劉鐵軍 | |
國籍 | 中國 |
職業 | 教授、博士生導師 |
知名於 | 主持和完成了包括3項國家自然科學基金面上項 |
知名作品 |
《一種基於壓電智能骨料的混凝土濕度監測方法》 《材料吸聲性能測試方法》 |
2000.9~2004.7, 博士研究生,哈爾濱工業大學土木工程學院,工程力學專業,獲工學博士學位(2004) 導師:歐進萍 院士
1998.9~2000.7, 碩士研究生,哈爾濱工業大學材料科學與工程學院,獲工學碩士學位(2000)
1994.9~1998.7, 本科生,哈爾濱建築大學建築材料系,獲工學學士學位(1998)
1 土木工程可持續發展材料、高性能結構材料與智能材料;
2 環境與地震荷載耦合作用下材料與結構動力性能時變規律和壽命預測
3 工程結構健康監測
2000.9~2004.7 獲工學博士學位(2004),哈爾濱工業大學土木工程學院,工程力學專業, 導師:歐進萍 院士 1998.9~2000.7 獲工學碩士學位(2000), 哈爾濱工業大學材料科學與工程學院,材料學專業 1994.9~1998.7 獲工學學士學位(1998),哈爾濱工業大學(原哈爾濱建築大學),無機非金屬材料專業
2012.8~現在 教授、博導,哈工大深圳研究生院土木與環境工程學院 2011.1~2012.1 國家公派訪問學者,美國休斯敦大學 2010.4~2012.7 副教授、博導,哈工大深圳研究生院土木與環境工程學院 2006.9~2010.4 副教授,哈工大深圳研究生院土木與環境工程學院 2004.9~2006.9 博士後,哈工大深圳研究生院土木與環境工程學院
2006年起 美國ASCE會員、中國硅酸鹽學會會員、深圳市土木工程學會會員 2007年起 國家自然科學基金面上項目通訊評審專家、廣東省、深圳市科技項目評審專家 2017年起 世界運輸學會(WTC)結構工程學部橋樑全壽命安全監測、評估與管理學科「大跨橋樑結構智能傳感技術」技術委員會主席 2008年起 擔任《Smart Materials and Structures》、《Engineering Structures》、《Construction and Building Materials》、《Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures》、《Sensor Letters》等多個國際期刊審稿人。
2015,1~2017,12 國家自然科學優秀青年基金項目:「工程材料與結構的動力時變」,(51422804),主持 2014,1~2016,12 教育部新世紀優秀人才計劃:「環境作用下混凝土材料的動力時變特性與監測」(NCET-13-0171),主持 2019,1~2022,12 國家自然科學基金面上項目:「再生骨料透水混凝土滲蓄性能與堵塞機制研究 」(51878225),主持 2017,1~2020,12 國家自然科學基金面上項目:「混凝土結構滲水的壓電智能監測方法與傳輸機制研究」(51678200 ),主持 2012,1~2015,12 國家自然科學基金面上項目:「腐蝕鋼筋混凝土材料應變率效應、機理及其多尺度模型研究」(51178154 ),主持 2009,1~2011,12 國家自然科學基金面上項目:「地震與腐蝕作用下鋼筋混凝土材料與結構動力特性研究」(50878070),主持 2007,1~2009,12 國家自然科學青年基金項目:「阻尼增強混凝土與高阻尼自減振結構」(50608025),主持 2018,9~2021,8 國家重點研發項目:「水泥基高性能結構材料關鍵技術研究與應用」項目編號:2018YFC0705400 (2018,9~2021,8) 子課題,主持 2010,1~2013,12 國家自然科學基金重點項目:「超高建築斜交網格筒體系基於失效模式的大震設計理論」子課題「複雜結構體系下基於應變率效應混凝土材料本構關係研究(50938001),主持 2006,10~2007,10 中國博士後科學基金項目:「複合纖維增強阻尼混凝土與高阻尼減振結構」 (20060390804),主持 2015,1~2018,1 廣東省自然科學基金項目:「基於壓電智能骨料的混凝土結構滲水監測方法與傳輸機制研究」(2014A030313694)),主持 2009,10~2011,10 廣東省自然科學基金項目:「擬濱海腐蝕環境下鋼筋混凝土材料與結構的阻尼特性研究」(9151064101000066),主持 2006,1~2007,12 廣東省自然科學基金項目:「複合纖維增強阻尼混凝土與高阻尼減振結構」 (05300894 ),主持 2018,4~2021,4 深圳市基礎研究布局項目:「廢棄混凝土透水製品滲蓄性能與堵塞機制研究」 項目編號:JCYJ20170811160514862,主持 2015,9~2017,9 深圳市海外高層次人才創新項目:「工程結構安全保障的壓電功能器件研發及關鍵技術應用研究」 (KQCX20150324094653260)),主持 2012,9~2014,9 深圳市科技創新委員會基礎研究重點項目:「濱海腐蝕環境下鋼筋混凝土結構的應變率效應研究」(JCYJ20120613134149357 ),主持 2013.3~2015.3 深圳市創新環境建設計劃重點實驗室項目:「重要工程結構濕度與腐蝕的壓電智能監測研究」 (ZDSY20120613125318342),主持 2008,9~2010,9 深圳市科技計劃公共科技項目:「土木工程結構減震材料開發與關鍵技術研究」 (SY200806260024A),主持 2007.9~2011.11 國家「973」項目:「城市工程的地震破壞與控制」子課題「城市建築地震破壞的控制原理與方法」(2007CB714200),參加 2016,1~2019, 12 國家自然科學基金重點項目:「高性能和新型主次結構體系及其設計理論」 (51538003),參加 2003,1~2006, 12 國家自然科學基金重點項目:「機敏混凝土與結構」 (50238040),參加 2002,1~2005,12 國家863項目:「智能混凝土與結構」(2002AA335010),參加
2014 國家自然科學優秀青年基金獲得者。 2013 教育部新世紀優秀人才。 2009 深圳市「地方級」高層次人才。 2017 廣東省科技進步一等獎「複雜高層結構抗震設計理論及工程應用」,排名第3 2015 教育部高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(一等)「複雜高層建築結構大震失效分析、評價及控制的關鍵技術與工程應用」,排名第4. 2007 廣東省科技進步三等獎「複雜結構智能健康監測和安全評定理論、技術與應用研究」,排名第4。 2006 深圳市科技創新獎(高校類)「大型複雜結構實時監測和安全評定系統研究與應用」,排名第4。
1 一種基於壓電智能骨料的混凝土濕度監測方法,國家發明專利(專利號:ZL 201210557810.8),發明人:劉鐵軍等, 授權公告日:2017年12月26 日
2 材料吸聲性能測試方法,國家發明專利(專利號:ZL 201110275944.6 )發明人:劉鐵軍等, 授權公告日:2013年3月27 日
3 剪切式大尺寸材料的阻尼測試裝置,國家發明專利(專利號:ZL 200810064552.3)發明人:劉鐵軍等,授權公告日:2010年7月21日
4 三點彎曲梁式大尺寸材料的阻尼測試裝置,國家發明專利(專利號:ZL 200610010005.8,發明人:歐進萍,劉鐵軍等,授權公告日:2009年9月16日
1 Exploratory Study on Water Seepage Monitoring of Concrete Structures Using Piezoceramic based Smart Aggregates Tiejun Liu,Yongchao Huang, Dujian Zou 2013年6月 Smart Materials and Structures
