朱利中 | |
中國工程學院院士 | |
國籍 | 中國 |
職業 | 教授,博士生導師 |
知名作品 | 《有機膨潤土及其在污染控制中的應用》 |
朱利中 (1959年10月19日 - ) 男,浙江大學教授,博士生導師,浙江省特級專家。主要研究方向為污染物界面行為及調控技術。
2015年被評為浙江省勞動模範;2015年當選英國皇家化學會會士;2017年5月,朱利中獲得全國創新爭先獎狀[1] 。2017年當選中國工程學院院士[2] 。
1990.9-1991.9加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學化學系高級訪問學者;1996.9-1996.12日本靜岡縣立大學客座教授;2000.12-2001.3美國地質調查局Denver聯邦中心高級訪問學者。現任農業生命環境學部副主任、環境污染控制研究所所長,兼任中國環境科學學會大氣環境分會副理事長、教育部環境科學教學指導分委員會委員、國家自然科學基金委化學學科評議組成員、《環境化學》副主編、《科學通報》、《J Environ Sci》《中國環境科學》和《生態毒理學報》編委等職,曾任亞洲廢棄物管理協會副理事長。1997年入選國家"百千萬人才工程",2001年獲國家傑出青年基金[3] ,2006年入選首批浙江大學求是特聘教授。
1. Shao, Diwei; Zhan, Yu; Zhou, Wenjun; Zhu, Lizhong. Current status and temporal trend of the Yangtze River Delta Region: Field survey and meta-analysis. Environ Pollut, 2016, 219, 329-336 2. Sun, Jianteng; Pan, Lili; Tsang, Daniel C. W.; Zhan, Yu; Liu, Wenxin; Wang, Xilong; Zhu, Lizhong; Li, Xiangdong. Polychlorinated biphenyls in agricultural soils from the Yangtze River Delta of China: Regional contamination characteristics, combined ecological effects and human health risks. Chemosphere, 163, 422-428 3. Wu, Xiang; Zhu, Lizhong. Evaluating bioavailability of organic pollutants in soils by sequential ultrasonic extraction procedure. Chemosphere, 156, 21-29 4. Sun, Jianteng; Zhu, Lizhong; Pan, Lili; Wei, Zi; Song, Yao; Zhang, Yuduo; Qu, Liping; Zhan, Yu. Detection of methoxylated and hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls in sewage sludge in China with evidence for their microbial transformation. Sci Rep, 2016, 6 5. Liang, Xiao; Zhu, Lizhong; Zhuang, Shulin. Sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to soils enhanced by heavy metals: perspective of molecular interactions. J Soil Sediment, 2016, 16, 1509-1518 6. Sun, Jianteng; Pan, LL; Su, Zhenzhu; Zhan, Yu; Zhu, Lizhong. Interconversion between methoxylated and hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls in rice plants: an important but overlooked metabolic pathway. Environ Sci Technol, 2016, 50, 3668-3675 7. He, Shichong; Zhu, Lizhong. Durability of organobentonite-amended liner for decelerating chloroform transport. Chemosphere, 2016, 343-350 8. Zhan, Yu; Sun, Jianteng; Luo, Yuzhou; Pan, Lili; Deng, Xunfei; Wei, Zi; Zhu, Lizhong. Estimating emissions and environmental fate of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in Yangtze River Delta, China: application of inverse modeling. Environ Sci Technol, 2016, 50, 2450-2458 9. Sun, Jianteng; Pan, Lili; Zhan, Yu; Lu, Hannan; Tsang, Daniel C.W.; Liu, Wenxin; Wang, Xilong; Li, Xiangdong. Contamination of phthalate esters, organochlorine pesticides and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in agricultural soils from the Yangtze River Delta of China. Sci Total Environ, 2016, 544, 670-676 10. Ruan, Xiuxiu; Zhu, Lizhong; Chen, Baoliang; Qian, Guangren; Frost, Ray L. Combined H-1 NMR and LSER study for the compound-specific interactions between organic contaminants and organobentonites. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 460, 119-127 11. Li, Yimin; Cheng, Wei; Sheng, Guodong; Li, Jianfa; Dong, Huaping; Chen, Ya ; Zhu, Lizhong. Synergetic effect of a pillared bentonite support on SE(VI) removal by nanoscale zero valent iron. Appl. Catal. B-Environ,2015,174,329-335 12. Yang, Kaijie; Chen, Baoliang; Zhu, Lizhong. Graphene-coated materials using silica particles as a framework for highly efficient removal of aromatic pollutants in water. Sci Rep, 2015,5,189-195 13. Chen, Kunyang; Zhu, Lizhong*; Yang, Kun. Tricrystalline TiO2 with enhanced photocatalytic activity and durability for removing volatile organic compounds from indoor air. Journal Of Environmental Sci-chi, 2015,32,189-195 14. Wang, Chen; Zhu, Lizhong*; Zhang, Chunlong. A new speciation scheme of soil polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons for risk assessment. J Soil Sediment,2015,15(5),1139-1149
