

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋

徐松,男,福州大學土木工程學院 博士,副研究員,碩士生導師。



· 材料科學與工程博士(2013.9-2016.6,提前攻博)


· 材料學碩士(2011.9-2013.6)


· 高分子材料與工程工學學士(2007.9-2011.6)



2019.07 ~ 至今: 福州大學,土木工程學院,副研究員,碩士生導師

2017.12 ~ 2019.06: 福州大學,土木工程學院,助理研究員,碩士生導師

2016.08 ~ 2017.11: 福州大學,土木工程學院,助理研究員


(1) 納米材料的有機化及其對瀝青材料的改性研究

(2) 聚合物改性瀝青研究

(3) 瀝青材料的老化與防老化技術研究

(4) 廢舊瀝青混合料再生利用技術


(1) 國家自然科學基金項目,「LDHs與抗氧劑協同提高SBS改性瀝青抗光氧和抗熱氧老化性能的機理研究」,項目負責人。

(2) 福州大學人才引進基金項目,「LDHs對瀝青性能的影響及其作用機理研究」,項目負責人。

(3) 2017年福州大學貴重儀器設備開放測試基金,「有機插層LDHs改性瀝青抗老化性能研究」,項目負責人。

(4) 福建省交通科學技術研究所開放課題,「再生瀝青回收處理關鍵技術研究」,項目負責人。

(5) 漳州市公路局技術開發項目,「濕熱地區瀝青路面表層抗老化抗水損耐久性提升技術研究」,項目負責人。


(1) 國家自然科學基金項目,「機械力化學製備單組分地聚物水泥機理及強度調控研究」,編號:51808124。



(4) 國家科技支撐計劃,「耐老化屋面瀝青及其防水材料的製備與應用技術研究」,主要研究人員。

(5) 國家自然科學基金項目,「紫外光吸收劑對瀝青性能的影響及其作用機理的研究」,主要研究人員。

(6) 國家高技術研究發展計劃(863計劃),「多元複合膠凝材料全生命周期設計製備關鍵技術」,主要研究人員。

(7) 交通運輸部交通應用基礎研究項目,「光熱耦合作用對瀝青及其混合料性能的影響與防治措施研究」,主要研究人員。


1. Xu Song, Yu Jianying, Zhang Canlin, Sun Yubin. Effect of ultraviolet aging on rheological properties of organic intercalated layered double hydroxides modified asphalt. Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 75: 421-428. (SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 1區, IF= 2.296)

2. Xu Song, Wu Weifei, Yu Jianying, Xue Lihui, Sun Yubin. Synthesis and characterization of layered double hydroxides intercalated by UV absorbents and their application in improving UV aging resistance of bitumen. Applied Clay Science, 2015, 114: 112-119. (SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 1區, IF= 2.467)

3. Xu Song, Li Lian, Yu Jianying, Zhang Canlin, Zhou Ji, Sun Yubin. Investigation of the ultraviolet aging resistance of organic layered double hydroxides modified bitumen. Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 96: 127-134. (SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 1區, IF= 2.296)

4. Xu Song, Yu Jianying, Sun Yubin, Wu Shaopeng. Synthesis and characterization of organic intercalated layered double hydroxides and their application in bitumen modification. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 152: 54-61. (SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 2區, IF= 2.259)

5. Xu Song, Yu Jianying, Zhang Canlin, Yao Tingting, Sun Yubin. Effect of salicylic acid intercalated layered double hydroxides on ultraviolet aging properties of bitumen. Materials and Structures, 2016, 49: 1235-1244. (SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 1區, IF= 2.453)

6. Xu Song, Dang Lin, Yu Jianying, Xue Lihui, Hu Changbin, Que Yun. Evaluation of ultraviolet aging resistance of bitumen containing different organic layered double hydroxides. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 192: 696–703.(SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 1區, IF= 3.485)

7. Xu Song, Yu Jianying, Xue Lihui, Sun Yubin, Xie Dong. Effect of layered double hydroxides on ultraviolet aging resistance of SBS modified bitumen membrane. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2015, 30(3): 494-499. (SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 4區, IF= 0.399)

