

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋









  • 2019年8月至今,北京大學滙豐商學院助理教授
  • 2016.1-2019.7 挪威東南大學商學院副教授
  • 2016.1-2019.7 BI挪威商學院會計、審計和商業系客座研究員
  • 2013.1-2015.12 BI挪威商學院會計、審計和商業系助理教授
  • 2011-2012年 挪威奧斯陸Storebrand資產管理高級績效分析師
  • 2003-2005年 挪威奧斯陸Beep Science公司商業規劃師/營銷經理
  • 1998-2001年 中國北京市環境保護局



【11】Cahan, S., L. Che, W. R. Knechel, and T. Svanström. Do Audit Teams Affect Audit Production and Quality? Evidence from Audit Teams』 Industry Knowledge. Contemporary Accounting Research, forthcoming.

【9】Che, L., J.C. Langli, and T. Svanström. 2021. Are audit partners』 compensation and audit quality related to their consulting revenues? Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.Vol. 40(6).

【8】Che, L., Hope, O.K., and Langli, J.C. 2020. How Big-4 Firms Improve Audit Quality, Management Science, Vol. 66(10), 4552-4572.

【7】Chen, Y., L. Che, D. Zheng, and H. You. 2020. Corruption culture and accounting quality, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Vol. 39(2), 1-22.

【6】Che, L. and Svanström, T. 2019. Team composition and labor allocation in audit teams: A descriptive note, Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 34(5), 514-544.

【5】Che, L. 2018. Investor Types and Stock Return Volatility, Journal of Empirical Finance, 47, 139-161.

【4】Che, L., Langli, J.C., and Svanström, T. 2018. Education, Experience, and Audit Effort; AUDITING: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 37(3), 91-115.

【3】Che, L. and Zhang P. 2017. The Impact of Family CEO’s Ownership and the Moderating Effect of the Second Largest Owner in Private Family Firms, Journal of Management and Governance, 21(3), 757-784.

【2】Che, L. and Langli, J.C. 2015. Governance Structure and Firm Performance in Private Family Firms; Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 42(9-10), 1216-1250.

【1】 Langli, J.C. and Che, L. 2016. Har fravalg av revisor ført til dårligere finansieringsvilkår? Praktisk Økonomi & Finans; 2016, 32(1), 111-125 (In Norwegian). (Title in English: Has opting-out auditors led to poorer financing conditions?)


Team distances and the audit quality threating behaviours, with Alice Annelin. 6th round review under AUDITING: A Journal of Practice & Theory.

Does Pre-Audit Financial Reporting Quality Matter? Evidence from Big 4 and non� Big 4 audit firms. With Jin Jiang and Phyllis Mo.

The impact of distribution channels of analyst reports on stock prices. With Songsheng Chen, Qingqing Liu, and Zhili Tian

Resource allocation and risk premium to public versus private audit clients. With Christopher Bleibtreu and Tobias Svanström.

Ownership structure and earnings quality in private family firms, with Charlotte Haugland Sundkvist and Tonny Stenheim.

How does audit fee affect audit effort? A different analytical approach, with Erich Pummerer and Marcel Steller.

Coordination effects on audit risk allocation, with Erich Pummerer and Marcel Steller.

Audit quality and partner wealth, with John Christian Langli. Working paper. Passive


Best paper award at the 12th Workshop on Corporate Governance, 2015, Brussels[1]