15. Zhou, Wenjun; Yang, Qi; Chen, Cuiping; Wu, Qianqian; Zhu, Lizhong. Fixed-bed study and modeling of selective phenanthrene removal from surfactant solutions. Colloid Surface A, 2015,470,100-107 16. Li, Feng; Zhu, Lizhong*; Wang, Lingwen; Zhan, Yu. Gene Expression of an Arthrobacter in Surfactant-Enhanced Biodegradation of a Hydrophobic Organic Compound. Environ Sci Technol, 2015,49(6),3698-3704 17. Zhang, Luqing; Lei, Cheng; Chen, Jiajun; Yang, Kun; Zhu, Lizhong; Lin, Daohui*. Effect of natural and synthetic surface coatings on the toxicity of multiwalled carbon nanotubes toward green algae. Carbon,2015,83,198-207 18. Chen, Zaiming; Xiao, Xin; Chen, Baoliang*; Zhu, Lizhong. Quantification of Chemical States, Dissociation Constants and Contents of Oxygen-containing Groups on the Surface of Biochars Produced at Different Temperatures. Environ Sci Technol, 2015,49(1),309-317 19. Chen, Kunyang; Zhu, Lizhong*; Yang, Kun. Acid-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of nanocrystalline TiO2 from titanate nanotubes: Influence of acids on the photodegradation of gaseous toluene. Journal of Environmental Sci-chi, 2015,27,232-240 20. Li, Feng; Zhu, Lizhong*; Zhang, Dong. Effect of surfactant on phenanthrene metabolic kinetics by Citrobacter sp SA01. Journal Of Environmental Sci-chi, 2014,26(11),2298-2306 21. Li, Feng; Zhu, Lizhong*. Surfactant-modified fatty acid composition of Citrobacter sp.SA01 and its effect on phenanthrene transmembrane transport. Chemosphere, 2014,107,58-64 22. Zhang, Dong; Zhu, Lizhong*. Controlling microbiological interfacial behaviors of hydrophobic organic compounds by surfactants in biodegradation process. Front Env Sci Eng,2014,8,305-315 23. Ni, Hewei; Zhou, Wenjun; Zhu, Lizhong*. Enhancing plant-microbe associated bio- remediation of phenanthrene andpyrene contaminated soil by SDBS-Tween 80 mixed surfactants. J Environ Sci, 2014,26,1071-1079 24. Lyu, Jinze; Zhu Lizhong*; Burda, Clemens. Considerations to improve adsorption and photocatalysis of low concentration air pollutants on TiO2. Catalysis Today, 2014, 225, 24-33 25. Xiao, Xin; Chen, Baoliang*; Zhu, Lizhong. Transformation, morphology, and dissolution of silicon and carbon in rice straw-Derived biochars under different pyrolytic temperatures. Environ Sci Technol, 2014, 48 (6), 3411-3419 26. Chen, Cuiping; Zhou, Wenjun*; Yang, Qi; Zhu, Lifang; Zhu Lizhong. Sorption characteristics of nitrosodiphenylamine (NDPhA) and diphenylamine (DPhA) onto organo-bentonite from aqueous solution. Chen Eng J, 2014, 240, 487-493 27. Zhou, Wenjun*; Chen, Cuiping; Lou, Linjie; Yang, Qi; Zhu Lizhong. Formation potential of nine nitrosamines from corresponding secondary amines by chloramination.Chemosphere, 2013, 95, 81-87 28. Zhou, Wenjun*; Wang, Xuehao; Chen, Cuiping; Zhu Lizhong. Removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from surfactant solutions by selective sorption with organo-bentonite. Chen Eng J,2013, 233, 251-257 29. Jing, Qingfeng; Yi, Zili; Lin, Daohui; Zhu,Lizhong*. Enhanced sorption of naphthalene and p-nitrophenol by Nano-SiO2 modified with a cationic surfactant. Water Research,2013, 47(12)4006-4012
2017年7月- 國家自然基金委化學科學部諮詢專家
2016年10月23日- 重慶市土壤污染控制與修復工程技術研究中心土壤平台技術委員會副主任
2016年5月- 教育部科技委環境與土木水利學部委員
2015年4月- 中國土壤學會土壤修復專業委員會副主任
《J Environ Sci》編委
朱利中主講《環境化學》、《污染控制化學》等課程,其中《環境化學》2004年入選國家精品課程 ,2013年入選國家級精品資源共享課程。2006年指導博士生陳寶梁的畢業論文《表面活性劑在土壤有機污染修復中的作用及機理》被評為全國百篇優秀博士學位論文 ,2007年指導博士生楊坤的畢業論文《表面活性劑對有機污染物在土壤/沉積物上吸附行為的調控機制》獲得全國百篇優秀博士學位論文提名 。2008年獲得浙江省第四屆高等學校教學名師獎
1994年- 國務院政府特殊津貼
2007年- 浙江省有突出貢獻中青年專家
2008年- 浙江省特級專家
2014年- 浙江省勞動模範
2015年- 英國皇家化學會會士
2017年11月- 中國工程學院院士(環境與輕紡工程學部)
2017年- 全國創新爭先獎狀
朱利中長期致力於污染物界面行為調控及其土壤-水有機污染控制技術和工程應用,為中國環境保護作出了重要貢獻 。 朱利中致力於土壤有機污染防治研究,帶領團隊研發出多項土壤修復技術,在全國多個地方的有機污染農田和場地土壤修復工程中得到應用,並為相關企業提供技術諮詢服務,取得顯著成效。