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【河口蜘蛛抱蛋】,拉丁文名為【Aspidistra hekouensis】,名稱狀態為【被SP2000收錄,狀態為:Aspidistra hekouensis為接受名】,國內分布區域為【雲南全球觀測記錄分布(數據來自GBIF)】


名稱狀態:被SP2000收錄,狀態為:Aspidistra hekouensis為接受名中文名:河口蜘蛛抱蛋形態描述:49. Aspidistra hekouensis H. Li et al., Sendtnera. 5 15. 1998. 河口蜘蛛抱蛋 he kou zhi zhu bao dan Rhizome 6--13 mm thick. Leaves 2--4-tufted; petiole 10--18 cm; leaf blade dark green with pale green or yellowish spots, elliptic, 12--22 × 8--12.5 cm, leathery, base attenuate to obtuse and decurrent at petiole, apex cuspidate. Scape solitary, 3--4 cm; bracts ca. 3. Flower solitary. Perianth blackish purple, urceolate, 1.5--1.8 × 1.8--2.3 cm, with many deep, longitudinal grooves, adaxially smooth, abaxially slightly verrucose, 6-lobed apically; tube strongly constricted at mouth and opening 4--5 mm wide; lobes reflexed, yellow adaxially, oblong, 5--6 × ca. 3 mm. Stamens 6, inserted at base of perianth tube, positioned lower than stigma, subsessile; anthers oblong, ca. 2.5 mm. Stigma peltate, orbicular, large, 1.5--1.8 cm in diam., radiate rugose adaxially. Berry yellowish green, subglobose, ca. 1.5 cm in diam., with 12 longitudinal wings. Fl. Mar--Jul.* Dense forests; 200--300 m. SE Yunnan (Hekou Yao Zu Zizhixian).No material of this species has been seen by the present authors. From Flora of China FOC Vol. 24 Page 250國內分布:雲南全球觀測記錄分布(數據來自GBIF)。[1]
