宋友桂 |
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先後在華東地質學院、南京大學和蘭州大學獲學士、碩士和博士學位。2004年中國科學院地球環境研究所博士後出站後留所,歷任助研、副研和研究員,入選中科院西部之光人才計劃和陝西省中青年科技創新領軍人才。主要從事新生代地質與環境變化等方面研究工作。近期主要開展中亞乾旱區和黃土高原風塵堆積的年代學、黃土粉塵來源示蹤、礦物學和氣候環境變化的研究。主持和參加國家自然科學基金、國家973項目、重點研發、中科院、中國博士後科學基金項目和國際合作等多項課題, 發表論文120餘篇(SCI收錄論文70餘篇,第一作者/通訊作者SCI論文30餘篇),論文他引2000餘次,H指數為28。 曾獲中科院王寬城西部學者突出貢獻獎[3], 和陝西省科學進步一等獎。
外文名稱----Song Yougui
民 族 ---- 漢族
國 籍 ---- 中國
職 業 ---- 教育科研工作者
職 稱 ---- 博士
1992-1996 華東地質學院地質系 地質礦產勘查 工學學士
1996-1998 南京大學城市與資源學系 第四紀地質學 理學碩士
1998-2001 蘭州大學地理系 自然地理學 理學博士
2001-2004 中國科學院地球環境研究所 地質學 博士後
2004-,中國科學院地球環境研究所 第四紀地質學 助理研究員、副研究員、研究員
參加國家自然科學基金重大項目《漸新世以來亞洲內陸乾旱化與西風氣候演化》 ( 批准號:41290253) (2013.01-2017.12)
參加國家自然科學基金重大項目 《晚新生代青海湖高分辨率的古環境記錄及其對全球變化的意義》(批准號:405994200)(2005.01-2009.12)
Li Y,Song Y, 2020. Discussion of the paper "Loess genesis and worldwide distribution" by Yanrong Li, Wenhui Shi, Adnan Aydin, et al. Earth-Sci. Rev.: 103151.
Wang Q,Song Y, Li Y, 2020. Clay mineralogy of the upper Miocene-Pliocene red clay from the central Chinese Loess Plateau and its paleoclimate paleoclimate implications. Quat. Int., online: doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2019.11.039.
Cheng, L.,Song, Y., Sun, H., Bradák, B., Orozbaev, R., Zong, X., Liu, H., 2020.Pronounced changes in paleo-wind direction and dust sources during MIS3b recorded in the Tacheng loess, northwest China.Quaternary International,online: 1-13.doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2019.05.002.
Sun H,Song Y, Chen X, Cheng L, Liu H. Holocene dust deposition in the Ili Basin and its implications for climate variations in Westerlies-dominated Central Asia.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 550:109731
Cheng L,Song Y, Chang H, Li Y, Orozbaev R, Zeng M, Liu H, 2020. Heavy mineral assemblages and sedimentation rates of eastern Central Asian loess: Paleoenvironmental implications.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.551:109747.
Miao Y,Song Y, Li Y, Yang S, Li Y, Zhao Y, Zeng M, 2020. Late Pleistocene fire in the Ili Basin, Central Asia, and its potential links to paleoclimate change and human activities. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 547: 109700.
Yu S-Y, Hou Z, Chen X, Wang Y,Song Y, Gao M, Pan J, Sun M, Fang H, Han J, Kidder T R, Chen F-H, 2020. Extreme flooding of the lower Yellow River near the Northgrippian-Meghalayan boundary: Evidence from the Shilipu archaeological site in southwestern Shandong Province, China. Geomorphology, 350: 106878.
Cheng, L.,Song, Y., Sun, H., Rustam, O., Spatio-temporal distribution of dust sedimentation rate of Tianshan loess since MIS3and its implications.Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2019,39(1): 143-153 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Dong, H.,Song, Y., Zhang, M., Hydrological trend of Qinghai Lake over the last 60 years: driven by climate variations or human activities?Journal of Water and Climate Change, 2019,10(3): 524-534.
