李惠 |
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民 族 ---- 漢族
國 籍 ---- 中國
職 業 ---- 教育科研工作者
學 科 ---- 防災減災工程及防護工程
職 稱 ---- 教授
《Journal of Asian Building and Engineering》、《地震工程與工程振動》、《世界地震工程》、《工程抗震》等期刊編委。
1. 李惠,高強混凝土及其組合結構,科學出版社,2004。
2. Ou Jinping, Li Hui & Duan Zhongdong, Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, Taloy & Francis, 2005 (編)。
3. Steven D Glaser, Hui Li, Ming L Wang, Jinping Ou and Jerome Lynch, Sensor technology innovation for the advancement of structural health monitoring: a strategic program of US- China research for the next decade, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol.3, No.2(2007):221-244 (SCI, EI)。
4. Li Hui, Zhang Maohua and Ou Jinping, Flexural fatigue performance of concrete containing nano-particles for pavement. International Journal of Fatigue, No.29, pp1292-1301, 2007 (SCI, EI)。
5. Li Hui, Liu Min, Ou Jinping. et al, Vibration control of stay cables of Shandong Binzhou Yellow River highway bridge by using magnetorheological fluid dampers. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering,Vol.12, No.4, pp 401-409, 2007 (EI)。
6. Li Hui, Liu Min and Ou Jinping, Negative stiffness characteristics of active and semiactive control systems of stay cables. International Journal Structural Control and Health Monitoring. In press. (SCI, EI)。
7. Yan Xin, Li Hui and Wong Yuk-Lung, Assessment and repair of fire-damaged high-strength concrete: strength and durability. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), Vol.19, No.6, 2007 (SCI, EI)。
8. Yan Xin, Li Hui and Wong Yuk-Lung, Effect of aggregate on high-strength concrete in fire. Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol.59, 2007 (SCI, EI)。
9. Li Hui, Liu Zhiqiang and Ou Jinping, Behavior of a simple concrete beam driven by shape memory alloy wires, Smart Materials and Structures, 15 (2006): 1039–1046 (SCI, EI)。
10. Li Hui, Zhang Maohua and Ou Jinping, Abrasion resistance of concrete containing nano-particles for pavement. Wear, Vol.260, No.11-12, pp1262-1266, 2006 (SCI, EI)。
11. Li Hui, Ou Jinping, Zhao Xuefeng, Zhou Wensong, Li Hongwei and Zhou Zhi. Structural health monitoring system for the Shandong Binzhou Yellow River highway bridge, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol.21, pp306-317, 2006 (SCI, EI)。
12. Li Hui and Ou Jinping, A direct approach for semi-active and smart base-isolated buildings, International Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring,13(23), 2006 (SCI, EI)。
13. Li Hui, Mao Chenxi and Ou Jinping. Strain self-sensing property and strain rate dependent constitutive model of austenitic shape memory alloy: experiment and theory. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 6, 676-685, 2005 (SCI)。
14. Li Hui, Xiao Huigang and Ou Jinping, Effect of compressive strain on electrical resistivity of carbon black-filled cement-based composites. Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol.28, No.9, pp 824-828, 2006 (SCI, EI)。
15. Liu Zhiqiang, Li Hui, Chen Wenli and Ou Jinping, Study On Strain-sense Property of TiNi and TiNiCu Shape Memory Alloys, Advances in Structural Engineering, 8(6):637-643(SCI, EI)。
