

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋
出生 1942年11月26日
國籍 中國
母校 中國科學技術大學
職業 教育科研工作者

趙林城, 男, 1942年11月26日出生, 江蘇鹽城人, 1966年畢業於中國科學技術大學數學,1982年5月獲中國科學技術大學授予的理學博士學位 (導師為陳希孺教授),以後一直在該校工作, 1988年晉升為教授, 1990年被批准為博士生導師[1], 1994年當選為國際會 (ISI) 的member,2000-2002年為國際著名統計雜誌 「Statistica Sinica」 的副主編。 曾任中國概率統計學會理事和常務理事,現任《應用概率統計》雜誌編委。長期從事概率論與數理統計教學與理論研究,主要研究領域包括非參數統計,線性模型,回歸分析,多元分析, 信號處理。


趙林城在「Ann. Statistics」, 「Ann. Probability」,「J. Multivariate Analysis (JMA) 」, 「IEEE Trans. ASSP」 以及《中國科學》等國內外學術刊物發表論文140餘篇, 合作出版的專著有《線性模型參數的估計理論》 (科學出版社)和《線性模型中的M方法》(上海科學技術出版社). 參加過國家自然科學基金八五、九五兩個重點項目,多次主持國家自然科學基金和教育部博士點基金研究項目. 和合作者在信號數目檢測的隨機效應模型中,提出了模型選擇的一個新準則(見JMA, 1986, Vol.20,1-25及26-49), 已得到SCI的120多個引用以及美國物理科學技術百科全書的引用,在U-統計量,密度估計,非參數回歸等方面的工作,得到了美國統計科學百科全書及若干專著和文章的多次引用. 與陳希孺院士合作,1990年以「關於非參數統計的若干問題」獲中國科學院自然科學獎二等獎,1991年該項目又獲國家自然科學獎三等獎,1998年以「線性模型大樣本理論的研究」獲中國科學院自然科學獎一等獎. 1991年被國家教委和國務院學位委員會授予「作出突出貢獻的中國博士學位獲得者」稱號.

曾先後三次應著名統計學家P. R. Krishnaiah教授和C. R. Rao教授的邀請,到美國匹茨堡大學和賓州州立大學進行長達四年半的合作研究,應邀訪問過美、加多所著名大學, 並三次訪問台灣中央研究院統計研究所,以及巴西利亞大學數學系,香港中文大學統計系等.






曾任中國概率統計學會常務理事,國際核心期刊"Statistica Sinica"副主編,"Statistics"、《應用數學學報》和《應用概率統計》雜誌編委。

曾先後三次應著名統計學家P. R. Krishnaiah教授和C. R. Rao教授的邀請,到美國匹茨堡大學和賓州州立大學進行長達四年半的合作研究,應邀訪問過美、加多所著名大學, 並三次訪問台灣中央研究院統計研究所,以及巴西利亞大學數學系,香港中文大學統計系等。



長期從事概率論與數理統計教學與理論研究,主要研究領域包括非參數統計,線性模型,回歸分析,多元分析, 信號處理。


在"Annals of Statistics","Annals of Probability","Journal of Multivariate Anal¬ysis","IEEE Trans. ASSP" 以及《中國科學》等國內外學術刊物上發表論文160篇,出版專著兩本,培養博士10人,碩士18人。

參加過國家自然科學基金八五、九五兩個重點項目,多次主持國家自然科學基金和教育部博士點基金研究項目. 和合作者在信號數目檢測的隨機效應模型中,提出了模型選擇的一個新準則(見JMA, 1986, Vol.20,1-25及26-49), 已得到SCI的120多個引用以及美國物理科學技術百科全書的引用,在U-統計量,密度估計,非參數回歸等方面的

工作,得到了美國統計科學百科全書及若干專著和文章的多次引用. 與陳希孺院士合作。



1. 陳希孺,陳桂景,吳啟光,趙林城 (1985). 線性模型參數的估計理論. 科學出版社.

2. 陳希孺,趙林城 (1996). 線性模型中的 M 方法. 上海科學技術出版社.


[1] Zhao Lincheng (1981). On convergence rates of U-statistics.


Science Exploration, Vol. 1, No.1,89--94 (in Chinese).

[2] Zhao Lincheng (1981). Empirical Bayes estimation with convergence rates

about a class of discrete distribution families.