Dong, Y.,Song, Y., Zhang, M., Lan, M., Fu, X., Liu, H., Ning, Q., Several Key Basic Geological Problems on the Development of the Guanzhong Urban Agglomeration.Northwestern Geology, 2019,52(2): 12-26 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Li, Y.,Song, Y., Kaskaoutis, D.G., Chen, X., Mamadjanov, Y., Tan, L., Atmospheric dust dynamics in southern Central Asia: Implications for buildup of Tajikistan loess sediments.Atmospheric Research, 2019,229: 74-85.
Li, Y.,Song, Y., Qiang, M., Miao, Y., Zeng, M., Atmospheric Dust Variations in the Ili Basin, Northwest China, During the Last Glacial Period as Revealed by a High Mountain Loess-Paleosol Sequence.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2019,124(15): 8449-8466.
Li, Y.,Song, Y., Yin, Q., Han, L., Wang, Y., Orbital and millennial northern mid-latitude westerlies over the last glacial period.Climate Dynamics, 2019,53(5): 3315-3324.
Li, Y.,Song, Y., Zong, X., Zhang, Z., Cheng, L., Dust accumulation processes of piedmont loess indicated by grain-size end members in northern Ili Basin.Acta Geographica Sinica, 2019,74(1): 162-177 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Song, Y., Zong, X., Li, Y., Rustam, O., Yuns, M., Jamshed, A., Loess sediments and rapid climate oscillation during the last glacial period in the westerlies-dominated Central Asia.Quaternary Sciences, 2019,39(3): 535-548.
Zeng, M.,Song, Y., Li, Y., Fu, C., Qiang, X., Chang, H., Zhu, L., Zhang, Z., Cheng, L., Yang, G., The relationship between environmental factors and magnetic susceptibility in the Ili loess, Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia.Geological Journal, 2019,54(4): 1889-1901.
Cheng, L.,Song, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, Z., Preliminary Application of Grain Size End Member Model for Dust Source Tracing of Xinjiang Loess and Paleoclimate Reconstruction.Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2018,36(6): 1148-1156 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Cheng, L.,Song, Y., Sun, H., Zong, X., Orozbaev, R., Paleowind direction variations revealed by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of loess deposits in north Xinjiang since the last glacial period.Arid Land Geography, 2018,41(4): 771-779 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Li, Y.,Song, Y., Fitzsimmons, K.E., Chang, H., Orozbaev, R., Li, X., Eolian dust dispersal patterns since the last glacial period in eastern Central Asia: insights from a loess-paleosol sequence in the Ili Basin.Climate of the Past, 2018,14(3): 271-286.
Li, Y.,Song, Y., Fitzsimmons, K.E., Chen, X., Wang, Q., Sun, H., Zhang, Z., New evidence for the provenance and formation of loess deposits in the Ili River Basin, Arid Central Asia.Aeolian Research, 2018,35: 1-8.
Li, Y.,Song, Y., Zeng, M., Lin, W., Orozbaev, R., Cheng, L., Chen, X., Halmurat, T., Evaluating the paleoclimatic significance of clay mineral records from a late Pleistocene loess-paleosol section of the Ili Basin, Central Asia.Quaternary Research, 2018,89(3): 660-673.
Luo, Z., Su, Q., Wang, Z., Heermance, R.V., Garzione, C., Li, M., Ren, X.,Song, Y., Nie, J., Orbital forcing of Plio-Pleistocene climate variation in a Qaidam Basin lake based on paleomagnetic and evaporite mineralogic analysis.Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 2018,510: 31-39.
Peng, W., Nie, J., Wang, Z., Qiang, X., Garzanti, E., Pfaff, K.,Song, Y., Stevens, T., A major change in precipitation gradient on the Chinese Loess Plateau at the Pliocene-Quaternary boundary.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2018,155: 134-138.