8. Xu Song, Sun Yubin, Yu Jianying. The effect of zinc doped Mg-Al LDHs on ultraviolet aging resistance of asphalt. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2015, 33: 335-343. (SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 4區, IF= 0.307)

9. Xu Song, Yu Jianying, Hu Changbin, Jia Lijuan, Xue Lihui. Performance evaluation of asphalt containing layered double hydroxides with different zinc ratio in the host layer. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2017, 35(2): 127-133.(SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 3區, IF= 0.655)

10. Xu Song, Yu Jianying, Hu Changbin, Jia Lijuan, XueLihui. Evaluation of aging performance of bitumen containing layered double hydroxides intercalated by UV absorbents. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2019, 20(4): 499-505.(SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 1區, IF= 2.322)

11. Xu Song, Yu Jianying, Hu Changbin, Qin Defeng, Xue Lihui. Laboratory evaluation of rejuvenation effect of reactive rejuvenator on aged SBS modified bitumen. Materials and Structures. 2017, 50(6): 233.(SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 1區, IF= 2.607)

12. Xu Song, Hu Changbin, Yu Jianying, Que Yun, Zhou Xinxing. Performance of mixed asphalt blended with furfural extract oil and its distinction from pure asphalt. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2017, 35(16): 1673-1679. (SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 3區, IF= 0.655)

13. Xu Song, Hu Changbin, Yu Jianying, Liu Renbing, Zhou Xinxing. Influence of Trinidad Lake Asphalt on the physical and anti-aging properties of petroleum asphalt. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2017, 35(23): 2194-2200.(SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 3區, IF= 0.655)

14. Xu Song, Huang Wei, Cai Fuming, Huang Heyao, Hu Changbin. Evaluation of properties of Trinidad Lake Asphalt and SBS compound modified petroleum asphalt. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2019, 37(2): 234-241.(SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 3區, IF= 1.07)

15. Xu Song, Yu Jianying, Ke Yunbin, Xue Lihui, Hu Changbin. Preparation and anti-ultraviolet aging performance of organic layered double hydroxides/bitumen composites. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2019, 34(4): 979-986. (SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 3區, IF= 0.605)

16. Xu Song, Dan Wei, Li Wenzu, Yu Jianying. Performance evaluation of SBS modified bituminous roofing membrane containing layered double hydroxides. Key Engineering Materials, 2014, 599: 203-207. (EI 收錄)

17. Xu Song, Feng Zhengang, Yu Jianying. Preparation and properties of layered double hydroxides/SBS modified bitumen for waterproofing membrane. 2012 Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Hong Kong (HKICEAS 2012), December 14-16, 2012.

18. Xu Song , Sun Yubin , Yu Jianying. Effect of zinc doped Mg-Al LDHs on ultraviolet aging resistance of asphalt. The 13th International Symposium on Advanced Technologies in Asphalt Pavements (ATAP 2014), Chuncheon, September 25-26, 2014.

19. Xu Song, Yu Jianying, Wu Weifei, Wu Hong, Sun Yubin. Effect of different layered double hydroxides on properties of asphalt. The 9th International Committee on Pavement Technology (ICPT 2015). Dalian, August 9-13, 2015.

20. Xu Song, Yu Jianying, Xue Lihui, Xie Dong. Performance evaluation of asphalt containing layered double hydroxides with different zinc ratio in the host layer. The 14th International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM 2015), Jeju, Korea, October 25-29, 2015.

21. 徐松, 馮振剛, 余劍英. 受阻胺光穩定劑對不同瀝青性能的影響研究. 公路, 2012, (10): 158-161.

22. 徐松, 但維, 余劍英, 孫哲, 潘冰, 鄭萬凱. 製備工藝對LDHs-SBS改性瀝青性能的影響研究. 中國建築防水, 2013, (12): 1-4.

23. 徐松, 但維, 李汶卒, 余劍英. 填料對LDHs/SBS改性瀝青塗蓋料老化性能的影響. 武漢理工大學學報, 2013, 35(4): 41-44.

