic structural responses [J]. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 2016, 1750002: 1-20.

[11] 馮玉龍*,吳京,種迅,孟少平. 支撐屈服後屈曲約束支撐框架損傷集中效應分析[J]. 土木工程學報, 2019, 52(06): 45-54.

[12] 馮玉龍,吳京,孟少平. 屈曲約束支撐框架的支撐布置原則研究[J]. 工程力學, 2016, 33(12): 104-111.

[13] 馮玉龍,劉一博,蔣慶,種迅. 全長約束無焊型屈曲約束支撐[P]. 安徽省:CN109723159B, 2020-11-03 (發明授權).

[14] 馮玉龍,蔡佩孚,王珺,胡新航,王順,彭佳豪. 含全長約束無焊型防屈曲耗能組件的鉸支鋼框架節點[P]. 安徽省:CN109723145B, 2021-01-01 (發明授權).

[15] 馮玉龍,朱毅,韋明途,種迅,蔣慶. 含屈曲約束翼緣連接組件的樑柱節點[P]. 安徽省:CN111379333B, 2021-07-20 (發明授權).[1]
