趙華濤,男, 西南石油大學副教授。
2019.09–2020.09, 京都大學(日本),岩土工程,客座研究員
2018.09–2022.06, 中南大學, 岩土工程, 博士
2015.09–2018.06, 中南大學, 礦業工程, 碩士
2011.09–2015.06, 西南科技大學, 採礦工程, 學士
2022.12 至今,西南石油大學,地球科學與技術學院,副研究員
2022.07 - 2022.12,西南石油大學,地球科學與技術學院,講師
1. 主持,國家自然科學基金青年基金:動力擾動深部破裂硐室的應力波傳播效應及圍岩動態劣化機理
2. 主持,四川省自然科學基金項目:深部高應力巷道圍岩變形損傷分布及動態力學響應研究
3. 主持,中央高校科研創新項目:實驗和數值模擬方法研究深部硐室的動態破壞特徵
4. 主持,中央高校科研創新項目:動力擾動在深部硐室周邊引起的應力分布規律研究
5. 主持,西南石油大學引進人才科研啟動項目
6. 參與,國家自然科學基金面上項目:動力擾動遇高應力硐室衍射引起的圍岩能量聚集與遷移規律
7. 參與,國家自然科學基金面上項目:動力擾動遇含夾塞體硐室散射引起的圍岩動態應力集中與破裂規律
8. 參與,國家自然科學基金面上項目:深部高應力岩體環境深孔一次爆破成井機理與方法研究
9. 主研,國家自然科學基金重點項目:深部資源開採誘發岩體動力災害機理與防控方法研究
1. Zhao Huatao, Tao Ming, Li Xibing, Hitoshi, Mikada Xu Shibo. Influence of excavation damaged zone on the dynamic response of circular cavity subjected to transient stress wave. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2021, 142, 104708 .
2. Zhao Huatao, Tao Ming, Li Xibing, Cao Wenzhuo, Wu Chengqing. Estimation of spalling strength of sandstone under different pre-confining pressure by experiment and numerical simulation. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2019, 133: 103359.
3. Zhao Huatao, Tao Ming, Li Xibing, Zhao Rui, Hong Zhixian, Cao Wenzhuo. Experimental investigation on the dynamic mechanical properties and fracture evolution of the underground opening with excavation damaged zones. International Journal of Damage Mechanics. 2022, 31(10): 1533-1561.
4. Zhao Huatao, Tao Ming, Li Xibing. Theoretical analysis of dynamic stress distribution around acircular damaged roadway under transient disturbance.International Journal For Numerical And Analytical Methods In Geomechanics. 2023;1-18.
5. Tao Ming, Zhao Huatao, Li Zhanwen, Zhu Jianbo. Analytical and numerical study of a circular cavity subjected to plane and cylindrical P-wave scattering. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2020, 95: 103143.
6. Tao Ming, Zhao Huatao, Li Xibing, Du Kun, Li Xiang. Failure Characteristics and Stress Distribution of Pre-Stressed Rock Specimen with a Circular Cavity Subjected to Dynamic Loading. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 81: 1-15.
7. Tao Ming, Zhao Huatao, Aliakbar Momeni, Wang Yiqing, Cao Wenzhuo. Fracture failure analysis of elliptical hole bored granodiorite rocks under impact loads. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2020, 107: 102516.
8. Tao Ming, Zhao Huatao, Aliakbar Momeni, Cao Wenzhuo, Zhao Yan. Dynamic failure behavior and damage evolution process of holed sandstone under impact loads. International Journal of Damage Mechanics. 2023, 32(1): 28-49.
9. Tao Ming, Zhao Rui, Zhao Huatao*, Wang Yiqing, Cao Wenzhuo, Wang shaofeng. Failure characteristics and energy distributions of surrounding rock in hard-rock tunnels subjected to different three-dimensional stress conditions. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2022.
10. Tao ming, Wang Jun, Zhao Huatao*, Peng Kang, Shi Ying. The influence of Acid Corrosion on Dynamic Properties and Microscopic Mechanism of Marble. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources. 2021. 8(1): 1-17.
11. Zhao Rui, Tao Ming, Zhao Huatao, Cao Wenzhuo, Li Xiang, Wang Shaofeng. Dynamics fracture characteristics of cylindrically-bored granodiorite rocks underdifferent hole size and initial stress state. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2020,109, 102702.
12. Tao Ming, Zhao Huatao, Li Zhanwen, Ma Ao, Hong Zhixian. Stress redistribution of dynamic loading incident through a pre-stressed cavity. Rock Dynamics–Experiments, Theories and Applications. CRC Press, 2018: 97-102.
13. Zhao Huatao,Zhao H, Li X, Tao M, et al. Dynamic behaviors of the stressed circular tunnel under cylindrical P wave. Rock Dynamics: Progress and Prospect, Volume 2. CRC Press, 2023: 274-279.
14. 陶明,趙華濤,李夕兵,馬敖. 液態CO2相變致裂破岩與炸藥破岩綜合對比分析. 爆破, 2018, 35(2):41-50.
15. 趙華濤,陶明,李夕兵,趙瑞.一維動靜組合加載下圓柱孔洞花崗岩力學性能及破裂特徵.中國有色金屬學報:2023,1-20[1]