

事實揭露 揭密真相
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楊子恆 ( Ziheng Yang )職 稱: 研究員職 務: 博士生導師學科類別: 遺傳學 貝葉斯統計 生物信息學2010至今: Director, R.A. Fisher 計算生物學中心,倫敦大學學院2010至今: R.A. Fisher 統計遺傳學教授,遺傳進化與環境系,倫敦大學學院...


2010至今: Director, R.A. Fisher 計算生物學中心,倫敦大學學院 2010至今: R.A. Fisher 統計遺傳學教授,遺傳進化與環境系,倫敦大學學院

2006: 皇家科學院院士

2001-2010: 統計遺傳學教授,生物系,倫敦大學學院

2000-2001: 進化遺傳學高級講師, 生物系, Galton 實驗室, 倫敦大學學院

1997-2000:講師, 生物系, Galton 實驗室, 倫敦大學學院.

1995-1997: 博士後, 綜合生物學系, 加州大學伯克利分校

1994-1995:博士後, 分子進化與遺傳學院, 賓夕法尼亞州立大學.

1993-1994: 博士後,動物科學系, 倫敦自然歷史博物館

1992-1993: 博士後,動物科學系, 劍橋大學.

1992-1997: 講師,動物科學系,北京農業大學.

1987-1989: 講師,動物科學系,北京農業大學


遺傳學 貝葉斯統計 生物信息學



1. Z. Yang. 2014. Molecular Evolution: A Statistical Approach, Oxford University Press, in press

2. dos Reis, M., T. Zhu, and Z. Yang. 2014. The impact of the rate prior on Bayesian estimation of divergence times with multiple loci. Systematic Biology submitted

3. Yoder, A. D., L. M. Chan, M. dos Reis, P. A. Larsen, C. R. Campbell, R. Rasolarison, M. Barrett, C. Roos, P. Kappeler, J. P. Bielawski, and Z. Yang. 2014. Molecular evolutionary characterization of a V1R subfamily unique to Strepsirrhine primates. Genome Biology and Evolution, in press

4. dos Reis, M.*, M. J. Donoghue, and Z. Yang. 2014. Neither phylogenomic nor palaeontological data support a Paleogene origin of placental mammals. Biology Letters, in press

5. Leaché AD, Harris RB, Rannala B, Yang Z. 2014. The influence of gene flow on species tree estimation: a simulation study. Systematic Biology

6. Yang Z., and C.E. Rodríguez. 2013. Searching for efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo proposal kernels. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of U.S.A.

7. Rannala B, Yang Z. 2013. Molecular clock dating. pages 68-74 in Princeton Handbook of Evolution (ed. D.A. Baum).

8. dos Reis, M., and Z. Yang. 2013. Why do more divergent sequences produce smaller nonsynonymous/synonymous rate ratios in pairwise sequence comparisons? Genetics

9. Stadler T, Yang Z 2013. Dating phylogenies with sequentially sampled tips. Systematic Biology

10. Zou X-H, Yang Z, Doyle JJ & Ge S. 2013. Multilocus estimation of divergence times and ancestral effective population sizes of Oryza species and implications for the rapid diversification of the genus. New Phytologist

11. Rannala, B, and Yang, Z. 2013. Improved reversible jump algorithms for Bayesian species delimitation. Genetics

12. dos Reis, M., and Z. Yang. 2013. The unbearable uncertainty of Bayesian divergence time estimation. Journal of Systematics and Evolution

13. dos Reis M., Inoue J., Hasegawa M., Asher R., Donoghue P.C., Yang Z. 2012. Phylogenomic data sets provide both precision and accuracy in estimating the timescale of placental mammal evolution. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. Biol. Sc

14. Zhai W, Nielsen R, Goldman N, Yang Z. 2012. Looking for Darwin in genomic sequences - validity and success of statistical methods. Molecular Biology and Evolution

15. Zhu T, Yang Z. 2012. Maximum likelihood implementation of an isolation-with-migration model with three species for testing speciation with gene flow. Molecular Biology and Evolution

16. Zhang C, Rannala B, Yang Z. 2012. Robustness of compound Dirichlet priors for Bayesian inference of branch lengths. Systematic Biology

17. Yang Z., Rannala B. 2012. Molecular phylogenetics: principles and practice. Nature Review Genetics

18. Parham, J, Donoghue, P, Bell, C, Calway, T, Head, J, Holroyd, P, Inoue, J, Irmis, R, Joyce, W, Ksepka, D, Patane, J, Smith, N, Tarver, J, van Tuinen, M, Yang, Z, Angielczyk, K, Greenwood, J, Hipsley, C, Louis, J, Makovicky, P, Mueller, J, Smith, K, Theodor, J, Warnock, R and Benton, M, 2012. Systematic Biology

19. Warnock, R.C.M., Z. Yang, and P.C.J. Donoghue. 2012. Exploring uncertainty in the calibration of the molecular clock.

20. Rannala B., Zhu T., Yang Z. 2012. Tail paradox, partial identifiability and influential priors in Bayesian branch length inference. Molecular Biology and Evolution

21. Zhang C., Zhang D.-X., Yang Z. 2011. Evaluation of a Bayesian coalescent method of species delimitation. Systematic Biology

22. Brown RP, Yang Z. 2011. Rate variation and estimation of divergence times using strict and relaxed clocks. BMC Evolutionary Biology

23. Zang, L.-L., X.-H. Zou, F.-M. Zhang, Z. Yang, S. Ge, 2011 Phylogeny and species delimitation of the C-genome diploid species in Oryza. Journal of Systematics and Evolution

24. Groussin M., Pawlowski J., Yang Z. 2011. Bayesian relaxed clock estimation of divergence times in Foraminifera. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,

25. Yoshida I, Sugiura W, Shibata J, Ren F, Yang Z, Tanaka H. 2011. Change of positive selection pressure on HIV-1 envelope gene inferred by early and recent samples

26. dos Reis M, Yang Z. 2011. Approximate likelihood calculation for Bayesian estimation of divergence times. Molecular Biology and Evolution

27. Zhu, T., Y. Hu, Z. Ma, D.-X. Zhang, T. Li, and Z. Yang. 2011. Efficient simulation under a population genetics model of carcinogenesis. Bioinformatics

28. Yang Z., dos Reis M. 2011. Statistical properties of the branch-site test of positive selection. Molecular Biology and Evolution

29. Wilkinson RD, Steiper ME, Soligo C, Martin RD, Yang Z, Tavare S. 2011. Dating primate divergences through an integrated analysis of palaeontological and molecular data. Systematic Biology




2010年 晉升為R.A. Fisher 講座教授

2010年 倫敦動物學會Frink獎

2006年 評選為皇家科學院院士[1]
