多脈南星 |
中文名:多脈南星 拉丁學名:Arisaema costatum (Wall.) Mart. 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 綱:單子葉植物綱 目:澤瀉目 科:天南星科 族:天南星族 屬:天南星屬 種:多脈南星 分布區域:中國西藏 南部聶拉木 |
多脈南星(duō mài nán xīng,學名:Arisaema costatum):是單子葉植物綱天南星科天南星屬的植物。分布於尼泊爾以及中國大陸的雲南、西藏等地,生長於海拔2,300米至2,400米的地區,見於林間草地,目前尚未由人工引種栽培。 [1]
多脈南星 塊莖扁球形,直徑3-5厘米。鱗葉披針形,長漸狹,銳尖,展平寬約4厘米,內面的長達25厘米。葉1,葉柄綠色,常帶紫色,長30-55厘米,下部1/4-1/3具鞘,上部粗1厘米;
各附屬器具長5-8毫米、粗2-3毫米的柄,全長30-50厘米,暗紫色,基部擴大,基底截平,向上漸狹為線形,伸出佛焰苞後蜿蜒下垂。花期6月。 [2]
Arisaema costatum (Wall.) Mart. in Flora 14: 458. 1831, in nota; Blume in Rumphia 1: 101. 1835; Engl. in DC., Monogr. Phan. 2: 541. 1879, in Engl., Pflanzenr. 73 (4, 23F): 217. 1920; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 501. 1893; Hara, Fl. E. Himal. ed. 2: 332, Pl. 6: a et 17, fig. 50: C. 1971. ——Arum costatum Wallich, Tent. Fl. Nepal. 28, t. 19. 1824.
Plants dioecious. Tuber brown outside, white inside, depressed globose, 3-5 cm in diam. Cataphylls 3, ca. 50 × 25 cm, membranous. Leaf solitary; petiole green, often slightly purplish, terete, 30-50 cm, proximal 1/4-1/3 sheathing into pseudostem, ca. 1 cm in diam.; leaf blade 3-foliolate; leaflets pale green abaxially, deep green adaxially, shortly petiolulate or subsessile; terminal elliptic or oblong, 16-30 × 9-16 cm, base auriculate and rounded, inner base narrowly cuneate, apex acuminate; lateral veins very numerous and running almost parallel, distinctly raised abaxially, impressed adaxially. Peduncle emerging from pseudostem, shorter than petioles, 25-45 cm.
Spathe dark purple, with white longitudinal lines; tube cylindric, 4-8 cm, slightly costate inside, but in Xizang specimens almost smooth inside, throat margins slightly recurved; limb incurved, narrowly ovate-oblong, 3-4 cm, apex acuminate with a filiform tail. Spadix unisexual; female zone 2.4-3.5 cm; ovary green; style short; stigma white, disciform; appendix pendulous from spathe, dark purple, very long flagelliform, 20-50 cm, inflated toward base, base truncate, swollen disciform, with a stipe 3-5 mm, smooth throughout; male zone 2-3.7 cm; synandria of 3-5 stamens; connected filaments distinct; thecae dehiscing by a horseshoe-shaped slit. Fl. Jul.
Grasslands in forest areas; 2300-2400 m. S Xizang (Dinggyê, Nyalam) [Nepal].
Molecular phylogeny has revealed that Arisaema costatum is not closest to the other members of A. sect. Arisaema but is instead monophyletic with African species that have radiate leaves (Renner, Zhang & Murata, Amer. J. Bot. 91: 881-888. 2004).Molecular phylogeny has revealed that Arisaema costatum is not closest to the other members of A. sect. Arisaema but is instead monophyletic with African species that have radiate leaves (Renner, Zhang & Murata, Amer. J. Bot. 91: 881-888. 2004).
生長於海拔2300-2400米的林間草地。生長在河谷林下,林緣草甸, 林中。[3]
刺柄南星Arisaema asperatum N. E. Br.
滄江南星Arisaema bonatianum Engl.
多脈南星Arisaema costatum (Wall.) Mart.
會澤南星Arisaema dahaiense H. Li
粗序南星Arisaema dilatatum Buchet
象南星Arisaema elephas Buchet
冀檐南星Arisaema griffithii Schott
翼檐南星(原變種)Arisaema griffithii Schott var. griffithii
疣柄翼檐南星(變種)Arisaema griffithii Schott var. verrucosum (Schott) H. Hara
疣序南星Arisaema handelii Stapf ex Hand.-Mazz.
高原南星Arisaema intermedium Blume
凌雲南星Arisaema lingyunense H. Li
小南星Arisaema parvum N. E. Br. ex Hemsl.
藏南星Arisaema propinquum Schott
黑南星Arisaema rhombiforme Buchet
相嶺南星Arisaema smithii K. Krause
美麗南星Arisaema speciosum (Wall.) Mart.
騰衝南星Arisaema tengtsungense H. Li
網檐南星Arisaema utile Hook.f. ex Schott
川中南星Arisaema wilsonii Engl.
短柄川中南星(變種)Arisaema wilsonii Engl. var. forrestii Engl.
川中南星(原變種)Arisaema wilsoniiEngl. var. wilsonii
- ↑ 多脈南星, 植物智, 2020-01-18
- ↑ 會澤南星 .泛喜馬拉雅植物志[引用日期2014-05-03
- ↑ 會澤南星 .中國花木網[引用日期2014-05-03
- ↑ 《中國植物志》 第13(2)卷 (1979) >> 137頁 PDF >> 多脈南星 Arisaema costatum