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國 籍 ---- 中國

職   業 ---- 醫療科研管理工作者



醫 院 ---- 首都醫科大學宣武醫院









2007年8 月—2009年8月,中歐國際工商學院EMBA。















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2004年6月—2006年11月,國家十五科技攻關項目,影像指導下急性腦梗死動脈溶栓治療研究(2004BA02B102) 經費62萬元,合作主持。

2005年1月—2007年12月,國家自然科學基金項目 ,血管內低溫灌注治療急性腦缺血的實驗研究(30471780)經費25萬元,主持。




2006年10月—2009年9月,首都醫學發展基金項目,急性腦缺血動脈溶栓聯合腦保護治療研究(2005-2050) 經費30萬元,主持。


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2009年1月—2011年12月,國家自然科學基金項目,缺血後適應對腦缺血/再灌注損傷的保護研究(30870854) 經費31萬元,主持。

2010年1月—2012年12月,北京市衛生局骨幹人才項目,遠程缺血預適應腦保護治療研究(2009-3-61) 經費 21萬元,主持。

2010年8月—2013年12月,北京市腦血管病重大專項,缺血性腦血管病早期預警與干預研究(D111107003111008) 經費750萬元,主持。


2011年1月—2015年8月,科技部973項目,局部腦損害(腦卒中與腦膠質瘤)的腦網絡研究(2011CB707804) 經費420萬元,主持。






3. 中華醫學科技進步三等獎(NO:200803003P0803)缺血性腦血管病的綜合外科治療體系的研究

4. 北京市科學技術進步二等獎(NO:2009醫-5-013-03)缺血性腦血管病外科治療研究




1.血管內點式溫度傳感裝置 ZL200420009690.9 實用新型專利

2. 半導體致冷血管內亞低溫腦保護治療儀 ZL200420009691.3 實用新型專利

3. 心腦血管保健治療儀 ZL200710176701 實用新型專利

4. 基於神經介入微導管技術的腦保護灌注液及其製備方法 ZL200810223983 發明專利

5. 低氧飽和度機體保護訓練儀 ZL200820123637.X 實用新型專利

6. 血栓破碎取栓器 CN102743207A 發明專利

7. 血腦屏障穿透性促紅細胞生成素及其應用CN101671388 發明專利


1. Li G, Zeng X, Hussain M, Meng R, Liu Y, Yuan K, Sikharam C, Ding Y, Ling F, Ji X. Safety and Validity of Mechanical Thrombectomy and Thrombolysis on Severe Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis. Neurosurgery. 2013 Jan 10 [Epub ahead of print]

2. Qi Z, Liu W, Luo Y, Ji X, Liu KJ. Normobaric hyperoxia-based neuroprotective therapies in ischemic stroke. Med Gas Res. 2013 Jan 9;3(1):2-9

3. Shi J, Liu Y, Duan Y, Sun Z, Wang B, Meng R, Ji X. A new idea about reducing reperfusion injury in ischemic stroke: Gradual reperfusion. Med Hypotheses. 2013 Feb;80(2):134-6.

4. Liu H, Xia P, Liu M, Ji XM, Sun HB, Tao L, Mu QW. PON gene polymorphisms and ischaemic stroke: a systematic review and meta analysis. Int J Stroke. 2013 Feb;8(2):111-23.

5.Chen J, Fredrickson V, Ding Y, Cheng H, Wang N, Ling F, Ji X: Enhanced neuroprotection by local intra-arterial infusion of human albumin solution and local hypothermia. Stroke 2013;44:260-262.

6.Guo S, Zhou Y, Xing C, Lok J, Som AT, Ning M, Ji X, Lo EH. The vasculome of the mouse brain. PLoS One. 2012;7(12)

7. Fang XH, Wang WH, Zhang XQ, Liu HJ, Zhang HM, Qin XM, Wang ZC, Ji XM, Li LM: Incidence and survival of symptomatic lacunar infarction in a Beijing population: a 6-year prospective study. Eur J Neurol 2012;19:1114-1120.

8.Han C, Wang Y, Jia J, Ji X, Fredrickson V, Ding Y, Sun W, Xu J, Sun YX: Bickerstaff's brainstem encephalitis, Miller Fisher syndrome and Guillain-Barre syndrome overlap in an asthma patient with negative anti-ganglioside antibodies. BMC Res Notes 2012;5:295.