Song, Y., Fang, X., Chen, X., Torii, M., Ishikawa, N., Zhang, M., Yang, S., Chan, H., Rock magnetic record of late Neogene red clay sediments from the Chinese Loess Plateau and its implications for East Asian monsoon evolution.Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 2018,510: 109-123.
Song, Y., Li, Y., Wang, Q., Dong, H., Zhang, Z., Orozbaev, R., Effect of chemical pretreatments on magnetic susceptibility of loess from Central Asia and the Chinese Loess Plateau.Rsc Advances, 2018,8(20): 11087-11094.
Song, Y., Luo, D., Du, J., Kang, S., Cheng, P., Fu, C., Guo, X., Radiometric dating of late Quaternary loess in the northern piedmont of South Tianshan Mountains: Implications for reliable dating.Geological Journal, 2018,53: 417-426.
Song, Y., Wang, Q., An, Z., Qiang, X., Dong, J., Chang, H., Zhang, M., Guo, X., Mid-Miocene climatic optimum: Clay mineral evidence from the red clay succession, Longzhong Basin, Northern China.Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 2018,512: 46-55.
Song, Y., Zeng, M., Chen, X., Li, Y., Chang, H., An, Z., Guo, X., Abrupt climatic events recorded by the Ili loess during the last glaciation in Central Asia: Evidence from grain-size and minerals.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2018,155: 58-67.
Sun, H.,Song, Y., Li, Y., Chen, X., Orozbaev, R., Magnetic susceptibility and grain size records of Bole loess section in the northern piedmont of Tianshan Mountains and their implications for paleoclimatic changes.Journal of Earth Environment, 2018,9(2): 123-136 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Wang, Q.,Song, Y., Clay minerals and major elements concentrations of Zhuanglang Miocene red clay in Longzhong Basin, China.Data in brief, 2018,17: 297-304.
Zong, X.,Song, Y., Li, Y., Earthworm Calcite Granule A New Proxy for Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction.Advance in Earth Sciences, 2018,33(9): 983-993 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Chang, H., An, Z., Wu, F.,Song, Y., Qiang, X., Li, L., Late Miocene - early Pleistocene climate change in the mid-latitude westerlies and their influence on Asian monsoon as constrained by the K/Al ratio record from drill core Ls2 in the Tarim Basin.Catena, 2017,153: 75-82.
Chen, X.,Song, Y., Li, J., Fang, H., Li, Z., Liu, X., Li, Y., Orozbaev, R., Size-differentiated REE characteristics and environmental significance of aeolian sediments in the Ili Basin of Xinjiang, NW China.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2017,143: 30-38.
Ji, S., Nie, J., Breecker, D.O., Luo, Z.,Song, Y., Intensified aridity in northern China during the middle Piacenzian warm period.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2017,147: 222-225.
Lin, W.,Song, Y., A comparative study on X-ray diffraction mineral quantitative analysis of two methods in sediments.Journal of Earth Environment, 2017,8(1): 78-87 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Lu, F., An, Z., Chang, H., Dodson, J., Qiang, X., Yan, H., Dong, J.,Song, Y., Fu, C., Li, X., Climate change and tectonic activity during the early Pliocene Warm Period from the ostracod record at Lake Qinghai, northeastern Tibetan Plateau.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2017,138: 466-476.
Nie, J., Garzione, C., Su, Q., Liu, Q., Zhang, R., Heslop, D., Necula, C., Zhang, S.,Song, Y., Luo, Z., Dominant 100,000-year precipitation cyclicity in a late Miocene lake from northeast Tibet.Science Advances, 2017,3(3).
Song, Y., Li, Y., Li, Y., An, Z., Cheng, L., Sun, H., Orozbaev, R., North Atlantic Abrupt Climate Signals during the Last Glacial Period in Central Asia: Evidences from Aeolian Loess Sediments.Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 2017,91(5): 1942-1943.
