

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋
原文名 Erchie Wang
出生 1950年
國籍 中國
母校 西北大學
職業 研究員










1997-99年美國麻省理工學院從事青藏高原構造研究,任研究員(Research staff);



1975年畢業於西北大學地質系,自1979年從事青藏高原地質研究,先後參加中科院青藏高原綜合科學考察和中科院橫斷山綜合科學考察;1994年於美國麻省理工學院地球,大氣與行星科學系獲得博士學位;1997年於美國MAX'S石油公司完成青藏高原北緣構造成因博士後研究,1997年受聘於美國麻省理工學院,任研究員(Research scientist),1999年回國,任中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所研究員,博導,曾任青藏高原研究室副主任。

曾主持國家自然科學基金重點項目,中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向項目(2項), 國家973項目(首席科學家)和中國科學戰略性先導科技專項課題,於1990年獲得美國地質學會頒發的優秀博士論文設計獎,於2010年獲得國土資源部科技一等獎和國家科技大獎(排名30)。

王二七專長於青藏高原新生代大地構造,厘定了青藏高原東南緣的旋轉運動;創新性地提出秦嶺的側向擠出模式,建立起大別山超高壓變質岩折返的新機制;創新性地提出柴達木盆地側向擠出和沉積物源來自西構造結的新模式;以高質量數據揭示青藏高原東緣新生代經歷了兩階段的隆升,而不是國際上流行的單階段隆升模式,提出青藏高原東緣的隆升除了下地殼流動和增厚機制外還存在其他的機制; 提出四川盆地在青藏高原向南東生長的牽引作用下發生逆時針旋轉, 由此造成的龍門山斷裂帶的壓扭性運動引發了5.12汶川大地震的新認識, 以第一作者在國內外高水平刊物上發表國際SCI論文數十篇,其中包括Nature-geoscience, Geology, EPSL, JGR, GSA Bulletin and GSA Special Paper, Tectonics.




Erchie Wang, E. Kirby, K. P. Furlong, M. van Soest, G. Xu, X. Shi, P. J. J. Kamp and K. V. Hodges, Two-phase growth of high topography in eastern Tibet during the Cenozoic, 2012, Nature Geoscience

Erchie wang, Xuhua Shi, Gang Wang, Chun Fan, Structural control on the topography of the Laji-Jishi and Riyue Shan belts in the NE margin of the Tibetan plateau: Facilitation of the headward propagation of the Yellow River system, 2011, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences

Wang Erchie, Meng Qingren, Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Longmenshan fault belt, 2009, Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences,

Wang Erchie, An important form of basin-mountain coupling: Orogenic belt and flank basin

Wang-Erchie; Meng-Qingren; Burchfiel-B-Clark; Zhang-Guowei. Mesozoic large-scale lateral extrusion, rotation, and uplift of the Tongbai-Dabie Shan Belt in East China. Geology.

Wang-Erchie; Wan-Jinglin; Liu-Jiaqi. Late Cenozoic geological evolution of the foreland basin bordering the West Kunlun Range in Pulu area; constraints on timing of uplift of northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research

Wang-Erchie; Xu-Fengyin; Zhou-Jianxun; Wan-Jinglin; Burchfiel-B-Clark. Eastward migration of the Qaidam Basin and its implications for Cenozoic evolution of the Altyn Tagh Fault and associated river systems. Geological Society of America Bulletin.

Wang-Erchie; Burchfiel-B-Clark. Late Cenozoic to Holocene deformation in southwestern Sichuan and adjacent Yunnan, China, and its role in formation of the southeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau. Geological Society of America Bulletin.

Wang-Erchie; Burchfiel-B-C; Royden-L-H; Chen-Liangzhong; Chen-Jishen; Li-Wenxin; Chen-Zhiliang. Late Cenozoic Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang, Red River, and Dali fault systems of southwestern Sichuan and central Yunnan, China. Special Paper - Geological Society of America

Wang-Erchie. Displacement and timing along the northern strand of the Altyn Tagh fault zone, northern Tibet. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

Wang-Erchie; Chu-Jean-J. Collision tectonics in the Cenozoic orogenic zone bordering China, India and Burma. Tectonophysics

Wang E, Xu F, Zhou J, Wang S, Fan C, Wang G. Vertical axis bending of the Altyn Tagh belt along the Altyn Tagh fault: Evidence from late Cenozoic deformation within and around the Xorkol basin. GSA Special Paper

Wang-Erchie; Burchfiel-B-C. Interpretation of Cenozoic tectonics in the right-lateral accommodation zone between the Ailao Shan shear zone and the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. International Geology Review

Wang-Erchie; Burchfiel-B-Clark Late Cenozoic right-lateral movement along the Wenquan Fault and associated deformation; implications for the kinematic history of the Qaidam Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. International Geology Review

Burchfiel B C, Wang E (主編). Investigations into the Tectonics of the Tibetan Plateau. GSA Special Paper