9. Jia LY, Hua Y, Ji XM, Liu JT: Correlation analysis of internal jugular vein abnormalities and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Chin Med J (Engl ) 2012;125:3671-3674.

10.Li G, Zeng X, Ji T, Fredrickson V, Wang T, Hussain M, Ren C, Chen J, Sikhram C, Ding Y, Ji X: A New Thrombosis Model of the Superior Sagittal Sinus Involving Cortical Veins. World Neurosurg 2012.

11. Liu XR, Luo M, Yan F, Zhang CC, Li SJ, Zhao HP, Ji XM, Luo YM: Ischemic postconditioning diminishes matrix metalloproteinase 9 expression and attenuates loss of the extracellular matrix proteins in rats following middle cerebral artery occlusion and reperfusion. CNS Neurosci Ther 2012;18:855-863.

12. Zeng X, Asmaro K, Ren C, Gao M, Peng C, Ding JY, Fredrickson V, Ji X, Ding Y: Acute ethanol treatment reduces blood-brain barrier dysfunction following ischemia/reperfusion injury. Brain Res 2012;1437:127-133.


來自 39健康網 的圖片

13.Meng R, Asmaro K, Meng L, Liu Y, Ma C, Xi C, Li G, Ren C, Luo Y, Ling F, Jia J, Hua Y, Wang X, Ding Y, Lo EH, Ji X: Upper limb ischemic preconditioning prevents recurrent stroke in intracranial arterial stenosis. Neurology 2012;79: 1853-1861.

14. Meng R, Yan W, Wang X, Dornbos D, III, Liu Y, Ning M, Ferdinando SB, Ding Y, Ji X: CVST, distinguished from nonthrombotic CVSS before treatment - a MUST. Int J Stroke 2012;7:274.

15.Meng R, Konakondla S, Wang X, Lo EH, Ding Y, Ji X: Plasma biomarker may help to distinguish acute CVST from non-thrombotic CVSS in emergency. Int J Stroke 2012;7:183-184.

16. Meng R, Ji X, Dornbos D, III, Feeney K, Ding Y, Wang X: A case of Susac's syndrome in a Chinese male. J Neurol Sci 2012;314:181-182.

17. Meng R, Dornbos D, III, Meng L, Wu Y, Liu Y, Li G, Li G, Li S, Sun F, Wang X, Ding Y, Ji X: Clinical differences between acute CVST and non-thrombotic CVSS. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2012;114:1257-1262.

18.Murata Y, Fujiwara N, Seo JH, Yan F, Liu X, Terasaki Y, Luo Y, Arai K, Ji X, Lo EH: Delayed inhibition of c-Jun N-terminal kinase worsens outcomes after focal cerebral ischemia. J Neurosci 2012;32:8112-8115.

19. Qi ZF, Luo YM, Liu XR, Wang RL, Zhao HP, Yan F, Song ZJ, Luo M, Ji XM: AKT/GSK3beta-Dependent Autophagy Contributes to the Neuroprotection of Limb Remote Ischemic Postconditioning in the Transient Cerebral Ischemic Rat Model. CNS Neurosci Ther 2012;965-973.

20.Shi J, Liu Y, Duan Y, Sun Z, Wang B, Meng R, Ji X: A new idea about reducing reperfusion injury in ischemic stroke: Gradual reperfusion. Med Hypotheses 2013;80:134-136.

21.Gan Y, Ji X, Hu X, Luo Y, Zhang L, Li P, Liu X, Yan F, Vosler P, Gao Y, Stetler RA, Chen J: Transgenic overexpression of peroxiredoxin-2 attenuates ischemic neuronal injury via suppression of a redox-sensitive pro-death signaling pathway. Antioxid Redox Signal 2012;17:719-732.

22.Gan Y, Xing J, Jing Z, Stetler RA, Zhang F, Luo Y, Ji X, Gao Y, Cao G: Mutant erythropoietin without erythropoietic activity is neuroprotective against ischemic brain injury. Stroke 2012;43:3071-3077.

23.Geng X, Ren C, Wang T, Fu P, Luo Y, Liu X, Yan F, Ling F, Jia J, Du H, Ji X,Ding Y: Effect of remote ischemic postconditioning on an intracerebral hemorrhage stroke model in rats. Neurol Res 2012;34:143-148.