Journal of Math. Research and Exposition, Vol. 1, 59--69 (in Chinese).

[3] Zhao Lincheng. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the strong consistency

of the estimate of error variance in linear models.

Scientia Sinica, Vol.11 (1981), No. 10, 1187-1191 (in Chinese),

Vol. 25 (1982), No. 5, 449--454 (in English).

[4] Lu Kuliang and Zhao Lincheng (1982). UMVUE of two-side truncation parameters.

Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, Vol. 5, 177--185 (in Chinese).

[5] Bai Zhidong and Zhao Lincheng (1982). Berry-Esseen bounds for error variance estimates

in linear models. Journal of China University of Science and Techology,

Vol.12, No. 3, 6--15 (in Chinese).

[6] Zhao Lincheng and Chen Xiru. Non-uniform convergence rates for distributions

of error variance estimates in linear models. Scientia Sinica, Ser. A,

Vol. 12 (1982), NO. 5, 408--420 (in Chinese), .

Vol.25 (1982), No. 10, 1042-1055 (in English).

[7] Zhao Lincheng (1982). Edgeworth expansion for the estimation of error

variance of linear models. Acta Mathematica Sinica, Vol. 25,

680--697 (in Chinese).

[8] Zhao Lincheng and Chen Xiru. Non-uniform convergence rates for

distributions of U-statistics. Scientia Sinica, Ser. A, Vol. 12

(1982), No. 12, 1066--1078 (in Chinese). Vol. 26 (1983), No. 8, 795--810

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[9] Zhao Lincheng (1983). Sequential estimation of error variance of linear

models and its asymptotic behavior. Acta Mathematica Sinica,

Vol. 25, 15--28 (in Chinese).

[10] Zhao Lincheng (1983). Rates of a. s. convergence of the estimation of

error variance in linear models. Chinese Annals of Mathematics,

Ser. B, Vol. 4, No. 1, 95--103 (in English).

[11] Bai Zhidong, Zhao Lincheng and Chen Xiru (1983). Convergence rates of

the estimation of error variance in linear models. J. Math. Research

and Exposition, Vol. 3, 69--82 (in English).

[12] Miao Baiqi and Zhao Lincheng. A property of stable laws. Kexue

Tongbao, Vol. 28 (1983), 1453--1456 (in English).

[13] Zhao Lincheng (1983). The rate of the normal approximation for a

Studentized U-statistic. Science Exploration, Vol. 3, No. 2, 45--52 (in English).

[14] Zhao Lincheng (1983). Non-uniform bounds for U-statistics.

Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Ser. A, Vol. 4, No. 6, 699-706

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[15] Zhao Lincheng and Bai Zhidong. Non-uniform bounds for normal

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Scientia Sinica, Ser. A, Vol. 13 (1983), No. 10, 902--912

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[16] Chen Guijing, Wu Qiguang and Zhao Lincheng (1983). Some theoretical

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years (1). J. Math. Research and Exposition, Vol. 3,

No. 4, 109--120 (in Chinese).

[17] Zhao Lincheng and Bai Zhidong (1984). Convergence rates of error

variance estimates in linear models. Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Ser. A,

Vol. 5, No. 1, 27--32 (in Chinese).

[18] Zhao Lincheng and Bai Zhidong. Strong consistency of nearest

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Sinica, Ser. A, Vol. 14 (1984), No. 5, 387--393 (in Chinese), Vol. 27

(1984), No. 10, 1027--1034 (in English).

[19] Zhao Lincheng (1984). Convergence rates for the distributions of the

Studentized error variance estimates in linear models. Acta

Mathematica Sinica, Vol. 27, 381--393 (in Chinese).

[20] Zhao Lincheng (1984). Uniform convergence rates of the strong

consistency of the Kernel estimates of density functions.

Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, Vol. 7, 334--339 (in Chinese).

[21] Yang Zhenhai and Zhao Lincheng (1984). Uniform strong convergence rate

of nearest neighbor density estimation. Chinese Annals of

Mathematics, Ser. B, Vol. 5, No. 3, 325--332 (in English).

[22] Ke An (The actual writers:Chen Xiru, Chen Guijing and

Zhao Lincheng). Contributions to the theory of nonparametric

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Vol. 4 (1984), No. 2, 53--62 (in English).

