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呂昭平,男,漢族,1970年11月22日生 ,安徽桐城人,研究生學歷,工學博士學位,北京科技大學副校長、黨委常委、教授博士生導師[1],中國科學技術協會常委、黨組成員(掛職)、書記處書記(掛職),北京科技大學新金屬材料國家重點實驗室主任,新金屬國家重點實驗室合金設計與模擬梯隊負責人,國家傑出青年基金獲得者[2]





民 族 ---- 漢族



國 籍 ---- 中國

職 業 ---- 教育科研工作者

主要成就----2010年,教育部自然科學獎二等獎;2009年[4],美國R&D 100 大獎










1999年-2001年,在新加坡庫力索法工業股份有限公司(American Kulicke & Soffa Industries Inc.)任研發工程師。

2001年-2004年,在美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)做博士後研究。

2004年-2006年,在美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室做研究員(Research staff)。

2007年,到北京科技大學新金屬材料國家重點實驗室工作,歷任北京科技大學新金屬材料國家重點實驗室副主任、主任、黨委書記。 1月,任北京科技大學教授。




2019年1月30日,入選中國金屬學會向中國科協推薦的中國科學院院士候選人。 2月19日,入選中國材料研究學會向中國科協推薦的兩院院士候選人。




來自 東方網 的圖片




呂昭平長期圍繞先進金屬結構材料物理冶金的關鍵科學問題開展研究,在強韌化與合金設計理論上取得了系統的創新性成果。提出了"共格強有序效應"、"有序-無序耦合效應"強韌化先進金屬材料的學術思想,發展了有序結構調控理論和方法,研發出系列超強韌的高性能金屬結構材料 。2003年,發表在《應用物理學快報》(Applied Physics Letters)上題為"Role of yttrium in glass formation of Fe based bulk metallic glasses"的論文被《科學》選做"Editor's Choice" 並被MaterialsToday採訪和評述。 2004年,塊體非晶鋼的工作被世界各地的媒介採訪和評述,包括學術雜誌《自然》,人民日報,Physical News Update, French Science Vie, Science News, MRS Bulletin及NyTeknik等。2009年,新型耐熱不鏽鋼的工作被評為世界上"the top high technology products of the year"。


截至2019年4月,呂昭平發表SCI論文210餘篇,3篇入選年度"中國百篇最具影響國際學術論文"。 2010年,有關塊體金屬玻璃韌化的工作被《自然亞洲材料》(Nature-Asia Materials)評述,並被《Science》點評。2004年,發表在《物理評論快報 》(Physics Review Letters)上題為"structural amorphous steels"的論文被美國物理學會評為世界上"Top Physics Stories"之一。 2005年,ISI機構確定發表在《材料學報》(Acta Materialia)上題為"A new glass-forming ability criterion for bulk metallic glasses"的論文為材料科學界"Fast Moving Frontier"論文。2007年,以第三作者發表在《Science》上有關耐熱鋼工作的論文"Creep-Resistant,Al2O3-Forming Austenitic Stainless Steels"被《今日材料》(Materials Today)做專題報道和評述。

1)X. F. Wang, T. E. Jones, Y. Wu, Z. P. Lu*, S. Halas, T. Durakiewicz and M. E. Eberhart, "An electronic criterion for assessing intrinsic brittleness of metallic glasses", The Journal of chemical physics 141(2), 024503, 2014.

2)Y. Zhang, Z. P. Lu, S.G. Ma, P.K. Liaw, Z. Tang, Y.Q. Cheng and M.C. Gao, "Guidelines in predicting phase formation of high-entropy alloys", MRS Communications 4, 57-62, 2014.

3)Y. Wu, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, X.H. Chen, X.D. Hui, Y. Zhang, and Z. P. Lu*, "Designing Bulk Metallic Glass Composites with Enhanced Formability and Plasticity", Journal of Materials Science & Technology 30, 566-575, 2014 (invited).

4)R. Li, X.J .Liu, H. Wang, Y. Wu, X.M. Chu, and Z.P. Lu*, "Nanoporous silver with tunable pore characteristics and superior surface enhanced Raman scattering", Corrosion Science 84, 159-164, 2014.