24. Wang F, Wang Y, Geng X, Asmaro K, Peng C, Sullivan JM, Ding JY, Ji X, Ding Y: Neuroprotective effect of acute ethanol administration in a rat with transient cerebral ischemia. Stroke 2012;43:205-210.

25 . Wang C, Liu Y, Yang Q, Dai X, Wu S, Wang W, Ji X, Li L, Fang X: Body mass index and risk of total and type-specific stroke in Chinese adults: results from a longitudinal study in China. Int J Stroke 2012.

26.Dang S, Liu X, Fu P, Gong W, Yan F, Han P, Ding Y, Ji X, Luo Y: Neuroprotection by local intra-arterial infusion of erythropoietin after focal cerebral ischemia in rats. Neurol Res 2011;33:520-528.

27 .Fang XH, Wang CX, Mei LP, Liu M, Ji XM, Li LM: [Progress in epidemiology study on stroke. Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi 2011;32:847-853.

28. Fujiwara N, Mandeville ET, Geng X, Luo Y, Arai K, Wang X, Ji X, Singhal AB, Lo EH: Effect of normobaric oxygen therapy in a rat model of intracerebral hemorrhage. Stroke 2011;42:1469-1472.

29 .Liu X, Wang L, Zhao S, Ji X, Luo Y, Ling F: beta-Catenin overexpression in malignant glioma and its role in proliferation and apoptosis in glioblastma cells. Med Oncol 2011;28:608-614.

30. Lu J, Zhang M, Cao Y, Ma Q, Chen J, Ji X, Li K: Three-dimensional whole-brain perfused blood volume imaging with multimodal CT for evaluation of acute ischaemic stroke. Clin Radiol 2011;66:517-525.

31.Ren C, Gao M, Dornbos D, III, Ding Y, Zeng X, Luo Y, Ji X: Remote ischemic post-conditioning reduced brain damage in experimental ischemia/reperfusion injury. Neurol Res 2011;33:514-519.

32.Meng R, Li ZY, Ji X, Ding Y, Meng S, Wang X: Antithrombin III associated with fibrinogen predicts the risk of cerebral ischemic stroke. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2011;113:380-386.

33 . Meng R, Ji X: Plasma biomarker and stroke. Cerebrovasc Dis 2011;32:406.

34.Cheng F, Xie S, Guo M, Fang H, Li X, Yin J, Lu G, Li Y, Ji X, Yu S: Alteredglucose metabolism and preserved energy charge and neuronal structures in the brain of mouse intermittently exposed to hypoxia. J Chem Neuroanat 2011;42:65-71.

35.Wang Y, Cui L, Ji X, Dong Q, Zeng J, Wang Y, Zhou Y, Zhao X, Wang C, Liu L, Nguyen-Huynh MN, Claiborne JS, Wong L, Li H: The China National Stroke Registry for patients with acute cerebrovascular events: design, rationale, and baseline patient characteristics. Int J Stroke 2011;6:355-361.

36. Liebelt B, Papapetrou P, Ali A, Guo M, Ji X, Peng C, Rogers R, Curry A, Jimenez D, Ding Y: Exercise preconditioning reduces neuronal apoptosis in stroke by up-regulating heat shock protein-70 (heat shock protein-72) and extracellular-signal-regulated-kinase 1/2. Neuroscience 2010;166:1091-1100.

37.Zhang YZ, Zhang QH, Ye H, Zhang Y, Luo YM, Ji XM, Su YY: Distribution of lysine-specific demethylase 1 in the brain of rat and its response in transient global cerebral ischemia. Neurosci Res 2010;68:66-72.

38. Gan X, Luo Y, Ling F, Ji X, Chen J, Ding Y: Outcome in acute stroke with different intra-arterial infusion rate of urokinase on thrombolysis. Interv Neuroradiol 2010;16:290-296.

39.Ge P, Ji X, Ding Y, Wang X, Fu S, Meng F, Jin X, Ling F, Luo Y: Celastrol causes apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in rat glioma cells. Neurol Res 2010;32:94-100.

40. Wang F, Luo Y, Ling F, Wu H, Chen J, Yan F, He Z, Goel G, Ji X, Ding Y: Comparison of neuroprotective effects in ischemic rats with different hypothermia procedures. Neurol Res 2010;32:378-383.


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41. Wang W, Xu J, Li L, Wang P, Ji X, Ai H, Zhang L, Li L: Neuroprotective effect of morroniside on focal cerebral ischemia in rats. Brain Res Bull 2010;83:196-201.