2 Analysis of the damping behavior and microstructure of cement matrix with silane-treated silica fume Jinping Ou, Tiejun Liu*, Jiahe Li 2006年6月 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology Materials Science Edition
3 Characterization of the Reinforcing Steel's Corrosion by Potential dynamic Scan Approach Guofu Qiao, Tiejun Liu* 2012年6月 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology Materials Science Edition
4 Dynamic and Seismic Property Experiments of High Damping Concrete and Its Frame Models Jinping Ou, Tiejun Liu*, Jilong Li 2008年6月 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology Materials Science Edition
5 Optimization Design of a Corrosion Monitoring Sensor by FEM for RC Structures Guofu Qiao, Tiejun Liu, Yi Hong, Jinping Ou 2011年9月 IEEE Sensors Journal,
6 Qualitative and Quantitative Sensors Based on Electrochemical Techniques for the Corrosion Assessment of RC Panels Guofu Qiao, Tiejun Liu* 2012年6月 IEEE Sensors Journal
7 The influence of sulfate attack on the dynamic properties of concrete column Tiejun Liu, Dujian Zou, Jun Teng 2012年3月 Construction and Building Materials
8 材料吸聲性能測試方法,國家發明專利(授權日:2013年3月27 日),排名第一
9 剪切式大尺寸材料的阻尼測試裝置,國家發明專利(授權公告日:2010年7月21日),排名第一;
10 三點彎曲梁式大尺寸材料的阻尼測試裝置,國家發明專利(授權公告日:2009年9月16日),排名第二;
1 Tiejun Liu, Wen Song, Dujian Zou, Lei Li. Dynamic mechanical analysis of cement mortar prepared with recycled cathode ray tube (CRT) glass as fine aggregate[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018,2(174) 1436~1443 (SCI, IF:5.715)
2 Tiejun Liu,Dujian Zou, Chengcheng Du. Influence of Axial Loads on the Health Monitoring of Concrete Structures Using Embedded Piezoelectric Tranducers [J]. Structural Health Monitoring, 2017,2(16) 202~214 (SCI, IF:3.536)
3 Tiejun Liu,Yongchao Huang, Jun Teng, Bo Li. Exploratory Study on Water Seepage Monitoring of Concrete Structures Using Piezoceramic based Smart Aggregates [J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2013,6(22)065002(8pp) (SCI, IF:2.909)
4 Tiejun Liu, Dujian Zou, Jun Teng. The Influence of Sulfate Attack on the Dynamic Properties of Concrete Column [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2012, 1(28): 201~207 (SCI, IF: 3.169)
5 Tiejun Liu, Shanshan Qin, Dujian Zou, Wen Song. [J]. Experimental investigation on the durability performances of concrete using cathode ray tube glass as fine aggregate under chloride ion penetration or sulfate attack [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 2(163): 634~642 (SCI, IF: 3.169)
6 Dujian Zou, Tiejun Liu*,etc. An Experimental Investigation on the Health Monitoring of Concrete Structures using Piezoelectric Transducers at Various Environmental Temperatures [J]. Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures, 2015,8(26),1028~1034 (SCI, IF:2.072)
7 Chaofeng Liang, Tiejun Liu*, Jianzhuang Xiao, Dujian Zou. The Damping Property of Recycled Aggregate Concrete[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2016,1(102): 834~842 (SCI, IF: 3.169)
8 Dujian Zou, Tiejun Liu*, Chengcheng Du, Jun Teng. Influence of wind pressure on the carbonation of concrete [J]. Materials, 2015, 8(8): 4652~4667 (SCI, IF: 2.651)
9 Dujian Zou, Tiejun Liu*, Jun Teng, etc. Influence of Creep and Drying Shrinkage of Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall on Axial Shortening of High-rise Buildings[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2014,3(55): 46~56 (SCI, IF:3.169)
10 Dujian Zou, Tiejun Liu*, Fuyao Zhang, etc. Feasibility of Water Seepage Monitoring in Concrete with Embedded Smart Aggregates by P-wave Travel Time Measurement [J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2014,6(22)067003(6pp) (SCI, IF:2.909)
