

事實揭露 揭密真相
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2006.5 美國耶魯大學,經濟系,經濟學,博士學位

2001.6 北京大學,國家發展研究院,經濟學,碩士學位

1998.6 中國人民大學,經濟系,經濟學,學士學位




2014.8 至今 美國華盛頓州立大學經濟學院,副教授

2006.8-2014.7 美國喬治城大學,經濟系,助理教授


2016.7-2017.6, 2018.2-2018.7 清華大學五道口金融學院,訪問學者


  • Visiting Professor, Central University of Finance and Economics (SOE), Dec 2015, June 2016
  • Visiting Professor, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SOE), May-June, 2014
  • Visiting Scholar, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, July, 2013
  • Visiting Professor, Peking University (NSD), June - July, 2011
  • Visiting Scholar, World Bank (DECVP), July-August, 2009
  • Visiting Scholar, University of Michigan, August 2008, January 2010
  • Visiting Scholar, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods (Bonn), Nov - Dec 2004


  • [1] Bachmann, R., J.H. Bai, 2013. Public Consumption over the Business Cycle. Quantitative
  • Economics, 4 (3), 417-451.
  • [2] Bachmann, R., J.H. Bai, 2013. Politico-economic Inequality and the Comovement of
  • Government Purchases. Review of Economic Dynamics. 16 (4), 565-580. (Lead Article)
  • [3] Bai, J.H., R. Lagunoff, 2013. Revealed Political Power. International Economic Review, 54
  • (4), 1085-1115. (Lead Article)
  • [4] Bai, J.H., R. Lagunoff, 2011. On the Faustian Dynamics of Policy and Political Power.
  • Review of Economic Studies, 78 (1), 17-48.
  • [5] Bai, J.H., I. Schwarz, 2006. Monetary equilibria in a cash-in-advance economy with
  • incomplete financial markets. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 42, 422-451.


[1] Bai, J.H., D. Cao, 2018, Asset Pricing with Idiosyncratic Income Risks.

[2] Bachmann, R., J.H. Bai, M. Lee, and F. Zhang, 2018, The Welfare and Distributional Effects of Fiscal Volatility: a Quantitative Evaluation. CEPR Discussion Papers 12384. Last updated May 2018.

[3] Bai, J.H., 2005. Stationary monetary equilibrium in a Baumol-Tobin exchange economy: Theory and computation. Last updated December 2005.


[1] Bai, J.H., Z. Feng, Time-Consistent Government Debt.


[1] 白金輝,2002,中國居民現金需求研究, 《經濟學》(季刊),第一卷,899-922. 大眾媒體發表中文評論

[1]白金輝,美國財政政策轉型及其對貨幣政策的影響,《清華金融評論》,2017 年第 3 期, 36-39 頁。


PhD Macroeconomics (I), WSU, Fall 2015, 2017-2018; Georgetown, Fall 2010-2013

PhD Macroeconomics (II), Tsinghua, Spring 2017-2018; WSU, Spring 2015; Georgetown,

Spring 2007-2009 Master Macroeconomics, WSU, Spring 2016, Fall 2017-2018

Topics in Macroeconomics, CUFE, Winter 2015; SUFE, Summer 2014; PKU, Summer 2011 Money and Banking, WSU, Fall 2014 - Spring 2016

Intermediate Macroeconomics, Georgetown, Fall 2006-2013, Spring 2011-2014


CCER Associate, 2018 - current

Huang Da - Mundell Lecture, School of Finance at Renmin University of China, June 2017

Summer Academic Grant, Georgetown University, 2012

Junior Faculty Fellowship, Georgetown University, Fall 2009

Carl A. Anderson Fellowship, Cowles Foundation, 2005-2006

Raymond Powell Teaching Prize, Yale University, 2004

Cowles Foundation Prize, 2003, 2004

Yale University Graduate Fellowship, 2001-2005[1]
