2004/09-2009/06 北京理工大學 博士研究生
2000/09-2004/06 北京理工大學 本科
2009/07-2016/06 北京科技大學 講師
2015/10-2016/03 在日本信州大學理學部進行學術訪問
2016/07-至今 北京科技大學 副教授
2012 獲國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目 天元基金 負責人
2012 獲北京科技大學基礎研究項目 負責人
2015 國家自然科學基金項目 主要參與人
2018 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目 主要參與人
1. Limei Cao, Xinhui Si and Liancun Zheng. Convection of Maxwell fluid over stretching surface with heat source/sink in presence of nanoparticles: Lie group analysis. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition, 37(4):433-442,2016. (SCI期刊)
2. Limei Cao, Xinhui Si and Liancun Zheng. The flow of a micropolar fluid through a porous expanding channel: A Lie group analysis. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 270:242–250, 2015. (SCI期刊)
3. Limei Cao, Xinhui Si, Liancun Zheng and Huihui Pang. Lie group analysis for MHD effects on the convectively heated stretching porous surface with the heat source/sink. Boundary Value Problems, 2015(63):1-18, 2015. (SCI期刊)
4. Limei Cao, Xinhui Si, Liancun Zheng and Huihui Pang. The analysis of the suction/injection on the MHD Maxwell fluid past a stretching plate in the presence of nanoparticles by Lie group method. Open Physics (formerly Central European Journal of Physics), 13:135–141, 2015. (SCI期刊)
5. Limei Cao, Didong Li, Erchuan Zhang, Zhenning Zhang and Huafei Sun. A statistical cohomogeneity one metric on the upper plane with constant negative curvature. Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2014:1-6,2014. (SCI期刊)
6. Limei Cao, Yina Sun, Yanan Shen, Xinhui Si. DTM-BF method for the flow and heat transfer over a nonlinearly stretching sheet with nanofluids. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 20(1): 15-24, 2015. (EI期刊)
7. 曹麗梅, 張真寧, 孫華飛. 經典理想氣體模型的信息幾何結構及不穩定. 北京理工大學學報. 35(4): 432-435, 2015. (EI期刊)
8. 張真寧, 曹麗梅, 柯炳清 二元Weibull統計流形的對偶幾何結構及其不穩定性, 北京工業大學學報, 3: 388-392, 2014.
9. Limei Cao, Huafei Sun and Liping Wu. The geometric structure of the bivariate q-normal distribution manifold. 2011 International Conference on Multimedia Tehnology, 2690-2693, Hangzhou, China ,2011.
10. Limei Cao, Huafei Sun and Zhenning Zhang. The geometric description of the fibre bundle surface for the Birkhoff system[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 26(3): 030201,2009.(SCI期刊)
11. Limei Cao, Huafei Sun and Xiaojie Wang. Information geometry of the GARCH model[J]. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 18: 243-246, 2009. (EI期刊)
12. Limei Cao, Huafei Sun and Xiaojie Wang. The geometric structures of the Weibull distribution manifold and the generalized exponential distribution manifold[J]. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 39(1): 45-51, 2009. (核心期刊)
13. Liping Wu, Huafei Sun and Limei Cao. Information geometry for random walk[J]. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 18(3):41-45, 2009.(EI期刊)
14. Liping Wu, Huafei Sun and Limei Cao. Geometrical description of denormalized thermodynamic manifold[J]. Chinese Physics B, 18(9): 1-5, 2009. (SCI期刊)
15. 龐慧慧,曹麗梅,葛渭高. 上下解方法在四階非局部邊值問題中的應用, 數學實踐與認識, 39: 202-206, 2009. (中文核心).
16. 吳利萍, 曹麗梅, 田敏. 廣義Beta II分布的子流形的幾何結構[J]. 科技導報, 22: 34-37, 2008.
17. Limei Cao, Huafei Sun and Liping Wu. Information geometry of the thermodynamic manifold[J]. Il Nuovo Cimento B, 123: 593-598, 2008. (SCI期刊)
18. 曹麗梅, 孫華飛, 張真寧. 股票收益過程的信息幾何[J]. 北京理工大學學報, 27(1): 91-94, 2007.(EI期刊)
2017年 榮獲第三屆北京高校數學微課程教學設計競賽 二等獎 2017年 榮獲第十屆北京科技大學青年教師基本功比賽 一等獎[1]