

事實揭露 揭密真相
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來自 大河網 的圖片

李召虎,男,漢族,1967年7月出生,內蒙古土默特左旗人,1985年11月入黨,1990年7月參加工作,博士, 畢業於北京農業大學(現中國農業大學),現任華中農業大學校長、黨委副書記[1]



民 族 ---- 漢族



國 籍 ---- 中國

職   業 ---- 教育科研管理工作者







1983-1987 中國農業大學; 本科,農學,作物栽培

1987-1990 中國農業大學;碩士,農學,作物化控


1983.09-1987.07 就讀於原北京農業大學,獲學士學位

1987.09-1990.07 在原北京農業大學攻讀研究生,獲碩士學位

1990.07-1995.08 原北京農業大學教師

1995.09-1999.08 在美國AUBURN大學攻讀博士研究生,獲博士學位

1999.09-2001.05 在美國NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY從事博士後研究

1993.12-1995.07 北京農業大學農學系黨總支副書記

2001.09-2002.08 在內蒙古農業廳"博士團"掛職廳長助理

2002.08-2006.07 中國農業大學農學與生物技術學院分黨委書記兼副院長、教授

2006.07-2009.07 中國農業大學農學與生物技術學院院長兼分黨委書記

2009.07-2011.06 中國農業大學農學與生物技術學院院長、教育部""特聘教授

2011.06-2017.09 中國農業大學黨委常委、副校長[2]


2017.09-2018.09 中國農業大學黨委常委、常務副校長

2018.09至今 華中農業大學校長、黨委副書記



2. 植物生長調節劑創製與激素調控機制

3. 雜草除草劑抗藥性


來自 湖北網 的圖片



1. Du Mingwei, Ren Xiaoming, Tian Xiaoli, Duan Liusheng, Zhang Mingcai, Tan Weiming,Li Zhaohu. 2013. Evaluation of Harvest Aid Chemicals for the Cotton-Winter Wheat Double Cropping System. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 12(2): 273-282.

2. Jiang Linjian, Qu Feng,Li Zhaohu, Doohan Douglas. 2013. Inter-species protein trafficking endows dodder (Cuscuta pentagona) with a host-specific herbicide-tolerant trait. New Phytologist. (Online, doi: 10.1111/nph.12269)

3. Lu Yao, Li Yajun, Zhang Jiachang, Xiao Yitao, Yue Yuesen, Duan Liusheng, Zhang Mingcai,Li Zhaohu. 2013. Overexpression of Arabidopsis molybdenum cofactor sulfurase gene confers drought tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.). Plos One, 8(1): e52126.

4. Jiang Feng,Li Zhaohu, Lv Zhiwei, Gao Tongguo, Yang Jinshui, Qin Zhaohai, Yuan Hongli. 2013. The biosolubilization of lignite by Bacillus sp. Y7 and characterization of the soluble products. Fuel, 103, 639–645.

5. Yue Yuesen, Zhang Mingcai, Zhang Jiachang, Tian Xiaoli, Duan Liusheng,Li Zhaohu. 2012. Increased abscisic acid level and enhanced drought tolerance of transgenic cotton by overexpressing AtLOS5 gene. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63, 3741–3748.

6. Ibrahim A.M., Li R., You Z.,Li Z. 2012. Japanese Foxtail (Alopecurus japonicus) resistance to Fenoxaprop and Pinoxaden in China. Weed Science, 60, 167-171.

7. Yue Yuesen, Zhang Mingcai, Zhang Jiachang, Duan Liusheng,Li Zhaohu. 2012. SOS1 gene overexpression increased salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco by maintaining a higher K+/Na+ ratio. Journal of Plant Physiology, 169, 255-261.

8. Wang Ye, Li Bo, Du Mingwei, Eneji A. Egrinya, Wang Baomin, Duan Liusheng,Zhaohu Li, Tian Xiaoli. 2012. Mechanism of phytohormone involvement in feedback regulation of cotton leaf senescence induced by potassium deficiency. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63, 5887-5901.

9. Wu Huiling, Wu Xiaoli,Zhaohu Li, Duan Liusheng, Zhang Mingcai. 2012. Physiological evaluation of drought stress tolerance and recovery in Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L.) seedlings treated with methyl jasmonate and coronatine. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 31, 113-123.

10. Li Bo, Wang Ye, Zhang Zhiyong, Wang Baomin, Eneji A. Egrinya, Duan Liusheng,Zhaohu Li, Tian Xiaoli. 2012. Cotton shoot plays a major role in mediating senescence induced by potassium deficiency. Journal of Plant Physiology, 169, 327-335.

11. Wang Ning, Hua Hanbai, Eneji A. Egrinya,Li Zhaohu, Duan Liusheng, Tian Xiaoli. 2012. Genotypic variations in photosynthetic and physiological adjustment to potassium deficiency in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology. 110, 1–8.