16. Li Hui, Xiao Huigang, Yuan Jie and Ou jinping, Microstructure of cement mortar with nano-particles. Composite Part B: Engineering, Vol.35, No.2, pp185-189, 2004 (SCI, EI)。
17. Li Hui, Xiao Huigang, Ou Jinping, A study on mechanical and pressure-sensitive properties of cement mortar with nanophase materials. Cement and Concrete Research, Vol.34, No.3, pp435-438, 2004 (SCI, EI)。
18. Li Hui, Liu Zhiqiang, Li Zuowei and Ou Jinping, Study on damage emergency repair performance of a simple beam embedded with shape memory alloys. Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 7, No.6: 495-502 (SCI, EI)。
19. Li Hui, Zhou Wensong and Ou Jinping, Study on electromechanical behavior of unidirectional carbon fibre sheet without epoxy resin matrix. Advances in Structural Engineering, vol.5, pp437-445, 2004 (SCI, EI)。
20. Li Hui, Liu Min and Ou Jinping, Vibration mitigation of a stay cable with one shape memory alloy damper. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Vol.11, No.1, pp21-36, 2004 (EI)。
21. Li Hui, Zhang Maohua and Ou Jinping, The pore structure and chloride permeability of concrete containing nano-particles for pavement. Materials Research Bulletin (Submitted)。
22. Li Hui, Wang Zhenyu, Mao Chenxi and Liu Min. Research on structural emergency and vibration control with shape memory alloy. Pacific Science Review. 2002, Vol.4 :100-104。
23. Xiao Huigang, Lan Chengming, Ji Xiaoyong and Li Hui, Mechanical and sensing properties of structural materials with nanophase materials. Pacific Science Review. Vol.5, No.1, pp122-127, 2003
24. Bao Yuequan, Li Hui, Structural damage detection based on information fusion techniques. Pacific Science Review.. (Accepted)。
25. Li Shunlong, Li Hui. Finite Element Model Updating Based on Hybrid Optimization Algorithm. Pacific Science Review. (Accepted)。
26. Li Hui, Lan Chengming, Peng Junyi and Ou Jinping. A structural reliability-based sensitivity analysis method by Particles Swarm Optimization. Structural Safety. (Submitted)。
27. Liu Zhiqiang and Li Hui, Recovery stress generation in shape memory alloys. Pacific Science Review. Vol.5 (2):204-209, 2003。
28. Li Hui, Wang Zhenyu, Mao Chenxi, Liu Min and Ou Jinping, Study on vibration control with shape memory alloy. Pacific Science Review, Vol.4, pp:100-104,2002。
1. 李惠, 歐進萍, 斜拉橋結構健康監測系統的設計與實現(Ⅰ): 系統設計, 土木工程學報, Vol.39, No.4, pp29-44, 2006 (EI)。
2. 李惠, 歐進萍, 斜拉橋結構健康監測系統的設計與實現(Ⅱ): 系統設計, 土木工程學報, Vol.39, No.4, pp45-53, 2006 (EI)。
3. 李惠,劉敏,歐進萍, 斜拉索-形狀記憶合金耗能減振系統動力特性和模態分析,振動工程學報, Vol.18, No.1, pp64-69, 2005 (EI)。
4. 李惠,劉敏,歐進萍, 關新春, 山東濱州黃河公路大橋斜拉索磁流變智能減振系統分析與設計.中國公路學報, Vol.18, No.4, pp37-41, 2005 (EI)。
5. Li Hui, Chen Wenli, OU Jinping, Semiactive variable stiffness control for parametric vibration of cables. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering vibration, Vol.5, No.2, pp215-222, 2006 (EI)。
6. 李惠, 周文松, 歐進萍, 楊永順, 大型橋樑結構智能健康監測系統集成技術研究. 土木工程學報, Vol.39, No.2, pp46-52. 2006 (EI)。
7. 李惠, 彭君義, 結構模型與控制器降階的主動控制試驗研究. 振動工程學報, Vol.19, No.1, pp465-471, 2006 (EI)。
8. 毛晨曦,李惠,歐進萍. 形狀記憶合金被動阻尼器及結構地震反應控制試驗研究和分析. 建築結構學報, Vol. 26, No.3, pp38-44, 2005 (EI)。
9. 周文松, 李惠, 歐進萍, 無環氧樹脂基碳纖維束自監測功能研究. 複合材料學報, Vol.22, No.2, pp63-66, 2005 (EI)。
