王卓然,男, 北京理工大學教授。
2013/09-2017/08,加拿大麥吉爾大學(McGill University),材料工程學院,博士
2019/07-2022/, 西班牙光子科學研究所(ICFO),博士後/瑪麗居里學者
2017/09-2019/07,加拿大麥吉爾大學(McGill University),材料工程學院,博士後
(1) 低維紅外探測器
(2) 柔性光電傳感器
(3) 新概念薄膜光伏器件
1. Zhuoran Wang; Guozhen Shen, Flexible optoelectronic sensors: status and prospects, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2023,7, 1496-1519
2. Zhuoran Wang, Yongjie Wang, Nima Taghipour, Lucheng Peng, Gerasimos Konstantatos, 2022 , Ag-Refined Kesterite in Superstrate Solar Cell Configuration with 9.7% Power Conversion Efficiency, Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 202205948.
3. Zhuoran Wang, Yongjie Wang, Gerasimos Konstantatos, 2022, Highly efficient, ultrathin, Cd-free kesterite solar cells in superstrate configuration enabled by band level tuning via Ag incorporation, Nano Energy, 94, 106898
4. Zhuoran Wang, Nicolas Brodusch, Raynald Gauvin, and George P. Demopoulos, 2018, Lithium-doped Cu2ZnSnS4 superstrate solar cells with 5 % efficiency – an alternative to thin film kesterite photovoltaics, Nano Energy, 53, 130-134
5. Zhuoran Wang, Nicolas Brodusch, Raynald Gauvin, and George P. Demopoulos, 2018, Nanoengineering of the Cu2ZnSnS4-TiO2 interface via atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 for high sensitivity photodetectors and solid state solar cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6, 11507-11520
6. Zhuoran Wang, Nicolas Brodusch, Raynald Gauvin, and George P. Demopoulos, 2019, New insight into sulfurized and selenized kesterite–titania nanostructures for CdS-free and HTM-free photovoltaic and voltage-modulated photodetecting applications, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 7, 15093-15101
7. Zhuoran Wang, Heng Wang, Bin Liu, Wenzhe Qiu, Jun Zhang, Sihan Ran, Hongtao Huang, Jing Xu, Hongwei Han, Di Chen, Guozhen Shen, 2011, Transferable and flexible nanorod-assembled TiO₂ cloths for dye-sensitized solar cells, photodetectors, and photocatalysts, ACS Nano, 5, 8412-8419
8. Zhuoran Wang, Raynald Gauvin, and George P. Demopoulos, 2017, Nanostructural and photo-electrochemical properties of solution spin-coated Cu2ZnSnS4–TiO2 nanorod forest films with an improved photovoltaic performance, Nanoscale, 9, 7650-7665.
9. Zhuoran Wang; George P Demopoulos, 2015, Growth of Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanocrystallites on TiO2 Nanorod Arrays as Novel Extremely Thin Absorber Solar Cell Structure via the Successive-Ion-Layer-Adsorption-Reaction Method, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7, 22888-22897
10. Zhuoran Wang, Di Chen, Guozhen Shen, Chapter 6. Design of Nanostructures for Flexible Energy Conversion and Storage. 2016, In book: Flexible Electronics. 189-317
專注於多維度納米光電子能源與傳感器件的研究工作,覆蓋納米製造、器件構築、界面工程全體系,在新結構超薄光伏與三維納米光探測器件方向取得了原創性成果。主持/參與多項國家級與國際項目,包括:主持國家自然科學基金項目,歐盟瑪麗居里學者基金項目;子課題負責人參與科技部高端外專大項目,參與歐洲研究委員會Consolidator Grants項目一項;參與加拿大NSERC戰略合作項目兩項(2017-2019年,合作方為Hydro Quebec);共計發表SCI學術論文30餘篇,總引用次數達1400餘次,為英文專著《Flexible Electronics:From Materials to Devices》撰寫章節。
2024-2026 國家人才青年項目,主持,在研
2023-2025 國家自然科學基金青年項目,主持,在研
2023-2024 科技部高端外國專家引進計劃,子課題負責人,在研
2020-2022 歐盟委員會瑪麗居里學者基金(H2020 MSCA-IF 2020 SUSNASOL)886953,主持,結題
2019-2022 歐洲研究委員會(ERC), ERC Consolidator Grant, 725165, 結題, 參與
2017-2020 加拿大自然科學與工程研究委員會(NSERC), Strategic Partnership Grants, 結題,參與
2013-2016 加拿大自然科學與工程研究委員會(NSERC), Strategic Partnership Grants, 結題,參與
2023 國家級青年人才
2022 北京理工大學「特立青年學者」
2020 歐盟「瑪麗居里學者」(Marie-Curie Individual Fellowships)
2023 海峽兩岸暨港澳大學生集成電路與電子設計邀請賽「優秀指導獎」
2014 新疆籍自費留學生獎學金
2013 麥吉爾大學MEDA工程博士獎學金
2012 研究生國家獎學金
Nano-Micro Letters青年編委,Electronics客座編輯(專題鏈接:https://www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics/special_issues/J19XZ4FZ33 [1]