

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




2000 - 2005 , 理學博士 , 植物學 , 北京大學

1995 - 1999 , 理學學士 , 遺傳學 , 復旦大學


2021-至今,研究員, 北京大學基礎醫學院

2013-至今,研究員, 北大-清華生命科學聯合中心

2013 - 2020 , 研究員, 北京大學生命科學學院

2012 - 2013 , Senior Research Investigator , 美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院

2009 - 2012 , Research Associate , 美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院

2008 - 2009 , Postdoctoral Associate , 美國Fox Chase 癌症中心

2005 - 2008 , Research Associate , 美國Scripps 研究所










corresponding author; #contribute equally

1. Xin-Xin Yu#, Wei-Lin Qiu#, Liu Yang#, Yan-Chun Wang#, Mao-Yang He, Dan Wang, Yu Zhang, Lin-Chen Li, Jing Zhang, and Yi Wang and Cheng-Ran Xu*, Sequential progenitor states mark the generation of pancreatic endocrine lineages in mice and humans. Cell Research (in press)

2. Sisi Feng#, Jiaying Wu#, Wei-Lin Qiu#, Li Yang#, Xiaogang Deng#, Ying Zhou, Yabin Chen, Xiao Li, Lei Yu, Zi-Ran Xu, Yini Xiao, Xiongzhao Ren, Ludi Zhang, Chenhua Wang, Xiaoyan Ding, Yuelei Chen, Paul Gadue, Guoyu Pan, Mina Ogawa, Shinichiro Ogawa, Jie Na, Lijian Hui, Hao Yin*, Luonan Chen*, Cheng-Ran Xu* and Xin Cheng*, Large-scale generation of functional and transplantable hepatocytes and cholangiocytes from human endoderm stem cells. Cell Reports, 33(10):108455 (2020).

3. Lin-Chen Li#, Xin Wang#, Zi-Ran Xu#, Yan-Chun Wang#, Ye Feng, Liu Yang, Wei-Lin Qiu, Li Yang, Xin-Xin Yu, Jun Gu and Cheng-Ran Xu*, Single-cell patterning and axis characterization in the murine and human definitive endoderm. Cell Research (2020, online)

4. Xin Wang#, Li Yang#, Yan-Chun Wang#, Zi-Ran Xu, Ye Feng, Jing Zhang, Yi Wang and Cheng-Ran Xu*, Comparative analysis of cell lineage differentiation during hepatogenesis in humans and mice at the single-cell transcriptome level. Cell Research, 30(12):1109-1126 (2020)

5. Xin-Xin Yu and Cheng-Ran Xu*, Understanding generation and regeneration of pancreatic β cells from a single-cell perspective (Review). Development, 12;147(7) :dev179051 (2020).

6. Ye Feng#, Wei-Lin Qiu#, Xin-Xin Yu, Yu Zhang, Mao-Yang He, Weiyi Zhang, Michael Franti, Junqing Ye*, Joerg D. Hoeck* and Cheng-Ran Xu*, Characterizing pancreatic β-cell heterogeneity in the streptozotocin model by single-cell transcriptomic analysis. Molecular Metabolism, 37:100982 (2020).

7. Xin-Xin Yu#, Wei-Lin Qiu#, Liu Yang, Yu Zhang, Mao-Yang He, Lin-Chen Li and Cheng-Ran Xu*, Defining multistep cell fate decision pathways during pancreatic development at single-cell resolution. The EMBO Journal, 15;38(8):e100164 (2019).

8. 楊李,拉毛切忠,徐成冉*,肝臟細胞分化和成熟的分子調控機制。中國細胞生物學學報,41(10):1853-1884 (2019).

9. Li Yang, Lin-Chen Li, Lamaoqiezhong, Xin Wang, Wei-Hua Wang, Yan-Chun Wang and Cheng-Ran Xu*, The contributions of mesoderm-derived cells in liver development. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, 92:63-76 (2019).