[23] Su Chun and Zhao Lincheng (1984). The necessary and sufficient

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variance estimate. Acta Mathematia Sinica, Vol. 27, NO. 6,

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[24] Cheng Ping and Zhao Lincheng. Strong consistency of the improved

nearest neighbor estimates of regression function. Kexue Tongbao,

1985, Vol. 30, No. 1, 10--14 (in Chinese).

[25] Zhao Lincheng and Chen Xiru. Berry-Esseen bounds for finite-population

U-statistics. Scientia Sinica, Ser. A, Vol. 15 (1985), No. 2,

123-135 (in Chinese), Vol. 30 (1987), No. 2, 113--127 (in English).

[26] Fang Zhaoben and Zhao Lincheng (1985). Strong consistency of

nonparametric regression estimates. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae

Sinica, Vol. 8, No. 3, 268--276 (in English)

[27] Zhao Lincheng and Liu Zhijun (1985). Strong consistency of the kernel

estimators of conditional desity functions. Acta Math. Sinica,

New Series, Vol. 1, No. 4, 314--318 (in English).

[28] Zhao Lincheng (1985). Weak invariance principle for finite-population

U-statistics. Acta Math. Appl. Sinica, Vol. 2, No. 4,

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[29] Zhao Lincheng and Fang Zhaoben (1985). Strong convergence of kernel

estimates of nonparametric regression functions. Chinese Ann. Math., Ser. B,

Vol. 6, No. 2, 147--155 (in English).

[30] Bai Zhidong and Zhao Lincheng. Edgeworth expansions of distribution

functions of independent random variables. Scientia Sinica, Ser. A,

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1--22 (in English).

[31] Zhao Lincheng (1986). Bootstrapping the error variance estimates in

linear models. Acta Math. Sinica, Vol. 29, No.1, 36--45

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[32] Zhao Lincheng and Su Chun (1986). The rate of strong convergence of

nearest neighbor estimates of nonparametric regression functions.

Acta Math. Sinica, Vol. 29, No. 1, 63--69 (in Chinese).

[33] Zhao Lincheng. Two-stage sampling procedure for density estimation.

J. Math. Research and Exposition, Vol. 6 (1986), No. 2, 125-131

(in Chinese), 1986, No. 2, 96--103 (in English).

[34] Chen Xiru and Zhao Lincheng (1986). The optimal rate of convergence of

error for KNN median regression estimates. Chinese Ann. Math.,

Ser. B, Vol. 7, No. 3, 129--138 (in English).

[35] Zhao Lincheng (1986). On universal consistency of nonparametric

regression estimates. Chinese Journal of Applied probability and

Statistics, Vol. 2, No. 1, 71--73 (in Chinese).

[36] Zhao, L. C., Krishnaiah, P. R. and Bai, Z. D. (1986). On detection of

the number of signals in presence of white noise. J. Multivariate

Analysis, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1--25.

[37] Zhao, L. C., Krishnaiah, P. R. and Bai, Z. D. (1986). On detection of

the number of signals when the noise covariance matrix is arbitrary. J.

Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 20, No. 1, 26--49.

[38] Chen, X. R. and Zhao, L. C. (1987). Almost sure $L_1$-norm convergences

for data-based histogram density estimates.

J. Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 21, No. 1, 179--188.

[39] Zhao, L. C., Krishnaiah, P. R. and Bai, Z. D. (1987). Remarks on certain

criteria for detection of number of signals. IEEE Trans. Acoustics

Speech Signal Process., ASSP-35, No. 2, 129--132.

[40] Zhao, L. C. (1987). Exponential bounds of mean error for the nearest

neighbor estimates of regression functions. J. Multivariate

Analysis, Vol. 21, No. 1, 168--178.

[41] Zhao Lincheng (1987). $L_1$-norm strong consistency of data-based density

estimaion. Chinese Journal of Applied probability and Statistics,

Vol. 3, No. 1, 46--50 (in Chinese).

[42] Bai, Z. D., Krishnaiah, P. R. and Zhao, L. C. Simultanuous estimation

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[43] Bai Zhi-dong, Chen Xi-ru and Zhao Lin-cheng (1987). $L_r$-norm

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[44] Bai Zhidong and Zhao Lincheng. Scientific Progress, Mathematics,

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[45] Zhao Lincheng and Bai Zhidong. Scientific Progress, Mathematics,

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[46] Zhao Lincheng (1988). An inequality concerning the deviation between

theoretical and empirical distributions. Chinese Ann. Math.,

Ser. B, Vol. 9, No. 2, 189--195 (in English).