5)Y. Wu, W. H. Liu, X. L. Wang, D. Ma, A. D. Stoica, T. G. Nieh, Z. B. He, and Z. P. Lu*, "In-situ neutron diffraction study of deformation behavior of a multi-component high-entropy alloy", Appl. Phys. Letts. 104, 051910, 2014.

6)F. Li, X. J. Liu, and Z. P. Lu, " Atomic structural evolution during glass formation of a Cu–Zr binary metallic glass", Computational Materials Science 85,2014, 147-153.

7)Z. P. Chen, J. E. Gao, Y. Wu, H. Wang, X. J. Liu, and Z. P. Lu*, "Alloying effects of the elements with a positive heat of mixing on the glass forming ability of Al-La-Ni amorphous alloys", Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 57, 2014, 122-127.

8)Y. Zhang, T. Zuo, Z. Tang, M. C. Gao, K. A. Dahmen, P. K Liaw, and Z. P. Lu, "Microstructures and properties of high-entropy alloys", Progress in Materials Science 61, 2014, 1-93.

9)D. Q. Zhou, X. Q. Xu, H. H. Mao, Y. F. Yan, T. G. Nieh, and Z. P. Lu*, "Plastic flow behaviour in an alumina-forming austenitic stainless steel at elevated temperatures", Mater. Sci. Eng. A594, 2014, 246-252.

10)J. Y. He, W. H. Liu, H Wang, Y. Wu, X. J. Liu, T. G. Nieh, and Z. P. Lu*, " Effects of Al addition on structural evolution and tensile properties of the FeCoNiCrMn high-entropy alloy system", Acta Materialia 62, 2014, 105-113.

11)Z. Tang, M. C. Gao, H. Diao, T. Yang, J. Liu, T. Zuo, Y. Zhang, Z. P. Lu, Y. Cheng, Y. Zhang, K. A. Dahmen, P. K. Liaw, and T. Egami, "Aluminum alloying effects on lattice types, microstructures, and mechanical behavior of high-entropy alloys systems", JOM 65, 2013, 1848-1858.

12)Y. F. Yan, X. Q. Xu, D. Q. Zhou, H. Wang, Y. Wu, X. J. Liu, and Z. P. Lu*, "Hot corrosion behaviour and its mechanism of a new alumina-forming austenitic stainless steel in molten sodium sulphate", Corrosion Science 77, 2013, 202-209.

13)D. Q. Zhou, Y. Wu, H. Wang, X.D. Hui, X.J .Liu, and Z. P. Lu*, "Alloying effects on mechanical properties of the Cu–Zr–Al bulk metallic glass composites", Computational Materials Science 79, 2013, 187-192.

14)Z. Y. Zhang, Y. Wu, J. Zhou, W. L. Song, D. Cao, H. Wang, X. J. Liu, and Z. P. Lu*, "Effects of Sn addition on phase formation and mechanical properties of TiCu-based bulk metallic glass composites", Intermetallics 42, 2013, 68-76.

15)J. Liu, Y. D. Wang, Y. L. Hao, Y. Z. Wang, Z. H. Nie, D. Wang, Y. Ren, Z. P. Lu, J. Wang, H. Wang, X. Hui, N. Lu, M. J. Kim, and R. Yang, "New intrinsic mechanism on gum-like superelasticity of multifunctional alloys", Scientific Reports 3, 2013, 2156.

16)D.Y. Lin, Y. Wang, S. L. Shang, Z. P. Lu, Z. K. Liu, and X. D. Hui, "A new many-body potential with the second-moment approximation of tight-binding scheme for Hafnium", Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 56 (11), 2013, 2071-2080.

17)B. Zhang, X. Chen, Z. P. Lu, and X. Hui, "Coating thickness control in continuously fabricating metallic glass-coated composite wires", International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials 20 (5), 2013, 456-461.

18)L. Huang, D. H. Yang, H. Wang, F. Ye and Z. P. Lu, "Effects of Scandium on Corrosion Resistance and Mechanical Properties of Cellular Al-based Foams", Materials Science Forum: High Performance Structure Materials 747-748, 2013, 93-100.


來自 搜狐 的圖片

19)H. X. Li, J. E. Gao, Y. Wu, Z. B. Jiao, D. Ma, A. D. Stoica, X. L. Wang, Y. Ren, M. K. Miller and Z. P. Lu*, " Enhancing glass-forming ability via frustration of nano-clustering in alloys with a high solvent content" , Scientific reports 3, 2013, 1983.

