1) 植物建模
2) 圖形圖像、信息可視化
3) 點雲處理、計算幾何
[1] Hongjun Li*, Xiaopeng Zhang, Weiliang Meng, Lin Ge. Visualization of Tomato Growth Based on Dry Matter Flow, International Journal of Computer Games Technology,Volume 2017, Article ID 2302731, 12 pages.
[2] Xiaopeng Zhang*, Guanbo Bao, Weiliang Meng, Marc Jaeger, Hongjun Li, Oliver Deussen and Baoquan Chen. (2017), Tree Branch Level of Detail Models for Forest Navigation. Computer Graphics Forum. doi:10.1111/cgf.13088.
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[4] Lei Yi, Hongjun Li, Jianwei Guo, Oliver Deussen, Xiaopeng Zhang. Light-Guided Tree Modeling of Diverse Biomorphs. Pacific Graphics (2015), pp:53-57.
[5] Teng Pengjun, Hongjun Li*, Xiaopeng Zhang. Survey on Visualization Layout for Big Data, IScIDE 2015, Part II, LNCS 9243, pp. 384–394, 2015.
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[6] Hongjun Li, Xiaopeng Zhang, Marc Jaeger, Thiery Constant. Segmentation of Forest Terrain Laser Scan Data, Proceedings of VRCAI 2010. ACM, 2010: 47-54.
[7] Xiaopeng Zhang, Hongjun Li, Zhanglin Cheng, Yikuan Zhang. Robust Curvature Estimation And Geometry Analysis Of 3d Point Cloud Surfaces. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2009,6(5): 1983-1990
[1] 馬燕,張曉鵬,王小春,董未民,李紅軍. 細節增強的水墨擴散模擬[J],計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,2014, 26(3):429-435.
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[3] Mingrui Dai, Hongjun Li, Xiaopeng Zhang, Tree Modeling Through Range Image Segmentation and 3D Shape Analysis, 7th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2010). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010: 413-422.
[1] 2014.01--2017.12 國家自然科學基金項目,No. 61372190,面向形狀理解的三維形狀統計分析技術,主持人。
[2] 2017.01--2020.12 國家自然科學基金項目,No. 51672028,納米Fe304/植物多酚的可控組裝及其對微藻捕集分離特徵的研究, 參加。
[3] 2014.01--2017.12 國家自然科學基金項目,No. 61370193,基於圖論的軟件漏洞理論研究,參加。
[4] 2016.01--2020.12 北京林業大學創新計劃團隊項目, 大數據分析方法及其在智慧林業上的應用, 參加。[1]