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一張彩票悠悠蕩蕩地自半空中飄下來。 A piece of lottery ticket is floating about, down from the sky.
傘兵在跳下飛機後,在半空中打開了降落傘。 The paratrooper opened the parachute in mid air after he had jumped out of the plane.
He spun around in midair so feet were pointing away from the rail. 他在半空中旋轉身體,雙腳離開了軌道。
My soul seemed to go out from my body and float about the air. 我的靈魂似乎離開了我的身體,飄到半空中。
Her hand stopped in mid air. 她的手停在了半空中。
As soon as the ball was in the air, he was boxing the opposing teams players. 球一到半空中,他就開始把對方選手擋在外面。
But the Rose's centerpiece, literally and dramatically, is the planetarium itself, located in the upper half of the sphere. [Source: Web Examples ] 在地球太空羅茲中心,最引人注目的當然是位於球上半部的行星儀。
釋義:(1).半數已空 【出處】:《新唐書·宦者傳上·仇士良》:「 士良 因縱兵捕,無輕重,悉斃兩軍,公卿半空。」
【示例】:《紅樓夢》第一○五回:「﹝ 賈璉 ﹞一進屋門,只見箱開櫃破,物件搶得半空。」 謂空中
【出處】:唐 孫逖 《奉和御製登鴛鴦樓即目應制》詩:「玉輦下離宮,瓊樓上半空。」 宋 文天祥 《雲端》詩:「半空夭矯起層台,傳道 劉安 車馬來。」
【示例】:馮德英 《苦菜花》第五章:「鬼子惡氣騰騰地撲進來,舉起刺刀就戳……刺刀在半空中停住了。」
- ↑ 老北京時賣的「半空」是什麼? 百度知道