[47] Zhao Lincheng (1988). On unbiasedness of probability density function.

J. China Univ. of Science and Technology, Vol. 18,

No. 2, 145--149 (in Chinese).

[48] Bai, Z. D., Krishnaiah, P. R. and Zhao, L. C. (1988). Multivariate

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[49] Bai, Z. D., Rao, C. R. and Zhao, L. C. (1988). Kernel estimators of

density function of directional data. J. Multivariate Anal.,

Vol. 27, No. 1, 24--39.

[50] Bai, Z. D., Subramanyam, K. and Zhao, L. C. (1988). On detection of

the order of an autoregressive model. J. Multivariate Anal.,

Vol. 27, No. 1, 40--52.

[51] Miao, B. Q. and Zhao, L. C. (1988). Detection of change points using

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[52] Zhao Lincheng (1988). Some applications of the model selection

techniques to multivariate statistics. Math. Statist. and Appl.

Probability, Vol. 3, No. 3, 372--379 (in Chinese).

[53] Miao Baiqi and Zhao Lincheng (1989). Non-uniform bounds of normal

approximation for finite-population U-statistics (1). J. China

Univ. of Science and Technology, Vol. 19, No. 1, 25--37.

[54] Miao Baiqi and Zhao Lincheng (1989). Non-uniform bounds of normal

approximation for finite-population U-statsitics (2). J. China

Univ. of Science and Technology, Vol. 19, No. 2, 147--156.

[55] Bai, Z. D., Krishnaiah, P. R., Rao, C. R., Sun, Y. N. and Zhao, L. C.

(1989). Reconstruction of the shape and size of objects from two

orthogonal projections. Math. Comput. Modelling, Vol. 12,

No. 3, 267--275.

[56] Zhao, L. C. (1989). Exponential bounds of mean error for the kernel

estimates of regression functions. J. Multivariate Anal., Vol. 29,

No. 2, 260--273.

[57] Taniguchi, M., Zhao, L. C., Krishnaiah, P. R. and Bai, Z. D. (1989).

Statistical analysis of dyadic stationary processes. Ann. Inst.

Statist. Math., Vol. 41, No. 2, 205--225.

[58] Bai, Z. D., Krishnaiah, P. R. and Zhao, L. C. (1989). On rates of

convergence of efficient detection criteria in signal processing with

white noise. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 35, No. 2, 380--388.

[59] Bai, Z. D., Krishnaiah, P. R., Rao, C. R., Reddy, P. S., Sun, Y. N.

and Zhao, L. C. (1989). Reconstruction of the left ventricle from two

orthogonal projections. Computer Vision, Graphics and Image

Processing, Vol. 47, 165--188.

[60] Chen, X. R., Bai, Z. D., Zhao, L. C. and Wu, Y. H. Asymptotic normality

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[61] Chen, X. R. and Zhao, L. C. (1990). Necessary and sufficient conditions

for the convergence of integrated and mean-integrated r-th order error of

histogram density estimates. Acta. Mathematia Sinica, New Ser.

Vol.6, No. 2, 178--188.

[62] Krishnaiah, P. R., Miao, B. Q. and Zhao, L. C. (1990). Local likelihood

method in the problems related to change points. Chinese Ann. Math.,

Ser. B, Vol. 11, No. 3, 363--375.

[63] Zhao, Lincheng and Chen, Xiru (1990). Normal approximation for

finite-population U-statistics. Acta Math. Appl. Sinica, Vol. 6,

No. 3, 263--272.

[64] Zhao, L. C., Krishnaiah, P. R. and Chen, X. R. (1990). Almost sure

$L_r$-norm convergence for data-based histogram density estimates.

Theory probab. Appl., Vol. 35, No. 2, 391--397.

[65] Bai, Zhidong, Krishnaiah, P. R. and Zhao, Lincheng. (1991). Variable

selection in logistic regression. J. China Univ. of Science and

Technology, Vol. 21, No. 2, 137--145.