10. 李惠,肖會剛,歐進萍,水泥基納米複合材料壓敏特性研究. 功能材料, Vol.35, 增刊,pp2653-2656, 2004 yo(EI)。
11. 肖會剛,李惠,歐進萍, 濕度和溫度對水泥基應變傳感器性能影響的試驗研究. 功能材料, Vol.37, 增刊, pp619-6216, 2006 (EI)。
12. 蘭成明,李惠,肖會剛, 納米混凝土抗磨及抗氯離子滲透性能研究. 功能材料, Vol.37,增刊, pp652-656 , 2006 (EI)。
13. 陳文禮, 李惠, 基於RANS的圓柱風致渦激振動的CFD數值模擬. 西安建築科技大學學報, Vol.38, No.4, pp509-513, 2006 (EI)。
14. 陳文禮,李惠, 粘滯阻尼器對拉索的參數振動控制分析. 地震工程與工程振動 (已錄用)。
15. 蘭成明, 李惠, 肖會剛, 納米混凝土抗磨及抗氯離子滲透性能研究. 功能材料, Vol.37(S), pp652-653+656, 2006 (EI)。
16. 蘭成明, 李惠, 基於PSO的結構可靠度及隨機變量敏感性分析. 西安建築科技大學學報, Vol.38, No.5, pp 614-618, 2006 (EI)。
17. 祁皚, 李惠, 振動質量控制系統的權矩陣及其參數的敏感性分析. 土木工程學報, Vol. 36, No.11, pp93-98,2003。
18. 李惠, 袁雪松, 粘滯流體變阻尼半主動控制器對結構抗震控制的試驗研究. 振動工程學報, Vol.15, No.1, pp25-30, 2002 (EI)。
19. 李惠, 劉克敏, 鋼骨高強混凝土疊合柱壓彎承載力的計算, 哈爾濱建築大學學報, Vol.34, No.3, pp1-4, 2001 (EI)。
20. Guo Anxin, Xu Youlin and Li Hui, Road vehicle-induced vibration control of microelectronics 。facilities. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol.4, No.1, pp139-151, 2005。
21. 李惠, 彭君義, 周錫元, 張平. 向心式變摩擦阻尼器控制結構地震反應分析. 地震工程與工程振動, Vol.21, No.4, pp66-73, 2001。
22. 李惠, 劉克敏,鋼骨高強混凝土疊合柱抗震性能試驗研究, 土木工程學報 Vol. 34, No. 4, pp56-61, 2001。
23. 李惠, 劉克敏, 鋼骨高強混凝土疊合柱軸壓比限值的分析, 建築結構學報, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp66-70, 2001。
24. 李惠, Yoshiyuki Suzuki等, AMD控制結構地震反應的試驗研究. 振動工程學報, Vol.12, No.2, pp223-228, 1999。
25. 劉季, 李惠, 底層柔性建築和液壓質量控制系統(HMS)的抗震優化. 工程力學, Vol.13, No.2, pp61-68, 1996。
26. 李惠, 王震宇, 鋼管高強混凝土疊合柱抗震性能與受力機理的試驗研究. 地震工程與工程振動. Vol.19, No.3, pp27-33, 1999。
27. 李惠, 王震宇, 鋼管高強混凝土疊合柱彎矩-曲率關係的合成模型. 計算力學學報, Vol.17, No,2, pp184-191, 2000。
28. 李惠, 王震宇, 鋼管高強混凝土疊合柱的軸力分配及名義軸壓比限值分析. 世界地震工程, Vol.15, No.2, pp1-8, 1999。
29. 李惠, 周文松, 王震宇, 約束及無約束泵送高性能與超高性能混凝土力學性能試驗研究. 建築結構學報, Vol.24, No.5, pp58-71, 2003。
30. 郭安薪, 徐幼麟, 李惠, 高科技廠房精密儀器工作平台的微振混合控制. 地震工程與工程振動, Vol.24, No.1, pp161-165, 2004。
31. 李作為, 李惠, 唐岱新, 收縮應力下砌塊牆體裂縫防治技術試驗研究及理論分析. 混凝土, No.1, pp52-54, 2004。
32. 周文松, 李惠, 歐進萍, 楊永順, 大型橋樑健康監測系統的數據採集子系統設計方法. 公路交通科技, Vol.23, No.3, pp83-87, 2006。
33. 周文松, 李惠, 歐進萍., 反覆荷載作用下碳纖維複合材料力電性能試驗研究. 功能材料(增刊), Vol.35, pp2227-2230, 2004。
34. 李惠,毛晨曦, 形狀記憶合金與溫度有關的滯回性能試驗研究. 世界地震工程, Vol.17, No.3, pp21-26, 2001。
35. 李惠,毛晨曦, 形狀記憶合金(SMA)被動耗能減震體系的設計及參數分析. 地震工程與工程振動. Vol.21, No.4, pp54-59, 2001。
36. 李惠,毛晨曦, 新型SMA耗能器及結構地震反應控制試驗研究. 地震工程與工程振動, Vol. 23, No.1, pp133-139, 2003。
37. 蘭成明, 李惠, 結構可靠度的粒子群優化算法. 福州大學學報, Vol.33(S), pp 68-71, 2005。
38. 季小勇, 李惠, 歐進萍, 炭黑-環氧樹脂導電複合材料力-電性能研究. 功能材料, Vol.35, No.z1, pp932-935, 2004。
39. 蘭成明, 李惠, 歐進萍, 基於健康監測系統的高速公路橋樑車輛荷載模型建模研究. 公路交通科技. (In press).。
1. Ou Jinping and Li Hui, The State-of-the-Art and the State-of-the-Practice of Structural Control and Monitoring in the Mainland of China, Proceedings of 4th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, San Diego, USA, July 13-15, 2006 (Keynote lecture)。
2. Ou Jinping and Li Hui, The state-of-the art and practice of structural health monitoring for civil infrastructures in the mainland of China. The 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. Shenzhen, P. R. of China. November 16-18, Vol.1, pp69-94, 2005 (Keynote Lecture, ISTP)。
3. Li Hui, Liu Min and Ou Jinping. et al. Field tests of vibration control of stay cables by using magnetorheological fluid dampers. IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control &13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Limassol, Cyprus, Invited Paper, June 27-29, 2005, (EI, ISTP)
