寬葉獨行菜 |
中文學名:寬葉獨行菜 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 綱:雙子葉植物綱 目:十字花目 科:十字花科 屬:獨行菜屬 |
寬葉獨行菜(kuān yè dú xíng cài),學名:Lepidium latifolium Linnaeus,俗名:光果寬葉獨行菜,異名:Lepidium latifolium var. affine Lepidium affine Lepidium latifolium var. mongolicum Lepidium latifolium subsp. sibiricum Lepidium latifolium subsp. affine ,為十字花科獨行菜屬的植物。多年生草本,高30-150厘米;莖直立,上部多分枝,基部稍木質化,無毛或疏生單毛。基生葉及莖下部葉革質,長圓披針形或卵形,頂端急尖或圓鈍,基部楔形,全緣或有牙齒,兩面有柔毛;葉柄長1-3厘米,莖上部葉披針形或長圓狀橢圓形,總狀花序圓錐狀;萼片脫落,卵狀長圓形或近圓形,長約1毫米,頂端圓形;花瓣白色,倒卵形,頂端圓形,爪明顯或不明顯;雄蕊6。短角果寬卵形或近圓形,頂端全緣,基部圓鈍,無翅,有柔毛,花柱極短;果梗長2-3毫米。種子寬橢圓形,長約1毫米,壓扁,淺棕色,花期5-7月,果期7-9月。
Lepidium affine Ledebour; L. latifolium subsp. affine (Ledebour) Kitagawa; L. latifolium var. affine (Ledebour) C. A. Meyer; L. latifolium subsp. sibiricum Thellung; L. sibiricum Schweigger (1812), not Pallas (1776).
Herbs perennial, (20-)35-120(-150) cm tall. Stems erect, many branched above, slightly woody at base, glabrous or pubescent, often glaucous. Leaves leathery; petiole of basal and lower cauline leaves 1-7(-11) cm; leaf blade elliptic-ovate or oblong, (2-)3.5-15(-25) × (0.5-)1.5-5(-8) cm, glabrous or pubescent with usually curved trichomes, base attenuate, margin usually serrate, apex obtuse to subacute.
Upper cauline leaves subsessile or sessile; leaf blade elliptic-ovate, oblong, or lanceolate, 1-9 × 0.3-4.5 cm, base cuneate, not auriculate, margin serrate or entire, apex acute. Infructescence paniculate, ultimate branches subcapitate. Fruiting pedicels slender, 2-5(-6) mm, glabrous or rarely pubescent. Sepals deciduous, oblong or suborbicular, 1-1.4 × 0.8-0.9 mm, glabrous or pubescent, white at margin and apex.
Petals white, obovate, 1.8-2.5 × (0.8-)1-1.3 mm, apex rounded; claw 0.7-1 mm. Stamens 6; filaments 0.9-1.4 mm; anthers ovate, 0.4-0.5 mm. Fruit oblong-elliptic, ovate-elliptic, or suborbicular, (1.6-)1.8-2.4(-2.7) × 1.3-1.8 mm, pubescent or glabrous, not carinate, wingless, base rounded; apical notch absent or obsolete; style obsolete. Seeds light brown, oblong-ovate, (0.8-)1-1.3 × 0.7-0.9 mm, compressed, wingless, finely papillate; cotyledons incumbent. Fl. May-Sep, fr. Jun-Oct. 2n = 24.
Lepidium latifolium L. Sp. Pl. 644. 1753; Hook. f. et Thoms. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 175. 1861; Hook. f. et T. Anders. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 1: 160. 1872; N. Butch in Kom. Fl. URSS 8: 515. 1939; J. de Carvalho e Vasconcellos in Fl. Europ. 1: 332. 1964; Hedge in Davis, Fl. Turk. 1: 284. 1965 et in Rechinger, Fl. Iran. 57: 68. 1968; Jafri, Fl. West Pakist. 55: 60. fig. 5C 1973; 內蒙古植物志2: 309. 圖版162, 圖1-11. 1979.