Wu, L., Zhu, C., Ma, C., Li, F., Meng, H., Liu, H., Li, L., Wang, X., Sun, W.,Song, Y., Mid-Holocene palaeoflood events recorded at the Zhongqiao Neolithic cultural site in the Jianghan Plain, middle Yangtze River Valley, China.Quaternary Science Reviews, 2017,173: 145-160.
Yan, Y., An, C., Miao, Y.,Song, Y., Yang, S., Cai, X., Relationship between color index of modern surface sediment and climate parameters in the region of Xinjiang and Qinghai.Arid Land Geography, 2017,40(2): 355-364 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Zeng, M., Zhu, C.,Song, Y., Ma, C., Yang, Z., Paleoenvironment change and its impact on carbon and nitrogen accumulation in the Zoige wetland, northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau over the past 14,000 years.Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 2017,18(4): 1775-1792.
Zhao, J., Wen, Z., Ma, Y., Huang, X.,Song, Y., The Sediment on Floodplain and Flood Changes at Caodian Village in the Northern Suburb of Xi'an.Geological Review, 2017,63(2): 326-336 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Chen, T.,Song, Y., Li, Y., Wind-blown Sand Activities in the Qaidam Basin during the Last Glacial Maximum and the Holocene Megathermal Period.Arid Zone Research, 2016,33(4): 877-883 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Li, Y.,Song, Y., Chen, X., Li, J., Mamadjanov, Y., Aminov, J., Geochemical composition of Tajikistan loess and its provenance implications.Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 2016,446: 186-194.
Li, Y.,Song, Y., Lai, Z., Han, L., An, Z., Rapid and cyclic dust accumulation during MIS 2 in Central Asia inferred from loess OSL dating and grain-size analysis.Scientific Reports, 2016,6.
Nie, J.,Song, Y., King, J.W., A Review of Recent Advances in Red-Clay Environmental Magnetism and Paleoclimate History on the Chinese Loess Plateau.Frontiers in Earth Science, 2016,4.
Peng, W., Wang, Z.,Song, Y., Pfaff, K., Luo, Z., Nie, J., Chen, W., A comparison of heavy mineral assemblage between the loess and the Red Clay sequences on the Chinese Loess Plateau.Aeolian Research, 2016,21: 87-91.
Tan, L.,Song, Y., Cai, Y., An, Z., Orozbaev, R., Mamadjanov, Y., Edwards, L.R., Cheng, H., Li, D., Li, Y., Preliminary Studies of Speleothem in Central Asia.Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 2016,90(6): 2279-2280.
Wang, Q.,Song, Y., Zhao, Z., Li, J., Color characteristics of Chinese loess and its paleoclimatic significance during the last glacial-interglacial cycle.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2016,116: 132-138.
Zeng, M., Ma, C., Zhu, C.,Song, Y., Zhu, T., He, K., Chen, J., Huang, M., Jia, T., Guo, T., Influence of climate change on the evolution of ancient culture from 4500 to 3700 cal. yr BP in the Chengdu Plain, upper reaches of the Yangtze River, China.Catena, 2016,147: 742-754.
Kang, S., Wang, X., Lu, Y., Liu, W.,Song, Y., Wang, N., A high-resolution quartz OSL chronology of the Talede loess over the past similar to 30 ka and its implications for dust accumulation in the Ili Basin, Central Asia.Quaternary Geochronology, 2015,30: 181-187.
Li, Y.,Song, Y., Yan, L., Chen, T., An, Z., Timing and Spatial Distribution of Loess in Xinjiang, NW China.Plos One, 2015,10(5).
Song, Y., Lai, Z., Li, Y., Chen, T., Wang, Y., Comparison between luminescence and radiocarbon dating of late Quaternary loess from the Ili Basin in Central Asia.Quaternary Geochronology, 2015,30: 405-410.
