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1、2022.02 至今 北京大學體育教研部 助理教授、研究員

2、2018.09-2021.08 香港中文大學,體育運動科學,博士

3、2015.09-2018.07 北京大學,運動醫學,碩士

4、2011.09-2015.07 四川大學,康復治療學,本科


1、SCI期刊 Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness 編委

2、SCI期刊 Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 審稿人

3、SCI期刊 Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness 審稿人


1、香港中文大學 Postgraduate Studentship,2018,2019,2020









1、Zhang, X.Y., Wongpipit, W., Sun, F.H., Sheridan, S., Huang, W.Y., Sit, C.H., Wong, S.H. (2021) Walking initiated 20 minutes before the time of individual postprandial glucose peak reduces the glucose response in young men with overweight or obesity: a randomized crossover study. Journal of Nutrition, 151(4), 866-875. (JCR二區,5-year IF = 5.721)

2、Zhang, X.Y., Zheng, C., Ho, R., Miyashita, M., Wong, S.H. (2021) The effects of accumulated versus continuous exercise on postprandial glycemia, insulin and triglycerides in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine Open, 8(1), 1-19. (JCR一區,5-year IF = 4.867)

3、Zhang, X.Y., Sun, F.H., Wongpipit, W., Wong, S.H. (2021) Accuracy of flash glucose monitoring during postprandial rest and different walking conditions in overweight and obese young adults. Frontiers in Physiology. 12:732751 (JCR一區,5-year IF = 4.805)

4、Zhang, X.Y., Huang, H.S., Yu, Y.Y., Yang, J., Liang, Z.X., Chang, C.Q. (2020) Impact of whey protein isolate and eccentric training on quadriceps mass and strength in patients with anterior cruciate ligament rupture: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 52(3), 1-8. (JCR二區,5-year IF = 3.009)

5、Wongpipit, W., Zhang, X.Y., Miyashita, M., Wong, S.H. (2021) Interrupting prolonged sitting reduces postprandial glucose concentration in young men with central obesity. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 106(2), e791-e802. (JCR一區,5-year IF = 6.793)

6、Zheng, C., Zhang, X.Y., Sheridan, S., Ho, S.T., Sit, H.P., Huang, Y., Wong, S.H. (2021) Effect of sedentary behavior interventions on vascular function in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 31: 1395-1410. (JCR一區,5-year IF = 4.788)

7、張曉圓, 郭成成, 玉應香, 謝嵐, 常翠青. (2020) 高脂飼料誘導肥胖胰島素抵抗大鼠模型的建立[J].北京大學學報(醫學版), 52(03): 557-563.

8、張曉圓, 黃紅拾, 楊潔, 於媛媛, 張東霞, 常翠青. (2017) 術前等速離心訓練和補充分離乳清蛋白對前交叉韌帶斷裂患者股四頭肌肌力和膝關節功能的影響[J]. 中國醫學科學院學報, 39(06): 792-799.

9、吳一凡, 張曉圓, 任爽, 玉應香, 常翠青. (2021) 基於磁共振的青年男性股四頭肌的測量和評估[J]. 北京大學學報(醫學版), 53(5): 843-849.

10、郭成成, 張曉圓, 玉應香, 謝嵐, 常翠青. (2020) 綠原酸對高脂飼料誘導的肥胖大鼠糖耐量及其曲線特徵的影響[J]. 北京大學學報(醫學版), 52(02): 269-274.

11、Yu, Y.X., Lv, Y.R., Yao, B., Duan, L.J., Zhang, X.Y., Xie, L., Chang, C.Q. (2018) A novel prescription pedometer-assisted walking intervention and weight management for Chinese occupational population. PLOS One, 13(1), e0190848. (JCR二區,5-year IF = 3.788)

12、玉應香, 常翠青, 張曉圓, 郭成成. (2018)「互聯網+」技術在輔助體質量管理中的應用效果及展望[J]. 中國醫學科學院學報, 40(03): 405-410.

13、玉應香,張曉圓, 常翠青. (2017) 北京市國家公務員體制現況初探及應對措施[J]. 職業與健康. 33(13): 1784-1788.


