

事實揭露 揭密真相
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=教育經歷 =











1. 天然產物結構分析技術實驗 (16學時,本科生,必修)

2. 生物質清潔分離及綠色轉化技術(32學時,本科生,選修)

3. 林產特色產品加工工藝學 (32學時,本科生,選修)

4. 材料與化工現代研究方法(32學時,研究生,必修)



主要從事基於木質素化學的生物煉製研究,包括定量核磁共振技術在天然高分子結構分析中(尤其是木質素結構定量解析)的應用及技術拓展,木質纖維預處理化學,木質素綠色拆解分離和結構解析,木質素功能化改性和高值化;半纖維素和纖維素定向解聚和功能化應用等。主持國家自然科學基金(4項)、國家重點研發計劃子課題(1項)、北京林業大學傑出青年人才培育項目等十餘項科研項目。截止目前,在Green Chemistry,Chemical Engineering Journal,Bioresource Technology等生物質領域知名國際期刊發表SCI收錄論文110篇(第一作者/通訊53篇,其中一區Top 論文35篇,ESI高被引6篇)。發表論文被SCI期刊他引4300次(Web of Science統計,2022.9), H指數41。受邀參編木質素相關英文專著3部,譯著1部,研究生推薦教材1本,專著1本,申請中國發明專利10餘件,授權7件。擔任本領域十餘種知名SCI期刊審稿人,獲得梁希科學技術獎自然科學二等獎(2021)、教育部高等學校科技進步一等獎(2015)、2020和2021年愛思唯爾中國高被引學者等多項獎勵,入選北林學者-拔尖人才,積極參加國際/國內學術交流,其中20餘次做學術報告。社會服務方面,兼職多家企業的技術顧問。


2011 獲得「2011屆北美楓情杯林科十佳畢業研究生」

2011 獲得「陝西楊凌農業高新技術產業示範區科學技術一等獎(R7)

2012 獲得「博士研究生國家獎學金」

2013 獲「寶鋼優秀學生特等獎」

2014 第五屆梁希青年論文二等獎

2015 美國化學會會員獎勵(Membership Award)

2015 教育部科學技術進步獎一等獎(R10)

2016 第六屆梁希青年論文二等獎

2017 第五屆林業學術大會青年分會優秀報告獎一等獎

2020 年度愛思唯爾中國高被引學者(Highly Cited Chinese Researchers)

2021 年度愛思唯爾中國高被引學者(Highly Cited Chinese Researchers)

2020 入選北京林業大學「好評課堂」

2020 北京林業大學優秀班主任

2021 梁希林業科學技術獎自然科學二等獎(R2)

2021 入選全球頂尖前10萬科學家庫



林草局木質素高值化利用國家創新聯盟, 秘書長

Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology(Guest Associate Editor)

Frontiers in Energy Research(Guest Associate Editor & Review Editor)

Frontiers in Sustainability (Associate Editor)

Sustainable Chemistry (Topical Advisory Panel)

長期擔任Chemical Engineering Journal, Green Chemistry, Bioresource Technology等本領域十餘種知名SCI期刊審稿人


1. J. L. Wen, B. L. Xue, F. Xu, R. C. Sun*. Unmasking the structural features and property of lignin macromolecules from bamboo. Industrial Crops and Products, 2013, 42, 332–343. (ESI高被引)

2. J. L. Wen, S. L. Sun, B. L. Xue, R. C. Sun*. Structures and thermal properties of the birch lignins after ionic liquid pretreatment. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012. 2012. 61, 635-45. (ESI高被引)

3. J. L. Wen, S. L. Sun, B. L. Xue, R. C. Sun*. Recent advances in characterization of lignin polymer by solution-state NMR methodology. Materials. 2013, 6, 359-391. (ESI高被引)

4. J. L. Wen, S. L. Sun, B. L. Xue, R. C. Sun*. Quantitative structural characterization of the lignins from the stem and pith of bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens). Holzforschung. 2013, 67(6), 613-627.

5. J. L. Wen, S. L. Sun, T.Q. Yuan, F, Xu, R. C. Sun*. Fractionation of bamboo culms by autohydrolysis, organosolv delignification and extended delignification: understanding the fundamental chemistry of the lignin during the integrated process. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 150, 278-286.

6. J. L. Wen, S. L. Sun, T.Q. Yuan, F, Xu, R. C. Sun*. Structural elucidation of lignin polymers of Eucalyptus chips during organosolv pretreatment and extended delignification. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2013, 61, 11067-11075.

7. J. L. Wen, T.Q. Yuan, S. L. Sun, F, Xu, R. C. Sun*. Understanding the chemical transformations of lignin during ionic liquid pretreatment. Green Chemistry, 2014 (1), 16, 181-190.

8. J. L. Wen, S. L. Sun, T.Q. Yuan, F, Xu, R. C. Sun*. Understanding the chemical and structural transformations of lignin macromolecule during torrefaction. Applied Energy, 2014, 121, 1-9 (ESI高被引)

9. J. L. Wen, S. L. Sun, T.Q. Yuan, R. C. Sun*. Structural elucidation of whole lignin from Eucalyptus based on preswelling and enzymatic hydrolysis, Green Chemistry, 2015, 17(3), 1589-1596.