4. Li Hui and Ou Jinping, Full implementations of structural health monitoring systems for long-span bridges and large-span domes, Smart Structures and Materials, SPIE, 2006 (EI)。
5. Li Hui and Ou Jinping, Design Approach of Structural Health Monitoring Systems for Bridges, The 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, 2005 (Invited paper)。
6. Xiao Huigang, Li Hui and Ou Jinping, Smart concrete reinforced beam embedded with nano-cement-based strain sensors. Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Yokohama, Japan, 2006, (CD-ROM) (invited paper)。
7. Mao Chenxi and Li Hui, SMA-based smart damper/displacement transducer. SPIE International Symposia on Smart Structures & Materials/NDE, Mar. 6-10, San Diego, California, USA. pp5765-47, 2005 (EI, ISTP)。
8. Liu Min, Li Hui and Ou Jinping, Experimental investigation on vibration control of one stay cable using MR dampers. The proceeding of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE): Smart Structures and Materials. San Diego, CA, USA. Mar, 2006. (EI, ISTP)。
9. Xiao Huigang, Li Hui, A study on the application of CB-filled cement-based composites as a strain sensor for concrete structures. (SPIE)Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring of Aerospace Materials, Composites, and Civil Infrastructure. San Diego, CA, USA. Mar, 2006 (EI,ISTP)。
10. Zhang Maohua, Li Hui, The resistance to chloride penetration of concrete containing nano-particles for pavement. Proc. of SPIE (The SPIE Nondestructive Evaluation for Health Monitoring and Diagnostics Symposium-Testing, Reliability, and Application of Micro- and Nano-Material Systems IV), San Diego, USA. Vol.6175, 61750E, March 2006 (EI, ISTP)。
11. Zhang Liangquan, Li Hui and Ou Jinping, Static and ultimate state analysis of CFRP double-layer grids. SPIE International Symposia on Smart Structures & Materials/NDE, Feb 27-Mar 2, San Diego, CA, USA, Vol.6174, pp:61743J-1~12, 2006 (EI)。
12. Li Hui and Ou Jinping, Intelligent health monitoring systems for cable-stayed bridges, Smart Structures and Materials, SPIE, 2005 (5765-110, EI)。
13. Li Hui, Mao Chenxi, Liu Zhiqiang and Ou Jinping, Shape memory alloy-based smart civil structures with self-sensing and repairing capabilities, Sensing Issues in Civil Structural Health Monitoring, Wolters Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004( Editor, Farhad Ansari)。
14. Guo Anxin, Xu Youlin and Li Hui, Hybrid control of buildings under horizontal and vertical ground motion. SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials/NDE, San Diego, California, 2004 (EI)。
15. Guo Anxin, Li Zhongjun and Li Hui, Damage research of steel tube concrete arch bridges. The 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, Shenzhen, Vol.2, 951-956, 2005 (ISTP)。
16. Guo Anxin, Li Zhongjun and Li Hui, Pounding analysis method and control of highway bridges under seismic excitations. The 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, Shenzhen, Vol.2, 699-704, 2005 (ISTP)。