1、Zhang, X.Y. Sun, F.H., Wongpipit, W., Wong, S.H. (2021) Accuracy of continuous glucose monitoring during postprandial resting and exercise in overweight/obese young adults. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 53(8S): 290. ACSM 68th Annual Meeting, USA (Online poster presentation)

2、Zhang, X.Y. Wongpipit, W., Sun, F.H., Sheridan, S., Huang, W.Y., Sit, C.H., Wong, S.H. (2020) Effect of post-meal individualized exercise timing on postprandial glycaemia in insufficiently active overweight/obese young males. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 52(7S), 438. ACSM 67th Annual Meeting, USA (Online poster presentation)

3、Zhang, X.Y. Huang, H.S., Yu, Y.Y., Yang, J., Liang, Z.X., Chang, C.Q. (2019) Combining whey protein isolate with eccentric training improved quadriceps strength in patients with ACL rupture. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 51(6), 545-546. ACSM 66th Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA (Poster presentation)

4、Zheng, C., Zhang, X.Y., Sheridan, S., Ho, S.T., Sit, H.P., Huang, Y., Wong, S.H. (2021) Effect of sedentary behavior interventions on vascular function in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 53(8S): 80-81. ACSM 68th Annual Meeting, USA (Online poster presentation)

5、Chang, C.Q. Zhang, X.Y., Huang, H.S., Yang, J., Yu, Y.Y. (2019) Combining Whey Protein Isolate with Eccentric Training Improved Quadriceps Strength in Patients with ACL Rupture (P12-024-19). Current Developments in Nutrition 3(Supplement_1). Nutrition 2019, USA (Poster presentation)

6、Chang, C.Q. Yu, Y.Y., Zhang, X.Y., Xie, L. (2019) 「Internet+」Basad Exercise and Nutrition Intervention Improved Overweight and Obesity in Chinese White-Collar Workers. Ann Nutr Metab, 75(suppl 3):129-130.

7、郭成成,張曉圓,玉應香,謝嵐,常翠青. (2019) 金銀花提取物對高脂飼料誘導的肥胖大鼠糖耐量及其葡萄糖峰值時間的影響. 營養研究與臨床實踐——第十四屆全國營養科學大會暨第十一屆亞太臨床營養大會、第二屆全球華人營養科學家大會論文摘要匯編 (p.424-425).

8、吳一凡,張曉圓,常翠青. (2019) 中國青年男性股四頭肌橫截面積與體積的相關性研究. 營養研究與臨床實踐——第十四屆全國營養科學大會暨第十一屆亞太臨床營養大會、第二屆全球華人營養科學家大會論文摘要匯編 (p.234-235).

9、張曉圓,黃紅拾,楊潔,於媛媛,常翠青. (2017) 等速離心訓練對前交叉韌帶斷裂患者下肢肌肉力量及其功能康復的影響. 中國營養學會第十三屆全國營養科學大會暨全球華人營養科學家大會論文匯編 (p.581).

10、張曉圓,黃紅拾,楊潔,於媛媛,常翠青. (2016) 等速離心訓練對前交叉韌帶斷裂患者下肢肌肉力量及其功能康復的影響.中華醫學會運動醫學學術大會, 深圳 (口頭報告)


常翠青,艾華 主譯, (2019). 實用運動營養學(中文翻譯版,原書第五版). 北京: 科學出版社.


1、United College Endowment Fund Research Grant Scheme, 校級, CA11297, Effect of Accumulated versus Continuous Individualized Post-meal Exercise on Postprandial Glycaemia in Insufficiently Active Obese Young Adults, 2021-01至2021-12, 2.42萬元, 結題, 參與

2、United College Endowment Fund Research Grant Scheme, 校級, CA11289, Effect of Post-Meal Individualized Exercise Timing on Postprandial Glycaemia in Insufficiently Active Overweight/Obese Young Men: A Pilot Study , 2020-01至2020-12, 2.02萬元, 結題, 參與

3、科技部, 國家級, 2016YFD0400603, 高效運動營養功能因子研究和營養健康食品創製及產業化, 2016-06至2021-07, 110萬元, 結題, 參與

4、國家體育總局, 國家級, 2014B003, 等速離心訓練和補充乳清蛋白對前交叉韌帶斷裂患者股四頭肌及其功能的康復研究, 2014-12至2017-12, 8萬元, 結題, 參與

5、科技部, 國家級, 2013BAI06B05, 平衡膳食體育健身預防慢性病技術研究與應用, 2013-12至2018-12, 88萬元, 結題, 參與[1]