12. Nan Tiegui, Wu Shangquan, Zhao Hongwei, Tan Weiming,Li Zhaohu, Zhang Qingchuan, Wang Baomin. 2012. Development of a Secondary Antibody Thio-Functionalized Microcantilever Immunosensor and an ELISA for Measuring Ginsenoside Re Content in the Herb Ginseng. Anal. Chem., 84, 4327−4333.

13. Tan Weiming, Hou Ning, Pang Sen, Zhu Xiaofeng,Li Zhaohu, Wen Lixiong, Duan Liusheng. 2012. Improved biological effects of uniconazole using porous hollow silica nanoparticles as carriers. Pest Manag Sci, 68, 437–443.

14. Zhu Xiaofeng, Tan Weiming, Zhou Fan,Li Zhaohu, Duan Liusheng. 2012. The effect of phosphate buffer solutions on uniconazole complexation with hydroxypropyl-b-cyclodextrin and methyl-b-cyclodextrin. J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem, 73, 193–198.

15. Jiang Feng, Cao Shujuan,Zhaohu Li, Fan Hua, Li Haifeng, Liu Weijie, Yuan Hongli. 2012. Salisediminibacterium halotolerans gen. nov., sp. nov., a halophilic bacterium from soda lake sediment. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 62, 2127–2132.

16. Yue Yuesen, Zhang Mingcai, Zhang Jiachang, Duan Liusheng,Li Zhaohu. 2011. Arabidopsis LOS5/ABA3 overexpression in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi-nc) results in enhanced drought tolerance. Plant Science, 181, 405-411.

17. Wu Huiling, Zhang Jiachang, Duan Liusheng, Eneji A. Egrinya, Zhang Bo,Li Zhaohu. 2011. Effects of dapA gene deletion on coronatine biosynthesis in Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea PG4180. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 27:325–331.

18. Gao Xiquan, Terry Wheeler,Li Zhaohu, Charles M. Kenerley, He Ping, Shan Libo. 2011. Silencing GhNDR1 and GhMKK2 compromised cotton resistance to Verticillium wilt. The Plant Journal, 2, 293-305.

19. Yang Fuqiang, Wang Gangwei, Zhang Zhiyong, Eneji A. Egrinya, Duan Liusheng,Li Zhaohu, Tian Xiaoli. 2011. Genotypic variations in potassium uptake and utilization in cotton. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 34, 83-97.

20. Zhao Hongwei, Nan Tiegui, Tan Guiyu, Gao Wei, Cao Zhen, Sun Shuo,Li Zhaohu, Li Qing X., Wang Baomin. 2011. Development of two highly sensitive immunoassays for detection of copper ions and a suite of relevant immunochemicals. Analytica Chimica Acta, 702, 102-108.

21. Wang Shiwen, Xie Beitao, Yin Lina, Duan Liusheng,Li Zhaohu, Eneji A. Egrinya, Tsuji Wataru, Tsunekawa Atsushi. 2010. Increased UV-B radiation affects the viability, reactive oxygen species accumulation and antioxidant enzyme activities in maize (Zea mays L.) pollen. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 86, 110-116.

22. Shen Xuefeng, Li Xiangwen,Li Zhaohu, Li Jianmin, Duan Liusheng, Eneji A. Egriny. 2010. Growth, physiological attributes and antioxidant enzyme activities in soybean seedlings treated with or without silicon under UV-B radiation stress. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 196, 431-439.

23. Shen Xuefeng, Zhou Yuyi, Duan Liusheng,Li Zhaohu, Eneji A. Egrinya, Li Jianmin. 2010. Silicon effects on photosynthesis and antioxidant parameters of soybean seedlings under drought and ultraviolet-B radiation. Journal of Plant Physiology, 167, 1248-1252.

24. Li Xiangwen, Shen Xuefeng, Li Jianmin, Eneji, A. Egrinya,Li Zhaohu, Tian Xiaoli, Duan Liusheng. 2010. Coronatine alleviates water deficiency stress on winter wheat seedlings. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 52, 616-625.

25. Zhao Hongwei, Xue Changguo, Nan Tiegui, Tan Guiyu,Li Zhaohu, Li Qing X., Zhang Qingchuan, Wang Baomin. 2010. Detection of copper ions using microcantilever immunosensors and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Analytica Chimica Acta, 676, 81-86.

26. Tan Weiming, Huang Yuan, Nan Tiegui, Xue Changguo,Li Zhaohu, Zhang Qingchuan, Wang Baomin. 2010. Development of Protein A Functionalized Microcantilever Immunosensors for the Analyses of Small Molecules at Parts per Trillion Levels. Analytical Chemistry, 82, 615-620.


華中農業大學校長李召虎:大學生活為你們的人生插上一雙強有力的翅膀 2020年6月23日發布