17. Guo Anxin, Li Zhongjun, and Li Hui, Pounding analysis of elevated bridges subjected to earthquake excitation by using explicit finite element method. International Conference on Bridge Engineering, Hong Kong, 2006。
18. Guo Anxin., Li Zhongjun and Li Hui, Pounding analysis of elevated bridges subjected to earthquake excitations by using explicit finite element method. the 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference Commemorating the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, San Francisco, 2006。
19. Guo Anxin, Cui Lili and Li Hui, Semiactive control of structural pounding of elevated bridge with MR dampers under earthquake excitations. 4th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, San Diego, 2006。
20. Guo Anxin, Cui Lili and Li Hui. Structural control of seismically induced pounding of elevated bridges by using magnetorheological dampers. IABMAS'06, Portugal, 2006。
21. Guo Anxin, Li Hui. Active control analysis of composite shallow shell coupled with discretely distributed piezoelectric actuator and sensor patches. ISSEYE-7, Tianjin, China, 2002。
22. Guo Anxin, Li Hui, An efficient method for establishing the rule-base of fuzzy controller and its application in adaptive fuzzy control of flexural beam with piezoelectric patches. International Conference on Advances & New Challenge in Earthquake Engineering Research, Harbin, China, 2002。
23. Ou Jinping and Li Hui, Recent Advances of Structural Health Monitoring in Chinese mainland, Report of 2004 ANCER Annual Meeting-Networking of Young Earthquake Engineering Researchers and Professionals, Hawaii, 2004。
24. Ou Jinping and Li Hui, Recent Advances of Structural Vibration Control in Chinese mainland, Report of 2004 ANCER Annual Meeting-Networking of Young Earthquake Engineering Researchers and Professionals, Hawaii, 2004。
25. Wang Zhenyu, Li Hui. Experimental and theoretical study on seismic resistant behavior of laminated column. Proceedings of The Seventh International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts. Tianjin. Vol.1, pp239-244, 2002 (ISTP)。
26. Li Hui, Mao Chenxi, Ou Jinping and Li Zuowei, Advanced health monitoring and damage repair technologies by using shape memory alloys. The 4th International workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, Sep. 15-17, pp805-811。
27. Li Hui, Mao Chenxi, Smart shape memory alloy-based dampers. 3rd International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology, Aug. 18-22, Xi'an. China. Vol.1. pp1027-1211, 2004 (ISTP)。
28. Mao Chenxi and Li Hui, Experimental investigation of shape memory alloy as passive energy dissipation device for seismic response reduction of buildings. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Oct. 19-20, Nanjing, China. pp734-739, 2004 (ISTP)。
29. Xiao Huigang, Li Hui and Ou Jinping, The mechanical and mechanical-electrical properties of cement mortar with nano particles. Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, Japan, Vol.1, pp867-871, 2003 (ISTP)。
30. Xiao Huigang, Li Hui and Ou Jinping, The mechanical and pressure-sensitive properties of cement mortar with nano-particles ICACS 2003: International Conference on Advances in Concrete and Structures, 31. Peng Junyi and Li Hui, Parameter identification and qualitative sensitivity analysis of hysteretic model by particle swarm optimization. Prodeeding of the 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, Shenzhen, China, Vol.2, pp1009-1014, 2005 (ISTP)。
