

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋







Education :

Sep 2012–Jan 2016, Doctor, School of Astronautics, Beihang University, China

Sep 2009–Jun 2012, Master, School of Astronautics, Beihang University, China

Sep 2005–Jun 2009, Bachelor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, China




Professional Experience:

Jun 2019-Present, Lecturer, School of Space and Environment, Beihang University

Jun 2016-Jun 2019, Post Doc, School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology.



Research areas: Plasma physics, Plasma diagnostics, Electric propulsion, Helicon plasma propulsion






(1) Journals:

[1] Zhe Zhang, Zun Zhang∗, Shuting Xu, William Yeong Liang Ling, Junxue Ren, and Haibin Tang, Three-dimensional measurement of a stationary plasma plume with a Faraday probe array, [J] Aerospace Science and Technology, 110 (106480), 2021.

[2] Zhe Zhang, Zun Zhang∗, Haibin Tang, William Yeong Liang Ling, Jiayun Qi, and Jinbin Cao, Diagnostics of ion and electron diffusion in pulsed plasma thrusters using neutral gas injection, [J] Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29 (045006), 2020.

[3] Zhe Zhang, Zun Zhang∗, Haibin Tang, William Yeong Liang Ling, Zhiyuan Chen, Junxue Ren and Jinbin Cao, Measurement of the Distribution of Charge Exchange Ions in a Hall-effect Thruster Plume, [J] Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29 (085001), 2020.

[4] Zhe Zhang, Zun Zhang∗, William Yeong Liang Ling, Xing Han, Jiangning Zhou, Haibin Tang and Jinbin Cao, Time-resolved investigation of the plasma plume asymmetrical characterization in a pulsed plasma thruster, [J] Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53 (475201), 2020.

[5] Zun Zhang, Kan Xie, Huihui Wang, Chang Tan, and Jiting Ouyang, Beam Plasma Characteristics of a Helicon Plasma Source Measured by a Spatially Resolved Optical Emission Spectroscope, [J] IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 48(7):2487-2494, 2020.

[6] Zun Zhang, Zhe Zhang, Haibin Tang, and Jiting Ouyang, Electron population properties with different energies in a helicon plasma source. [J] Plasma Science and Technology, 23 (015401), 2020.

[7] Zun Zhang, Haibin Tang, Mengdi Kong, Alena Kitaeva, Zhe Zhang, and Shuai Cao, Temporal Evolution and Spatial Distribution of the Plume Plasma from an MPD Arc Generator, [J] IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 46 (8), 2018.

[8] Zun Zhang, Kan Xie, Jiting Ouyang, Ning Guo, Yu Qin, Qimeng Xia, Song Bai, Xianming Wu, and Zengjie Gu, Steady and Oscillatory Plasma Properties in the Near-field Plume of a Hollow Cathode, [J] Plasma Science and Technology, 20 (024010) , 2018.

[9] Zun Zhang, Haibin Tang, Junxue Ren, Zhe Zhang and Joseph Wang. Calibrating Ion Density Profile Measurements in Ion Thruster Beam Plasma, [J] Review of Scientific Instruments, 87 (113502), 2016.

[10] Zun Zhang, Haibin Tang, Mengdi Kong and Zhe Zhang. Electron Temperature Measurement in Maxwellian Non-isothermal Beam Plasma of an Ion Thruster [J], Review of Scientific Instruments, 86(023506), 2015.

[11] Zun Zhang, and Haibin Tang. Single Langmuir Probe Dignostics for Characteristic Parameters of the Beam Plasma in Xe Ion Thruster[J], High Voltage Engineering, 39(7), 2013. (in Chinese)

[12] Xing Han, Zun Zhang, Zhiyuan Chen, Marco Marano, Haibin Tang and Jinbin Cao, High-spatial-resolution image reconstruction-based method for measuring electron temperature and density of the very near field of an applied-field magnetoplasmadynamic thruster, [J] Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54 (135203), 2021.

[13] Huihui Wang, Zun Zhang,Kaiyi Yang,Chang Tan,Ruilin Cui , Jiting Ouyang. Axial profiles of argon helicon plasma by optical emission spectroscope and Langmuir probe [J]. Plasma Sci. Technol. 21 (074009), 2019.

[14] Zhang Zhe, Tang Haibin, Zhang Zun, Joseph Wang, Cao Shuai, A retarding potential analyzer design for keV-level ion thruster beams, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2016, 87 (123510).

[15] Yu Qin, Kan Xie, Ning Guo, Zun Zhang, Cen Zhang, Zengjie Gu, Yu Zhang, Zhaorui Jiang, Jiting Ouyang, The analysis of high amplitude of potential oscillations near the hollow cathode of ion thruster, Acta Astronautica, 2017, 134:265-277.

(2) Conferences:

[16] Zun Zhang, Haibin Tang, Yujie Xu, Zhe Zhang, Shuai Cao, Plume Plasma Measurements of a 20-cm Xenon Ion Thruster Using a Multiple-Probe Array, 34th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan, 2015.07.04-07.10

[17] Zun Zhang, and Haibin Tang, Investigations on the Flowing Pulsed Plasma of a 20J Pulsed Plasma Thruster, 33th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, 2013.10.06-10.10

[18] Zun Zhang, Haibin Tang, Yuan Yang, and Mingxin Li, Electrostatic Probe Measurements in a 4 J Pulsed Plasma Thruster, 32th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2011.09.11-09.15[1]