Wang, Q.,Song, Y., Li, J., Zhao, Z., Rong, P., Characteristics of Color in Chaona Section and Its Paleoclimatic Significance During the Last Glacial-interglacial Cycle.Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015,35(11): 1489-1494 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Wu, L., Zhu, C., Li, F., Ma, C., Li, L., Meng, H., Liu, H., Wang, X., Tan, Y.,Song, Y., Prehistoric flood events recorded at the Zhongqiao Neolithic Site in the Jianghan Plain, Central China.Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015,70(7): 1149-1164 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Chang, H., An, Z., Liu, W., Ao, H., Qiang, X.,Song, Y., Lai, Z., Quaternary structural partitioning within the rigid Tarim plate inferred from magnetostratigraphy and sedimentation rate in the eastern Tarim Basin in China.Quaternary Research, 2014,81(3): 424-432.
Chang, H., An, Z., Liu, W., Wu, F., Qiang, X.,Song, Y., Late Miocene-early Pleistocene paleoproductivity variations of the Lop Nor in the Tarim Basin and its implications on aridification in Asian Interior.Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014,59(28): 3650-3658.
Dong, H.,Song, Y., Chen, T., Zhao, J., Yu, L., Geoconservation and geotourism in Luochuan Loess National Geopark, China.Quaternary International, 2014,334: 40-51.
Li, C.,Song, Y., The characteristics of distribution of trace elements and their paleoclimatic implications at the Zhaosu Loess Section in Westerly Area since the Last Glacial Period.Journal of Earth Environment, 2014,5(2): 56-66 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Li, X.,Song, Y., Variation in loss on ignition of the Nilka loess section in the Yili basin and its impact factors.Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2014,34(5): 127-135 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Li, Y.,Song, Y., Nie, J., Sun, B., Tracing the Provenance of Loess and Red Clay on the Chinese Loess Plateau Using the U-Pb Dating and Single-size Zircon Size.Geological Review, 2014,60(2): 380-388 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Li, Y.,Song, Y., Wang, Q., Chroma characteristics in the Zhaosu loess section and its paleoclimatic significance.Journal of Earth Environment, 2014,5(2): 67-75 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Li, Y.,Song, Y., Yan, L., Chen, T., Formation of the Tacheng Loess, Xinjiang.Journal of Earth Environment, 2014,5(2): 127-134 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Liang, L., Sun, Y., Beets Christiaan, J.,Song, Y., Characteristics of carbonate minerals in loess and its implication for chemical weathering.Quaternary Sciences, 2014,34(3): 645-653.
Nie, J., Peng, W., Moeller, A.,Song, Y., Stockli, D.F., Stevens, T., Horton, B.K., Liu, S., Bird, A., Oalmann, J., Gong, H., Fang, X., Provenance of the upper Miocene-Pliocene Red Clay deposits of the Chinese loess plateau.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2014,407: 35-47.
Nie, J., Stevens, T.,Song, Y., King, J.W., Zhang, R., Ji, S., Gong, L., Cares, D., Pacific freshening drives Pliocene cooling and Asian monsoon intensification.Scientific Reports, 2014,4.
Song, Y., Chen, X., Qian, L., Li, C., Li, Y., Li, X., Chang, H., An, Z., Distribution and composition of loess sediments in the Ili Basin, Central Asia.Quaternary International, 2014,334: 61-73.
Song, Y., Fang, X., King, J.W., Li, J., Naoto, I., An, Z., Magnetic parameter variations in the Chaona loess/paleosol sequences in the central Chinese Loess Plateau, and their, significance for the middle Pleistocene climate transition.Quaternary Research, 2014,81(3): 433-444.
Song, Y., Li, Y., Chen, X., Li, Y., Mineralogical and REE geochemical compositions of Tajikistan loess.Journal of Earth Environment, 2014,5(2): 145-154 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Yang, S., Forman, S.L.,Song, Y., Pierson, J., Mazzocco, J., Li, X., Shi, Z., Fang, X., Evaluating OSL-SAR protocols for dating quartz grains from the loess in Ili Basin, Central Asia.Quaternary Geochronology, 2014,20: 78-88.