32. Li Hui, Suzuki Yoshiyuki, Peng Junyi and Guo Anxin. Damage control of hysteretic structures by active control and semi-active control. Proceeding of the 7the International Symposimum on Structural Engineering for Young Experts, Tianjin, China, pp380-385, 2002 (ISTP)。
33. Li Hui, Zhou Wensong, Wang Zhenyu, Xu Xin and Yu Dazhong, The mechanical properties of plain high strength concrete. International Conference ICACS 2003, Xuzhou, China。
34. Li Hui and Mao Chenxi, Shape memory alloy-based smart system on structural seismic response mitigation and monitoring. 4th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, October 12-13, Taipei, Taiwan, 2006。
35. Liu Min, V Sethi, Song Gangbing and Li Hui, Investigation of locking force of stay cable vibration control using magneto-rheological fluid damper. Proceedings of IMECE06, 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago Illinois, USA, Nov.5-10, 2006。
36. Li Hui, Liu Min and Ou Jinping, Investigation on vibration mitigation of a stayed cable incorporated with one SMA damper. China-Japan Workshop on Vibration Control and Health Monitoring of Structures and Third Chinese Symposium on Structural Vibration Control, Shanghai, China, Dec, 2002 (CD-ROM)。
37. Li Hui, Liu Min and Ou Jinping, Dynamic properties of combined stayed cable/SMA damper system with coupled modes vibration. SEMC 2004 The Second International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, South Africa , July 5-7, 2004。
38. Liu Min, Li Hui and Ou Jinping, Integrated smart damping control and sensing system for stay cables vibration in cable-stayed bridges site. 12th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Cairns, Australia, July 1-6, 2007 (Accepted)。
39. Li Hui, Liu Min and Ou Jinping, Investigation on negative stiffness of active control of stay cables. Third China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Health Monitoring and Control and Fourth Chinese National Conference on Structural Control, Dalian, China, Nov,2004 (CD-ROM)。
40. Li Hui, Liu Min and Ou Jinping, Combined sensing and smart damping control for stay cable vibration. The 4th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, University of California, San Diego, USA , July11-13, 2006 (CD-ROM)。
41. Liu Min, Song Gangbing and Li Hui, Non-model based vibration control of stay cables using magneto-rheological Damper. The Proceeding of 4th China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Control and Monitoring, , Zhejiang University, Zhejiang, China., Oct 16-17, 2006。
42. Liu Min, Li Hui and Ou Jinping, Vibration control and monitoring of stay cables by using integrated magneto-rheological fluid control system. Young Researcher Forum of the Proceeding of 4th China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Control and Monitoring, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang, China, Oct 16-17, 2006。