[66] Bai, Z. D., Chen, X. R., Krishnaiah, P. R., Wu, Y. H. and Zhao, L. C.

(1991). Strong consistency of maximum likelihood parameter estimation

of superimposed exponential signals in noise. Theory probab. Appl.,

Vol. 36, No. 2, 392--397.

[67] Zhao, Lincheng, Rao, C. R. and Chen, Xiru. Sufficient condition

on the consistency of M-estimates in linear models. The Fourth

China-Japan Symposium on Statistis, 1991. Kunming, 487--490.

[68] Zhao, L. C. and Chen, X. R. (1991). Asymptotic behavior of M-test

statistics in linear models. J. Combin. lnform. System Sci.,

Vol. 16, No. 2-3, 234--248.

[69] Rao, C. Radhakrishna and Zhao, L. C. (1992). Linear representation of

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[70] Rao, C. Radhakrishna and Zhao, L. C. (1992). On the consistency of

M-estimate in a linear model obtained through an estimating equation.

Statist. probab. Letters, Vol. 14, 79--84.

[71] Rao, C. Radhakrishna and Zhao, L. C. (1992). Approximation to the

distributions of M-estimates in linear models by randomly weighted

bootstrap. Sankhya, Ser. A, Vol. 54, 323--331.

[72] Zhao, Lincheng (1992). On jackknifing the sample median. Probability

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[73] Chen, X. R., Bai, Z. D., Zhao, L. C. and Wu, Y. H. (1992). Consistency

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Statistics: Recent Contributions from China, Ed. Chen, X. R, Fang, K. T.

and Yang, C. C. Longman Scientific and Technical, Essex, England,

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[74] Chen, G. J. and Zhao, L. C. (1992). Some contributions of Chinese

statisticians to the asymptotic theoery of inferences in linear models.

ibid. pp. 63--78.

[75] Zhao, L. C. and Chai, G. X. (1992). Survey of Chinese work on

nonprametric density estimation, regression and discrimination. ibid.

pp. 199--217.

[76] Bai, Z. D., Krishnaiah, P.R., Sambamoorthi, N. and Zhao, L. C.

Model selection for Log-linear models. Sankhya, Ser. B

Vol. 54 (1992), 200--219.

[77] 高集體, 趙林城 (1992). 部分線性模型中的自適應估計. 中國科學,

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[78] Chen, X. R., Zhao, L. C. and Wu, Y. H. (1993). On conditions

of consistency of M$L_1$N estimates. Statistica Sinica,

Vol. 3, 9--18.

[79] Bai, Z. D., Rao, C. Radhakrishna and Zhao, L. C. (1993). MANOVA type

tests under a convex discrepancy for the standard multivariate linear

model. J. Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 36, 77--90.

[80] Zhao, L. C., Rao, C. Radhakrishna and Chen, X. R. (1993). A note on the

consistency of M-estimates in linear models. Stochastic Processes

(ed. Cambanis, S. et al.). Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 359--367.

[81] Rao, C. Radhakrishna and Zhao, L. C. (1993). Asymptotic behavior of

maximum likelihood estimates of superimposed exponential signals.

IEEE Transaction on Signal processing, Vol. 41, 1461--1464.

[82] Rao, C. Radhakrishna, Zhang, Lu and Zhao, L. C. (1993). Multiple target

angle tracking using sensor array outputs. IEEE Transactions on

Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 29, 268--271.

[83] Rao, C. R., Zhang, Lu and Zhao, L. C. (1993). New algorithm for

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[84] Rao, C. R. and Zhao, L. C. (1993). Asymptotic normality of LAD

estimator in censored regression models. Math. Methods of

Statistics, Vol.2, No. 3, 228--239.

[85] Fu, J. C., Li, Gang and Zhao, L. C. (1993). On large deviation

expansion of distribution of maximum likelihood estimator and

its application in large sample estimation. Ann. Inst. Statist.

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[86] Miao, B. Q. and Zhao, L. C. (1993). On detection of change points

when the number is unknown. Chin. J. Appl. Probab. Statist.,

Vol. 9, 138--145.

[87] Miao, B. Q. and Zhao, L. C. and Krishnaiah, P. R. (1993).

On detection of change points using mean vectors. Acta Mathematicae

Applicatae Sinica, Vol. 9, No. 3, 193--203.