Zeng, M.,Song, Y., Magnetic susceptibility characteristics of near-surface loess in the Ili basin, Xinjiang.Journal of Earth Environment, 2014,5(2): 135-144 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Zeng, M.,Song, Y., An, Z., Chang, H., Li, Y., Clay mineral records of the Erlangjian drill core sediments from the Lake Qinghai Basin, China.Science China-Earth Sciences, 2014,57(8): 1846-1859.
Chang, H., An, Z., Wu, F., Jin, Z., Liu, W.,Song, Y., A Rb/Sr record of the weathering response to environmental changes in westerly winds across the Tarim Basin in the late Miocene to the early Pleistocene.Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 2013,386: 364-373.
Fu, C., An, Z., Qiang, X., Bloemendal, J.,Song, Y., Chang, H., Magnetostratigraphic determination of the age of ancient Lake Qinghai, and record of the East Asian monsoon since 4.63 Ma.Geology, 2013,41(8): 875-878.
Guo, L., Chen, X.,Song, Y., Jia, L., Characteristics of Rare Earth Elements in Loess Profiles in the Ili Basin,Xinjiang.Arid Zone Research, 2013,30(6): 1004-1012 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Li, C.,Song, Y., Qiang, X., Effects of different components on magnetic susceptibility of the Ili eolian loess.Progress in Geophysiscs, 2013,28(2): 747-753 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Li, C.,Song, Y., Wang, L., The research progress on Ili loess.Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2013,33(1): 145-152 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Li, M., Fang, X., Wang, J.,Song, Y., Yang, Y., Zhang, W., Liu, X., Evaporite minerals of the lower 538.5 m sediments in a long core from the Western Qaidam Basin, Tibet.Quaternary International, 2013,298: 123-133.
Li, X.,Song, Y., Climate change characteristics and causes in Zhaosu of Xinjiang over the last 55 years.Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2013,27(10): 133-138 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Li, Y.,Song, Y., Qian, L., Li, X., Qiang, X., An, Z., Paleomagnetic and Fission-Track Dating of a Late Cenozoic Red Earth Section in the Liupan Shan and Associated Tectonic Implications.Journal of Earth Science, 2013,24(4): 506-518.
Nie, J., Peng, W., Pfaff, K., Moeller, A., Garzanti, E., Ando, S., Stevens, T., Bird, A., Chang, H.,Song, Y., Liu, S., Ji, S., Controlling factors on heavy mineral assemblages in Chinese loess and Red Clay.Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 2013,381: 110-118.
Nie, J.,Song, Y., King, J.W., Zhang, R., Fang, X., Six million years of magnetic grain-size records reveal that temperature and precipitation were decoupled on the Chinese Loess Plateau during similar to 4.5-2.6 Ma.Quaternary Research, 2013,79(3): 465-470.
Zeng, M.,Song, Y., Mineral Composition and Their Weathering Significance of Zhaosu Loess-Paleosol Sequence in the Ili Basin, Xinjiang.Geological Review, 2013,59(3): 575-586. (in Chinese with English abstract).
Zeng, M.,Song, Y., Carbonate minerals of Zhaosu loess section in westerly area and their paleoenvironmental significance.Quaternary Sciences, 2013,33(3): 424-436.
Zeng, M.,Song, Y., Application of the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm to X-Ray Diffraction Quantitative Phase Analysis.Earth Science, 2013,38(2): 431-440 (in Chinese with English abstract).
An, Z., Colman, S.M., Zhou, W., Li, X., Brown, E.T., Jull, A.J.T., Cai, Y., Huang, Y., Lu, X., Chang, H.,Song, Y., Sun, Y., Xu, H., Liu, W., Jin, Z., Liu, X., Cheng, P., Liu, Y., Ai, L., Li, X., Liu, X., Yan, L., Shi, Z., Wang, X., Wu, F., Qiang, X., Dong, J., Lu, F., Xu, X., Interplay between the Westerlies and Asian monsoon recorded in Lake Qinghai sediments since 32 ka.Scientific Reports, 2012,2.