43. Xiao Huigang and Li Hui. Strain sensing property of carbon black filled cement-based composites. Proceedings of the second international conference on structural health monitoring of intelligent infrastructure. Shen Zhen, China. Vol.1, pp527-530, 2005。
44. Xiao Huigang, Li Hui and Ou Jinping, Self-monitoring concrete column with smart concrete sensor. 4th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring. San Diego, USA. 2006 (CD-ROM)。
45. Li Hui, Xiao Huigang and Ou Jinping, Effect of moisture on electrical property of carbon black-filled cement-based composites. ACI session on Nano-technology, Atlanta, September USA, 2006 (CD-ROM)
46. Xiao Huigang, Li Hui and Ou Jinping, Piezoresistance property of cement-based composites filled with carbon black and the application of it for strain sensing. (SPIE) Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, San Diego, USA, March, 2007。
47. Yan Xin and Li Hui, Self-sensing concrete-filled FRP tube using FBG strain sensor. Proceedings of SPIE - 6th Asia-Pacific Conference: Fundamental Problems of Optoelectronics and Microelectronics III (APCOM2006), 6595, Harbin, China, 2007 (EI)。
48. Li Hui, Yan Xin and Ou Jinping, Compressive behavior and nonlinear analysis of self-sensing concrete-filled FRP tubes and FRP-steel composite tubes. The 8th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-8), Patras, Greece, 2007 (Accepted, No.369)。
49. Li Hui, Wong Yuk-Lung and Yan Xin, High-strength concrete exposed to elevated temperature-spalling and protection. International Conference on Advances in Concrete and Structures (ICACS 2003), Xuzhou, China, pp461-466, 2003 (ISTP)。
50. Zhang Maohua and Li Hui, Chloride permeability of concrete containing nano-particles for pavement. Proceedings of the second international conference on structural health monitoring and intelligent infrastructure, 16-18 November, Shenzhen, China, pp1469-1474, 2005。
51. Zhang Maohua, Li Hui and Ou Jinping. PZT active health monitoring for fatigue accumulative damage of concrete beam containing nano-particles for pavement. Fundamental Problems of Opto- and Microelectronics (APCOM'2006), Harbin, China, September 12-14, 2006。
52. Li Hui and Zhang Liangquan, Structural configuration and analysis of Kiewitt single layer CFRP reticulated domes. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, 16-18 November, Shenzhen, china, Vol.2, pp:1555-1561, 2005。
53. Chen Wenli and Li Hui, Parametric Vibration in Cables. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Nanjing, China, pp522-525, 2004 (ISTP)。
54. Li Hui and Chen Wenli,Vortex induced vibration of a circular cylinder using a RANS method. 12th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Cairns, Australia, July 1-6, 2007 (Accepted)。
55. Chen Wenli¬¬ and Li Hui, Vortex-induced vibration of a CFRP cable using a numerical simulation method. 12th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Cairns, Australia, July 1-6, 2007 (Accepted)。
56. Lan Chengming, Li Hui and Ou Jinping, Research about Bridge Load Models Based on Structural Health Monitor System. 2007 International Symposium on Integrated Life-Cycle Design & Management of Infrastructures. (In press)。
