

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋
國籍 中國
母校 清華大學
職業 教育科研工作者


主要研究領域:合成生物學、人造細胞;新一代高通量DNA測序、宏基因組學;高通量DNA測序在癌症和傳染病等疾病領域中的應用;生命的起源、遠古生命與極端條件下生命體的發現與測序 。



1999.9-2003.1 清華大學工程力學系學士,優秀畢業生、提前畢業。

2003.9-2005.9 麻省理工學院(MIT)機械工程系碩士

2005.9-2010.6 哈佛-麻省理工健康科學與技術 (Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology) 博士

2010.7-2011.9 麻省理工學院(MIT)/哈佛醫學院麻省總醫院(MGH)博士後

2011.9-至-- 清華大學生命科學學院博士生導師


合成生物學、人造細胞;新一代高通量DNA測序、宏基因組學;高通量DNA測序在癌症和傳染病等疾病領域中的應用;生命的起源、遠古生命與極端條件下生命體的發現與測序 ;鏡像化學生物學。







1.Xu W, Jiang W, Wang J, Yu L, Chen J, Liu X, Liu L*,Zhu TF*. Total chemical synthesis of a thermostable enzyme capable of polymerase chain reaction.Cell Discovery, 3:17008, (2017).

2.Wang Z, Xu W, Liu L*,Zhu TF*. A synthetic molecular system capable of mirror-image genetic replication and transcription.Nature Chemistry, 8(7):698-704, (2016). (Highlighted byNature,Scientific American,C&E News, andF1000Prime)

3.Jiang W*,Zhu TF*. Targeted isolation and cloning of 100-kb microbial genomic sequences by Cas9-assisted targeting of chromosome segments.Nature Protocols, 11(5):960-975, (2016).

4.Jiang W, Zhao X, Gabrieli T, Lou C*, Ebenstein Y*,Zhu TF*. Cas9-Assisted Targeting of CHromosome segments CATCH enables one-step targeted cloning of large gene clusters.Nature Communications, 6:8101, (2015).

5.Jiang W, Liang P, Wang B, Fang J, Lang J, Tian G, Jiang J,Zhu TF*. Optimized DNA extraction and metagenomic sequencing of airborne microbial communities.Nature Protocols, 10(5):768-779, (2015).


6.Cao C, Jiang W, Wang B, Fang J, Lang J, Tian G*, Jiang J*, andZhu TF*. Inhalable microorganisms in Beijing's PM2.5and PM10pollutants during a severe smog event.Environmental Science & Technology, 48(3):1499-1507, (2014). (Web of Science 'Highly Cited Paper': top 1% of the field; Highlighted byNature,Scientific American,Popular Science,The Scientist,Los Angeles Times, andBusiness Insider)

7.Zhu TF,Adamala K, Zhang, N, Szostak JW*. Photochemically driven redox chemistry induces protocell membrane pearling and division.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 109(25): 9828-9832, (2012).

8.Zhu TF, Szostak JW*. Coupled growth and division of model protocell membranes.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131: 5705-5713, (2009). (Highlighted byPBS NOVA,BBC,Discovery Science Channel,National Geographic Channel,C&E News,HHMI Bulletin, andScientific American)

9.Zhu TF, Zhao HC, Wu J, Hoylaerts MF*. Three-dimensional reconstruction of thrombus formation during photochemically induced arterial and venous thrombosis.Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 31:515-525, (2003). (Cover story)

10. Zhu TF, Szostak JW. Exploding vesicles. J Syst Chem, 2:4, (2011).Schrum J, Zhu TF, Szostak JW. The origins of cellular life. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2(9): a002212, (2010).

11. Zhao HC, Zhu TF, Wu J, Xi BS. Effect of simulated microgravity on aged pea seed vigour and related physiological properties. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces 27: 311-314, (2003).

12. Zhao HC, Zhu TF, Wu J, Xi BS. Effect of Ca-2+ on H+-ATPase activity of plasma membrane in wheat root. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces 28: 147-152, (2003).

13. Zhao HC, Wu J, Zheng L, Zhu TF, Xi BS. Effect of sound stimulation on Dendranthema morifolium callus growth. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces 29: 143-147, (2003).

14. Zhao HC, Zhu TF, Wu J, Xi BS. Role of protein kinase in the effect of sound stimulation on the PM H+-ATPase activity of Chrysanthemum callus. Colloids Surf B Biointerface 26: 335-340, (2002).


獲獎人朱聽在2020騰訊「科學探索獎」頒獎典禮演講 2020年11月14日發布

獲獎人代表發言:朱聽—無界的探索 2020年11月25日發布
