北京航空航天大學航空發動機研究院基礎前沿部部長、總體與仿真方向執行PI,工信部兩機基礎科學中心技術專家,教育部2011 「先進航空發動機協同創新中心-航空發動機複雜系統安全性與適航協同創新團隊」成員、中國航發渦輪院外聘專家、航空發動機型號合格審查組(TCT)成員、「中國航發重點型號支撐團隊(空氣系統與傳熱)」團隊骨幹。
[1] 劉傳凱, 鄧宏武, 陶智等. 旋轉蛇形通道內冷氣流動和換熱的數值模擬[J]. 航空動力學報, 2005, 20(4):662-667.
[2] 劉傳凱, 陶智, 丁水汀等. 旋轉對光滑U形通道內換熱的影響研究[J]. 航空動力學報, 2006, 21(3):512-517.
[3] 劉傳凱, 陶智, 丁水汀等. 3種轉角下旋轉U形方通道的局部換熱[J]. 北京航空航天大學學報, 2006, 32(3):284-287.
[4] 劉傳凱, 陶智, 丁水汀等. 旋轉光滑及帶肋U形通道的局部換熱[J]. 航空學報, 2006, 27(5):751-755.
[5] Liu Chuankai, Deng Hongwu, Tao Zhi, et al. Prediction of Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer Within Rotating U-shaped Passages[J]. Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 2006, 35(6):410-420.
[6] Tao Zhi, Liu Chuankai, Ding Shuiting, et al. Flow and Heat Transfer Computations in a Rotating Square Channel with Transverse Ribs Non-symmetrically Installed on Two Walls[C]. International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering. 2006:341-347
[7] 劉傳凱, 丁水汀, 邱天, 陶智. 旋轉方位角對斜肋通道內部流動與換熱的影響[J]. 北京航空航天大學學報, 2009, 35(10):1188-1191.
[8] 劉傳凱, 丁水汀, 陶智. 旋轉附加力對方通道內流動與換熱的影響機理[J]. 北京航空航天大學學報, 2009, 35(03):276-279.
[9] Liu Chuankai,Qiu Tian. Analysis of Component Degradations upon Aero-engine Safety Level[C]. International Symposium on Aircraft Airworthiness, Beihang Univ, Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA, F Nov 02-04, 2009.
[10] Ding Shuiting, Li Guo, Liu Chuankai, et al. Turbine Disk Safety Boundary Assessment Using an Active Control Thermal Stress Distribution[C] International Symposium on Aircraft Airworthiness. 2009:356-361.
[11] Liu Chuankai, Qiu Tian, Ding Shuiting. Transient analysis of volume packing effects on turbofan engine [J]. Procedia Engineering, 2011, 17: 549-558.
[12] Che Weiwei, Ding Shuiting, Liu Chuankai. A Modeling Method on Aircraft Engine Based on the Component Method of Secondary Air System [J]. Procedia Engineering, 2014, 80: 258-271.
[13] 劉傳凱, 劉海明, 李艷茹, 等. 強瞬變空氣系統的模塊化仿真建模[J]. 航空動力學報, 2015, 30(8): 1826-1833.
[14] Ding Shuiting, Wang Ziyao, Li Guo, Liu Chuankai. Transient stress control of aeroengine disks based on active thermal management[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016,103, 16-27.
[15] 劉傳凱, 李圓圓, 李艷茹, 等. 渦輪軸斷裂條件下空氣系統強瞬變過程分析[J]. 北京航空航天大學學報, 2016, 42(1):47-53.
[16] 丁水汀, 車巍巍, 劉傳凱. 空氣系統雙腔模型的壓力動態特性分析[J]. 北京航空航天大學學報, 2016, 42(04):654-661.
[17] 丁水汀,車巍巍,劉傳凱. 熵方程在瞬態空氣系統流動方向判斷中的應用[J]. 航空動力學報, 2017, 32(10):2305-2313.