[88] Rao, C. R. Zhao, L. C. and Zhou, B. (1993), A novel algorithm for

2-dimensional frequency estimation. Conference Record of the

Twenty-Seventh Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers,

Ed. Singh, A., IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California.

Vol. 1 of 2, 199--202.

[89] Rao, C. R. Zhang, L. and Zhao, L. C. (1994). Multitarget angle tracking:

an algorithm for data association. IEEE Trans. Signal Processing,

Vol. 42, No. 2, 459--462.

[90] Rao, C. R. and Zhao, L. C. (1994). Berry-Esseen bounds for

finite-popilation t-statistics. Statist. Probab. Letters,

Vol. 21, 409--416.

[91] Bai, Z. D., Chen, X. R., Krishnaiah, P. R. and Zhao, L. C. (1994).

Asymptotic properties of EVLP estimation for superimposed exponential

signals in noise. Chin. J. Applied Probab. Statist., Vol. 10,

No. 2, 146--163.

[92] Gao, J. T., Chen, X. R. and Zhao, L. C. (1994). Asymptotic normality

of a class of estimators in partial linear models. Acta Mathematica

Sinica, Vol. 37, No. 2, 256--268 (in Chinese).

[93] Rao, C. R., Zhao, L. C. and Zhou, Bin. (1994). Maximum likelihood

estimation of 2-D superimposed exponential signals. IEEE Trans.

Signal Processing, Vol. 42, No. 7, 1795--1802.

[94] Chen, X. R. and Zhao, L. C. (1995). Strong consistency of M-estimates

of multiple regression coefficients. Systems Science and Mathematical

Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 1, 82--87.

[95] Rao, C. R. and Zhao, L. C. (1995). Convergence theorems for empirical

cumulative quantile regression functions. Mathematical Methods of

Statistics, Vol. 4, No. 1, 81--91.

Correction. Math. Meth. Statist., Vol. 4, No. 3, p. 359.

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[102] Chen Xiru, Wu Yuehua and Zhao Lincheng (1996). A necessary condition for

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[114] 趙林城,王小明,吳耀華 (2000). 可加模型中低維分量近鄰估計的強相合性.

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[120] Zhao Lincheng, Wang Xuena and Wu Yaohua (2001). Inference on the rank of the growth

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[121] 王小明,趙林城(2001). 方向數據密度函數核估計的重對數律. 系統科學與數學,

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[123] Zhao Lincheng, Peng Limin and Wu Yaohua (2001). Model selection for canonical

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[124] Chengqing Wu and Lincheng Zhao(2001). Limit Theorem for Integrated

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[125] Dorea, C. C. Y. and Zhao, L. C. (2002). Nonparametric density estimation in

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[126] 吳成慶,趙林城 (2002). 馬可夫鏈中密度函數核估計積分絕對偏差的指數界.

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[127] Chen Chun and Zhao Lincheng (2002). Detection of the rank of regression

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[128] Lincheng Zhao and Guoqing Diao (2002). Strong convergence of modified

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[129] Zhao Lincheng (2002). Strong consistency of M-estimates in linear models.

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[130] Lincheng Zhao and Limin Peng (2002). Model selection under order restriction.

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[131] Wu, C. Q., Zhao, L. C. and Wu, Y. H. (2003). Estimation in change-point

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[132] Zhao Lincheng and Zhang Hong (2003). Model selection for log-linear models

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[133] 繆柏其, 趙林城, 譚智平(2003). 關於變點個數及位置的檢測和估計. 應用數學學報,

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[134] Zhao Lincheng and Xu Jinfeng (2003). Weak convergence of weighted

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[135] 王小明, 趙林城 (2003). 方向數據密度核估計的對數律. 數學學報,

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[136] Zhao, L. C. (2004). Linear hypothesis testing in censored regression models.

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[138] Zhao Lincheng and Fang Yixin (2004). Random weighting method f

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[139] Zhang Hong and Zhao Lincheng (2004). Testing association for a quantitative trait locus

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[140] Wang Qinghua, Wu Chengqing and Zhao Lincheng (2004). Asymptotic probability

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[141] 趙林城, 尹長明(2005). 廣義線性模型中極大擬似然估計的強相合性.

