
張 鈺

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋
張 鈺

張 鈺,女, 北京理工大學副教授。


2021-至今,北京理工大學 預聘副教授

2016-2021,北京師範大學 物理學系 理學博士

2012-2016,北京師範大學 物理學系 理學學士







2016年至今,以第一作者及通訊作者(包含並列)在Physical Review Letters、Science Bulletin、Nano Letters、Physical Review B等發表SCI論文十餘篇。

Quanzhen Zhang#, Yu Zhang#*, Yanhui Hou, Runzhang Xu, Liangguang Jia, Zeping Huang, Xiaoyu Hao, Jiadong Zhou, Teng Zhang, Liwei Liu, Yong Xu, Hong-Jun Gao, and Yeliang Wang*, Nanoscale Control of One-Dimensional Confined States in Strongly Correlated Homojunctions. Nano Lett. 22, 1190-1197 (2022).

Quanzhen Zhang#, Jiahao Fan#, Teng Zhang#, Jizhang Wang, Xiaoyu Hao, Ying-Ming Xie, Zeping Huang, Yaoyao Chen, Meng Liu, Liangguang Jia, Huixia Yang, Liwei Liu, Huaqing Huang*, Yu Zhang*, Wenhui Duan, and Yeliang Wang*, Visualization of edge modulated charge density wave orders in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide metal. Commun. Phys. 5, 117 (2022).

Qian Yang, Yu Zhang*, Zhong-Qiu Fu, Yulong Chen, Zengfeng Di, and Lin He*, Creating custom-designed patterns of nanoscale graphene quantum dots. 2D Mater. 9, 021002 (2022).

Yu Zhang*, Liangguang Jia, Yaoyao Chen, Lin He, and Yeliang Wang*, Recent advances of defect-induced spin and valley polarized states in graphene. Chin. Phys. B (2022). (Invited review)

Liangguang Jia, Meng Liu, Yaoyao Chen, Yu Zhang*, and Yeliang Wang*, Research progress of two-dimensional quantum spin Hall insulator in monolayer 1T'-WTe2. Acta Phys. Sin. 71, 127308 (2022). (Invited review, in Chinese)

Yu Zhang*, Ying Su, and Lin He*, Quantum Interferences of Pseudospin Mediated Atomic-Scale Vortices in Monolayer Graphene. Nano Lett. 21, 2526-2531 (2021).

Ya-Xin Zhao#, Xiao-Feng Zhou#, Yu Zhang#, and Lin He*, Oscillations of the Spacing between van Hove Singularities Induced by sub-Ångstrom Fluctuations of Interlayer Spacing in Graphene Superlattices. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 266801 (2021).

Yu Zhang#, Ying Su#, and Lin He*, Local Berry phase signatures of bilayer graphene in intervalley quantum interference. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 116804 (2020).

Yu Zhang#, Fei Gao#, Shiwu Gao*, and Lin He*, Tunable magnetism of a single-carbon vacancy in graphene. Sci. Bull. 65, 194-200 (2020).

Yu Zhang#, Zhe Hou#, Ya-Xin Zhao, Zi-Han Guo, Yi-Wen Liu, Si-Yu Li, Ya-Ning Ren, Qing-Feng Sun*, and Lin He*, Correlation-induced valley splitting and orbital magnetism in a strain-induced zero-energy flatband in twisted bilayer graphene near the magic angle. Phys. Rev. B 102, 081403(R) (2020).

Yu Zhang, Qi-Qi Guo, Si-Yu Li, and Lin He*, Nanoscale probing of broken-symmetry states in graphene induced by individual atomic impurities. Phys. Rev. B 101, 155424 (2020).

Yu Zhang, and Lin He*, Spin and pseudospin of graphene based on scanning tunneling microscopy. Physics Experimentation 11, 40 (2020). (Invited review, in Chinese).

Ya-Ning Ren#, Yu Zhang#, Yi-Wen Liu#, and Lin He*, Twistronics in graphene-based van der Waals structures. Chi. Phys. B 29, 117303 (2020). (Invited review).

Yu Zhang, Qian Yang, Ya-Ning Ren, and Lin He*, Observation of phonon peaks and electron-phonon bound states in graphene. Phys. Rev. B 100, 075435 (2019).

Yu Zhang#, Xuelei Sui#, Dong-Lin Ma, Ke-Ke Bai, Wenhui Duan, and Lin He*, Spin-polarized semiconducting band structure of graphene monolayer on Ni(111). Phys. Rev. Appl. 10, 054043 (2018).

Yu Zhang, Jia-Bin Qiao, Long-Jing Yin, and Lin He*, High-resolution tunneling spectroscopy of ABA-stacked trilayer graphene. Phys. Rev. B 98, 045413 (2018).

Zhong-Qiu Fu#, Yu Zhang#, Jia-Bin Qiao, Dong-Lin Ma, Haiwen Liu, Zi-Han Guo, Yi-Cong Wei, Jing-Yi Hu, Qian Xiao, Xin-Rui Mao, and Lin He*, Spatial confinement, magnetic localization and their interactions on massless Dirac fermions. Phys. Rev. B 98, 241401(R) (2018).

Yu Zhang#, Si-Yu Li#, Huaqing Huang, Wen-Tian Li, Jia-Bin Qiao, Wen-Xiao Wang, Long-Jing Yin, Ke-Ke Bai, Wenhui Duan, and Lin He*, Scanning tunneling microscopy of π magnetism of a single atomic vacancy in graphene. Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 166801 (2016).

Long-Jing Yin#, Yu Zhang#, Jia-Bin Qiao, Si-Yu Li, and Lin He*, Experimental observation of surface states and Landau levels bending in bilayer graphene. Phys. Rev. B 93, 125422 (2016).


2021 北京市優秀畢業生

2016-2021 連續五年獲得國家獎學金 [1]
