短柱豬毛菜 |
中文學名:短柱豬毛菜 拉丁學名:Salsola lanata Pall. 界:植物界 科:藜科 屬:豬毛菜屬 種:短柱豬毛菜 |
短柱豬毛菜(學名 Salsola lanata Pall.),一年生草本,高15-40厘米;莖直立,自基部分枝,莖、枝灰綠色,密生茸毛並混生直立具節的長毛,以後長毛脫落。 [1]
花序穗狀;苞片長卵形,頂端尖,與小苞片近等長或略長;小苞片披針形,長於花被;花被片披針 形,膜質,頂端漸尖,生短柔毛,果時變硬,自背面中下部生翅;翅3個較大,半圓形或腎形,膜質,淡紅色或深褐色,有多數細而密集的脈,2個較狹窄,花被果時(包括翅)直徑14-16毫米;花被片在翅以上部分,頂端漸尖,生短柔毛,向中央聚集成圓錐體;花葯頂端有泡狀附屬物;附屬物橢圓形,有短柄,紫紅色,干後成白色,與花葯近等長;柱頭鑽狀,極短,長為花柱的1/6-1/7。
種子橫生。花期7-8月,果期8-9月。 [2]
Herbs annual, 15-40 cm tall. Stem erect, branched from base, gray-green, densely tomentose mixed with erect, long, jointed hairs. Leaves spreading, gray-green, semiterete, 1-1.5 cm × 1.5-2 mm, densely pubescent mixed with erect, long hairs, base decurrent, apex obtuse. Inflorescence spikelike; bracts narrowly ovate, apex acute; bractlets lanceolate, shorter than or equaling bracts, longer than perianth. Perianth (including wings) 14-16 mm in diam. in fruit; segments lanceolate, membranous, hardened in fruit, abaxially winged from proximal middle part, pubescent; portion of segment above wing connivent into a cone, pubescent, apex acuminate; 3 wings light red or dark brown, semiorbicular or reniform, larger, membranous; other 2 wings narrower. Anther appendage shortly stalked, purple-red, vesicular, elliptic, subequaling anther. Stigmas subulate, very short, 1/7-1/6 as long as style. Seed horizontal. Fl. Jul-Aug, fr. Aug-Sep.
生長於鹽湖邊,戈壁灘,含鹽質的土壤。 [3]
- ↑ 短柱豬毛菜, 植物智, 2020-01-18
- ↑ 短柱豬毛菜 梯翅蓬(中國高等植物圖鑑)圖版38: 1-5
- ↑ Sahola lanafa Pall. Reise 2: 736. 1773; Iljin in Fl. URSS 6: 224. t. 11. f. 8. 1936. ——Climacoptera lanata (Pall.) Botsch. in Сборн. работ, посвщ. акад. Сукачеву112. 1956; Полояк. in Фл. Казахст. 3: 275. 1960; Grubov, Pl. Asiae Centr. 2: 98. 1966;中國高等植物圖鑑1: 599. f. 1198. 1972. 1-5