10. Lin-Chen Li#, Wei-Lin Qiu#, Yu-Wei Zhang, Zi-Ran Xu, Yi-Ni Xiao, Caiying Hou, Lamaoqiezhong, Peng Yu, Xin Cheng and Cheng-Ran Xu*, Single-cell transcriptomic analyses reveal distinct dorsal/ventral pancreatic programs. EMBO Reports, 19(10):e46148 (2018).

11. Lin-Chen Li#, Xin-Xin Yu#, Yu-Wei Zhang#, Ye Feng#, Wei-Lin Qiu# and Cheng-Ran Xu*, Single-cell transcriptomic analyses of mouse pancreatic endocrine cells. Journal of Visualized Experiments, Sep 30;(139):58000 (2018).

12. Xin-Xin Yu#, Wei-Lin Qiu#, Liu Yang, Lin-Chen Li, Yu-Wei Zhang and Cheng-Ran Xu*, Dynamics of chromatin marks and the role of JMJD3 during pancreatic endocrine cell fate commitment. Development, 145(6):dev163162 (2018).

13. Li Yang#, Wei-Hua Wang#, Wei-Lin Qiu#, Zhen Guo, Erfei Bi and Cheng-Ran Xu*, A single-cell transcriptomic analysis reveals precise pathways and regulatory mechanisms underlying hepatoblast differentiation. Hepatology, 66(5):1387-1401 (2017).

14. Wei-Lin Qiu#, Yu-Wei Zhang#, Ye Feng#, Lin-Chen Li, Liu Yang and Cheng-Ran Xu*, Deciphering pancreatic islet β-cell and α-cell maturation pathways and characteristic features at the single-cell level. Cell Metabolism, 25:1194-1205 (2017).

15. Ramkumar Mohan, Yiping Mao, Shungang Zhang, Yuwei Zhang, Cheng-Ran Xu, Gérard Gradwohl and Xiaoqing Tang*. Differentially expressed microRNA-483 confers distinct functions in pancreatic beta- and alpha-cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290(32): 19955-66 (2015).

16. Cheng-Ran Xu, Lin-Chen Li, Greg Donahue, Lei Ying, Yu-Wei Zhang, Paul Gadue & Kenneth S. Zaret*. Dynamics of Genomic H3K27me3 Domains and Role of EZH2 during Pancreatic Endocrine Specification. The EMBO Journal, 33(19): 2157-2170 (2014)

17. Cheng-Ran Xu & Kenneth S. Zaret*. Chromatin "Pre-Pattern" and Epigenetic Modulation in the Cell Fate Choice of Liver over Pancreas in the Endoderm. Review, Nucleus, 3(2): 150-154 (2012)

18. Cheng-Ran Xu, Philip A. Cole, Jay D. Kormish, Shannon Dent & Kenneth S. Zaret*. Chromatin "Pre-Pattern" and Histone Modifiers in a Fate Choice for Liver and Pancreas. Science, 332: 963-6 (2011)

19. Cheng-Ran Xu & Ann J. Feeney*. The epigenetic profile of Ig genes is dynamically regulated during B cell differentiation and is modulated by pre-B cell receptor signaling. Journal of Immunology, 182(3): 1362-9 (2009)

20. Cheng-Ran Xu, Lana Schaffer, Steven R. Head & Ann J. Feeney*. Reciprocal patterns of methylation of H3K27 and H3K36 on proximal vs. distal IgVH genes are modulated by IL7 and Pax5. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), 105: 8685-8690 (2008)

21. Cheng-Ran Xu, Cui Liu, Yi-Lan Wang, Lin-Chen Li, Wen-Qian Chen, Zhi-Hong Xu & Shu-Nong Bai*. Histone acetylation affects expression of cellular patterning genes in the Arabidopsis root epidermis. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), 102: 14469-14474 (2005)[1]