24. Zhao Zhijie, Xu Song, Wu Weifei, Yu Jianying, Wu Shaopeng. The aging resistance of asphalt containing a compound of LDHs and antioxidant. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2015, 33: 787-793. (SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 4區,IF= 0.307)

25. Feng Zhengang, Xu Song, Sun Yubin, Yu Jianying. Performance evaluation of SBS modified asphalt with different anti-aging additives. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2012, 40(5): 728-733. (SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 4區, IF= 0.379)

26. Zhao Meiling, Xu Song, Zhao Zhijie, Yu Jianying, Wu Shaopeng. Physical and UV aging resistance properties of asphalt modified by UV absorbent composited and intercalated LDHs. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2016, 16: 12714-12719. (SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 2區,IF= 1.556)

27. Zhang Canlin, Yu Jianying, Xu Song, Xue Lihui, Cao Zhilong. Influence of UV aging on the rheological properties of bitumen modified with surface organic layered double hydroxides. Construction and Building Materials. 2016, 123: 574–580. (SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 1區, IF= 2.296)

28. Wu Hong, Li Lian, Yu Jianying, Xu Song, Xie Dong. Effect of layered double hydroxides on ultraviolet aging properties of different bitumens. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 111: 565-570.(SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 1區, IF= 2.296)

29. Jia Xiaojuan, Yu Jianying, Xu Song, Dan Wei, Xue Lihui. Investigation of anti-UV aging of bitumen modified with layered double hydroxides. Key Engineering Materials, 2014, 599: 187-192. (EI 收錄)

30. Wu Weifei, Li Lian, Yu Jianying , Xu Song, Zhang Chanlin, Xue Lihui. Investigation on thermo-oxidative aging properties of asphalt binder with hindered phenolic antioxidant. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. 2018, 46(2): 624-630.(SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 4區,IF= 0.669)

31. 高麗, 徐松, 李玉環, 馬慶豐, 薛理輝, 余劍英. LDHs/紫外吸收劑複合改性對瀝青性能的影響研究. 武漢理工大學學報, 2015, 37(1): 45-50.

32. 賈曉娟, 徐松, 余劍英, 丁衛青. 膨潤土-LDHs複合改性瀝青老化性能研究. 公路, 2015, 60(11): 183-188.

33. 趙滿喜, 徐松. SBS對環氧瀝青性能的影響研究. 武漢理工大學學報, 2015, 37(11): 16-20.

34. 吳偉飛, 李玉環, 徐松, 時敬濤, 田翠芳, 余劍英. Mg-Al LDHs改性瀝青的製備與抗老化性能研究. 武漢理工大學學報, 2014, 36(4): 1-5.

35. 趙麗, 余劍英, 徐松, 吳紅. 有機溫拌劑對SBS改性瀝青及其混合料性能的影響研究. 武漢理工大學學報, 2014, 36(11): 21-24.

36. 賈曉娟, 趙麗, 余劍英, 高麗, 徐松. 瀝青混凝土生命周期環境影響評價研究. 新型建築材料, 2014, 41(11): 26-28.

37. Xu Xiong, Yu Jianying, Zhang Canlin, Xu Song, Xue Lihui, Xie Dong. Investigation of aging behavior and thermal stability of styrene-butadiene-styrene tri-block copolymer in blends. Polymer(Korea), 2016, 40(6): 947-953. (SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 4區,IF= 0.388)

38. Zhou Xinxing, Zhang Xiao, Xu Song, Wu Shaopeng, Liu Quantao, Fan Zepeng. Evaluation of thermo-mechanical properties of graphene/carbon-nanotubes modified asphalt with molecular simulation. Molecular Simulation, 2017, 43(4):312-319.(SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 3區, IF= 1.678)

39. 周新星, 吳少鵬, 張 翛, 劉全濤, 徐松, 王 帥. 基於分子尺度的瀝青材料設計. 材料導報A: 綜述篇, 2018, 32(2): 483-495.(EI 收錄)