20)Z. Y. Zhang, Y. Wu, J. Zhou, H. Wang, X. J. Liu and Z.P. Lu*, "Strong work-hardening behavior in a Ti-based bulk metallic glass composite", Scripta Materialia 69, 2013, 73-76.

21)J. E. Gao, Z.P. Chen, Q. Du, H.X. Li, Y. Wu, H. Wang, X.J. Liu and Z.P. Lu*, "Fe-based bulk metallic glass composites without any metalloid elements", Acta Materialia 61, 2013, 3214-3223.

22)C. Zhu, Z.P. Lu and T.G. Nieh, "Incipient plasticity and dislocation nucleation of FeCoCrNiMn high-entropy alloy", Acta Materialia 61, 2013, 2993-3001.

23)J. E. Gao, H. X. Li, F. Jiang, B. Winiarski, P. J. Withers, P. K. Liaw, Z. P. Lu*, "Effects of Cooling Rates on Glass Formation and Magnetic Behavior for the Fe73.0C7.0Si3.3B5.0P8.7Mo3.0 Bulk Metallic Glass", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 44A, 2013, 2004-2009.

24)H. Wang R. Li, Y. Wu, X. M. Chu, X. J. Liu, T. G. Nieh, Z. P. Lu*, "Plasticity improvement in bulk metallic glass composed of open-cell Cu foam as the skeleton", Composite Sci Tech. 75, 2013, 49-54.

25)W. H. Liu, Y. Wu, J. Y. He, T. G. Nieh, Z. P. Lu*, "Grain growth and the Hall-Petch relationship in a high entropy FeCrNiCoMn alloy", Scripta Mater. 68, 2013, 526-529.

26)X. Q. Xu, X. F. Zhang, X. Y. Sun, and Z. P. Lu*, "Roles of manganese in high-temperature oxidation resistance of alumina-forming austenitic steels at above 800 ºC", Oxid Met 78, 2012, 349-362.

27)Z. P. Chen, H. Yu, Y. Wu, H. Wang, X. J. Liu, Z. P. Lu*, "Nano-network mediated high strength and large plasticity in an Al-based alloy", Materials Letters 84, 2012, 59-62.

28)X. Q. Xu, X. F. Zhang, X. Y. Sun, and Z. P. Lu*, "Effects of silicon additions on the oxide scale formation of an alumina-forming austenitic alloy", Corrosion Sci. 65, 2012, 317-321.

29)Y. Wu, D. Q. Zhou, W. L. Song, H. Wang, Z. Y. Zhang, D. Ma, X. L. Wang, and Z. P. Lu*, "Ductilizing bulk metallic glass composite by tailoring stacking fault energy", Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 245506, 2012.

30)L. Huang, H. Wang, D. Yang, F. Ye, and Z.P. Lu, "Effects of scandium additions on mechanical properties of cellular Al-based foams", Intermetallics 28, 71-76, 2012.

31)D. Ma, A. D. Stoica, X. L. Wang, Z. P. Lu, B. Clausen and D. W. Brown, "Elastic Moduli Inheritance and the Weakest Link in Bulk Metallic Glasses", Physical Review Letters 108, 085501, 2012.

32) X. D. Hui, X. L. Zhou, X. H. Chen, X. J. Liu, Y. Wu, and Z. P. Lu, "New Ti-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses for Biomedical Application", AIP Conference Proceedings, 2012.

33)H. X. Li, J. E. Gao, S. L. Wang, S. Yi and Z. P. Lu*, "Formation, Crystallization Behavior, and Soft Magnetic Properties of FeCSiBP Bulk Metallic Glass Fabricated Using Industrial Raw Materials", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 43A, 2615-2619, 2012.

34)Z. P. Chen, J. E. Gao, Y. Wu, H. X. Li, H. Wang and Z. P. Lu*, "Role of rare-earth elements in glass formation of Al-Ca-Ni amorphous alloys", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 513, 387-392, 2012.



1)Z. P. Lu and C. T. Liu, "Bulk amorphous steels based on Fe alloys", issued, US 7052561.

