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戴蒙•林道夫(Damon Lindelof)生於1973年4月24日,是一位美國電視節目劇本作者和經理,而最近他是流行的電視連續劇迷失的經理和創作者之一。她也曾編寫和製作連續劇Crossing Jordan,也為Nash BridgesWastelandMTV專輯Undressed編劇。在這之前,他在派拉蒙電影公司FoxAlan Ladd studios覆查劇本。

林道夫是新澤西州提內克人,並曾就讀提內克中學,那裏多樣化的學生為他作爲一位作家擴濶了視野。[1]他從他父親繼承了瑞典人的血統。他在紐約大學報讀了電影系,並短時間參加過「Petting Zoo」樂隊,畢業後,他又搬到了洛杉磯。An early boost to his writing career came in 1999, when he was selected as a semifinalist for a prestigious Nicholl Fellowship for his screenplay "Perfectionists."[2]

林道夫也是驚奇漫畫2006年漫畫書小集Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk的作者,which takes place in the Ultimate Marvel universe. He has put out 2 issues of the 6 issue arc since January 2006. This has brought him under heavy scrutiny with the comic book fan community.




  1. 移至 Rohan, Virginia. " North Jersey simply not 'Lost'". The Record (Bergen County), February 5, 2007. "Lindelof got into the production end of television while at Teaneck High School, where he worked on a start-up TV news program.... Quote: What was cool about growing up in New Jersey, especially Bergen County, is it was very diverse. ... I literally went to high school with people of all different races and ethnicities and backgrounds. That broadened my horizons as a writer. It made me interested in other people's stories."
  2. 移至 "1999 Nicholl Semifinalists" Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.