2007 – 2013 北京林業大學,林學院森林培育學科 博士
2003 – 2007 中南林業科技大學,林學院林學 學士
2017.01 – 至今 北京林業大學,林學院森林培育學科 副教授
2013.07 – 2017.01 北京林業大學,林學院森林培育學科 講師
[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,31872702,2019/01–2022/12,60萬元,主持
[2] 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目,2018ZY26,2018/05–2019/12,15萬元,主持
[3] 「十三五」國家重點研發計劃課題研究任務」黃泛平原區毛白楊精準水肥智能調控及樹體結構調控技術研究」,2015BAD09B02,2016/07–2020/12,97.78萬元,主持
[4] 「十二五」農村領域國家科技計劃課題研究任務,2015BAD09B02,2015/01–2019/12,50萬元,主持
[5] 國家自然科學基金青年項目,31400532,2015/01–2017/12,25萬元,主持
[6] 北京林業大學新進教師科研啟動基金項目,BLX2013018,2013/07–2015/07,8萬元,主持
[1] Nan Di, Ye Wang, Brent Clothier, Yang Liu, Liming Jia, Benye Xi*, Haixiang Shi. 2019. Modeling soil evaporation and the response of the crop coefficient to leaf area index in mature Populus tomentosa plantations growing under different soil water availabilities. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 264, 125-137.
[2] Ye Wang, Guangde Li, Nan Di, Brent Clothier, Jie Duan, Doudou Li, Liming Jia, Benye Xi*, Fengfeng Ma. 2018. Leaf phenology variation within canopy and its relationship with transpiration of Populus tomentosa under plantation condition. Forests, 9, 603; doi:10.3390/f9100603.
[3] Jinqiang Liu, Ruina Zhang, Huanhuan Liu, Jie Duan, Jia Kang, Zemin Guo, Benye Xi*, Zhiguo Cao*. 2018. Methodology for assessing the air purification abilities of tree species quantitatively and accurately. JOVE, (140), e58026, doi:10.3791/58026.
[4] Benye Xi, Nan Di, Jinqiang Liu, Ruina Zhang, Zhiguo Cao. 2018. Hydrologic regulation of plant rooting depth: Pay attention to the widespread scenario with intense seasonal groundwater table fluctuation. PNAS, 10.1073/pnas.1803987115.
[5] Jinqiang Liu, Zhiguo Cao, Songyan Zou, Huanhuan Liu, Xiao Hai, Shuhua Wang, Jie Duan*, Benye Xi*, Shaowei Zhang, Zhongkui Jia. 2018. A comprehensive investigation of the retention capacity, efficiency and mechanism for atmospheric particulate matter of greening tree leaves in Beijing, China. Science of the Total Environment, 616-617, 417-426.
[6] Nan Di, Yang Liu, Donald J. Mead, Yuqi Xie, Liming Jia*, Benye Xi*. Root system characteristics of plantation-grown Populus tomentosa adapted to seasonal fluctuation in the groundwater table. Trees-Structure and Function, 2018, DOI 10.1007/s00468-017-1619-2.
[7] Zhiguo Cao, Mengmeng Wang, Qiaoying Chen, Yajie Zhang, Wenjing Dong, Tianfang Yang, Guangxuan Yan, Xin Zhang, Yunqing Pi, Benye Xi*, Qingwei Bu*. 2018. Preliminary assessment on exposure of four typical populations to potentially toxic metals by means of skinwipes under the influence of haze pollution. Science of the Total Environment, 613-614, 886-893.
[8] Benye Xi, Nan Di, Ye Wang, Jie Duan, Liming Jia. 2017. Modeling stand water use response to soil water availability and groundwater level for a mature Populus tomentosa plantation located on the North China Plain. Forest Ecology and Management, 391, 63-74.
[9] Benye Xi, Mark Bloomberg, Michael Watt, Ye Wang, Liming Jia. 2016. Modeling growth response to soil water availability simulated by HYDRUS for a mature triploid Populus tomentosa plantation located on the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 176, 243-254.
[10] Ye Wang#, Benye Xi#, et al. 2015. Response of diameter growth, biomass allocation and N uptake to N fertigation in a triploid Populus tomentosa planatation in the North China Plain: Ontogenetic shift does not exclude plasticity. European Journal of Forest Research, 134, 889-898.
[11] Xiaoli Yan#, Benye Xi#, et al. 2015. Response of sap flow to flooding in plantations of irrigated and non-irrigated triploid poplar. Journal of Forestry Research, 20, 375-385.
[12] Benye Xi, Guangde Li, et al. 2014. The effects of subsurface irrigation at different soil water potential thresholds on the growth and transpiration of Populus tomentosa in the North China Plain. Australian Forestry, 77(3-4), 159-167.
[13] Benye Xi, Ye Wang, et al. 2013. Characteristics of fine root system and water uptake in a triploid Populus tomentosa plantation in the North China Plain: Implications for irrigation water management. Agricultural Water Management, 117, 83-92.
[14] Benye Xi, Ping Wang, et al. 2013. Optimal coupling combinations among discharge rate, lateral depth and irrigation frequency for subsurface drip-irrigated triploid Populus tomentosa pulp plantation. Life Science Journal, 10(1): 4466-4476.
[15] 李廣德, 張亞雄, 時海香, 王斐, 賈黎明, 席本野*. 2018. 修枝對8年生三倍體毛白楊生長及生理的短期影響. 中南林業科技大學學報, 38(2), 30-35.