[18] 劉傳凱, 李艷茹, 邱天, 丁水汀. 渦輪軸斷裂條件下的渦扇發動機性能建模[J]. 航空動力學報, 2017, 32(12):2855-2861.
[19] 劉傳凱, 姜宏超, 李艷茹, 等. 航空發動機性能與二次空氣系統的耦合仿真模型[J]. 航空動力學報, 2017, 32(7):1623-1630.
[20] 劉傳凱, 李艷茹. 毫米級微型渦輪發動機性能仿真模型[J]. 北京航空航天大學學報, 2018, 44(07):1430-1437.
[21] Ding Shuiting, Yu Hang, Qiu Tian, Liu Chuankai. Modeling of The Cavity Response to Rapid Transient Considering The effect of Heat Transfer[C] ASME Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 2018.
[22] Li Jianghan, Ding Shuiting, Qiu Tian, Liu Chuankai, Yu Hang, Shan Xiaoming, He Yihong. Optimization and application of sensitivity-based spatial discrete method for numerical solution of transient flow and heat transfer [J]. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-Fundamentals, 2019, 75(6): 383-403.
[23] Shi Yu, Ding Shuiting, Qiu Tian, Liu Chuankai, Zhang Shenghui. Bi-Fo time scaling method in the numerical simulation of transient conjugate heat transfer [J]. Propulsion and Power Research, 2021, 10(3): 209-223.
[24] Zhang Shenghui, Ding Shuiting, Liu Chuankai, et al. A Discussion: Issue Improving the Accuracy of Turbine Blade Heat Transfer Simulation[C]. Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021, 84980: V05BT13A003.
[25] 丁水汀, 王家俊, 劉傳凱. 大涵道比分排渦扇發動機渦輪軸斷裂過渡態性能仿真[J]. 航空動力學報, 2022, 37(03): 564-572.
[26] Liu Xiaojing, Ding Shuiting, Qiu Tian, Liu Chuankai, Liu Peng, Li Guo, Zhang Xiaozhe. Analysis of Entropy Generation and Potential Inhibition in an Aeroengine System Environment [J]. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2022, 2022: 3637181.
[27] Shi Yu, Ding Shuiting, Qiu Tian, Liu Peng, Liu Chuankai. Nonuniform Clearance Effects on Pressure Distribution and Leakage Flow in the Straight-through Labyrinth Seals [J]. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2022, 2022: 9684007.
[28] Shi Yu, Ding Shuiting, Qiu Tian, Liu Peng, Liu Chuankai. Nonuniform Clearance Effects on Windage Heating and Swirl Development in Straight-Through Labyrinth Seals [J]. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2022, 35(3): 1-20.
[29] Shi Yu, Ding Shuiting, Liu Peng, Qiu Tian, Liu Chuankai, Qiu Changbo, Ye Dahai. Swirl Flow and Heat Transfer in a Rotor-Stator Cavity with Consideration of the Inlet Seal Thermal Deformation Effect [J]. Aerospace, 2023, 10(2): 1-34.
management[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016,103, 16-27.
[1] 航空發動機過渡態載荷計算軟件(2017SR240291),劉傳凱,洪銘明,李果,丁水汀(民機科研項目核心工具)
[2] 微型燃氣渦輪噴氣發動機設計軟件(2017SR046784),劉傳凱,李艷茹,邱天(國內首個毫米級微型發動機總體設計工具)
[3] 航空發動機全流域一體化仿真軟件(2016SR275019),丁水汀,劉傳凱,邱天(重點型號支撐團隊核心工具)
[4] 航空發動機總體性能仿真軟件(2016SR279334),丁水汀,劉傳凱,邱天(大運發動機性能分析專用工具)
[5] 航空發動機瞬態空氣系統仿真軟件(2016SR275017),丁水汀,劉傳凱,邱天(重點型號支撐團隊核心工具)[1]