40. Zhou Xinxing, Huang Qiong, Xu Song, Fan Zepeng. Pore structure and adsorption properties of welan gum modified polyurethane. Materials Research Express, 2019, 6(9): 095316. (SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 3區, IF= 1.449)

41. Zhang Canlin, Yu Jianying, Wang Ting, Xu Song, Hu Changbin, Duan Wenfeng. Evaluation of ultraviolet aging resistance of bitumen modified with isobutyltriethoxysilane surface organic grafted LDH. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 241: 118016.(SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 1區, IF= 4.046)

42. Zhou Xinxing, Huang Qiong, Xu Song. Multi-scale analysis of moisture diffusion and distribution in different types of asphalt mixtures. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2020, doi.org/10.1080/10298436.2020.1736295.(SCI, EI 收錄, JCR: 1區, IF= 2.298)


1. 2012 Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science. Hong Kong, China, December 14-16, 2012. (Oral presentation)

2. The 13th International Symposium on Advanced Technologies in Asphalt Pavements. Chuncheon, Korea, September 25-26, 2014. (Oral presentation)

3. The 9th International Committee on Pavement Technology. Dalian, China, August 9-13, 2015. (Oral presentation and poster)

4. The 14th International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Advanced Materials, Jeju, Korea, October 25-29, 2015. (Oral presentation)

5. 2015年第六屆武漢地區高校材料科學與工程學科研究生論壇. 武漢, 2015年, 11月6日-11月7日.(口頭報告)

6. 中國硅酸鹽學會房屋建築材料分會2013學術年會. 武漢, 2013年, 11月28日-12月1日.(口頭報告)

7. The 2nd International Conference of Sustainable Construction Materials: Design, Performance and Application. Wuhan, China, October 18-22, 2012.


  一种耐老化弹性体改性沥青涂盖料及其制备方法.已授权 专利号: ZL 201310377224.X (排名:2/7)
 一种耐老化塑性体改性沥青涂盖料及其制备方法.已授权 专利号: ZL 201310377298.3 (排名:2/7)
 一种镁铝基层状双氢氧化物/SBR复合改性剂、改性沥青及其制备方法.已授权 专利号: ZL 201410420758.0 (排名:2/10)
一种镁铝基层状双氢氧化物/SBS复合改性剂、改性沥青及其制备方法.已授权 专利号: ZL 201410420757.6 (排名:3/10)
一种催化反应型SBS改性沥青再生剂及其制备方法.已授权 专利号: ZL 201410059239.6 (排名:3/7)

一種耐紫外老化彈性體改性瀝青塗蓋料及其製備方法.已授權 專利號: ZL 201310378935.9 (排名:5/7)

一种SBS改性沥青再生剂及其制备方法.已授权 专利号: ZL 201310380129.5 (排名:5/6)
一种自融冰微表封层稀浆混合料及其制备方法.已授权 专利号: ZL 201410489700.1 (排名:5/10)
一种环氧树脂乳液改性水泥基修补材料及其制备方法.已授权 专利号: ZL 201510549685.X (排名:4/6)

一種改性天然沸石溫拌劑及其製備方法.申請號: 已授權 專利號: ZL 201511016061.8 (排名:5/5)

一種湖瀝青/SBR複合改性劑及其製備方法和應用.申請號: 201710242500.X (排名:1/5)

一种湖沥青/SBS复合改性剂及其制备方法和应用.申请号: 201710242472.1 (排名:1/5)
防城市道路上井盖沉陷的修补结构. 已授权 专利号: ZL 201822037055.6 (排名:3/3)
一种植筋式沥青路面坑槽修补结构. 已授权 专利号: ZL 201822042831.1 (排名:3/3)
空间布筋沥青路面坑槽修补结构. 已授权 专利号: ZL 201822037043.3 (排名:3/3)
一种植筋与钢筋笼复合式沥青路面坑槽修补结构. 已授权 专利号: ZL 201822042806.3 (排名:3/3)
一种沥青路面坑槽全深度修补结构. 已授权 专利号: ZL 201822043894.9 (排名:3/3)[1]