2)M. Brady, Y. Yamamoto, Z. P. Lu, C. T. Liu, P. J. Maziasz and B. A. Pint, "Al-Modification of Optimized Austenitic alloys", 2006, US 7744813, licensed.

3)劉雄軍,李睿,王輝,吳淵,呂昭平, "一種基於Ag基非晶合金製備納米多孔銀的方法", CN103255441A, 2013.8.21.

4)王輝,黃粒,呂昭平,吳淵,葉豐, "一種輕質高強閉孔泡沫鋁合金及其製備方法", CN103320637A, 2013.9.25.

5)呂昭平,陳子潘,高敬恩,杜清,吳淵,李睿,曹迪, "一種高強度鋁基大塊非晶複合材料", CN102719769A, 2012.10.10.

6)劉雄軍, 陳國良, 惠希東, 呂昭平, 陳曉華, "一種Zr-Cu-Al-Be系大塊非晶合金及其製備方法", CN101886234B , 2011.08.10.

7)吳沛宏,周星,羅麗飛,呂昭平,惠希東,陳曉華,朱明, "高柔順性的放射性粒子及植入方法", CN103301561A, 2013.9.18.


來自 網易 的圖片

8)吳沛宏,周星,羅麗飛,呂昭平,惠希東,陳曉華,朱明, "治療腫瘤的放射性粒子及植入方法", CN103301560A, 2013.9.18.

9)呂昭平, 李宏祥, 焦增寶, 吳淵, "高飽和磁化強度和高玻璃形成能力的鐵基軟磁材料", CN101604567B, 2011.09.21.

10)陳曉華, 陳國良, 張勇, 張寶玉, 惠希東, 呂昭平, 劉雄軍, "一種製備大尺寸塊體非晶複合材料的方法及裝置", CN101705457B, 2011.10.12.

11)呂昭平,高敬恩,陳子潘,杜清,吳淵,王輝,劉雄軍, "一種鐵鈷基內生非晶複合材料", CN102517523A, 2012.6.27.

12)呂昭平,徐向棋,郝剛領,王輝, "一種開孔泡沫鋼的製備方法", CN102392173A, 2012.3.28.

13)惠希東,周夏涼,陳曉華,吳一棟,戚玉鳳,王樹申,趙岩峰,周星,呂昭平, "一種含高鈀低銅的鈦基塊體非晶合金及製備方法", CN102277543A, 2011.12.14.

14)王輝,呂昭平,吳淵,陳國良, "一種利用廢舊泡沫鋁製備泡沫鋁夾芯板的方法", CN102139372A, 2011.3.8.

15)王輝,呂昭平,褚旭明,吳淵,陳國良, "一種高速列車地板和廂體結構材料的製備方法", CN102172792A, 2011.3.4.

16)林均品,楊帆,王輝,呂昭平,郝國建,劉敬春,陳國良, "一種高鈮鈦鋁多孔金屬間化合物梯度材料及其製備方法", CN101994043A, 2011.3.30.

17)王輝,呂昭平,楊帆,林均品,賀躍輝,陳國良, "一種梯度孔多孔高鈮鈦鋁合金的製備方法", CN101967578A, 2011.2.9.

18)呂昭平,徐向棋,陳國良,吳淵,張曉峰, "一種自發形成Al2O3保護層的奧氏體耐熱不鏽鋼", CN101906595A, 2010.12.8.

19)吳淵,呂昭平,陳國良,惠希東,張勇, "具有拉伸塑性和加工硬化能力的塊體金屬玻璃複合材料", CN101787501A, 2010, 2.5.


截至2019年4月,呂昭平獲國家自然科學二等獎1項(非晶合金領域),教育部自然科學一等獎1項(高熵合金領域)。1項成果遴選為"中國科學十大進展",1項成果遴選為美國物理學會"國際物理十大進展",1項成果獲美國"R&D 100 Award"。
















2007年,美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室"Significant Event Award"




來自 中華中醫藥學會 的圖片






2008年,《Chinese Science Bulletin》編委



2010年,《Materials Letters》編委


2012年,《Advances in Manufacturing》編委

2014年,《先進工程材料》 (Advanced Engineering Materials)諮詢委員會委員

2014年,《Journal of Science and Technology》編委