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Yin Changming and Zhao Lincheng (2005). Strong consistency

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[142] Fang Yixin, Jin Man and Zhao Lincheng (2005). Strong convergence of LAD estimates in a

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[143] Man Jin, Yixing Fang and Lincheng Zhao (2005). Variable selection in generalized linear

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[144] Jin Man, Fang Yixin and Zhao Lincheng (2005). Variable selection for censored regression

models. Chin. J. Applied Probab. Statist., Vol. 21, No. 2, 141-149.

[145] 尹長明, 趙林城 (2005). 廣義線性模型極大似然估計的強相合性與漸近正態性.

應用概率統計, Vol. 21, No. 3, 249-260.

[146] 尹長明, 趙林城 (2005). 廣義線性模型中極大擬似然估計的漸近正態性與強相合性.

中國科學A輯: 數學, Vol. 35, No. 11,1236-1250.

[147] Cui Wenquan, Zhao Lincheng and Bai Zhidong (2005). On asymptotic joint distributions

of eigenvalues of random matrices which arise from components

of covariance model. J. Systems Science and Complexity, Vol. 18, No.1, 126-134.


2005年3月19-31日, 應邀訪問了Institute for Mathematical Sciences (IMS) ,

National University of Singapore, 參加了Program on

"Semi-parametric Methods for Survival and Longitudinal data".

July 2002, visiting Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Department of

Statistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, at the

invitation of Professor Shing-tung Yau and Professor Jianqing Fan.

2001/ 8,17-19, 在香港大學參加第五屆泛華統計協會國際會議.

April 2001, visiting Institute of Statistical Science, Academia

Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, at the invitation of Professor Chen-Hsin


Oct. 1998- March 1999, visiting Department of Mathematics, University of Brasilia,

at the invitation of Professor C. C. Y. Dorea.

97/8/11-97/8/15, 在瑞士 Neuchatel 大學, 參加基於 $ L_1$-模和有關方法的統計數據分析的

第三次國際會議, The 3rd International Conference on Statistical Data Analysis

Based on the $ L_1$ -norm and Related Methods.

March 1997- May 1997, visiting Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica,

Taipei, Taiwan, at the invitation of Professor C. Z. Wei.

April 1993- June 1993, visiting Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica,

Taipei, Taiwan, at the invitation of Professor M. T. Chao.

Oct. 1992- Feb. 1994, visiting Center for Multivariate Analysis, Penn State University,

at the invitation of Professor C. R. Rao.

Sep. 1990- Aug. 1991, visiting Center for Multivariate Analysis, Penn State University,

at the invitation of Professor C. R. Rao.

July 1985- Aug. 1987, visiting Center for Multivariate Analysis, University of Pittsburgh,

at the invitation of Professor P. R. Krishnaiah.


1. 中國科學院科學技術進步獎三等獎:關於統計量的收斂和收斂速度. 1984.

2. 中國科學院自然科學獎二等獎[2]: 若干非參數統計問題的研究.1990年. 陳,趙.

3. 國家自然獎三等獎: 若干非參數統計問題的研究. 1991年. 陳,趙.

4. 1991年被國家教委和國務院學位委員會授予"作出突出貢獻的中國博士學位獲得者"稱號.

5. 中國科學院自然科學獎一等獎[3]: 線性模型大樣本理論的研究. 1998年. 陳,趙.

6. 被授予安徽省有突出貢獻的中青年科學、技術、管理專家稱號. 1996年.

7. 中國科學技術大學教師單項獎-東方通信獎. 1999年.




當代著名統計學家C. R. Rao 教授在題為"R. A. Fisher: The Founder of Modern Statistics"的文章(Statistical Science, 1992)中,也特別提到趙的工作。他在U-統計量方面的兩項工作,已為美國《統計科學百科全書》(1988)以及若干專著和文章所引用,蘇聯著名學者柯羅廖克等在他們的專著中詳細介紹了這兩個定理的證明,並特別在導言中將其中一項工作作為該領域的一個重要成果作了介紹,他在有限總體U-統計量方面的兩項工作,也得到了上述百科全書的增補本的引用,文中提出的有限總體情形的Hoeffding分解方法,已成為處理有關問題的有效工具,得到了有關作者的高度評價。


中國首批博士之一的趙林城老師,快八十歲的高齡,還在上課   2018-07-11


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  3. 十八博士今何在 ,中國學位與研究生教育信息網
  4. 趙林城 ,中國科學院