[16] 沈墨海, 董文靜, 王夢蕾, 楊帥, 唐連峰, 任浩, 吳培培, 孫麗芳, 王世華, 曹治國*, 席本野*. 2018. 道路灰塵中重金屬的污染特徵及其與道路等級的關係——以北京和鄭州為例. 環境化學, 37(5), 942-951.
[17] 劉洋, 王燁, 邸楠, 鄧坦, 王斐, 於召斌, 席本野*, 李廣德, 賈黎明. 2018. 寬窄行栽植下毛白楊不同方位樹幹液流的差異. 中南林業科技大學學報(自然科學版), 38(10), 126-136.
[18] 席本野*, 邸楠, 等. 2018. 樹木深層土壤水吸收利用特徵與機制:對人工林培育的啟示. 植物生態學報. (錄用待刊)
[19] 趙小寧, 席冬冬, 席本野, 等. 2018. 新鄉市冬春季PM2.5中水溶性離子及重金屬的污染特徵及源解析. 環境科學學報, DOI: 10.13671/j.hjkxxb.2018.0159.
[20] 賀曰林, 王燁, 張宏錦, 席本野, 等. 2018. 地表滴灌水氮耦合對毛白楊幼林生長及土壤水氮分布的影響. 農業工程學報, 34(20), 90-98.(EI)
[21] 李豆豆#, 席本野#, 等. 2018. 毛白楊葉片膨壓變化規律及其對氣象因子的響應. 植物生態學報.(錄用待刊)
[22] 李豆豆, 席本野, 等. 2018. 砂壤土下滴灌毛白楊林地土壤水分運移規律與模擬. 林業科學. (錄用待刊)
[23] 劉歡歡, 曹治國, 賈黎明, 席本野*. 2016. 基於超聲清洗的植物葉片吸滯大氣顆粒物定量評估研究——以銀杏為例. 林業科學. 52(12), 133-140.(EI)
[24] 劉金強, 曹治國, 劉歡歡, 張少偉, 賈忠奎, 席本野*. 2016. 基於超聲清洗的樹木葉面顆粒物粒徑分布與吸滯效率研究——以銀杏和油松為例. 植物生態學報, 40(8), 798-809.
[25] 曹治國, 沈墨海, 李田田, 席本野*. 2016. 冬季若干典型城市大氣污染模式及跨區域傳輸. 環境科學與技術. 39(S1), 205-210.
[26] 戴騰飛, 席本野, 等. 2015. 施肥方式和施氮量對歐美108楊人工林土壤氮素垂向運移的影響. 應用生態學報, 26(6), 1641-1648.
[27] 張志丹, 席本野, 等. 2014. 植物葉片吸滯PM2.5等大氣顆粒物定量研究方法初探——以毛白楊為例. 應用生態學報, 25(8), 2238-2242.
[28] 邸楠#, 席本野#, 等. 2013. 寬窄行栽植下三倍體毛白楊根系生物量分布及其對土壤養分因子的響應. 植物生態學報, , 37(10), 961-971.
[29] 王燁, 席本野, 等. 2013. 造紙廢水灌溉對毛白楊苗木生長及養分狀況的影響. 生態學報, 33(5), 1626-1635.
[30] 席本野, 王燁, 等. 2012. 地下滴灌下土壤水勢對毛白楊紙漿林生長及生理特性的影響. 生態學報, 32(17): 5318-5329.
[31] 席本野, 王燁, 等. 2011. 寬窄行栽植模式下三倍體毛白楊根系分布特徵及其與根系吸水的關係. 生態學報, 31(1), 0047-0057.
[32] 席本野, 賈黎明, 等. 2011. 地下滴灌條件下三倍體毛白楊根區土壤水分動態模擬. 應用生態學報, 22(1), 21-28.
[33] 席本野, 賈黎明, 等. 2010. 寬窄行栽植模式下三倍體毛白楊吸水根系的空間分布與模擬. 浙江林學院學報, 27(2), 259-265.
[34] 席本野, 賈黎明, 等. 2009. 農林業地下滴灌土壤水分運動數值模擬研究進展, 西北林學院學報, 24(4), 50-56.
[35] 席本野, 賈黎明, 等. 2017. 情報研究在本科畢業論文研究與撰寫中的作用及應用. 中國林業教育, 35(2), 10-15.
[36] 席本野, 李廣德, 等. 2018. 「森林培育」網絡課程設計研究. 中國林業教育, 36(4), 46-49.
[1] Benye Xi, Mark Bloomberg, Michael Watt, Ye Wang, Liming Jia. 2018年. 梁希青年論文獎三等獎.
[2] Benye Xi, Nan Di, Ye Wang, Jie Duan, Liming Jia. 2017年. 北京林業大學第六屆優秀青年學術論文二等獎.
[3] Benye Xi, Guangde Li, Mark Bloomberg, Liming Jia. 2016年. 梁希林業科學技術獎二等獎.
[4] 席本野. 2015年. 沈國舫森林培育獎勵基金.
[5] 席本野. 2015年. 北京林業大學第十一屆青年教師教學基本功比賽「三等獎」.
[6] . 2014年. 梁希青年論文獎二等獎.
[7] 席本野. 2013年. 北京林業大學優秀博士論文.
SCI期刊Land Degradation & Development、Environmental and Experimental Botany、Urban Forestry & Urban Greening、Micron、Canadian Journal of Soil Science、Soil Science and Plant Nutrition審稿人。