Chang, H., An, Z., Liu, W., Qiang, X.,Song, Y., Ao, H., Magnetostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental records for a Late Cenozoic sedimentary sequence drilled from Lop Nor in the eastern Tarim Basin.Global and Planetary Change, 2012,80-81: 113-122.
Chang, H., Ao, H., An, Z., Fang, X.,Song, Y., Qiang, X., Magnetostratigraphy of the Suerkuli Basin indicates Pliocene (3.2 Ma) activity of the middle Altyn Tagh Fault, northern Tibetan Plateau.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2012,44: 169-175.
Li, C.,Song, Y., Differences in the Formation Environment of Loess and Paleosol in Ili Region,Xinjiang,China.Journal of Desert Research, 2012,32(5): 1256-1262.
Li, C.,Song, Y., Wang, L., Geochemical Characteristics and Paleoen-Vironmental Significance of the Loess in the Ili Region,Xinjiang.Xinjiang Geology, 2012,30(1): 103-108 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Li, C.,Song, Y., Wang, L., Distribution,Age and Dust Sources of Loess in the Ili Basin.Earth and Environment, 2012,40(3): 314-320 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Nie, J., Zan, J.,Song, Y., Recent advances in red clay environmental magnetism on the Chinese Loess Plateau.Quaternary Sciences, 2012,32(4): 576-587.
Song, Y., Li, C., Zhao, J., Cheng, P., Zeng, M., A combined luminescence and radiocarbon dating study of the Ili loess, Central Asia.Quaternary Geochronology, 2012,10: 2-7.
Song, Y.G., Paleoclimatic implication of temperature-dependence of susceptibility of Tianshan loess, Central Asia.Advanced Science Letters, 2012,6: 167-172.
Zeng, M.,Song, Y., Study on the Influencing Factors of the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm for X-ray Diffraction Quantitative Phase Analysis.Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2012,31(5): 798-806 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Zhao, J., Chen, H.,Song, Y., Sun, Y., Determination of quartz content and crystallinity index from loess samples.Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2012,32(5): 131-135 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Zhao, J., Lai, Z., Liu, S.,Song, Y., Li, Z., Yin, X., OSL and ESR dating of glacial deposits and its implications for glacial landform evolution in the Bogeda Peak area, Tianshan range, China.Quaternary Geochronology, 2012,10: 237-243.
Ai, L., Qiang, X.-K.,Song, Y.-G., Ao, H., An, Z.-S., Identification of greigite in the late Pleistocene sediments of Lake Qinghai and its environmental implications.Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 2011,54(9): 2309-2316 (in Chinese with English abstract).
He, W.,Song, Y., Zhang, C., Zhang, Q., Mineral elements exchange patterns in biogeochemical cycle of Jinshuihe River Basin.Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2011,20(2): 217-225(in Chinese with English abstract).
Li, C.,Song, Y., Differences in Magnetic Susceptibility Enhancement in Ili Loess, Xinjiang.Acta Geoscientia Sinica, 2011,32(1): 80-86 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Li, C.,Song, Y., Chemical Weathering Characteristics and Controlling Factors of the Ili Loess,Xinjiang.Geological Journal of China Universities, 2011,17(4): 611-619 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Li, C.,Song, Y., Qian, L., Wang, L., History of Climate Change Recorded by Grain Size at the Zhaosu Loess Section in the Central Asia since the Last Glacial Period.Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2011,29(6): 1170-1179 (in Chinese with English abstract).
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- ↑ 宋友桂 ,中國科學院大學
- ↑ 中國科學院大學研究生導師教師師資介紹簡介-宋友桂 ,中國科學院大學, 2020-04-28
- ↑ 地環所宋友桂獲王寬誠西部學者突出貢獻獎 ,中國科學院