

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋



2007–2012 美國內布拉斯加大學醫學中心 博士

2012–2015 美國得克薩斯大學西南醫學中心 博士後

2015–2017 美國得克薩斯大學西南醫學中心 講師

2017–2020 美國得克薩斯大學西南醫學中心 助理教授


2020–現在 北京大學國際癌症研究院/北京大學腫瘤醫院 研究員

2018–現在 Antibody Therapeutics 期刊編委/助理編輯

2020–現在 Translational Oncology 期刊編委

2021–現在 Frontiers in Immunology 期刊主題編輯

2021–現在 中華醫學會腫瘤學分會 第十二屆委員會青年學組成員

2021–現在 中國病理生理學會第九屆實驗血液學專業委員會血液免疫學組委員

2021–現在 中國人體健康科技促進會 淋巴瘤專業委員會常務委員








1. Yang T; Qian Y; Liang X, Wu J, Zou M, Deng M. (2022) LILRB4, an immune checkpoint on myeloid cells. Blood Sci . 4(2): 49-56.

2. Wu G, Xu Y, Schultz R, Chen H, Xie J, Deng M, Liu X, Gui X, John S, Lu Z, Arase H, Zhang N, An Z, Zhang CC. (2021) LILRB3 supports acute myeloid leukemia development and regulates T cell anti-tumor immune responses through the TRAF2-cFLIP-NF-kB signaling axis. Nat Cancer. 2:1170-84.

3. Gu Z, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Cao H, Lyu J, Wang X, Wylie A, Newkirk S, Jones A, Lee M, Botten G, Deng M, Dickerson K, Zhang CC, An W, Abrams J, Xu J. (2021) Silencing of LINE-1 retrotransposons is a selective dependency of myeloid leukemia. Nat Genet. 53(5):672-82.

4. Deng M, Chen H, Liu X, Huang R, He Y, Yoo B, Xie J, John S, Zhang N, An Z, Zhang CC. (2021) Leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor subfamily B (LILRB): therapeutic targets in cancer. Antib Ther . 4(1):16-33.

5. Anami Y, Deng M, Gui X, Yamaguchi A, Yamazaki C, Zhang N, Zhang CC, An Z, and Tsuchikama K. (2020) LILRB4-Targeting Antibody–Drug Conjugates for the Treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Mol Cancer Ther. 19:2330-2339.

6. Li Z, Deng M, Huang F, Jin C, Sun S, Chen H, Liu X, He L, Sadek AH, Zhang CC. (2020) LILRB4 ITIMs mediate the T cell suppression and infiltration of acute myeloid leukemia cells. Cell Mol Immunol. 17(3):272-282.

7. Gui X, Deng M, Song H, Chen Y, Xie J, Li Z, He L, Huang F, Xu Y, Anami Y, Yu H, Yu C, Li L, Yuan Z, Xu X, Wang Q, Chai Y, Huang T, Shi Y, Tsuchikama K, Liao XC, Xia N, Gao GF, Zhang N, Zhang CC, An Z. (2019) Disrupting LILRB4/APOE interaction by an efficacious humanized antibody reverses T cell suppression and blocks AML development. Cancer Immunol Res. 7(8):1244-57.

8. Deng M. (2019) The approval of Sinitilimab for classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma: Views and Perspectives of anti-PD-1/PD-L1 antibodies in China. Antib Ther . 2(2): 54-55.

9. Deng M, Gui X, Kim J*, Xie L, Chen W, Li Z, He L, Chen Y, Chen H, Luo W, Lu Z, Xie J, Churchill H, Xu Y, Zhou Z, Wu G, Yu C, John S, Hirayasu K, Nguyen N, Liu X, Huang F, Li L, Deng H, Tang H, Sadek AH, Zhang L, Huang T, Zou Y, Chen B, Zhu H, Arase H, Xia N, Jiang Y, Collins R, You MJ, Homsi J, Unni N, Lewis C, Chen G-Q, Fu Y-X, Liao XC, An Z, Zheng J, Zhang N, Zhang CC. (2018) LILRB4 signalling in leukaemia cells mediates T cell suppression and tumor infiltration. Nature . 562(7728):605-9.

