貝克·麥堅時國際律師事務所 |
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中文名: 貝克·麥堅時國際律師事務所 所屬國家: 美國 成立時間: 1949 別 名: 貝克·麥肯思國際律師事務所 |
貝克·麥堅時,又稱貝克·麥肯思,是世界知名的國際律師事務所。成立於1949年,最初是由兩名年青律師Russell Baker和John McKenzie在美國芝加哥成立的一家合夥制律師事務所。[1]
目前,貝克·麥肯思已發展成為由來自30多個國家的3,300多名律師組成的全球最大的國際律師事務所之一。在其全球65家辦事處中,有56家位於美國之外。500多名國際合伙人都是同一美國合夥制下的成員,但是一半以上的律師是美國以外的外國公民。律師事務所的內部 業務主要以英語進行,但是從事法律服務的律師通曉世界上58種語言。因此,貝克·麥肯思被譽為由具有不同國籍,來自不同文化背景的律師組成的國際律師事務所的成功典範,成為許多國際律師事務所規模化發展效仿的模式。
貝克·麥肯思在其管理委員會主席(克莉斯汀·勒加德女士),一位來自巴黎辦事處的法國女律師兼合伙人的帶領下,去年創造了超過10億美元的總收入(其中亞洲各辦事處收入占全球業務收入的1/4強),而且還在全球範圍取得執業的優異成績與各種嘉獎,例如1999年和2000 年分別獲得「最佳中國業務獎」和「2000年度最佳國際律師事務所」等殊榮
貝克·麥肯思律師人數:2732 ;專長:企業併購(M&As)、破產與重組。
The history of Baker & McKenzie is a story of imagination, determination and hard work. Over more than half a century, thousands of capable men and women have joined in the great adventure of creating, nurturing and maturing our unique global organization.
Before there was a law firm, there was a man with a dream. Russell Baker grew up in the rugged American Southwest, traveled by cattle car to go to college and started his legal practice years before getting his law degree (a common practice at the time). Follow this link to read more about the Prelude to Baker & McKenzie.
In the early years, we embraced the novel idea that qualified lawyers who were not US nationals should be equal partners. We also developed innovative ideas for tax planning that would spur growth across Europe and South America. You can read more about the Early Years here.
As we matured, Russell Baker would become one of the oldest lawyers ever to pass the rigorous California bar exam. He took it so that we could open an office in San Francisco. We would be among the first in China as we expanded to Asia Pacific and the Middle East, while growing to become the largest law firm in the world. Learn more about the Middle Years here.
By 1987, we would become the first law firm to employ 1,000 lawyers. We also double that number in a decade and triple it by 2001. We were the first to reach US$1 billion in global revenue. To keep up, we focused more than ever on quality and systems to maintain our standards. You can read more about the Recent Years here.
A detailed look at the Firm's history is provided in Pioneering a Global Vision: The Story of Baker & McKenzie by Jon Bauman.