- 2002年9月至2006年7月於中國農業大學生物學院獲理學學士學位;
- 2006年9月至2011年5月於中國農業大學生物學院獲博士學位,專業:植物學,導師:袁明教授;
- 2011年5月至2015年12月於美國普渡大學生物學院Chris Staiger教授實驗室從事博士後研究工作;
- 2016年6月至2017年6月就職於北京師範大學生命科學學院,任副教授。
- 2017年6月至今就職於北京師範大學生命科學學院,任教授。
- 1. Li, J., and Staiger, C.J.*. 2017. Understanding cytoskeletal dynamics during the plant immune response. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 2018. 56, in press.
- 2. Li, J., Cao, L., and Staiger, C.J.*. 2017.Capping protein modulates actin remodeling in response to reactive oxygen species during plant innate immunity. Plant Physiol. 173:1125-1136.
- 3. Li, J., Henty-Ridilla, J.L., Staiger, B.H., Day, B., and Staiger, C.J.*. 2015. Capping protein integrates multiple MAMP signaling pathways to modulate actin dynamics during plant innate immunity. Nat. Commun. 6: 7206.
- 4. Li., J., Blanchoin, L., and Staiger, C.J.*. 2015. Signaling to actin stochastic dynamics. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 66: 415-440.
- 5. Li, J., Arieti, R., and Staiger, C.J.*. 2014. Actin filament dynamics and their role in plant cell expansion. in Plant Cell Wall Patterning and Cell Shape. Edited by Fukada, H., published by John Wiley & sons. 127-162.
- 6. Li, J., Henty-Ridilla, J.L., Huang, S., Wang, X., Blanchoin, L., and Staiger, C.J.*. 2012. Capping protein modulates the dynamic behavior of actin filaments in response to phosphatidic acid in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24: 3742-3754.
- 7. Li, J., Wang, X., Qin, T., Zhang, Y., Liu, X., Sun, J., Zhou, Y., Zhu, L., Zhang, Z., Yuan, M. and Mao, T.*. 2011. MDP25, a novel calcium regulatory protein, mediates hypocotyl cell elongation by destabilizing cortical microtubules in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 23: 4411-4427.
- 8. Li, J., Staiger, B.H., Henty-Ridilla, J.L., Abu-Abied, M., Sadot, E., Blanchoin, L., and Staiger, C.J.*. 2014 The availability of filament ends modulates actin stochastic dynamics in live plant cells. Mol. Biol. Cell 25: 1263-1275.
- 9. Li, J., Pleskot, R., Henty-Ridilla, J.L., Blanchoin, L., Potocký,M. and Staiger, C.J.*. 2012. Arabidopsis capping protein senses cellular phosphatidic acid levels and transduces these into changes in actin cytoskeleton dynamics. Plant Signal. Behav. 7: 1-4.
- 10. Henty-Ridilla, J.L., Li, J., Blanchoin, L., and Staiger, C.J.*. 2013. Actin dynamics in the cortical array of plant cells. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 16: 678-687.
- 11. Pleskot, R., Li J., Žárský, V., Potocký, M., and Staiger, C.J.*. 2013. Regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics by phospholipase D and phosphatidic acid. Trends Plant Sci. 18: 496-504.
- 12. Henty-Ridilla, J.L., Li, J., Day, B., and Staiger, C.J.*. 2014. ADF4 regulates actin dynamics during innate immune signaling. Plant Cell 26: 340-352.
- 13. Wang, C., Li, J. and Yuan, M*. 2007. Salt tolerance requires cortical microtubule reorganization in Arabidopsis. Plant & Cell Physiol. 48: 1534-1547.
- 14. Qin, T., Li, J., Yuan, M. and Mao, T.*. 2012. Characterization of the role of calcium in regulating the microtubule-destabilizing activity of MDP25. Plant Signal. Behav. 7: 708-710.
- 15. Qin T., Liu X.M., Li J., Sun J.B., Song L.N., and Mao T.L.*. 2014. MDP25 functions in pollen tube growth by severing actin filaments. Plant Cell 26: 325-339.
- 16. Henty-Ridilla, J.L., Shimono,M., Li, J., Chang, J.H., Day, B., and Staiger, C.J.*. 2013. The plant actin cytoskeleton responds to signals from microbe-associated molecular patterns. Plos Pathog. 9,e1003290.
- 17. Meng, Q., Du, J., Li, J., Lü, X., Yuan, M. and Mao, T*. 2010. Tobacco microtubule-associated protein, MAP65-1c, bundles and stabilizes microtubules. Plant Mol. Biol. 74: 537-547.
- 18. Liu, B., Jin, L., Zhu, L., Li, J., Huang, S. and Yuan, M*. 2009. Phosphorylation of microtubule-associated protein SB401 from Solanum berthaultii regulates its effect on microtubules. J. Int. Plant Biol. 51: 235-242.[1]