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2018.10 - 至今 北京林業大學生物科學與技術學院 教授

2015.01-2018.09 北京林業大學生物科學與技術學院 副教授

2012.07-2014.12 北京林業大學生物科學與技術學院 講師

2009.09-2012.06 中科院植物研究所植物發育生物學 博士

2006.08-2009.08 中科院植物研究所 實習研究員

2003.09-2006.07 中科院植物研究所植物細胞生物學 碩士

1999.09-2003.07 魯東大學生物科學 學士









2018年 獲得北京林業大學第十四屆青年教師教學基本功比賽三等獎

2012年 獲得中國科學院院長優秀獎

2013年 獲得北京大學第七屆實驗技術成果獎校級二等獎



1. Jingjing Xing#, Xiaojuan Li# (Co-first author), Xiaohua Wang, XueqinLv, Li Wang, Liang Zhang, Yingfang Zhu, Qianhua Shen, Franti?ekBalu?ka, Jozef?amaj, Jinxing Lin*. 2019. Secretion of Phospholipase Dδ functions as a novel regulatory mechanism in plant innate immunity. Plant Cell, DOI: fication of membrane protein dynamics in living plant cells. Molecular Plant11:1315-1327

3. Yaning Cui#, Xiaojuan Li#(Co-first author), Meng Yu, Ruili Li, Lusheng Fan, Yingfang Zhu, Jinxing Lin. 2018. Sterols regulate endocytic pathways during flg22-induced defense responses in Arabidopsis. Developmentdoi: 10.1242/dev.165688

4. Xiaojuan Li#,Jingjing Xing#, ZongboQiu, Qihua He, Jinxing Lin*. 2016. Quantification of membrane protein dynamics and interactions in plant cells by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Molecular Plant9: 1229-1239.

5. Hongyang Wu, Huimin Xu, Hanyin Li, Dongmei Wei, Jinxing Lin,Xiaojuan Li*. 2016. Seasonal development of cambial activity in relation to xylem formation in Chinese fir. Journal of Plant Physiology. 195:23-30.

6. Yuanyuan Zhao#, Sen Lin#, ZongboQiu, Dechang Cao, Jialong Wen, Xin Deng, Xiaohua Wang, Jinxing Lin, Xiaojuan Li*. 2015. MicroRNA857 is involved in the regulation of secondary growth of vascular tissues in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology169:2539-2552.

7. Xiaohua Wang#, Xiaojuan Li#(Co-first author), Xin Deng, Doan-TrungLuu, Christophe Maurel, Jinxing Lin*. 2015. Single-molecule fluorescence imaging to quantify membrane protein dynamics and oligomerization in living plant cells. Nature Protocols10:2054–2063.

8. ZongboQiu#, Xiaojuan Li#(Co-first author), Yuanyuan Zhao, Manman Zhang, Yinglang Wan, Dechang Cao, Shanfa Lu, Jinxing Lin*. 2015. Genome-wide analysis reveals dynamic changes in expression of microRNAs during vascular cambium development in Chinese fir, Cunninghamialanceolata. Journal of Experimental Botany66:3041–3054.

9. Yaning Cui, Yu Ling, Junhui Zhou, Xiaojuan Li*. 2015. Interference of the histone deacetylase inhibits pollen germination and pollen tube growth in Piceawilsonii Mast. PLOS ONE 10(12): e0145661.

10. Xiaojuan Li, Doan-TrungLuu, Christophe Maurel, Jinxing Lin*. 2013. Probing plasma membrane dynamics at the single-molecule level. Trends in Plant Science 18:617-624.

11. Xiaojuan Li#,Xiaohua Wang#, Yong Yang, Ruili Li, Qihua He, Xiaohong Fang, Doan-TrungLuu, Christophe Maurel, Jinxing Lin*. 2011. Single-molecule analysis of PIP2;1 dynamics and partitioning reveals multiple modes of Arabidopsis plasma membrane aquaporin regulation. Plant Cell 23: 3780-3897.

12. HuaiqingHao, Lusheng Fan, Tong Chen, Ruili Li, Xiaojuan Li, Qihua He,Miguel A. Botella, Jinxing Lin*. 2014. Clathrin and membrane microdomains cooperatively regulateRbohddynamics and activity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell26:1729-1745.

13. 曲紹峰林金星,李曉娟* 2014. FCS/FCCS技術及其在植物細胞生物學中的應用. 電子顯微學報 33:461-468.

14. 崔亞寧,凌宇,李曉娟* 2016. GABA合成抑制劑對花粉管生長過程中線粒體活動及ROS分布的影響. 電子顯微學報 35:139-145[1]
