

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




2014.9–2020.6 北京林業大學,獲理學博士學位(碩博連讀)

2010.9–2014.6 北京林業大學,獲農學學士學位


2022.8至今 北京林業大學生態與自然保護學院

2020.7–2022.7 北京師範大學環境學院

2018.9–2020.1 美國普渡大學(訪問學者)






國家重點研發計劃:東部重要河口濕地生態恢復與調控關鍵技術 (2022–2026,項目骨幹)


Jiakai Liu, Liu Y, Xie L, et al. A threshold‐like effect on the interaction between hydrological connectivity and dominant plant population in tidal marsh wetlands[J]. Land Degradation & Development. 2021, 32(10): 2922-2935.

Jiakai Liu, Engel B A, Wang Y, et al. Multi-scale analysis of hydrological connectivity and plant response in the Yellow River Delta[J]. Science of The Total Environment. 2020, 702: 134889.

Jiakai Liu, Engel B A, Zhang G, et al. Hydrological connectivity: One of the driving factors of plant communities in the Yellow River Delta[J]. Ecological Indicators. 2020, 112: 106150.

Jiakai Liu, Engel B A, Dai L, et al. Capturing hydrological connectivity structure of wetlands with indices based on graph theory: A case study in Yellow River Delta[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 239: 118059.

Jiakai Liu, Engel B A, Wang Y, et al. Runoff Response to Soil Moisture and Micro-topographic Structure on the Plot Scale[J]. Scientific Reports. 2019, 9(1).

Jiakai Liu, Yan G, Wu Y, et al. Wetlands with greater degree of urbanization improve PM2.5 removal efficiency[J]. Chemosphere. 2018, 207: 601-611.

Jiakai Liu, Zhang Z, Zhang M. Impacts of forest structure on precipitation interception and run-off generation in a semiarid region in northern China[J]. Hydrological Processes. 2018, 32(15): 2362-2376.

Jiakai Liu, Zhai J, Zhu L, et al. Particle removal by vegetation: comparison in a forest and a wetland[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017, 24(2): 1597-1607.

Jiakai Liu, Mo L, Zhu L, et al. Removal efficiency of particulate matters at different underlying surfaces in Beijing[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2016, 23(1): 408-417.

Jiakai Liu, Zhu L, Wang H, et al. Dry deposition of particulate matter at an urban forest, wetland and lake surface in Beijing[J]. Atmospheric Environment. 2016, 125: 178-187.

Jiakai Liu, Liu J, Zhang R, et al. Impacts of aquatic macrophytes configuration modes on water quality[J]. Water Science and Technology. 2014, 69(2): 253-261.

Qiu D, Jiakai Liu*, Zhu L, et al. Particulate matter assessment of a wetland in Beijing[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2015, 36: 93-101.

劉佳凱,崔保山,張振明,等. 黃河三角洲橫向水文結構連結空間尺度變異性分析[J]. 生態學報. 2021, 41(10): 3745-3754.

劉佳凱,王宇,張振明,等. 水文連通強度對蘆葦、鹼蓬生態化學計量的影響[J]. 生態科學. 2020, 39(04): 81-88.

劉佳凱,張振明,鄢郭馨,等. 潮白河流域徑流對降雨的多尺度響應[J]. 中國水土保持科學. 2016, 14(04): 50-59.

劉佳凱,劉晶嵐,黃灝峰,等. 都市型自然保護區系統構建與規劃探討[J]. 林業資源管理. 2012(06): 43-46.

劉佳凱,姚可侃,張容,等. 北京松山自然保護區外來入侵植物研究[J]. 中國農學通報. 2012, 28(31): 91-95.

劉佳凱, 張振明, 張明祥, 等. 大氣顆粒物濃度的測量採樣裝置. CN208968884U

張明祥; 劉佳凱; 張振明; 鄢郭馨. 濕地水文結構連通指數計算方法及裝置. CN112669341A

張明祥,劉佳凱,張振明,等. 基於水文連通結構指數的災情預警方法及系統. CN109345775B

張英虎, 張明祥, 張振明, 劉佳凱等. 土壤優先流區和基質流區的溶液擴散模擬裝置與方法. CN109297879B


Watershed Ecology and the Environment 期刊編輯[1]