42. Ji X, Li K, Li W, Li S, Yan F, Gong W, Luo Y: The effects of blood pressure and urokinase on brain injuries after experimental cerebral infarction in rats. Neurol Res 2009;31:204-208.

43. Li L, Gao X, Zhao J, Ji X, Wei H, Luo Y: Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid substance P in post-stroke patients with depression. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2009;63:298-304.

44.Zhang F, Wang S, Luo Y, Ji X, Nemoto EM, Chen J: When hypothermia meets hypotension and hyperglycemia: the diverse effects of adenosine 5'-monophosphate on cerebral ischemia in rats. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2009;29:1022-1034.

45.Zhao WH, Ji XM, Ling F, Ding YC, Xing CH, Wu H, Guo M, Xuan Y, Guan B, Jiang LL: Local mild hypothermia induced by intra-arterial cold saline infusion prolongs the time window of onset of reperfusion injury after transient focal ischemia in rats. Neurol Res 2009;31:43-51.

46. Meng R, Ji X, Li B, Zhou J, Li W, Ding Y: Dynamical levels of plasma F(1+2) and D-dimer in patients with acute cerebral infarction during intravenous urokinase thrombolysis. Neurol Res 2009;31:367-370.

47.Miao ZR, Feng L, Li S, Zhu F, Ji X, Jiao L, Ling F: Treatment of symptomatic

middle cerebral artery stenosis with balloon-mounted stents: long-term follow-up at a single center. Neurosurgery 2009;64:79-84.

48. Chen J, Ji X, Ding Y, Luo Y, Cheng H, Ling F: Role of residual flow on the neuroprotective efficacy of human albumin in the rat with transient cerebral ischemia. Neurol Res 2009;31:396-401.

49.Chen J, Ji X, Ding Y, Luo Y, Cheng H, Ling F: A novel approach to reduce hemorrhagic transformation after interventional management of acute stroke: catheter-based selective hypothermia. Med Hypotheses 2009;72:62-63.

50. Cheng H, Ji X, Ding Y, Luo Y, Wang G, Sun X, Chen J, Ling F: Focal perfusion of circulating cooled blood reduces the infarction volume and improves neurological outcome in middle cerebral artery occlusion. Neurol Res 2009;31:340-345.

51. Sun Y, Zheng DY, Ji XM, Weale P, Wu H, Jiang LD, Yang LZ: Diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance venography in the detection of recanalization in patients with chronic cerebral venous sinus thrombus. Chin Med J (Engl ) 2009;122:2428-2432.

52.Gao L, Ji X, Song J, Liu P, Yan F, Gong W, Dang S, Luo Y: Puerarin protects against ischemic brain injury in a rat model of transient focal ischemia. Neurol Res 2009;31:402-406.

53. Ge P, Luo Y, Fu S, Ji X, Ling F: Autophagy: a strategy for malignant gliomas' resistance to therapy. Med Hypotheses 2009;73:45-47.

54.Wang B, Miao ZR, Li GL, Hua Y, Ji XM, Jiao LQ, Wang RZ, Ling F: Treatment of symptomatic complex posterior circulation cerebral artery stenosis with balloon-mounted stents: technique feasibility and outcome. Neuroradiology 2009;51:319-326.

55. Wang Y, Liao X, Zhao X, Wang C, Liu L, Zhou Y, Wang C, Xue J, Gao P, Dong K, Ji X, Wang Y: Imaging-based thrombolysis trial in acute ischemic stroke-II (ITAIS-II). Int J Stroke 2009;4:49-53.

56. Wu H, Jiang LD, Wrede KH, Ji XM, Zhao XQ, Tian X, Gao YF, Ling F: Local hypothermia and optimal temperature for stroke therapy in rats. Chin Med J (Engl ) 2009;122:1558-1563.

57. Li L, Li Y, Ji X, Zhang B, Wei H, Luo Y: The effects of retinoic acid on the expression of neurogranin after experimental cerebral ischemia. Brain Res 2008;1226:234-240.

58. Ji X, Luo Y, Ling F, Stetler RA, Lan J, Cao G, Chen J: Mild hypothermia diminishes oxidative DNA damage and pro-death signaling events after cerebral ischemia: a mechanism for neuroprotection. Front Biosci 2007;12:1737-1747.

