2017-09至 今,北京師範大學,心理學部,副研究員、專碩用戶體驗方向負責人
2021-09至 今,東京工業大學,物質與情報卓越教育院,海外顧問
2020-07至 今,普渡大學,理工學院,兼職副教授
2017-01至 今,斯威本科技大學,設計學院,兼職研究員、博士生導師
1. Designing a 4E framework for transdisciplinary teaching and learning: Intersection between Experience, Empathy, Exploration, and Evaluation. Collaborators: Apple, Dolby, Google, Lego, Philips, etc.
2. Applied psychology in human machine interface design: Intersection between interaction design, engineering psychology, human factors, and HCI. Collaborators: Baidu, BMW, Boeing, Stellantis, Volkswagen, Saint-GoBain, etc.
3. Maker education and interactive prototyping: Intersection between HCI, emerging technology, and UX design. Collaborators: China-US Young Maker Competition, Google, JD, Lenovo, Microsoft, etc.
4. Stanford NeuroDesign research: Intersection between psychology, neuroscience, and design. Collaborators: Stanford, TokyoTech, Hasso Plattner Institute, etc.
5. Generation Y and Z interaction qualities: This group of people put very high demands on the applications, services, devices, and networks that enable and support collaborative work and life. From qualitative studies, we have identified key qualities of interactions typical for them. Collaborators: China Citic Bank, Saint-GoBain, TANG Consulting, TUDelft, WeBank, etc.
6. Social inclusion for elderly with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in a digitalized world: How can we include and engage the elderly with MCI in the digitalized world? This study investigates cognition of pathological aging in everyday interactions with digital devices, and NeuroDesign and inclusive design solutions. Collaborators: Beijing Federation of Social Psychological Work, Gerontological Society of China, Stanford, Swinburne, etc.
7. K-12 empathy design thinking/making courses in China: How can K-12 students learn, practice, and apply design thinking in everyday life? This study investigates learnability, creativity, and team collaboration (through cognitive fNIRS experiments). Collaborators: Elementary and High Schools attached to Beijing Normal University, Stanford, The China Soong Ching Ling Science and Culture Centre for Young People, etc.
1. Zhu, Y., Tang, G., Liu, W., & Qi, R. (2022). How post 90’s gesture interact with automobile skylight. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 38(5), 395-405.
2. Ohashi, T., Auernhammer, J., Liu, W., Pan, W., & Leifer, L. (2022). NeuroDesignScience: Systematic literature review of current research on design using neuroscience techniques. Design, Computing, and Cognition, 575-592.
3. 劉偉. (2022). 交互品質: 用戶體驗程序與方法工具書. 北京師範大學出版社.
4. 劉偉, 朱燕叢, 呂雅茹. (2022). 同理心設計思維: 小學生創新思維培養. 北京師範大學出版社.
5. Liu, W., Lee, K. P., Gray, C. M., Toombs, A. L., Chen, K. H., & Leifer, L. (2021). Transdisciplinary teaching and learning in UX design: A program review and AR case studies. Applied Sciences, 11(22), 10648.
6. Xin, X., Wang, Y., Xiang, G., Yang, W., & Liu, W. (2021). Effectiveness of multimodal display in navigation situation. The Ninth International Symposium of Chinese CHI, 50-62. ACM, New York.
7. Zhu, D., Zhang, B., Wu, J., Zhao, L., Jing, Y., Wang, D., Liu, W., Al Mahmud, A., Qiao, L., Auernhammer, J., & Ohashi, T. (2021). Social inclusion in an aging world: Envisioning elderly-friendly digital interfaces. International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies, 1082-1087. Springer, Cham.
8. 劉偉, 辛欣, 孫舒平, 劉春榮. (2021). 基於心理學的用戶體驗專業碩士課程體系建設. 教學研究, 44(4), 71-79.
9. 劉偉, 朱燕叢, 朱迪, 張娟, 張環宇, 張兆曦, 曹頔. (2021). 一種用於識別與表示手勢的追蹤處理系統. 中國, ZL.202120026852.3
10. 劉偉. (2020). 用戶體驗概論. 北京師範大學出版社.
11. 劉偉, 辛欣. (2019). 用戶研究. 北京師範大學出版社.
12. 劉偉, 孫舒平, 辛欣. (2018). 用戶體驗經典案例. 北京師範大學出版社.
13. 劉偉, 朱燕叢, 辛欣, 李孟凡, 徐晗, 高磊, 薛鵬程. (2018). 一種貼身上衣及穿戴式設備. 中國, ZL.201721457774.2
14. Liu, W., Pasman, G., Taal-Fokker, J., & Stappers, P. J. (2014). Exploring 『Generation Y』interaction qualities at home and at work. Cognition, Technology, and Work, 16(3), 405-415.
15. 劉偉. (2013). 走進交互設計. 建築工業出版社.
2022‐03至 今,民盟北京師範大學委員會,委員
2021‐11至 今,北京市社會心理工作聯合會,養老產業心理服務專委會,常務委員
2021‐04至 今,中國老年學和老年醫學會,老年心理分會,常任委員
2021‐04至 今,北京光華設計發展基金會,服務設計人才培訓與評定體系專委會,委員
2021‐01至 今,北京師範大學,歸國華僑聯合會,委員
2020-10至 今,中國計算機學會,人機交互專委會(CCF TCHCI),委員
2020‐03至 今,人因工程學與人體工程學國際會議(AHFE),學術顧問
2019-09至 今,全球積極設計聯盟(GPDI),聯合創始人
2019‐05至 今,北京設計學會,設計心理學研究中心,主任
2017‐09至 今,設計、用戶體驗與可用性國際會議(DUXU),理事
2016‐05至 今,世界華人華僑人機交互協會(ICACHI),理事
2014‐04至 今,中國教育部與美國國務院,中美青年創客大賽,評委
2020‐01至2021-01,中國用戶體驗行業協會(UXPA China),華北分會,會長
2020,國際用戶體驗創新大賽(UXDA Award),金牌評委