謝添武博士,復旦大學放射醫學研究所青年研究員。先後在華中科技大學光電國家實驗室、日內瓦大學、日內瓦州立醫院等國內外著名機構從事科研工作,致力於人體數字孿生、醫學物理、輻射劑量學與防護等方面的研究,取得了一系列創新性成果。近五年來,以第一作者身份在本研究領域的關鍵期刊Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, J Nucl Med, Eur Radiol, Phys Med Biol, Med Phys等發表10篇高水平的研究論文,並完成了英文學術專著《Computational Anatomical Animal Models》(IOP ebook)中四章的主筆。獲得「2019中國輻射防護學會青年科學家獎」,得到國內外同行的高度認可和知名醫學影像和醫學物理網站專題報道,中華人民共和國駐瑞士大使館教育處授予「全瑞優秀學聯幹部」;11次受邀在重要醫學物理國際會議上做學術報告;歐洲輻射劑量學組織,美國核醫學與分子影像學會會員;擔任本領域高水平SCI國際期刊Medical Physics、Physics in Medicine and Biology、American Journal of Transplantation審稿人;現任中華醫學會放射醫學與防護分會青年委員會委員。
Tianwu Xie*(通訊作者), JS Park, Weihai Zhuo and Habib Zaidi "Development of a nonhuman primate computational phantom for radiation dosimetry" Medical Physics 47 (2), 736-744 (2020).
Akhavanallaf A, Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi "Assessment of uncertainties associated with Monte Carlo-based personalized dosimetry in clinical CT examinations" Physics in Medicine & Biology, (2020).
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi "Estimation of the radiation dose in pregnancy: an automated patient-specific model using convolutional neural networks" Eur Radiol, 1-11 (2019). (中科院分區2區, IF = 3.967).
Akhavanallaf A, Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi "Development of a library of adult computational phantoms based on anthropometric indexes" IEEE Trans Rad Plasma Med Sci 3, 65-75 (2019).
Tianwu Xie, Akhavanallaf A and Habib Zaidi "Construction of patient-specific computational models for organ dose estimation in radiological imaging" Med Phys 46, 1519-1522 (2019). (中科院分區3區, IF = 2.635)
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi " Patient-specific computational model and dosimetry calculations for a patient pregnant with twins undergoing a PET/CT examination " J Nucl Med 59, 1-8 (2018). (中科院分區1區, IF = 6.16)