59.Luo Y, Ji X, Ling F, Li W, Zhang F, Cao G, Chen J: Impaired DNA repair via the base-excision repair pathway after focal ischemic brain injury: a protein phosphorylation-dependent mechanism reversed by hypothermic neuroprotection. Front Biosci 2007;12:1852-1862.

60.Wang J, Ji X, Ling F, Luo Y, He X, Guo M, Li S, Miao Z, Zhu F, Xuan Y: A new model of reversible superior sagittal sinus thrombosis in rats. Brain Res 2007;1181:118-124.

61.Drobyshevsky A, Robinson AM, Derrick M, Wyrwicz AM, Ji X, Englof I,Tan S: Sensory deficits and olfactory system injury detected by novel application of MEMRI in newborn rabbit after antenatal hypoxia-ischemia. Neuroimage 2006;32:1106-1112.

62.Ji X, Meng R, Zhou J, Ling F, Jia J: Dynamic change of coagulation and anticoagulation markers of patients with acute cerebral infarction during intravenous urokinase thrombolysis. Neurol Res 2006;28:46-49.

63.Liu L, Dong W, Ji X, Chen L, Chen L, He W, Jia J: A new method of noninvasive brain-edema monitoring in stroke: cerebral electrical impedance measurement. Neurol Res 2006;28:31-37.

64.Meng R, Zhou J, Ji XM, Li LM, Jia JP, Yang BF: [The diagnosis and treatment of polycythemia rubra vera manifesting as acute cerebral stroke]. Zhonghua Nei Ke Za Zhi 2006;45:366-368.

65.Song WQ, Li X, Luo YJ, Du BQ, Ji XM: Brain dynamic mechanisms of scale effect in visual spatial attention. Neuroreport 2006;17:1643-1647.

66.Wei G, Ji X, Bai H, Ding Y: Stroke research in China. Neurol Res 2006;28:11-15.

67.Jia JP, Meng R, Sun YX, Sun WJ, Ji XM, Jia LF: Cerebrospinal fluid tau, Abeta1-42 and inflammatory cytokines in patients with Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Neurosci Lett 2005;383:12-16.

68.Jiao LQ, Ling F, Li SM, Miao ZR, Ji XM, Zhu FS, Song QB: [Evaluation by perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance to hemodynamic character and surgical effect of carotid system stenoses or occlusion]. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi 2005;43:60-63.

69.Yu CS, Li KC, Xuan Y, Ji XM, Qin W: Diffusion tensor tractography in patients with cerebral tumors: a helpful technique for neurosurgical planning and postoperative assessment. Eur J Radiol 2005;56:197-204.

70. Huang W, Hua Q, Wu H, Xu WY, Tian JH, Chen H, Yang FC, Yang S, Liu CH, Li XW, Ji XM, Zhang J: [A study on the differences of emotion and depression between patients as doctor/nurse and others occupation with severe acute respiratory syndrome]. Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi 2004;25:23-26.


1. The diagnosis and muti-modailty treatment for patients with intracranial thrombolysis. 5th Asia Pacific region interventional neuro-radiology and treatment conference, November 5-7, 2002, Hongkong

2. Local Brain Hypothermia Induced by Pre-reperfusion Infusion of Cold Saline into the Middle Cerebral Artery Supplied Territory in the Treatment of Experimental Stroke. 6th International Conference on Stroke, March 11-14, 2003, Orlando

3. The Time Window and Methods of Endovascular Intervention for Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis,11th Tiantan international stroke conference, June 24-26,2012, Beijing

4. China Angioplasty & Stenting for Symptomatic Intracranial Severe Stenosis (CASSISS)- a prospective multi-center, randomized controlled trial (mRCT), 12th Tiantan international stroke conference, June 28-30,2012, Beijing

5. Mild hypothermia enhances iASPP expression in a rat model of cerebral ischemia-reperfusion. 7th world stroke congress, October 13-16, 2010, Seoul, Korea

6. Remote Ischemic Conditioning Reduces Brain Edema in Experimental Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury, International Stroke Conference, Feb 1-3, 2012, New Orleans

7. Repeated Arm Ischemic Preconditioning is Safe and Effective for Prevention of Stroke Recurrence in Octogenarians with Symptomatic Intracranial Arterial Stenosis

8. Validity of Mechanical Thrombectomy and Thrombolysis on Severe Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis








吉訓明-遠隔缺血預適應 2019年6月25日發布

吉訓明:人體自身是我們治癒心腦血管疾病的未來 2022年8月29日發布