57. Li Hui and Bao Yuequan, Identification of structural damage location based on BP neural network and dempster-shafter evidence theory. The 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. Shenzhen, P. R. of China. November 16-18, Vol.2, pp1067-1072, 2005 (ISTP)。
58. Bao Yuequan and Li Hui, Study of structural damage identification based on information fusion and Shannon entropy. Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Yokohama, Japanese. December 4-6, 2006 (CD-ROM)。
59. Bao Yuequan, Li Hui, Ou Jinping, Study of two-stage structural damage detection combining both global and local information. The Proceeding of 4th China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Control and Monitoring, October 16-17, 2006 (CD-ROM)。
60. Bao Yuequan and Li Hui, Application of information fusion and Shannon entropy in structural damage detection. SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 14th International Symposium. San Diego, California USA. 18-22 March 2007。
61. Li Shunlong, Li Hui and Zhou Wensong, Finite element modeling and model updating for a cable-stayed bridge. The 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. Shenzhen, P.R. of China. November 16-18, Vol. 2, pp1307-1317 , 2005 (ISTP)。
62. Li Shunlong and Li Hui, Model updating for uncertain structures with interval parameters. Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Yokohama, Japanese. December 4-6, 2006 (CD-ROM)。
63. Li Shunlong, Li Hui and Ou Jinping, Model updating for Binzhou Yellow River Highway Bridge considering uncertainties. SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 14th International Symposium, San Diego, USA, March pp18-22, 2007。
64. Zhou Wensong, Li Hui and Ou Jinping, A benchmark problem for structural health monitoring based on a real bridge structure. 12th SPIE Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials. C.A. U.S.A. March 2005。
65. Li Hui, Zhou Wensong and Ou Jinping, System integration technique of health monitoring systems for Binzhou Huanghe River highway bridge. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology. Xi'an, China, pp1218-1226, 2004。
1. 周文松, 李惠, 歐進萍, 濱州黃河公路大橋健康監測系統軟件系統設計與實施. 第三屆中-日-美結構健康監測與控制學術研討會暨第四屆中國結構控制年會, 大連. 2004年10月。
2. 李惠,毛晨曦, 具有自感知功能的形狀記憶合金阻尼器研究. 第八屆全國振動理論及應用學術會議論文集, 上海, pp 175-179, 2003。
3. 李惠,毛晨曦, 形狀記憶合金智能阻尼器的試驗研究. 第五屆中國功能材料及其應用學術會議, 北京·秦皇島, 功能材料(增刊)Vol.35, pp1635-1640, 2004。
4. 李惠,肖會剛,歐進萍, 添加納米粒子砂漿的壓敏性能及機理分析. 中日結構減振及健康監測研討會暨第三屆中國結構抗振控制年會, 上海, 2002年12月 (CD-ROM)。
5. 李惠,劉敏,歐進萍, 關新春,斜拉索-磁流變液阻尼器減振控制系統分析與設計. 第8屆全國振動理論及應用學術會議, 中國上海, 2003年11月 (CD-ROM)。
6. 彭君義, 李惠, 基於粒子群算法的滯回模型參數辨識和靈敏性分析. 全國博士生學術論壇(土木建築學科),中國南京, 2005。
7. 彭君義, 李惠, 周錫元, 彎剪型鉛合金阻尼器滯回特性建模. 中日結構減振與健康監測學術研討會暨第三屆中國結構抗振控制年會, 中國上海, 2002。
8. 彭君義, 李惠, 周錫元, 向心式變摩擦阻尼器對結構的抗震控制研究. 中日結構減振與健康監測學術研討會暨第二屆中國結構抗振控制年會, 中國深圳, 2000。
9. 張亮泉, 李惠, 武岳, 沈世釗, 基於小波變換的索膜結構風振頻率和氣動阻尼識別. 第十二屆全國結構風工程學術會議論文集, 西安, 中國, pp646-649, 2005。
10. 陳文禮, 李惠, 圓柱非定常繞流及風致渦激振動的CFD數值模擬. 第十二屆全國結構風工程學術會議, 西安, 中國, pp694-698, 2005。
11. 季小勇, 李惠, 歐進萍, 炭黑-環氧樹脂導電複合材料力-電性能研究. 第五屆中國功能材料及其應用學術會議, 秦皇島, Vol.2。
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- 移至 ↑ 李惠獲得第三屆中國青年女科學家提名獎 ,九三學社中央委員會, 2006-12-21
- 移至 ↑ 李惠教授榮獲2015「國際結構健康監測年度風雲人物」 ,青島理工大學土木工程學院 , 2015-11-16
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