10. X. J. Shen, B. Wang, P. L. Huang, J.L. Wen *, R. C. Sun. A mild AlCl3-catalyzed ethanol pretreatment and its effects on the structural changes of Eucalyptus wood lignin and the saccharification efficiency, Bioresource Technology, 2016, 206, 57–64.

11. T. Y. Chen, J. L. Wen*, B. Wang, H. M. Wang, C.F. Liu, R. C. Sun. Assessment of integrated process based on autohydrolysis and robust delignification process for enzymatic saccharification of bamboo, Bioresource Technology, 2017, 244, 717–725.

12. H. M. Wang, B. Wang, J. L. Wen,* T. Q. Yuan, R. C. Sun*. Structural Characteristics of Lignin Macromolecules from Different Eucalyptus Species, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5, 11618–11627.

13. H. M. Wang, B. Wang, J. L. Wen,* S. F. Wang, Q. Shi. R. C. Sun*. Green and efficient conversion strategy of Eucalyptus based on mechanochemical pretreatment, Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 175, 112–120

14. X. J. Shen, J. L. Wen*, Q. Q. Mei, X. Chen, D. Sun, T. Q. Yuan, R. C. Sun*, Facile fractionation of lignocelluloses by biomass-derived deep eutectic solvent (DES) pretreatment for cellulose enzymatic hydrolysis and lignin valorization. Green Chemistry, 2019, 21, 275–283.(ESI高被引)

15. H. M. Wang, C.Y. Ma, H.Y. Li, T.Y. Chen, J.L. Wen*, X.F. Cao, X.L. Wang, T.Q., Yuan, R.C. Sun*; Structural variations of lignin macromolecules from early growth stages of poplar cell walls, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8, 1813–1822.

16. X.J. Shen, T.Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Q.Q. Mei, F. X. Yue, S.N. Sun, J. L. Wen*, T.Q. Yuan, R.C. Sun. Structural and morphological transformations of lignin macromolecules during bio-based deep eutectic solvent (DES) pretreatment, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8, 2130–2037 (ESI高被引)

17. C. Y. Ma, X. Gao, X. P. Peng, Y. F. Gao, J. Liu, J. L. Wen*, T. Q. Yuan. Microwave-assisted deep eutectic solvents (DES) pretreatment of control and transgenic poplars for boosting the lignin valorization and cellulose bioconversion, Industrial Crops and Products, 2021, 164, 113415–113424

18. C. Y. Ma, L. H. Xu, C. Zhang, K. N. Guo, T. Q. Yuan, J. L. Wen*. A synergistic hydrothermal-deep eutectic solvent (DES) pretreatment for rapid fractionation and targeted valorization of hemicelluloses and cellulose from poplar wood, Bioresource Technology, 2021, 341, 125828–125837

19. L. H. Xu, C. Y. Ma, C. Zhang, J. Liu, X. P. Peng, S. Q. Yao, D. Y. Min, T. Q. Yuan, J. L. Wen*. Ultrafast fractionation of wild-type and CSE down-regulated poplars by microwave-assisted deep eutectic solvents (DES) for cellulose bioconversion enhancement and lignin nanoparticles fabrication, Industrial Crops and Products, 2022, 176, 114275–114284.

20. K.N. Guo, C. Zhang, L.H. Xu, S.C. Sun, J.L. Wen*, T.Q. Yuan, Efficient fractionation of bamboo residue by autohydrolysis and deep eutectic solvents pretreatment, Bioresource Technology, 2022, 354,127225-127233.

21. S.C. Sun, Y. Xu, J.L. Wen*, T.Q. Yuan, R.C. Sun*, Recent advances in lignin-based carbon fibers (LCFs): precursors, fabrications, properties, and applications, Green Chemistry, 2022, 24, 5709-5738.

23. C.Y Ma, L.H. Xu, Q. Sun, X.J.Shen, J.L.Wen*, T.Q.Yuan, Tailored one-pot lignocellulose fractionation to maximize biorefinery toward controllable producing lignin nanoparticles and facilitating enzymatic hydrolysis, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 450, 138315-138326.

24. J. L. Wen, H.M. Wang, C.Y. Ma, T.Q. Ma, R.C. Sun. Value-added products from lignin: Isolation, characterization and applications in Biomass, Biofuels, Biochemicals: Lignin Biorefinery, Edited by Thallada Bhaskar and Ashok Pandey, Elsevier, 2021, 33-55 (英文專著).

25. 文甲龍, 一種木質素的分離提純及降解方法,中國, 201710344643.1[P]. 2017-5-16.

26. 文甲龍, 馬成業, 袁同琦, 曹學飛, 張琛, 徐玲花, 高雪, 高宇非, 王漢敏. 一種從木質纖維生物質中製備高得率高芳基醚鍵結構木質素的方法: 中國, 202010873273.2[P]. 2020-12-04.

27. 文甲龍, 馬成業, 孫潤倉, 袁同琦, 王漢敏, 曹學飛. 一種微波輔助低共熔溶劑提取生物質中木質素的方法: 中國, 201911229388.1[P]. 2020-04-10.

28. 文甲龍,孫潤倉,王兵,沈曉駿,朱銘強,陳天影,從生物質中提取高活性木質素的方法及其所得的木質素,中國,201610262776.X [P].2016-04-25

29. 孫潤倉, 文甲龍, 王漢敏, 袁同琦. 一種基於稀酸預浸漬的高效分離木質素的方法: 中國, 201810707500.7[P]. 2019-01-08.[1]