11 Chengcheng Du, Tiejun Liu, Dujian Zou, Jun Teng. Time dependent strain development of early age concrete under step-by-step load history [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2015,7(86): 133~139 (SCI, IF:3.169)
12 Chaofeng Liang, Tiejun Liu*, Jianzhuang Xiao, Dujian Zou. Effect of stress amplitude on the damping of recycled aggregate concrete[J]. Materials, 2015, 8(8): 5298~5312 (SCI, IF: 2.651)
13 Chengcheng Du, Dujian Zou, Tiejun Liu*, Haixia Lv,An exploratory experimental and 3D numerical investigation on the effect of porosity on wave propagation in cement paste[J]. Measurement, 2018,7(122): 611~619 (SCI, IF:2.359)
14 Chengcheng Du, Dujian Zou, Tiejun Liu *, Weijie Li. A Study on the Influence of Stage Load on Health Monitoring of Concrete Structures Using Piezoelectric Based Smart Aggregate[J]. Apply Science, 2018,8(3): 423 doi:10.3390/ app8030423 (SCI, IF:1.679)
15 Dujian Zou, Tiejun Liu*, Guofu Qiao, etc. A Experimental Study on the Performance of Piezoceramic Based Smart Aggregate in Water Environment[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2014,4(14):943~944 (SCI, IF:1.852)
16 Guofu Qiao, Tiejun Liu, Qualitative and Quantitative Sensors Based on Electrochemical Techniques for the Corrosion Assessment of RC Panels [J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2012,6(12): 2062-2063 (SCI, IF:1.475)
17 Guofu Qiao, Tiejun Liu, Yi Hong, Jinping Ou. Optimization Design of a Corrosion Monitoring Sensor by FEM for RC Structures [J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2011,9(11):2111~2112 (SCI, IF:1.52)
18 Yanru Zhao, Tiejun Liu*,etc.The effect of temperature on the biodegradation properties of Municipal Solid Waste[J].Waste Management &Research, 2016,3(34), 265~274 (SCI, IF:1. 297)
19 Guofu Qiao, Guodong Sun, Yi Hong, Tiejun Liu. Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete Panel: Wireless Monitoring and Wavelet-based Analysis [J]. Sensors, 2014,2(14) : 3395~3407 (SCI, IF: 2.024)
20 Ying Wang, Francesco Dell』Isola, Tiejun Liu, and Chunhui Yang. Metamaterials and Smart Structures in a Big Data Era [J]. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2017,2(2017):6358497 (SCI, IF:1.01)
1 Dujian Zou, Chengcheng Du, Tiejun Liu*,The effects of service environment on health monitoring of concrete structures using smart aggregates, The 24th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Perth, Australia, 2016,12:1187~1192 (Invited Paper)
2 Tiejun Liu*, Dujian Zou, Experimental Research on Damping and Bonding Properties of Concrete Reinforced with GFRP Bars [M] 12th biennial international Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations, Honolulu, Hawaii,USA, 2010, 3:2793~2805 (EI)
3 Tiejun Liu*, Dujian Zou, Chuang Cui. Experimental study and numerical simulation on damping property of fiber reinforced concrete and its frame structures [M]. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments Long beach, California, USA, 2008, 3:1~9 (EI)
4 Dujian Zou, Tiejun Liu, Improving the damping ability by the addition of Nano SiO2 to the concrete materials.2nd International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnolgy in Engineering. Weihai China 2009, 7 SPIE Vol. 7493 74933C-1~9(EI)
5 Dujian Zou, Tiejun Liu*, Yongchao Huang, Jun Teng, Bo Li, Exploratory Study on Sulfate Attack Monitoring of Concrete Structures Using Piezoceramic Based Smart Aggregates. Gold Coast, Australia,2013,7 , SPIE Vol. 87930H ( SPIE) (EI)