10. John S, Chen H, Deng M, Gui X, Wu G, Chen W, Li Z, Zhang N, An Z, Zhang CC. (2018) A novel anti-LILRB4 CAR-T cell for the treatment of monocytic AML. Mol Ther . 26(10):2487-95.

11. Kang X, Lu Z, Cui C, Deng M, Fan Y, Dong B, Han X, Xie F, Tyner JW, Coligan JE, Collins RH, Xiao X, You MJ, Zhang CC. (2015) The ITIM-containing receptor LAIR1 is essential for acute myeloid leukemia development. Nat Cell Biol . 17(5):665-77.

12. Deng M, Lu Z, Zheng J, Wan X, Chen X, Hirayasu K, Sun H, Lam Y, Chen L, Wang Q, Song C, Huang N, Gao GF, Jiang Y, Arase H, Zhang CC. (2014) A motif in LILRB2 critical for ANGPTL2 binding and activation. Blood . 124(6):924-35.

13. Yu X, Wang Y, Deng M, Li Y, Ruhn KA, Zhang CC, Hooper LV. (2014) The basic leucine zipper transcription factor NFIL3 directs the development of a common innate lymphoid cell precursor. Elife . 3. doi: 10.7554/eLife.04406.

14. Yan Q, Gong L, Deng M, Zhang L, Sun S, Liu J, Ma H-L, Yuan D, Chen P-C, Hu X-H, Liu J-P, Qin J, Xiao L, Huang X-Q, Zhang J, Li DW-C. (2010). Sumoylation activates the transcriptional activity of p32 Pax-6, an important transcription factor for eye and brain development. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 107(49): 21034-39.

15. Deng M, Chen PC, Xie S, Zhao J, Gong L, Liu J, Zhang L, Sun S, Liu J, Ma H, Batra S, Li DW. (2010). The small heal shock protein alphaA-crystallin is expressed in pancreas and acts as negative regulator of carcinogenesis. Biochim Biophys Acta - Mol Basis Dis . 1802: 621-31.

16. Xiao L, Gong L, Yuan D, Deng M, Chen L, Zhang L, Yan Q, Liu J-P, Hu X, Sun S, Liu J, Ma H, Zheng C, Fu H, Chen P, Zhao J, Xie S, Zeng X, Zou L, Xiao Y-M, Liu W-B, Zhang J, Liu Y and Li D W-C. (2010). Protein phosphatase-1 regulates Akt1 signal transduction pathway to control gene expression, cell survival and differentiation . Cell Death & Differ . 17(9): 1448-62.


1. Zhang CC, Deng M, An Z, Xiong W, Zhang N, Zheng, J. (2016) Anti-lilrb Antibodies and their use in detecting and treating cancer. (Patent number: PCT/US2016/020838)

2. Bernstein ID, Zhang CC, Deng M, Lu Z, Zheng J. (2017) Lilrb2 and notch-mediated expansion of hematopoietic precursor cells. (Patent number: PCT/US2015/031959)

3. Zhang CC, Liu Y, Zheng J, Deng M, Chen C, Liu J. (2017) Novel compounds supports hematopoietic stem cells and red blood cells. (Patent number: PCT/US2015/030352)

4. Zhang CC, An Z, Zhang N, Deng M, Kim, J, Gui X. (2018) Methods for identifying lilrb-blocking antibodies. (Patent number: PCT/US2017/044171)

5. Liao X, Liu Q, An Z, Zhang N, Gui X, Zhang CC, Deng M, Xie J. (2018) Anti-lair1 antibodies and their uses. (Patent number: PCT/US2018/012040)

6. Zhang CC, John S, Chen H, Deng M, Gui X, Zhang N, An Z. (2019) Targeting LILRB4 with CAR-T or CAR-NK cells in the treatment of cancer. (Patent number: PCT/US2018/059362)

7. An Z, Zhang CC, Zhang N, Gui X, Deng M, Huang T, Liu Q, Liao X. (2020) Novel LILRB4 antibodies and uses thereof. (Patent number: PCT/US2019/050727)

8. Zhang CC, Zhang N, An Z, Wu G, Kim J, Chen H, Deng M, Huang R. (2021) Antibodies against LILRB3 for therapeutic and diagnostic uses. (Patent number: PCT/US2021/061630)[1]