6 Tiejun Liu,Chengcheng Du, Dujian Zou, Jun Teng, Research progress on smart aggregate-based monitoring method of concrete structures in HITSGS. The 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. Torino, Italy (Paper No.227) 2015,7
7 Tiejun Liu*, Dujian Zou, Jun Teng, Lili SUI, Experimental investigation on the dynamic properties of RC structures affected by reinforcement corrosion[M],The 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal (Paper No. 1518), 2012,9: 1~7
8 Tiejun Liu*, Jinping Ou. High Damping Concrete and its Structures for Vibration Control [M]. Fourth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring. San Diego, California, USA, 2006, 7
9 Tiejun Liu*, Jiahe Li, Jinping Ou. Durability Experiments and Comprehensive Evaluation of Self-reinforced Damping Concrete[M]. International Workshop on Integrated Life-Cycle Management of Infrastructures. HongKong, China, 2004,12:102~108
10 Tiejun Liu*, Jilong Li, Jinping Ou. High Damping Concrete and Seismic behavior [M]. Third International Conference on Construction Materials. Vancouver, Canada, 2005:8,22-24, 365~373
11 Tiejun Liu*, Lili SUI, Dujian Zou.The Effects of Carbonation on Damping Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Materials. International Conference on Structures and Building Materials, 2011,1 (163-167): 3206~3209 ( EI)
12 Lili SUI, Tiejun Liu, Xing Feng, Fu Yuxiang. Experimental Study on Flexural Performance of Concrete Beams Strengthened with Near-surface Mounted (NSM) FRP Reinforcement.International Conference on Structures and Building Materials, 2011,1 (163-167): 3634~3639 (EI)
13 Dujian Zou, Tiejun Liu*, Haixia Lv, Jun Teng. Seismic Assessment of RC Structures in Service Affected by Reinforcement Corrosion [J]. International Conference on Structures and Building Materials, 2011,1 (163-167): 3263~3266 (EI)
14 Tiejun Liu*, Leilei Guo, Dujian Zou. The influence of steel reinforcement on creep and shrinkage of concrete columns, The 12th International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts. Wuhan, China 2012,11: 227~230 (EI)
15 Dujian Zou, Tiejun Liu*, Experimental research and numerical simulation on damping behavior of reinforced concrete components [M]. The 10th International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts. Changsha China 2008,10 :512~518 (EI)
16 Tiejun Liu*, Jinping Ou. Effects of Silane-treated Silica Fume on Damping Property of Cement Mortar[M]. Proceeding of International Conference on Advances in Concrete and Structures, Xuzhou, China, 2004,5:168~176
17 Dujian Zou, Tiejun Liu*, Jun Teng. Strain rate effect on dynamic behaviors of concrete members The 11th International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts. Guangzhou, China 2010,12: 1105~1110
18 Tiejun Liu*, Dujian Zou, Chuang Cui. Experimental research on damping property of reinforced materials and members under damage and corrosion conditions [M].The 6th International Conference on Vibration Engineering. Dalian, China, 2008, 6
19 Tiejun Liu*, Jinping Ou. Development of damping measuring apparatus and experimental research for fiber reinforced concretes [M]. The 4th China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Control and Monitoring. Hangzhou, China, 2006, 10,16-17
20 Dujian Zou, Shanshan Qin, Jun Jiang,Tiejun Liu*. Numerical modelling of sulfate attack process in concrete considering temperature variation and calcium leaching, The 2nd ACF Symposium, Chiang Mai, Thailand,2017,11,A002